Devel::StealthDebug =================== This module was designed to assist you in the debugging process. It will provide several functions to track/observe data changes. The interface curently used (filter) allow you to turn debugging features on/off only through the 'use Devel::StealthDebug' line. All debugging statements are put in comments. This means that when there's no 'use Devel::StealthDebug', no debug INSTRUCTIONS are present (I really mean 'present', not only 'enabled') This make it really easy to send a version from the test environment to the prod environment (and vice versa) This module is currently in alpha state. INSTALLATION Nothing really original here. To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install One last thing : Comments are REALLY welcome. If you use this module, (dis)like it, don't hesitate to drop me a mail to tell me what you think about it and how this module could be enhanced. All points of view are worthy even if you feel like a newbie (ESPECIALLY if you're a newbie !) And, thank you to all those who contributed by their comments : Tim BUNCE, Jean-michel VILOMET, Yann KEHERVE, Adam FOXSON, Daniel GARDNER, Gerald RICHTER, Eric CHOLET, Philippe BRUHAT. (Full credits in the 'Changes' file) DEPENDENCIES This module requires : Test::More Filter::Simple Carp also recommended : Data::Dumper COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Copyright (C) 2001,2002 Arnaud (Arhuman) ASSAD <> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.