Games-Hack version 0.6


To install this module type the following:

   perl Makefile.PL
   make test
   make install


This module requires the module


which in turn requires



(C) 2007,2012 by Ph. Marek <>; licensed under the GPLv3.

EXAMPLE - using keepvalueat

As an example I'll be taking "craft"; debian version 3.5-12, a "Warcraft 2-like 
multi-player real-time strategy game".

Start it with
	$ hack-live craft

The script outputs a prompt "--->", and starts "craft".

Choose some settings, and start the game.
You'll be starting with money=1000, wood=1000.

Build a town-hall, and send the other worker to dig somewhere; you'll have 
995 money left.

Enter a search command into the script 
	---> find 995

and it will give you
	Searching for e3030000
  found at 0xa7690870 (0xa6dfd000 + 0x893870): e3030000e6030000
	found at 0xa76908d4 (0xa6dfd000 + 0x8938d4): e3030000e6030000

	Most wanted:
		0xA7690870(1)  0xA76908D4(1)  0x00000000(0)  0x00000000(0)  0x00000000(0)  0x00000000(0)

As you'll see, craft uses two memory location to know how much money you 
have. Now we'll get us some; enter

	---> keepvalueat 0xA7690870 20000 "money"
	---> keepvalueat 0xA76908D4 20000 "money2"

Now we want to have more wood, too.

Clear the search cache:
	---> cleanup
	---> find 198

	Searching for c6000000
		found at 0x08b40258 (0x080f6000 + 0xa4a258): c6000000b9000000
	  found at 0x08b576a0 (0x080f6000 + 0xa616a0): c6000000b9000000
		found at 0x08b5c8d4 (0x080f6000 + 0xa668d4): c600000002000200
		found at 0x08b5f698 (0x080f6000 + 0xa69698): c6000000b9000000
		found at 0x08b639c8 (0x080f6000 + 0xa6d9c8): c6000000b9000000
		found at 0xa7690874 (0xa6dfd000 + 0x893874): c60000005554b81e
		found at 0xa76908d8 (0xa6dfd000 + 0x8938d8): c6000000202185eb
		found at 0xa76f6ddc (0xa6dfd000 + 0x8f9ddc): c6000000c7000000
		found at 0xa7b9aa50 (0xa6dfd000 + 0xd9da50): c600000019000000
		found at 0xa7dcd5ec (0xa7dcc000 + 0x15ec): c600000001000000
		found at 0xa7fde3f0 (0xa7fde000 + 0x3f0): c600000000410e08

	Most wanted:
		0x08C27114(1)  0x08C266FE(1)  0xA7B9AA50(1)  
		0x08C2710C(1)  0xA76F6DDC(1)  0xA76908D8(1)

As you can see, the wood is not so easy.
So you send a worker harvesting wood, as when he has delivered:
	---> find 298
	Searching for 2a010000
		found at 0x08b5ee94 (0x080f6000 + 0xa68e94): 2a01000003000200
		found at 0x08b5ef4c (0x080f6000 + 0xa68f4c): 2a01000003000200
		found at 0x08b5eff4 (0x080f6000 + 0xa68ff4): 2a01000003000200
		found at 0xa7690874 (0xa6dfd000 + 0x893874): 2a010000c88b16d9
		found at 0xa76908d8 (0xa6dfd000 + 0x8938d8): 2a010000a65a0e2d
		found at 0xa76f6f6c (0xa6dfd000 + 0x8f9f6c): 2a0100002b010000

	Most wanted:
		0xA76908D8(2)  0xA7690874(2)  0x08C27114(1)  0x08C266FE(1)  
		0x08B5EE94(1)  0xA7B9AA50(1)

So now only two locations are left, and we set them:

	---> keepvalueat 0xA76908D8 20000 "wood"
	---> keepvalueat 0xA7690874 20000 "wood2"


Now you can play your game, and when you stop the script with CTRL-D you 
will get the finished output.

Please note that craft won't be stopped - but as the debugger quits, too, 
the money and wood will no longer be kept at their values!

	# keeping "money" (0xA7690870) at 0x4e20 (20000):
					set *(int*)0xA7690870=20000
					watch *(int*)0xA7690870
					set *(int*)0xA7690870=20000

	# keeping "money2" (0xA76908D4) at 0x4e20 (20000):
					set *(int*)0xA76908D4=20000
					watch *(int*)0xA76908D4
					set *(int*)0xA76908D4=20000

	# keeping "wood" (0xA76908D8) at 0x4e20 (20000):
					set *(int*)0xA76908D8=20000
					watch *(int*)0xA76908D8
					set *(int*)0xA76908D8=20000

	# keeping "wood2" (0xA7690874) at 0x4e20 (20000):
					set *(int*)0xA7690874=20000
					watch *(int*)0xA7690874
					set *(int*)0xA7690874=20000

These are the commands that GDB needs to keep the money and wood at the 
wanted 20000.

EXAMPLE - using killwrites

You start the game and find the memory locations and before; but instead of 
the keepvalueat commands you enter the killwrites commands:

	---> find 995

	Searching for e3030000
		found at 0xa767f870 (0xa6dec000 + 0x893870): e3030000e6030000
		found at 0xa767f8d4 (0xa6dec000 + 0x8938d4): e3030000e6030000

	Most wanted:
		0xA767F8D4(1)  0xA767F870(1)  0x00000000(0)  0x00000000(0)  0x00000000(0)  0x00000000(0)
	---> killwrites 0xA767F8D4 "money1"
	---> killwrites 0xA767F870 "money2"

	---> cleanup
	---> find 998
	Searching for e6030000
		found at 0xa767f874 (0xa6dec000 + 0x893874): e6030000a93108ac
		found at 0xa767f8d8 (0xa6dec000 + 0x8938d8): e6030000a93108ac

	Most wanted:
		0xA767F874(1)  0xA767F8D8(1)  0x00000000(0)  0x00000000(0)  0x00000000(0)  0x00000000(0)
	---> killwrites 0xA767F874 "wood1"
	---> killwrites 0xA767F8D8 "wood2"

And you're finished again. Please note that this will keep *changes* from 
happening - so you might not be able to acquire more wood or money, because 
the writes get killed ...
In this case it might be better to set a new value *before* killing all 
writes - to avoid having not enough money to buy things.
This you can do with
	---> set *(int*)0xA767F8D4=20000
	---> set *(int*)0xA767F870=20000
	---> set *(int*)0xA767F874=20000
	---> set *(int*)0xA767F8D8=20000

After quitting the script you'll get again the fruits of your labor:

	# stopped at 0x8082df2 for "wood1" (at 0xa767f874); killing command "mov %eax,0x9c86c(%edx)" via
		set *(short*)(0x8082dec)=0x04eb

	# stopped at 0x80be6cf for "wood2" (at 0xa767f8d8); killing command "mov %edx,0x9c8d0(%eax)" via
		set *(short*)(0x80be6c9)=0x04eb


These are the commands to patch your (running) craft binary.