Cisco/ShowIPRoute/Parser version 1.01

    Cisco::ShowIPRoute::Parser - parse Cisco 'show ip route' command

		use Cisco::ShowIPRoute::Parser; 

		# Router.log holds the output from 'show ip route'
		my $log = 'Router.log';
		my $r = new Cisco::ShowIPRoute::Parser($log);

		my $dest   = '';
		my @routes = $r->getroutes($dest);

		print "@routes\n";


    This File contains the encapsulation of Raj's route parser. It will
    parse the output from a Cisco 'show ip route' command and return all the
    routes to a specified IP address.

    When collecting the routes please ensure it is in decimal format. This
    can be enabled by doing the following at the router prompt:

		term len 0
		terminal ip netmask-format decimal
		show ip route


To install this module type the following:

   perl Makefile.PL
   make test
   make install


	No direct dependencies on other modules outside core perl modules

	You need a C compiler

	If you don't have a C compiler then look in for netCheck and
	read the comments there. It might help you out.


Even though you don't need these modules it would be useful to have them
as they can add a lot to visualisation of the ouput.



The following scripts are provided for your edification:  - plot routes using GraphViz you need GraphViz   - find all routes between two points. You can pipe
	                 the output of this to

	iproute-parents - simple front end script to this code


There are also a number of log files provided of Cisco routes that can be
used to do some testing. They should give you an idea of what we are
looking at.

We have used this code as a base to a web front end. It is used to show
routes from any where on our network to any other place in a diagramatic
fashion. If you need more code or would like some help in setting these
sorts of things up just conatct us. We might be able to help.

We also have code to pull the log files. However, this is a very simple
exercise for any one who has access to Net::Telnet::Cisco :-) Just watch
out for large route maps. This code isn't provided here as it would need
significant mods to make it work out side its frame work.


    Copyright (c) 2003 Rajiv Santiago and Mark Pfeiffer. All rights
    reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

	Cisco is a registered trade mark of Cisco Systems, Inc.
	This code is in no way associated with Cisco Systems, Inc.
	All other trademarks mentioned in this document are the property of
	their respective owners.


We make no warranties, implied or otherwise, about the suitability
of this software. We shall not in any case be liable for special,
incidental, consequential, indirect or other similar damages arising
from the transfer, storage, or use of this code.

This code is offered in good faith and in the hope that it may be of use.
