local QBCore = exports['qb-core']:GetCoreObject() crop_type = { ["crop_stage"] = { stage_1 = {"bkr_prop_weed_bud_pruned_01a", -1.05}, stage_2 = {"bkr_prop_weed_bud_02b", -1.05}, stage_3 = {"bkr_prop_weed_bud_02a", -1.05}, stage_4 = {"bkr_prop_weed_01_small_01b", -1.65}, stage_5 = {"bkr_prop_weed_med_01b", -4.2}, stage_6 = {"bkr_prop_weed_lrg_01b", -4.0} } } Plants = {} SpawnedPlants = {} CurrentPlant = nil CurrentPlantInfo = nil local nearPlant = true local shown = false --======================================================================= Threads CreateThread(function() while true do if LocalPlayer.state.isLoggedIn then local ped = PlayerPedId() local nPlant = nearPlant(ped) if nPlant ~= false then if not shown then shown = true QBCore.Functions.TriggerCallback("doj:server:getPlant",function(info) CurrentPlant = nPlant CurrentPlantInfo = info if CurrentPlantInfo.food and CurrentPlantInfo.water == 0 then PlantMenuDead() else PlantMenuAlive() end end,nPlant) end else if shown then CurrentPlant = nil CurrentPlantInfo = nil exports['qb-menu']:closeMenu() shown = false end end if nPlant == false then Wait(1000) else Wait(1) end end Wait(100) end end) --======================================================================= Callbacks QBCore.Functions.TriggerCallback("doj:server:getInfo",function(plants) Plants = plants for k, v in pairs(Plants) do spawnPlant(v.seed, v.coords, v.info.stage, k) end end) --======================================================================= Events RegisterNetEvent("doj:client:DeleteEntity",function() exports['qb-menu']:closeMenu() Wait(2000) if SpawnedPlants[CurrentPlant] ~= nil then DeleteEntity(SpawnedPlants[CurrentPlant]) end Plants[CurrentPlant] = nil SpawnedPlants[CurrentPlant] = nil CurrentPlant = nil CurrentPlantInfo = nil ClearPedTasks(ped) Wait(4000) action = false ClearPedTasksImmediately(ped) end) RegisterNetEvent("doj:client:growPlant",function(id, percent) if Plants[id] ~= nil and SpawnedPlants[id] ~= nil then setPlant(id, percent) end end) RegisterNetEvent("doj:client:growthUpdate",function() if CurrentPlantInfo ~= nil then CurrentPlantInfo.water = CurrentPlantInfo.water - (0.02 * CurrentPlantInfo.rate) CurrentPlantInfo.food = CurrentPlantInfo.food - (0.02 * CurrentPlantInfo.rate) CurrentPlantInfo.stage = CurrentPlantInfo.stage + (0.01 * CurrentPlantInfo.rate) end end) RegisterNetEvent("doj:client:startPlanting",function(plant) local ped = PlayerPedId() local coords = GetEntityCoords(ped) if GetGroundHash(ped) == -1286696947 or GetGroundHash(ped) == -1885547121 or GetGroundHash(ped) == 223086562 or GetGroundHash(ped) == -461750719 then local canPlant = true for k, v in pairs(Plants) do if #(coords - v.coords) < 2.5 then canPlant = false end end if canPlant then TriggerServerEvent("doj:server:addPlantToDatabase", plant, coords) else QBCore.Functions.Notify('You are to close to another plant', 'error') end else QBCore.Functions.Notify('You cant plant here', 'error') end end) RegisterNetEvent("doj:client:addPlant",function(seed, coords, id) local entity = 'crop_stage' local ped = PlayerPedId() Plants[id] = {seed = seed, coords = coords} QBCore.Functions.Notify("Planting...", "success", 6000) TaskStartScenarioInPlace(ped, "world_human_gardener_plant", 0, false) Wait(100) ClearPedTasks(ped) SpawnedPlants[id] =CreateObject(GetHashKey(crop_type[entity].stage_1[1]),coords[1],coords[2],coords[3] + crop_type[entity].stage_1[2],false,true,1) SetEntityAsMissionEntity(SpawnedPlants[id], true, true) end) RegisterNetEvent('doj:client:cropOptions', function(args, data) local args = tonumber(args) if args == 1 then local percent = math.random(10,15) QBCore.Functions.TriggerCallback('QBCore:HasItem', function(HasItem) if HasItem then QBCore.Functions.Notify("+"..percent.." fertilizer", "success") if percent > 0 then CurrentPlantInfo.food = CurrentPlantInfo.food + percent if CurrentPlantInfo.food > 100 then CurrentPlantInfo.food = 100 end TriggerServerEvent("doj:server:updatePlant", CurrentPlant, CurrentPlantInfo) TriggerServerEvent("QBCore:Server:RemoveItem", "marijuana_nutrition", 1) TriggerEvent("inventory:client:ItemBox", QBCore.Shared.Items["marijuana_nutrition"], "remove", 1) PlantMenuStacic() end else PlantMenuAlive() QBCore.Functions.Notify("You dont have any fertilizer", "error") end end, "marijuana_nutrition") elseif args == 2 then local percent = math.random(5,10) QBCore.Functions.TriggerCallback('QBCore:HasItem', function(HasItem) if HasItem then QBCore.Functions.Notify("+"..percent.." Water", "success") if percent > 0 then CurrentPlantInfo.water = CurrentPlantInfo.water + percent if CurrentPlantInfo.water > 100 then CurrentPlantInfo.water = 100 end TriggerServerEvent("doj:server:updatePlant", CurrentPlant, CurrentPlantInfo) TriggerServerEvent("QBCore:Server:RemoveItem", "marijuana_water", 1) TriggerEvent("inventory:client:ItemBox", QBCore.Shared.Items["marijuana_water"], "remove", 1) PlantMenuStacic() end else PlantMenuAlive() QBCore.Functions.Notify("You dont have any water", "error") end end, "marijuana_water") elseif args == 3 then local ped = PlayerPedId() TaskStartScenarioInPlace(ped, "world_human_gardener_plant", 0, false) exports['qb-menu']:closeMenu() Wait(3000) if SpawnedPlants[CurrentPlant] ~= nil then DeleteEntity(SpawnedPlants[CurrentPlant]) end TriggerServerEvent("doj:server:deletePlant", CurrentPlant) TriggerServerEvent("doj:server:addHighGradeMarijuana", Plants[CurrentPlant].seed, CurrentPlantInfo) Plants[CurrentPlant] = nil SpawnedPlants[CurrentPlant] = nil CurrentPlant = nil CurrentPlantInfo = nil ClearPedTasks(ped) Wait(4000) ClearPedTasksImmediately(ped) elseif args == 4 then local ped = PlayerPedId() TaskStartScenarioInPlace(ped, "world_human_gardener_plant", 0, false) exports['qb-menu']:closeMenu() Wait(2000) if SpawnedPlants[CurrentPlant] ~= nil then DeleteEntity(SpawnedPlants[CurrentPlant]) end Plants[CurrentPlant] = nil SpawnedPlants[CurrentPlant] = nil TriggerServerEvent("doj:server:deletePlant", CurrentPlant) CurrentPlant = nil CurrentPlantInfo = nil ClearPedTasks(ped) Wait(4000) ClearPedTasksImmediately(ped) else exports['qb-menu']:closeMenu() Wait(100) PlantMenuAlive() end end) --======================================================================= Functions function spawnPlant(plant, coords, percent, id) local entity = 'crop_stage' if percent < 20 then SpawnedPlants[id] =CreateObject(GetHashKey(crop_type[entity].stage_1[1]),coords[1],coords[2],coords[3] + crop_type[entity].stage_1[2],false,true,1) elseif percent < 30 then SpawnedPlants[id] =CreateObject(GetHashKey(crop_type[entity].stage_2[1]),coords[1],coords[2],coords[3] + crop_type[entity].stage_2[2],false,true,1) elseif percent < 45 then SpawnedPlants[id] =CreateObject(GetHashKey(crop_type[entity].stage_3[1]),coords[1],coords[2],coords[3] + crop_type[entity].stage_3[2],false,true,1) elseif percent < 60 then SpawnedPlants[id] =CreateObject(GetHashKey(crop_type[entity].stage_4[1]),coords[1],coords[2],coords[3] + crop_type[entity].stage_4[2],false,true,1) elseif percent < 85 then SpawnedPlants[id] =CreateObject(GetHashKey(crop_type[entity].stage_5[1]),coords[1],coords[2],coords[3] + crop_type[entity].stage_5[2],false,true,1) elseif percent <= 100 then SpawnedPlants[id] =CreateObject(GetHashKey(crop_type[entity].stage_6[1]),coords[1],coords[2],coords[3] + crop_type[entity].stage_6[2],false,true,1) end SetEntityAsMissionEntity(SpawnedPlants[id], true, true) end function setPlant(id, percent) local plant = Plants[id].type local entity = 'crop_stage' if SpawnedPlants[id] ~= nil then local coords = Plants[id].coords DeleteEntity(SpawnedPlants[id]) if percent < 20 then SpawnedPlants[id] =CreateObject(GetHashKey(crop_type[entity].stage_1[1]),coords[1],coords[2],coords[3] + crop_type[entity].stage_1[2],false,true,1) elseif percent < 30 then SpawnedPlants[id] =CreateObject(GetHashKey(crop_type[entity].stage_2[1]),coords[1],coords[2],coords[3] + crop_type[entity].stage_2[2],false,true,1) elseif percent < 45 then SpawnedPlants[id] =CreateObject(GetHashKey(crop_type[entity].stage_3[1]),coords[1],coords[2],coords[3] + crop_type[entity].stage_3[2],false,true,1) elseif percent < 60 then SpawnedPlants[id] =CreateObject(GetHashKey(crop_type[entity].stage_4[1]),coords[1],coords[2],coords[3] + crop_type[entity].stage_4[2],false,true,1) elseif percent < 85 then SpawnedPlants[id] =CreateObject(GetHashKey(crop_type[entity].stage_5[1]),coords[1],coords[2],coords[3] + crop_type[entity].stage_5[2],false,true,1) elseif percent <= 100 then SpawnedPlants[id] =CreateObject(GetHashKey(crop_type[entity].stage_6[1]),coords[1],coords[2],coords[3] + crop_type[entity].stage_6[2],false,true,1) end SetEntityAsMissionEntity(SpawnedPlants[id], true, true) else print("There was an error loading a plant!") end end function GetGroundHash(ped) local posped = GetEntityCoords(ped) local num = StartShapeTestCapsule(posped.x, posped.y, posped.z + 4, posped.x, posped.y, posped.z - 2.0, 2, 1, ped, 7) local arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5 = GetShapeTestResultEx(num) return arg5 end function nearPlant(ped) for k, v in pairs(Plants) do if #(v.coords - GetEntityCoords(ped)) < 1.0 then return k end end return false end function PlantMenuDead() exports['qb-menu']:showHeader({ { header = "Dead Marijuana Plant: "..CurrentPlant, txt = "Stage: "..math.floor(CurrentPlantInfo.stage).."%", isMenuHeader = true }, { header = "Harvest dead crop", txt = "", params = { event = "doj:client:cropOptions", args = 3 } }, { header = "Destroy dead crop", txt = "", params = { event = "doj:client:cropOptions", args = 4 } }, }) end function PlantMenuStacic() exports['qb-menu']:openMenu({ { header = "Marijuana Plant: "..CurrentPlant, txt = "Stage: "..math.floor(CurrentPlantInfo.stage).."%
Rate: "..math.floor(CurrentPlantInfo.rate).."%", isMenuHeader = true }, { header = "Fertilizer", txt = "Nutrition: "..math.floor(CurrentPlantInfo.food).."%", params = { event = "doj:client:cropOptions", args = 1 } }, { header = "Water", txt = "Water: "..math.floor(CurrentPlantInfo.water).."%", params = { event = "doj:client:cropOptions", args = 2 } }, { header = "Harvest", txt = "", params = { event = "doj:client:cropOptions", args = 3 } }, { header = "Destroy", txt = "", params = { event = "doj:client:cropOptions", args = 4 } }, { header = "Return", params = { event = "doj:client:cropOptions", args = 5 } }, }) end function PlantMenuAlive() exports['qb-menu']:showHeader({ { header = "Marijuana Plant: "..CurrentPlant, txt = "Stage: "..math.floor(CurrentPlantInfo.stage).."%
Rate: "..math.floor(CurrentPlantInfo.rate).."%", isMenuHeader = true }, { header = "Fertilizer", txt = "Nutrition: "..math.floor(CurrentPlantInfo.food).."%", params = { event = "doj:client:cropOptions", args = 1 } }, { header = "Water", txt = "Water: "..math.floor(CurrentPlantInfo.water).."%", params = { event = "doj:client:cropOptions", args = 2 } }, { header = "Harvest", txt = "", params = { event = "doj:client:cropOptions", args = 3 } }, { header = "Destroy", txt = "", params = { event = "doj:client:cropOptions", args = 4 } }, }) end