<?php // $Id: recentupdates.inc.php,v 1.0 2022/01/06 24:44:34 ã¯ã„ãµã‚“ Exp $ // Origin: // PukiWiki - Yet another WikiWikiWeb clone // recent.inc.php // Copyright // 2002-2017 PukiWiki Development Team // 2002 Y.MASUI http://masui.net/pukiwiki/ masui@masui.net // License: GPL v2 or (at your option) any later version // // Recent plugin -- Show RecentChanges list // * Usually used at 'MenuBar' page // * Also used at special-page, without no #recnet at 'MenuBar' // Default event display define('PLUGIN_RECENTUPDATES_DEFAULT_SHOW_LINES', 50); // max of event display define('PLUGIN_RECENTUPDATES_LIMIT_SHOW_LINES', 500); // number of Page of operation define('PLUGIN_RECENTUPDATES_OPERATION_COUNT', 9); // Limit number of executions define('PLUGIN_RECENTUPDATES_EXEC_LIMIT', 3); // N times per one output // Display author of page define('PLUGIN_RECENTUPDATES_DISPLAY_AUTHOR', TRUE); // ---- define('PLUGIN_RECENTUPDATES_USAGE', '#recent(number-to-show)'); // Place of the cache of 'RecentChanges' define('PLUGIN_RECENTUPDATES_CACHE', CACHE_DIR . 'recent.dat'); function plugin_recentupdates_init() { // ja.lng.php $messages = array( '_recentupdates_messages' => array( 'msg_display_number' => '表示件数', 'msg_title' => '最近ã®æ›´æ–°', 'msg_all' => 'ã™ã¹ã¦', 'btn_prev' => 'å‰ã¸', 'btn_next' => '次ã¸' ) ); /* // en.lng.php $messages = array( '_recentupdates_messages' => array( 'msg_display_number' => 'Event display', 'msg_all' => 'ALL', 'btn_prev' => 'Prev', 'btn_next' => 'Next' ) ); */ set_plugin_messages($messages); } function plugin_recentupdates_convert() { global $_recentupdates_messages, $_LANG; global $vars; global $date_format, $time_format, $weeklabels; static $exec_count = 1; $script = get_script_uri(); $isMax = false; $isAll = $vars['limit'] == 0 && isset($vars['limit']); $show_lines = PLUGIN_RECENTUPDATES_DEFAULT_SHOW_LINES; if (func_num_args()) { $args = func_get_args(); if (! is_numeric($args[0]) || isset($args[1])) { return PLUGIN_RECENTUPDATES_USAGE . '<br />'; } else { $show_lines = $args[0]; } } $isAction = false; if (strtolower($vars['plugin']) == 'recentupdates' || strtolower($vars['cmd']) == 'recentupdates') $isAction = true; $from = 1; if (isset($vars['limit'])) $show_lines = $vars['limit']; if (isset($vars['from'])) $from = $vars['from']; // intåž‹ã¸ã‚ャスト if (!is_int($show_lines)) $show_lines = (int) $show_lines; if (!is_int($from)) $from = (int) $from; --$from; if ($from < 0) $from = 0; // Show only N times if ($exec_count > PLUGIN_RECENTUPDATES_EXEC_LIMIT) { return '#recentupdates(): You called me too much' . '<br />' . "\n"; } else { ++$exec_count; } if (! file_exists(PLUGIN_RECENTUPDATES_CACHE)) { put_lastmodified(); if (! file_exists(PLUGIN_RECENTUPDATES_CACHE)) { return '#recentupdates(): ' . PLUGIN_RECENTUPDATES_CACHE . '/ not found' . '<br />'; } } // 定義より大ãã„å ´åˆã€å®šç¾©å€¤ã«ã™ã‚‹ if ($show_lines > PLUGIN_RECENTUPDATES_LIMIT_SHOW_LINES) { $show_lines = PLUGIN_RECENTUPDATES_LIMIT_SHOW_LINES; } // Get latest N changes if ($show_lines == 0) { $lines = array_slice(file(PLUGIN_RECENTUPDATES_CACHE), $from); if ($lines == FALSE) return '#recentupdates(): File can not open' . '<br />' . "\n"; } else { $lines_p = array_slice(file_head(PLUGIN_RECENTUPDATES_CACHE, $show_lines + $from + 1), $from); $lines = array_slice($lines_p, 0, $show_lines); if ($lines == FALSE) return '#recentupdates(): File can not open' . '<br />' . "\n"; $next_line = array_slice($lines_p, $show_lines); if ($next_line == FALSE) $isMax = true; unset($lines_p); unset($next_line); } $page_count = 0; $fp = fopen(PLUGIN_RECENTUPDATES_CACHE, 'r'); for($page_count = 0; fgets($fp); ++$page_count); fclose($fp); if ($isAll) $show_lines = $page_count; $num_operation = ''; $move_n = round(PLUGIN_RECENTUPDATES_OPERATION_COUNT / 2); for ($c = 1;$c <= PLUGIN_RECENTUPDATES_OPERATION_COUNT; ++$c) { $n = ($from + $show_lines) / $show_lines; $disp_num = $c; if ($n > $move_n) $disp_num = $c + $n - $move_n; $f = $disp_num * $show_lines - $show_lines + 1; if ($f > $page_count) break; $num_operation .= '<' . ($f == $from + 1 ? 'span' : 'a' ) . ' href="' . ($isAction ? $script . '?plugin=recentupdates' : get_page_uri($vars['page'])) . (isset($vars['limit']) ? '&limit=' . $vars['limit'] : '') . '&from=' . ($f) . '"><strong>' . $disp_num . '</strong></' . ($f == $from + 1 ? 'span' : 'a' ) . '> | '; } $num_operation = substr($num_operation, 0, -3); if ($isAll) { $operation = ''; } else { $operation = ' <div style="text-align:center"> ' . ($from > 0 ? '<a href="' . ($isAction ? $script . '?plugin=recentupdates' : get_page_uri($vars['page'])) . (isset($vars['limit']) ? '&limit=' . $vars['limit'] : '') . '&from=' . ($from + 1 - $show_lines) . '"><strong>' . $_recentupdates_messages['btn_prev'] . '</strong></a> | ' : '') . ' ' . $num_operation . ' ' . ($isMax != true ? ' | <a href="' . ($isAction ? $script . '?plugin=recentupdates' : get_page_uri($vars['page'])) . (isset($vars['limit']) ? '&limit=' . $vars['limit'] : '') . '&from=' . ($from + 1 + $show_lines) . '"><strong>' . $_recentupdates_messages['btn_next'] . '</strong></a>' : '') . ' </div> '; } $option = ' <div> ' . $_recentupdates_messages['msg_display_number'] . ': [ <' . ($show_lines == 25 ? 'span' : 'a' ) . ' href="' . ($isAction ? $script . '?plugin=recentupdates' : get_page_uri($vars['page'])) . '&limit=25' . (isset($vars['from']) ? '&from=' . $vars['from'] : '') . '">25</a> | <' . ($show_lines == 50 ? 'span' : 'a' ) . ' href="' . ($isAction ? $script . '?plugin=recentupdates' : ($isAction ? $script . '?plugin=recentupdates' : get_page_uri($vars['page']))) . '&limit=50' . (isset($vars['from']) ? '&from=' . $vars['from'] : '') . '">50</a> | <' . ($show_lines == 100 ? 'span' : 'a' ) . ' href="' . ($isAction ? $script . '?plugin=recentupdates' : get_page_uri($vars['page'])) . '&limit=100' . (isset($vars['from']) ? '&from=' . $vars['from'] : '') . '">100</a> | <' . ($show_lines == 250 ? 'span' : 'a' ) . ' href="' . ($isAction ? $script . '?plugin=recentupdates' : get_page_uri($vars['page'])) . '&limit=250' . (isset($vars['from']) ? '&from=' . $vars['from'] : '') . '">250</a> | <' . ($vars['limit'] == 0 && isset($vars['limit']) ? 'span' : 'a' ) . ' href="' . ($isAction ? $script . '?plugin=recentupdates' : get_page_uri($vars['page'])) . '&limit=0' . (isset($vars['from']) ? '&from=' . $vars['from'] : '') . '">' . $_recentupdates_messages['msg_all'] . '</a> ] </div> '; $date = $items = ''; foreach ($lines as $line) { list($time, $page) = explode("\t", rtrim($line)); $_date = date($date_format, $time) . ' (' . $weeklabels[date('w', $time)] . ') '; if ($date != $_date) { // End of the day if ($date != '') $items .= '</ul>' . "\n"; // New day $date = $_date; $items .= '<strong>' . $date . '</strong>' . "\n" . '<ul class="recent_list">' . "\n"; } $tag_plugin = ""; if (exist_plugin("tag")) { $tagfile = CACHE_DIR . encode($page) . "_page.tag"; if (file_exists($tagfile)) { $tags = implode(', ', array_map( function($str) { return '<a href="' . $script . '?cmd=taglist&tag=' . $str . '">' . htmlsc($str) . "</a>"; }, array_map("rtrim", file($tagfile)) )); $tag_plugin = ' (Tag: ' . $tags . ")"; unset($tags); } } $author = ""; if (PLUGIN_RECENTUPDATES_DISPLAY_AUTHOR) { $page_head = file_head(get_filename($page))[0]; if (preg_match("/#author\(\".*?\",\".*?\",\"(.*?)\"\)/", $page_head, $matches)) { $author = $matches[1]; } } $s_page = htmlsc($page); $attrs = get_page_link_a_attrs($page); $items .= ' <li> ' . date($time_format, $time) . ' - ' . '[ <a href="' . $script . '?cmd=diff&page=' . $s_page . '">' . $_LANG['skin']['diff'] . '</a>' . ' | <a href="' . $script . '?cmd=backup&page=' . $s_page . '">' . $_LANG['skin']['backup'] . '</a> ] ' . '<a href="' . get_page_uri($page) . '" class="' . $attrs['class'] . '" data-mtime="' . $attrs['data_mtime'] . '">' . $s_page . '</a>' . ' -- ' . ($author == "" ? "" : make_pagelink($author) . ' ') . plugin_recentupdates_get_diff_str($page) . $tag_plugin . '</li>' . "\n"; } // End of the day if ($date != '') $items .= '</ul>' . "\n"; return $operation . $items . $operation . $option; } function plugin_recentupdates_action() { global $_recentupdates_messages; return array('msg' => $_recentupdates_messages['msg_title'], 'body' => plugin_recentupdates_convert()); } function plugin_recentupdates_get_diff_str($page) { // 差分ã®æ–‡å—数計算 $diff_len = 0; $diff_len_str = ''; $diff_file = DIFF_DIR . encode($page) . '.txt'; if (file_exists($diff_file)) { foreach (file($diff_file) as $line) { $head = $line[0]; if ($head == "+") { $diff_len += mb_strlen($line) - 1; } else if ($head == "-") { $diff_len -= mb_strlen($line) - 1; } } } else if (is_page($page)) { $diff_len = mb_strlen(join('', get_source($page))); } else { $diff_len = 0; } if ($diff_len == 0) $diff_len_str = '<span class="diff_unchanged">(0)</span>'; if ($diff_len > 0) $diff_len_str = '<span class="diff_added">(+' . $diff_len . ')</span>'; if ($diff_len < 0) $diff_len_str = '<span class="diff_removed">(' . $diff_len . ')</span>'; return $diff_len_str; }