 *  List Tagged Pages Plugin
 *  @author     sonots
 *  @license    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html    GPL
 *  @link       http://lsx.sourceforge.jp/?Plugin%2Ftag.inc.php
 *  @version    $Id: taglist.inc.php,v 1.1 2008-03-19 07:23:17Z sonots $
 *  @uses       tag.inc.php
 *  @package    plugin
 // v1.11 PHP8.0対応 2021-12-15 byはいふん

exist_plugin('tag') or die_message('tag.inc.php does not exist.');
class PluginTaglist
	function __construct()
		static $default_options = array();
		if (empty($default_options)) {
			$default_options['tag']	   = '';
			$default_options['related']   = NULL;
		// static
		$this->default_options = & $default_options;
		// init
		$this->options = $default_options;
		global $plugin_tag_name;
		$this->plugin_tag = new $plugin_tag_name();

	function PluginTaglist() {

	var $plugin_tag;
	var $default_options;
	var $options;
	var $plugin = 'taglist';

	function action() // taglist
		global $vars;
		if (isset($vars['tag'])) {
			$this->options['tag'] = $vars['tag'];
			$msg = htmlsc($this->options['tag']);
		} elseif (isset($vars['related'])) {
			$this->options['related'] = $vars['related'];
			$msg = htmlsc($this->options['related']);
		} else {
			$msg = _('Taglist');
		$body = $this->taglist($this->options['tag'], $this->options['related']);
		return array('msg'=>$msg, 'body'=>$body);

	function convert() // taglist
		$args  = func_get_args();
		///// Support old versions (The 1st arg is tagtok) ///
		$fisrtIsOption = FALSE;
		foreach ($this->options as $key => $val) {
			if (strpos($args[0], $key) === 0) {
				$firstIsOption = TRUE; break;
		if (func_num_args() >= 1 && ! $firstIsOption) {
			$this->options['tag'] = array_shift($args);
		parse_options($args, $this->options);
		return $this->taglist($this->options['tag'], $this->options['related']);

	 * Body Function of this plugin
	function taglist($tagtok = '', $relate_tag = NULL)
		if ($tagtok !== '') {
			$pages = $this->plugin_tag->get_taggedpages($tagtok);
			$html = $this->display_pagelist($pages);
		} else {
			$html = $this->display_tagpagelist($relate_tag);
		return $html;

	 * Display tags and tagged pages
	 * Future Work: Use a common function with lsx.inc.php
	 * @param array $relate_tag Show only related tags of this
	 * @return string HTML
	function display_tagpagelist($relate_tag = NULL, $cssclass = 'taglist tags')
		$tagcloud = $this->plugin_tag->get_tagcloud(NULL, $relate_tag);
		$html = '<ul class="' . $cssclass . '">';
		foreach ($tagcloud as $tag => $count) {
			$html .= '<li>' . $this->plugin_tag->get_taglink($tag);
			$pages = $this->plugin_tag->get_taggedpages($tag);
			$html .= $this->display_pagelist($pages);
			$html .= '</li>';
		$html .= '</ul>';
		return $html;

	 * Display pages
	 * Future Work: Use a common function with lsx.inc.php
	 * @param array $pages pagenames
	 * @return string HTML
	function display_pagelist($pages, $cssclass = 'taglist pages')
		/* PukiWiki standard does listing as <ul><li style="padding-left:16*2px;margin-left:16*2px">. 
		 Since I do no like it, I do as <ul><li style="list-type:none"><ul><li>
		 <ul>			  <ul><li>1
		 <li>1</li>		</li><li>1
		 <li>1			 <ul><li>2
		 <ul>			  </li></ul></li><li>1
		 <li>2</li>		</li><li>1
		 </ul>		=>   <ul><li style="list-type:none"><ul><li>3
		 </li>			 </li></ul></li></ul></li></ul>
		 <ul><li style="list-type:none"><ul>
		$html = "";
		$ul = $pdepth = 0;
		foreach ($pages as $i => $page) {
			$exist	= is_page($page);
			$depth	= 1;
			$link	 = make_pagelink_nopg($page);
			$info	 = null;
			if ($depth > $pdepth) {
				$diff = $depth - $pdepth;
				$html .= str_repeat('<ul><li style="list-style:none">', $diff - 1);
				if ($depth == 1) { // first flag
					$html .= '<ul' . (isset($cssclass) ? ' class="' . $cssclass . '"' : '') . '><li>';
				} else {
					$html .= '<ul><li>';
				$ul += $diff;
			} elseif ($depth == $pdepth) {
				$html .= '</li><li>';
			} elseif ($depth < $pdepth) {
				$diff = $pdepth - $depth;
				$html .= str_repeat('</li></ul>', $diff);
				$html .= '</li><li>';
				$ul -= $diff;
			$pdepth = $depth;

			$html .= $link;
			$html .= isset($info) ? $info: '';
		$html .= str_repeat('</li></ul>', $ul);
		return $html;

function plugin_taglist_init()
	global $plugin_taglist_name;
	if (class_exists('PluginTaglistUnitTest')) {
		$plugin_taglist_name = 'PluginTaglistUnitTest';
	} elseif (class_exists('PluginTaglistUser')) {
		$plugin_taglist_name = 'PluginTaglistUser';
	} else {
		$plugin_taglist_name = 'PluginTaglist';

function plugin_taglist_convert()
	global $plugin_taglist, $plugin_taglist_name;
	$plugin_taglist = new $plugin_taglist_name();
	$args = func_get_args();
	return call_user_func_array(array(&$plugin_taglist, 'convert'), $args);

function plugin_taglist_action()
	global $plugin_taglist, $plugin_taglist_name;
	$plugin_taglist = new $plugin_taglist_name();
	return $plugin_taglist->action();
