This page contains the following errors:

error on line 10 at column 13: Entity 'brandDTD' not defined error on line 15 at column 24: Entity 'brandShortName' not defined error on line 37 at column 20: Entity 'brandShortName' not defined error on line 42 at column 43: Entity 'brandShortName' not defined error on line 59 at column 19: Entity 'brandShortName' not defined error on line 78 at column 39: Entity 'brandShortName' not defined

Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error.

Popup Blocking Help
This document is provided for your information only. It may help you take certain steps to protect the privacy and security of your personal information on the Internet. This document does not, however, address all online privacy and security issues, nor does it represent a recommendation about what constitutes adequate privacy and security protection on the Internet.

Controlling Popups

What are Popups?

Pop-up windows, or popups, are windows that appear automatically and without your permission. They vary in size, but usually don't cover the whole screen. Some popups open on top of the current browser window, thus popping up, while others appear underneath the browser (popunders).

allows you to control both popups and popunders through the Popup Windows preferences panel. Since popup blocking is turned off by default, you must enable it to prevent popups from appearing in the browser.

When blocking a popup, can be set up to play a sound or display an icon Popup control   icon in the status bar or a notification bar at the top of the website content area, or any combination of the above. You can use the icon or the bar to add a website you're viewing to an exceptions list so that the website is allowed to again display popups.

Blocking popups may interfere with some websites: Some websites, including some banking sites, use popups for important features. Blocking all popups disables such features. To allow specific websites to use popups, while blocking all others, you can add specific websites to the list of allowed websites. For more information, see Privacy & Security Preferences - Popup Windows.

Blocking popups doesn't always work: Although blocks most popups, some websites, even when blocked, may use other methods to show popups.

Allowing popups from certain websites: After you've enabled popup blocking, you can still allow specific websites to display popups. Browse to the website, and then from the Tools menu, choose Popup Manager, and then choose Allow Popups From This Website.

The next section describes how to control popups through preferences and through the popup control icon.

Privacy & Security Preferences - Popup Windows

This section describes how to use the Popup Windows preferences panel. If you're not already viewing it, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Edit menu and choose Preferences.
  2. Under the Privacy & Security Preferences category, click Popup Windows. (If no subcategories are visible, double-click Privacy & Security to expand the list.)

When a popup window has been blocked

Using the popup control icon or notification bar to add allowed websites: You can use the popup control icon or notification bar to quickly add a website to the list of allowed websites. Click the icon Popup control   icon to open the list of allowed websites. The current website is already filled in. Click Allow and then click OK to confirm your addition. Similarly you can use the notification bar to allow popups from the current website or open the list of allowed websites through Manage Popups. Just click the Preferences button at the right end of the notification bar.

Note: Blocking popups may not always work and may interfere with some websites. For more information about blocking popups, see Controlling Popups.