This page contains the following errors:

error on line 10 at column 13: Entity 'brandDTD' not defined error on line 15 at column 24: Entity 'brandShortName' not defined error on line 27 at column 50: Entity 'brandShortName' not defined error on line 55 at column 71: Entity 'brandShortName' not defined error on line 59 at column 36: Entity 'brandShortName' not defined error on line 60 at column 66: Entity 'brandShortName' not defined error on line 73 at column 49: Entity 'brandShortName' not defined error on line 82 at column 71: Entity 'brandShortName' not defined error on line 83 at column 68: Entity 'brandShortName' not defined error on line 87 at column 42: Entity 'brandShortName' not defined error on line 90 at column 45: Entity 'brandShortName' not defined error on line 99 at column 60: Entity 'brandShortName' not defined error on line 102 at column 59: Entity 'brandShortName' not defined error on line 113 at column 50: Entity 'brandShortName' not defined error on line 121 at column 62: Entity 'brandShortName' not defined error on line 133 at column 61: Entity 'brandShortName' not defined error on line 159 at column 34: Entity 'brandShortName' not defined error on line 166 at column 49: Entity 'brandShortName' not defined error on line 172 at column 25: Entity 'brandShortName' not defined error on line 176 at column 55: Entity 'brandShortName' not defined error on line 195 at column 50: Entity 'brandShortName' not defined error on line 352 at column 38: Entity 'brandShortName' not defined

Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error.

Appearance Preferences Help

Appearance Preferences

This section describes how to use the Appearance preference panel. If you are not already viewing the panel, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Edit menu and choose Preferences.
  2. Double-click Appearance to expand the list, then click the name for the preferences you want to view.
In this section:

Appearance Preferences - Appearance

This section describes how to use the Appearance preferences panels. If you're not already viewing one of these panels, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Edit menu and choose Preferences.
  2. Click the Appearance category.

The Appearance preferences panel allows you to set startup options and customize the user interface:

Nots: You must restart for a change in language or formatting settings to take effect. In many cases, the choices will show the same language unless you have additional language pack(s) installed or use a localized version of for a language which is different from your operating-system's settings.

[Return to beginning of section]

Appearance Preferences - Content

This section describes how to use the Content preferences panel. If you're not already viewing it, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Edit menu and choose Preferences.
  2. Under the Appearance category, click Content. (If no subcategories are visible, double-click Appearance to expand the list.)

The Content preferences panel allows you to change settings that influence how website and message content appears in .

Note: See the separate preferences panels for colors, fonts and languages to further customize content appearance and the Privacy & Security section for privacy-related settings that also might influence how content appears to you.

[Return to beginning of section]

Appearance Preferences - Fonts

This section describes how to use the Fonts preferences panel. If you're not already viewing it, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Edit menu and choose Preferences.
  2. Under the Appearance category, click Fonts. (If no subcategories are visible, double-click Appearance to expand the list.)

The Fonts preferences panel allows you to set page font type and size.

Note: Some font styles may not be selectable because the selected language does not have fonts available for that style.

[Return to beginning of section]

Appearance Preferences - Colors

This section describes how to use the Colors preferences panel. If you're not already viewing it, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Edit menu and choose Preferences.
  2. Under the Appearance category, click Colors. (If no subcategories are visible, double-click Appearance to expand the list.)

The Colors preferences panel allows you to set the background and text colors on web pages, mail/news messages, and feeds:

[Return to beginning of section]

Appearance Preferences - Media

This section describes how to use the Media preferences panel. If you're not already viewing it, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Edit menu and choose Preferences.
  2. Under the Appearance category, click Media. (If no subcategories are visible, double-click Appearance to expand the list.)

The Media preferences panel allows you to determine how to handle audio and video content as well as image animation:

Note: This options apply to HTML5 media and animated images (e.g., GIF or PNG) only, thus not to any media handled by a plugin.

[Return to beginning of section]

Appearance Preferences - Spelling

This section describes how to use the Spelling preferences panel. If you're not already viewing it, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Edit menu and choose Preferences.
  2. Under the Appearance category, click Spelling. (If no subcategories are visible, double-click Appearance to expand the list.)

The Spelling preferences panel allows you to determine how spelling is handled throughout :

[Return to beginning of section]