#!/usr/bin/env lua -- -- top(1) like monitor for lxc containers -- -- Copyright © 2012 Oracle. -- -- Authors: -- Dwight Engen <dwight.engen@oracle.com> -- -- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, as -- published by the Free Software Foundation. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along -- with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., -- 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. -- local lxc = require("lxc") local core = require("lxc.core") local getopt = require("getopt_alt") local USER_HZ = 100 local ESC = string.format("%c", 27) local TERMCLEAR = ESC.."[H"..ESC.."[J" local TERMNORM = ESC.."[0m" local TERMBOLD = ESC.."[1m" local TERMRVRS = ESC.."[7m" local containers = {} local stats = {} local stats_total = {} local max_containers function printf(...) local function wrapper(...) io.write(string.format(...)) end local status, result = pcall(wrapper, ...) if not status then error(result, 2) end end function string:split(delim, max_cols) local cols = {} local start = 1 local nextc repeat nextc = string.find(self, delim, start) if (nextc and #cols ~= max_cols - 1) then table.insert(cols, string.sub(self, start, nextc-1)) start = nextc + #delim else table.insert(cols, string.sub(self, start, string.len(self))) nextc = nil end until nextc == nil or start > #self return cols end function strsisize(size, width) local KiB = 1024 local MiB = 1048576 local GiB = 1073741824 local TiB = 1099511627776 local PiB = 1125899906842624 local EiB = 1152921504606846976 local ZiB = 1180591620717411303424 if (size >= ZiB) then return string.format("%d.%2.2d ZB", size / ZiB, (math.floor(size % ZiB) * 100) / ZiB) end if (size >= EiB) then return string.format("%d.%2.2d EB", size / EiB, (math.floor(size % EiB) * 100) / EiB) end if (size >= PiB) then return string.format("%d.%2.2d PB", size / PiB, (math.floor(size % PiB) * 100) / PiB) end if (size >= TiB) then return string.format("%d.%2.2d TB", size / TiB, (math.floor(size % TiB) * 100) / TiB) end if (size >= GiB) then return string.format("%d.%2.2d GB", size / GiB, (math.floor(size % GiB) * 100) / GiB) end if (size >= MiB) then return string.format("%d.%2.2d MB", size / MiB, (math.floor(size % MiB) * 1000) / (MiB * 10)) end if (size >= KiB) then return string.format("%d.%2.2d KB", size / KiB, (math.floor(size % KiB) * 1000) / (KiB * 10)) end return string.format("%3d.00 ", size) end function tty_lines() local rows = 25 local f = assert(io.popen("stty -a | head -n 1")) for line in f:lines() do local stty_rows _,_,stty_rows = string.find(line, "rows (%d+)") if (stty_rows ~= nil) then rows = stty_rows break end end f:close() return rows end function container_sort(a, b) if (optarg["r"]) then if (optarg["s"] == "n") then return (a > b) elseif (optarg["s"] == "c") then return (stats[a].cpu_use_nanos < stats[b].cpu_use_nanos) elseif (optarg["s"] == "d") then return (stats[a].blkio < stats[b].blkio) elseif (optarg["s"] == "m") then return (stats[a].mem_used < stats[b].mem_used) elseif (optarg["s"] == "k") then return (stats[a].kmem_used < stats[b].kmem_used) end else if (optarg["s"] == "n") then return (a < b) elseif (optarg["s"] == "c") then return (stats[a].cpu_use_nanos > stats[b].cpu_use_nanos) elseif (optarg["s"] == "d") then return (stats[a].blkio > stats[b].blkio) elseif (optarg["s"] == "m") then return (stats[a].mem_used > stats[b].mem_used) elseif (optarg["s"] == "k") then return (stats[a].kmem_used > stats[b].kmem_used) end end end function container_list_update() local now_running now_running = lxc.containers_running(true) -- check for newly started containers for _,v in ipairs(now_running) do if (containers[v] == nil) then local ct = lxc.container:new(v) -- note, this is a "mixed" table, ie both dictionary and list containers[v] = ct table.insert(containers, v) end end -- check for newly stopped containers local indx = 1 while (indx <= #containers) do local ctname = containers[indx] if (now_running[ctname] == nil) then containers[ctname] = nil stats[ctname] = nil table.remove(containers, indx) else indx = indx + 1 end end -- get stats for all current containers and resort the list lxc.stats_clear(stats_total) for _,ctname in ipairs(containers) do stats[ctname] = containers[ctname]:stats_get(stats_total) end table.sort(containers, container_sort) end function stats_print_header(stats_total) printf(TERMRVRS .. TERMBOLD) printf("%-15s %8s %8s %8s %10s %10s", "Container", "CPU", "CPU", "CPU", "BlkIO", "Mem") if (stats_total.kmem_used > 0) then printf(" %10s", "KMem") end printf("\n") printf("%-15s %8s %8s %8s %10s %10s", "Name", "Used", "Sys", "User", "Total", "Used") if (stats_total.kmem_used > 0) then printf(" %10s", "Used") end printf("\n") printf(TERMNORM) end function stats_print(name, stats, stats_total) printf("%-15s %8.2f %8.2f %8.2f %10s %10s", name, stats.cpu_use_nanos / 1000000000, stats.cpu_use_sys / USER_HZ, stats.cpu_use_user / USER_HZ, strsisize(stats.blkio), strsisize(stats.mem_used)) if (stats_total.kmem_used > 0) then printf(" %10s", strsisize(stats.kmem_used)) end end function usage() printf("Usage: lxc-top [options]\n" .. " -h|--help print this help message\n" .. " -m|--max display maximum number of containers\n" .. " -d|--delay delay in seconds between refreshes (default: 3.0)\n" .. " -s|--sort sort by [n,c,d,m] (default: n) where\n" .. " n = Name\n" .. " c = CPU use\n" .. " d = Disk I/O use\n" .. " m = Memory use\n" .. " k = Kernel memory use\n" .. " -r|--reverse sort in reverse (descending) order\n" ) os.exit(1) end local long_opts = { help = "h", delay = "d", max = "m", reverse = "r", sort = "s", } -- optarg,optind = getopt.getopt (arg, "hd:m:rs:", long_opts) optarg = {} optarg["d"] = tonumber(optarg["d"]) or 3.0 optarg["m"] = tonumber(optarg["m"]) or tonumber(tty_lines() - 3) optarg["r"] = optarg["r"] or false optarg["s"] = optarg["s"] or "n" if (optarg["h"] ~= nil) then usage() end while true do container_list_update() -- if some terminal we care about doesn't support the simple escapes, we -- may fall back to this, or ncurses. ug. --os.execute("tput clear") printf(TERMCLEAR) stats_print_header(stats_total) for index,ctname in ipairs(containers) do stats_print(ctname, stats[ctname], stats_total) printf("\n") if (index >= optarg["m"]) then break end end stats_print(string.format("TOTAL (%-2d)", #containers), stats_total, stats_total) io.flush() core.usleep(optarg["d"] * 1000000) end