Password Safe 3.43.0 Release July 2017 ====================================== This note describes the new features, fixed bugs and known problems with the latest versions of Password Safe. For a short description of Password Safe, please see the accompanying README.txt file. For more information on the product and the project, please visit Details about changes to older releases may be found in the file ChangeLog.txt. Bug Reports, Feature Requests and Service Requests are in the PasswordSafe SourceForge Project tickets. Any beginning with 'G' are issues raised on PasswordSafe's GitHub project, where the current source can also be found. The ReleaseNotes.html file has links to the relevant tickets/issues. Bugs fixed in 3.43.0 ==================== [1410] Don't forget '-r' flag when database not found, and needs to be searched. [1409] An entry is now correctly re-selected after editing if the preference "Save database immediately after any change" is disabled. [1403] Help has been updated to document that an entry's Notes field has a size limit of 30,000 characters. [1402] Group image is now correct after dragging an empty sub-group to the next higher level. [1400] The Toolbar now correctly disables buttons when a Group is selected. [1401] After deleting an entry, the next visible entry (if present) is selected. If not present, then the previous entry (if present) will be selected. [1399] A disabled image is now shown when no characters to copy are available. This has also been implemented wherever the "Copy Password" button is used outside the Toolbar. Changes to Existing Features in 3.43.0 ====================================== [809] Maximum configurable idle timeout increased to 10 hours. New Features for 3.43.0 ======================= [] You can now specify additional command line parameters to the external editor used to edit the Notes field from the Add/Edit Basic dialog. [] It is now possible to export the currently filtered entries to a new PasswordSafe database. [832] If many databases are open at the same time, after opening a database, the user can specify a database index (1-99) that will be superimposed on the System Tray icon to aid identification. In addition, the System Tray icon tooltip has been enhanced to show more of the database name. [833] Right-clicking on a base entry now allows you to select any one of its dependants, i.e. alias or shortcut. [834] We've added the option of displaying the safe combination when entering during database creation, opening and change of combination. Bugs fixed in 3.42.1 ==================== [1404] Regression: In read-only mode, Entry popup menu's View Entry item restored (was mistakenly disabled). [1266] Regression: Toolbar elements display correctly on high-resolution monitors under Windows 8.1 and later now supported in 64-bit builds. Changes to Existing Features in 3.42.1 ====================================== None New Features for 3.42.1 ======================= None Bugs fixed in 3.42.0 ==================== [] Fix issue when locking database when not using the System Tray. [] Fix empty group validation on DB open. [G288] Changes to default password policy now persistent under V4 databases. [1395] PasswordSafe now correctly duplicates a group containing both a base entry and its dependent i.e. shortcut or alias. [1393] Correctly handle opening a locked database, which is open in R/W by another user. [1392] If the command line parameter '-g' is used to specify a configuration file by its relative path, PasswordSafe will now look for it in the same directory as the executable unless overridden by the PWS_PREFSDIR environment variable. [1391] Fixed slow opening of a database if the default group display is completely collapsed. [1385] The filter active indicator now shows in Windows 7. [1384] Toolbar images and text are now back in sync. [1367] Fixed regression in command line arguments -h and -u support. [1358] When PaswordSafe automatically locks to the TaskBar, the unlock window now gets input focus when clicking on the icon to unlock the database. [1346] The Notes window scroll position in Add/Edit no longer jumps to last selected line when it is reshown after being hidden. [1275] The scroll positions of the Tree and List views are now saved on minimize and used to set the window position when it is restored.. Changes to Existing Features in 3.42.0 ====================================== [] Previous commands, e.g. edit or delete an entry, are no longer cleared when the database is locked to enable their undo after the database has been unlocked. [] User selected font sizes are now saved in points in the configuration file so that the same size of font is used across different user systems if sharing the configuration file. This helps where the different systems have different resolutions. [819] A duplicated entry's creation time is set to the time of duplication. All other times are copied from the original. [816] Set installed version in uninstall section of Registry for Windows version. New Features for 3.42.0 ======================= [] A new internal filter has been implemented to show only those entries from last Find. Access via the View menu or Ctrl+K shortcut. [] PasswordSafe now supports the "long press" as the equivalent of a right mouse click on Windows systems with touch screens running Windows 7 and later. [822] An open database can now be locked via the File menu or a Toolbar button irrespective of whether the System Tray is used or not. [821] A new symbol for protected entries (locked padlock - Unicode U+01F512) has been implemented but, if the currently selected Tree/List font does not support it and the user is not running Windows 10, then the old symbol ('#') will be used. Bugs fixed in 3.41.0 ==================== [] Fix crash if Find active when applying a filter, e.g., show entries with expiry dates. [] Ensure shortcut is updated in GUI after editing. [] Text in the Find toolbar search edit control is now vertically centered to reduce character truncation. [] Clicking on a field's name copies the value to the clipboard when adding a new entry (and not only when editing). [] Update password history when Apply is clicked, not only when Edit window's closed. [] No longer show empty groups when the user filters for entries with expired passwords. [1378] Fix application crash if Add/Edit entry dialog open when the database is locked e.g. via idle timer, workstation lock etc. [1373] An invalid or non-existent backup directory path can no longer be saved when exiting Options. [1369] The virtual keyboard no longer becomes unusable after clicking on the Randomize button. [1368] The Status bar now shows the correct number of entries when a database is unlocked. [1366] Copying the unexpanded autotype string on Edit entry screen using Ctrl+click on Autotype label now works. [1365] Ctrl+F now switches focus back to Find toolbar if it is already open. [1364] Unnecessary tree view refreshes fixed. [1363] Empty groups no longer disappear when moving nested groups into them and do not leave duplicated empty groups in the database. [G192] Saved changes no longer prevent logoff or system shutdown. Changes to Existing Features in 3.41.0 ====================================== [] You can no longer change an alias's base entry's password from the alias entry. Instead, you should edit the base entry directly by selecting the alias entry and using the Edit or right-click context menu to select its base. [] The "Show Find Toolbar" has been removed from the View menu as it appears in the Edit menu. Ctrl+F still works as before to show the Find toolbar or transfer focus to it if already visible. [1371] The font used in the Find toolbar is now set to the user specified Add/Edit font instead of the Tree/List view font. New Features for 3.41.0 ======================= [] New AutoType field '\#' toggles the use of the older mechanism to send keyboard input to other applications e.g. browsers. [] Add more Help to the Add/Edit Basic and Additional tabs. [] Empty groups added but not yet saved are now included when the user filters on unsaved changes. [] Empty groups, whose names satisfy a filter that include tests on group name values, are now included in the display when the filter is active. [815] The database backup location now supports environment variables e.g. %homedrive% and %homepath%. If used, the resulting path is shown. [814] Clearing the recent database list now requires confirmation. [813] When exporting a group to a new database, there is now an option to also export all filters stored in the database to the new database. [796] Autotype has been extended to support the previous password, if present in the entry's password history, via the Autotype field '\q'. In addition, for Windows, a number of keyboard keys are supported by specifying the key between '\{' and '}'. Please see Help for details. Bugs fixed in 3.40 ================== [] Correctly import empty groups from a XML file when an imported group has been specified. [] Empty groups are now added when merging one PasswordSafe database into another. [] List view column widths are no longer reset when dragging columns to different positions or columns are added or removed. [] The user specified Notes font is now also applied to the Notes column in the List view. [] Entry Protected state and AutoType string is now correctly displayed in the List view. [] After entry has been edited from List View, it now remains visible after Edit/Undo/Redo even if the change alters its position within the view. [1360] When an entry/group using a Named Password Policy is exported to a PasswordSafe database, the referenced policy is now also exported. [1355] Fixed tabbing order in Basic AddEdit tab. [1352] Fixed regression in recent entry processing. [1347] Prevent a user from trying to copy a filter to a read-only database. [1345] Removed the ability to create a new database when read-only is checked. [1342, 1343] Fix multiple empty group issues. [1335] If "Minimize after Autotype" option is set, it will also be honoured for the user action: "Browse to URL + Autotype". [1315] Keep selected entry selected after refreshing the view (F5). [1314] Selected entries keep highlight when the Find toolbar is opened and even when Password Safe loses focus to another application. [1313, 1318] Find toolbar no longer closes when it shouldn't. In addition, results are updated when entries are added/deleted. Changes to Existing Features in 3.40 ==================================== [] Save Immediately has been enhanced to apply to all changes to the database and not just after an edit or addition of an entry. It is STRONGLY recommended that, if enabled, then the option to "Create intermediate backups" is also enabled. Note, changes made via the Compare database results dialog will not cause a database save for each action but will after the compare results dialog has been closed. [] The last sort direction in List View (ascending or descending) on closing a database is now stored in the application configuration file and is no longer stored in the database header. [] The number of groups shown in the database properties dialog is now counted in the same manner as directories/folders in a file system, e.g., Windows Explorer. This includes empty groups. The number of empty groups is also shown. New Features for 3.40 ===================== [] Empty sub-groups are included when exporting a group to a new PasswordSafe database. [] Adding an empty group will also cause the database to be saved if the user has selected the option "Save database immediately after any change". [811] The user's selected Notes font is now used for Tooltips in the Tree and List views if the Display preference 'Show Notes as Tooltips in Tree & List views' is set. [810] Allow font selection for all the user input fields in the Add/Edit entry and the Create Shortcut dialogs. Bugs fixed in 3.39.1 ==================== [] Fixed a regression that crept into 3.39, breaking non-English language support. Bugs fixed in 3.39 ================== [1334] An empty group is now correctly changed to a normal group when an entry is copied into it via Drag & Drop. [1330] Duplication of an alias or shortcut base entry now correctly results in a normal entry. [1319] Re-implement fix for BR 1319 so that the added entry no longer appears always selected until the display is refreshed. [] Export of a complete database to XML now includes all Named Password Policies. [] When renaming a group, all empty subgroups are now correctly renamed. [] Disable switch to read-only when unlocking with changes pending. Changes to Existing Features in 3.39 ==================================== [806] The group will be saved as an "empty group" when the last entry with this group value is deleted. This is similar to the action of the filesystem when the last file within a folder/directory is deleted. [463] Double click on a word in the Notes field, e.g. for copy & paste, now no longer includes any trailing spaces. This is different to the standard Microsoft processing in their products. New Features for 3.39 ===================== [] Support Drag & Drop of empty groups and groups containing empty groups between multiple instances of PasswordSafe. Note: Prior versions of PasswordSafe will not recognise or process empty groups. [] It is now possible to list entries using a Named Password Policy from the Manage Password Policies dialog (right click on the name). Bugs fixed in 3.38.2 ==================== [1326] Fixed entry corruption when database locked/unlocked while an entry was being edited (and possibly other scenarios). [] Ensure that the Tooltip on how to unprotect an entry is now shown against the tutorial text at the top of the dialog for wide displays. [1319] Newly added entries are now shown as selected in the Tree view. New Features for 3.38.2 ======================= None Bugs fixed in 3.38.1 ==================== [] Fixed regression in alias support [] Fixed regression: crash in Linux when incorrect password entered [] Fixes in advanced find report [] V4 (alpha) related fixes [] Fixes related to empty groups [1312] Now able to duplicate an alias entry without errors. [1306] Display of an empty group is now correctly displayed when an entry is moved to it via editing. [1295] Create Shortcut group dropdown box width no longer truncates long group paths. [1057] Aliases and shortcuts imported via XML now correctly point to their respective base entries. New Features for 3.38.1 ======================= [797] Change the Add/Edit dialogs to allow a larger Notes field to be visible. Protected entries now only have this information in the dialog caption. The Tooltip on how to unprotect an entry is now shown against the tutorial text at the top of the dialog. Bugs fixed in 3.38 ================== [1289] Uniform behavior for generated password: Can be explicitly copied to clipboard whenever generated (no longer copied by default). [1266] Toolbar elements display correctly on high-resolution monitors under Windows 8.1 and later. New Features for 3.38 ===================== Experimental support for V4 format. DO NOT USE FOR PRODUCTION ("REAL") PASSWORDS. Bugs fixed in 3.37.1 ==================== [] Fixed crash when adding/editing an entry with wide version of dialog. New Features for 3.37 ===================== [] The Notes External Editor now accepts environment strings (e.g. %windir%) in the path to the editor. [789] If the double-click action (or shift-double-click) of an entry is set to Edit/View Entry, then (shift-) double-clicking on its shortcut will edit/view the base entry. The selected shortcut entry can still be viewed/edited via menu, right-click or just hitting Enter. [782] Notes field font is now user-configurable. [781] Virtual Keyboard - allow playing sound when a valid or invalid key is pressed and add caption to the Space Bar (Partial implementation of this Feature Request). Bugs fixed in 3.37 ================== [1274] References to base entries are now scrollable, no longer truncated. [1273] Find in the Tree View will now ensure that any found entry will be visible by scrolling appropriately. [1272] XML export of single entry using default Password policy now works correctly. [1270] Display Filter dropdown list of filter fields now fits on low resolution screens. [1269] Filters containing Password Policy Names now export/import correctly to/from XML. [1267] Export from a YubiKey-protected database to another database fixed. [1261] 'Unlock Difficulty' slider is now correctly initialised in the Manage Options Security tab. [1260] If Password Safe is unable to find the user specified external editor, the external edit is cancelled and the Notes field remains unchanged. [1258] Group dropdown box width no longer truncates long group paths. [1254] Toolbar customisation now has correctly aligned text/images. [1244] Changes to symbol set in default password policy are respected when "Use easy-to-read characters" is set. [1230] "Open as read-only" check-box correctly set when opening a R/W database after previously opening/selecting a R-O database. [1204] Show correct icon color in system tray when unminimizing with no database open. [1124] Autotype on a shortcut entry now picks up title, group and user fields from shortcut instead of base. [1082] Field modification times set to creation time for list view and entry's time and date tab. This is more useful than "N/A", e.g., for sorting by password modification to find old passwords that should be changed. [1054] Password Variable in Run Command correctly set when executed from an alias. New Features for 3.36 ===================== [] Entries and Groups can be exported to plain text, XML, or to a new PasswordSafe file. [777] Added command line option to force choice of tall or wide dialog screens. [772] Added a tooltip for the copy-to-clipboard button in the generator. [768] Caps Lock indicator added to passphrase entry dialogs. Bugs fixed in 3.36 ================== [1248] Non-ASCII symbols can now be specified in Password Policies. [1245] Asterisk is now accepted as a symbol in Password Policies. [1233] Don't count unchecked character types in password policies when checking for consistency. [1231] Relax restriction on easy-vision password policy + more consistent UI. [1229] Hex digits checkbox can be selected in Generate Passwords. [1228] Fixed incompatibility with Password Policies generated with previous versions. [1226] Fixed regression in Find toolbar functionality. Bugs fixed in 3.35 ================== [1221] Support newer YubiKeys in all modes. [1212] In the Flattened List view, keep the icon column, if present, as leftmost, to ensure proper display. [1211] The Read-Only checkbox no longer clears itself after returning from the file selection dialog. Also, the read-only checkbox in XP file selection dialog is handled correctly. [1210] CurrentFile preference is updated sooner rather than later, so last database is set as default for next invocation. Changes to Existing Features in 3.35 ==================================== [760] Password Policy: You can now choose a character set without requiring at least one character from that set (i.e., minimum required can be zero). New Features for 3.34.1 ======================= [753] A Password Safe database can be opened by drag & drop to the Password Safe application window. [749] Clicking or double-clicking on a previous password in an entry's Password History selects it. [746] Password Policy "Special Symbol Set" simplified. Changes to Existing Features in 3.34.1 ====================================== [397] Clarified use of -g and PWS_PREFSDIR. Bugs fixed in 3.34.1 ==================== [1205] 3.34.1 fixes a bug that crept into 3.34: The OK button was disabled when a database was selected on the opening window. [1200] Tweak Yubikey interface to make it easier to use when creating or opening a Password Safe database. [1195] Edit->Find now enabled when a group is selected. [1194] Compare, Merge, Sync: Enable action button when password's entered via virtual keyboard. [1176] Tweak definition of what's considered a 'weak' password. [1174] "Open as read-only" check-box now correctly reflects the file's state. [1117] Dragging DragBar icon doesn't copy text to clipboard unless Control key's pressed when icon's clicked upon. New Features for 3.33 ===================== [728] The default delay between characters on autotype is now configurable. Changes to Existing Features in 3.33 ==================================== None Bugs fixed in 3.33 ================== [1160] Don't create config dir if config file passed in command line. [1155] Number of shortcuts is now correctly initialized. [1148] No longer crashes when canceling unlock with expired password entries. [1146] Edit button now enabled correctly in Manage->Password Policies. [1139] Backup file numbers now rollover 999 correctly. [1134] Filtering by type now works correctly for shortcuts & shortcut bases. [1130] Database field isn't highlighted when it doesn't have the focus. [1125] Increased range of unlock difficulty by a factor of four. This should give an order or magnitude or so between max and min settings. [1067] Fail gracefully when trying to encrypt a file > 2GB.