; config options server: target-fetch-policy: "0 0 0 0 0" log-time-ascii: yes stub-zone: name: "." stub-addr: # K.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. ; initial content (say from dig example.com DNSKEY > example.com.key) AUTOTRUST_FILE example.com example.com. 10800 IN DNSKEY 257 3 5 AwEAAc3Z5DQDJpH4oPdNtC4BUQHk50XMD+dHr4r8psHmivIa83hxR5CRgCtd9sENCW9Ae8OIO19xw9t/RPaEAqQa+OE= ;{id = 55582 (ksk), size = 512b} example.com. 10800 IN DNSKEY 256 3 5 AQPQ41chR9DEHt/aIzIFAqanbDlRflJoRs5yz1jFsoRIT7dWf0r+PeDuewdxkszNH6wnU4QL8pfKFRh5PIYVBLK3 ;{id = 30899 (zsk), size = 512b} AUTOTRUST_END CONFIG_END SCENARIO_BEGIN Test autotrust with algorithm rollover to unknown algo ; from RSASHA1(5) to 'unknown' (157) ; 157 is really the algocode for HMACMD5, which is not used for DNSSEC. ; the signatures are made with a DSA key (02855) but the algorithm is ; edited (afterwards) to be 157. So the RRSIGs do not verify. ; K-ROOT RANGE_BEGIN 0 100 ADDRESS ENTRY_BEGIN MATCH opcode qname qtype ADJUST copy_id copy_query REPLY QR AA SECTION QUESTION . IN NS SECTION ANSWER . IN NS k.root-servers.net. SECTION ADDITIONAL k.root-servers.net IN A ENTRY_END ENTRY_BEGIN MATCH opcode subdomain ADJUST copy_id copy_query REPLY QR SECTION QUESTION com. IN NS SECTION AUTHORITY com. IN NS a.gtld-servers.net. SECTION ADDITIONAL a.gtld-servers.net. IN A ENTRY_END RANGE_END ; a.gtld-servers.net. RANGE_BEGIN 0 100 ADDRESS ENTRY_BEGIN MATCH opcode subdomain ADJUST copy_id copy_query REPLY QR SECTION QUESTION example.com. IN NS SECTION AUTHORITY example.com. IN NS ns.example.com. SECTION ADDITIONAL ns.example.com. IN A ENTRY_END RANGE_END ; ns.example.com. KSK 55582 RANGE_BEGIN 0 10 ADDRESS ENTRY_BEGIN MATCH opcode qname qtype ADJUST copy_id REPLY QR AA SECTION QUESTION www.example.com. IN A SECTION ANSWER www.example.com. 3600 IN A www.example.com. 3600 IN RRSIG A 5 3 3600 20090924111500 20090821111500 30899 example.com. pYGxVLsWUvOp1wSf0iwPap+JnECfC5GAm1lRqy3YEqecNGld7U7x/5Imo3CerbdZrVptUQs2oH0lcjwYJXMnsw== ;{id = 30899} SECTION AUTHORITY example.com. 3600 IN NS ns.example.com. example.com. 3600 IN RRSIG NS 5 2 3600 20090924111500 20090821111500 30899 example.com. J5wxRq0jgwQL6yy530kvo9cHqNAUHV8IF4dvaYZL0bNraO2Oe6dVXqlJl4+cxNHI2TMsstwFPr2Zz8tv6Az2mQ== ;{id = 30899} SECTION ADDITIONAL ns.example.com. 3600 IN A ns.example.com. 3600 IN RRSIG A 5 3 3600 20090924111500 20090821111500 30899 example.com. JsXbS18oyc0zkVaOWGSFdIQuOsZKflT0GraT9afDPoWLCgH4ApF7jNgfJV7Pqy1sTBRajME5IUAhpANwGBuW4A== ;{id = 30899} ENTRY_END ENTRY_BEGIN MATCH opcode qname qtype ADJUST copy_id REPLY QR AA SECTION QUESTION example.com. IN DNSKEY SECTION ANSWER ; KSK 1 example.com. 10800 IN DNSKEY 257 3 5 AwEAAc3Z5DQDJpH4oPdNtC4BUQHk50XMD+dHr4r8psHmivIa83hxR5CRgCtd9sENCW9Ae8OIO19xw9t/RPaEAqQa+OE= ;{id = 55582 (ksk), size = 512b} ; ZSK 1 example.com. 10800 IN DNSKEY 256 3 5 AQPQ41chR9DEHt/aIzIFAqanbDlRflJoRs5yz1jFsoRIT7dWf0r+PeDuewdxkszNH6wnU4QL8pfKFRh5PIYVBLK3 ;{id = 30899 (zsk), size = 512b} ; signatures example.com. 10800 IN RRSIG DNSKEY 5 2 10800 20090924111500 20090821111500 30899 example.com. b/HK231jIQLX8IhlZfup3r0yhpXaasbPE6LzxoEVVvWaTZWcLmeV8jDIcn0qO7Yvs7bIJN20lwVAV0GcHH3hWQ== ;{id = 30899} example.com. 10800 IN RRSIG DNSKEY 5 2 10800 20090924111500 20090821111500 55582 example.com. PCHme1QLoULxqjhg5tMlpR0qJlBfstEUVq18TtNoKQe9le1YhJ9caheXcTWoK+boLhXxg9u6Yyvq8FboQh0OjA== ;{id = 55582} ENTRY_END RANGE_END ; ns.example.com. KSK 55582 and 02855 RANGE_BEGIN 11 40 ADDRESS ENTRY_BEGIN MATCH opcode qname qtype ADJUST copy_id REPLY QR AA SECTION QUESTION example.com. IN DNSKEY SECTION ANSWER ; KSK 1 example.com. 10800 IN DNSKEY 257 3 5 AwEAAc3Z5DQDJpH4oPdNtC4BUQHk50XMD+dHr4r8psHmivIa83hxR5CRgCtd9sENCW9Ae8OIO19xw9t/RPaEAqQa+OE= ;{id = 55582 (ksk), size = 512b} ; KSK 2 example.com. 10800 IN DNSKEY 257 3 157 ALXLUsWqUrY3JYER3T4TBJIIs70j+sDS/UT2QRp61SE7S3EEXopNXoFE73JLRmvpi/UrOO/Vz4Se6wXv/CYCKjGw06U4WRgRYXcpEhJROyNapmdIKSxhOzfLVE1gqA0PweZR8dtY3aNQSRn3sPpwJr6Mi/PqQKAMMrZ9ckJpf1+bQMOOvxgzz2U1GS18b3yZKcgTMEaJzd/GZYzi/BN2DzQ0MsrSwYXfsNLFOBbs8PJMW4LYIxeeOe6rUgkWOF7CC9Dh/dduQ1QrsJhmZAEFfd6ByYV+ ;{id = 2855 (ksk), size = 1688b} ; and two ZSKs (omitted) for both algorithms. ; signatures example.com. 10800 IN RRSIG DNSKEY 5 2 10800 20091024111500 20090921111500 55582 example.com. Wp40P+Odx5gh1Zpjwa1YBwwKnqhobPSkv55sEb21vvKpLE2NNt7B6vZqRLg+bBiW0T/vRdo4w+7whKANVuPrtA== ;{id = 55582} example.com. 10800 IN RRSIG DNSKEY 157 2 10800 20091024111500 20090921111500 2855 example.com. AKdhmjqEbe0STsFNq/UxOidElaWHWCy2hSPQ7oN0Tsq56w6Hsk72PpM= ;{id = 2855} ENTRY_END RANGE_END ; ns.example.com. KSK 55582 and 02855 (signatures updated) RANGE_BEGIN 41 50 ADDRESS ENTRY_BEGIN MATCH opcode qname qtype ADJUST copy_id REPLY QR AA SECTION QUESTION example.com. IN DNSKEY SECTION ANSWER ; KSK 1 example.com. 10800 IN DNSKEY 257 3 5 AwEAAc3Z5DQDJpH4oPdNtC4BUQHk50XMD+dHr4r8psHmivIa83hxR5CRgCtd9sENCW9Ae8OIO19xw9t/RPaEAqQa+OE= ;{id = 55582 (ksk), size = 512b} ; KSK 2 example.com. 10800 IN DNSKEY 257 3 157 ALXLUsWqUrY3JYER3T4TBJIIs70j+sDS/UT2QRp61SE7S3EEXopNXoFE73JLRmvpi/UrOO/Vz4Se6wXv/CYCKjGw06U4WRgRYXcpEhJROyNapmdIKSxhOzfLVE1gqA0PweZR8dtY3aNQSRn3sPpwJr6Mi/PqQKAMMrZ9ckJpf1+bQMOOvxgzz2U1GS18b3yZKcgTMEaJzd/GZYzi/BN2DzQ0MsrSwYXfsNLFOBbs8PJMW4LYIxeeOe6rUgkWOF7CC9Dh/dduQ1QrsJhmZAEFfd6ByYV+ ;{id = 2855 (ksk), size = 1688b} ; signatures example.com. 10800 IN RRSIG DNSKEY 5 2 10800 20091124111500 20091018111500 55582 example.com. FXY4N99Udr/2Q+9oU4Dil9B8XQCBcaU0NlqJ9HnwZoLqzKiPhtxNlldU2Ab5TmuXfnkTT1bTYvsq5Dz6P3ezbw== ;{id = 55582} example.com. 10800 IN RRSIG DNSKEY 157 2 10800 20091124111500 20091018111500 2855 example.com. ABJyZ97htJyBFk5wsKml3YAz81FpXkQKdJeC++fB5ysvl3i+zKJFzTo= ;{id = 2855} ENTRY_END RANGE_END ; ns.example.com. KSK 55582-REVOKED and 02855 RANGE_BEGIN 51 60 ADDRESS ENTRY_BEGIN MATCH opcode qname qtype ADJUST copy_id REPLY QR AA SECTION QUESTION example.com. IN DNSKEY SECTION ANSWER ; KSK 1 example.com. 10800 IN DNSKEY 385 3 5 AwEAAc3Z5DQDJpH4oPdNtC4BUQHk50XMD+dHr4r8psHmivIa83hxR5CRgCtd9sENCW9Ae8OIO19xw9t/RPaEAqQa+OE= ;{id = 55710 (ksk), size = 512b} ; KSK 2 example.com. 10800 IN DNSKEY 257 3 157 ALXLUsWqUrY3JYER3T4TBJIIs70j+sDS/UT2QRp61SE7S3EEXopNXoFE73JLRmvpi/UrOO/Vz4Se6wXv/CYCKjGw06U4WRgRYXcpEhJROyNapmdIKSxhOzfLVE1gqA0PweZR8dtY3aNQSRn3sPpwJr6Mi/PqQKAMMrZ9ckJpf1+bQMOOvxgzz2U1GS18b3yZKcgTMEaJzd/GZYzi/BN2DzQ0MsrSwYXfsNLFOBbs8PJMW4LYIxeeOe6rUgkWOF7CC9Dh/dduQ1QrsJhmZAEFfd6ByYV+ ;{id = 2855 (ksk), size = 1688b} ; signatures example.com. 10800 IN RRSIG DNSKEY 5 2 10800 20091224111500 20091118111500 55710 example.com. w5hXwGyeLHWTzdStx4yjB7LNzt86u9A+Qpl3rtQlTKN/qkWIT+Hxa3M32P6jhFTpf+Iq1K9T06mKM21L3TQAOg== ;{id = 55710} example.com. 10800 IN RRSIG DNSKEY 157 2 10800 20091224111500 20091118111500 2855 example.com. AFAbqLJsTDBfwAipE84ETdFTfzKHs7pzdyzjTKHR2VXygGvHY4QsBaA= ;{id = 2855} ; wrong keytag: 55582 ENTRY_END RANGE_END ; ns.example.com. KSK 02855 RANGE_BEGIN 61 70 ADDRESS ENTRY_BEGIN MATCH opcode qname qtype ADJUST copy_id REPLY QR AA SECTION QUESTION example.com. IN DNSKEY SECTION ANSWER ; KSK 2 example.com. 10800 IN DNSKEY 257 3 157 ALXLUsWqUrY3JYER3T4TBJIIs70j+sDS/UT2QRp61SE7S3EEXopNXoFE73JLRmvpi/UrOO/Vz4Se6wXv/CYCKjGw06U4WRgRYXcpEhJROyNapmdIKSxhOzfLVE1gqA0PweZR8dtY3aNQSRn3sPpwJr6Mi/PqQKAMMrZ9ckJpf1+bQMOOvxgzz2U1GS18b3yZKcgTMEaJzd/GZYzi/BN2DzQ0MsrSwYXfsNLFOBbs8PJMW4LYIxeeOe6rUgkWOF7CC9Dh/dduQ1QrsJhmZAEFfd6ByYV+ ;{id = 2855 (ksk), size = 1688b} ; signatures example.com. 10800 IN RRSIG DNSKEY 157 2 10800 20101224111500 20101118111500 2855 example.com. AJv9ujre3iUykHlhJpLYPqsXq12lmQp+AHUPSPpE5zuUhXAPjbnbewk= ;{id = 2855} ENTRY_END RANGE_END ; set date/time to Aug 24 07:46:40 (2009). STEP 5 TIME_PASSES ELAPSE 1251100000 STEP 6 TRAFFIC ; the initial probe STEP 7 ASSIGN t0 = ${time} STEP 8 ASSIGN probe0 = ${range 4800 ${timeout} 5400} ; the auto probing should have been done now. STEP 10 CHECK_AUTOTRUST example.com FILE_BEGIN ; autotrust trust anchor file ;;id: example.com. 1 ;;last_queried: ${$t0} ;;${ctime $t0} ;;last_success: ${$t0} ;;${ctime $t0} ;;next_probe_time: ${$t0 + $probe0} ;;${ctime $t0 + $probe0} ;;query_failed: 0 ;;query_interval: 5400 ;;retry_time: 3600 example.com. 10800 IN DNSKEY 257 3 5 AwEAAc3Z5DQDJpH4oPdNtC4BUQHk50XMD+dHr4r8psHmivIa83hxR5CRgCtd9sENCW9Ae8OIO19xw9t/RPaEAqQa+OE= ;{id = 55582 (ksk), size = 512b} ;;state=2 [ VALID ] ;;count=0 ;;lastchange=${$t0} ;;${ctime $t0} FILE_END ; key prepublished. First poll. 30 days later STEP 11 TIME_PASSES EVAL ${30*24*3600} STEP 12 TRAFFIC STEP 13 ASSIGN t1 = ${time} STEP 14 ASSIGN probe1 = ${range 4800 ${timeout} 5400} STEP 15 CHECK_AUTOTRUST example.com FILE_BEGIN ; autotrust trust anchor file ;;id: example.com. 1 ;;last_queried: ${$t1} ;;${ctime $t1} ;;last_success: ${$t1} ;;${ctime $t1} ;;next_probe_time: ${$t1 + $probe1} ;;${ctime $t1 + $probe1} ;;query_failed: 0 ;;query_interval: 5400 ;;retry_time: 3600 example.com. 10800 IN DNSKEY 257 3 5 AwEAAc3Z5DQDJpH4oPdNtC4BUQHk50XMD+dHr4r8psHmivIa83hxR5CRgCtd9sENCW9Ae8OIO19xw9t/RPaEAqQa+OE= ;{id = 55582 (ksk), size = 512b} ;;state=2 [ VALID ] ;;count=0 ;;lastchange=${$t0} ;;${ctime $t0} FILE_END ; Second poll. 10 days later STEP 21 TIME_PASSES EVAL ${10*24*3600} STEP 22 TRAFFIC STEP 23 ASSIGN t2 = ${time} STEP 24 ASSIGN probe2 = ${range 4800 ${timeout} 5400} STEP 25 CHECK_AUTOTRUST example.com FILE_BEGIN ; autotrust trust anchor file ;;id: example.com. 1 ;;last_queried: ${$t2} ;;${ctime $t2} ;;last_success: ${$t2} ;;${ctime $t2} ;;next_probe_time: ${$t2 + $probe2} ;;${ctime $t2 + $probe2} ;;query_failed: 0 ;;query_interval: 5400 ;;retry_time: 3600 example.com. 10800 IN DNSKEY 257 3 5 AwEAAc3Z5DQDJpH4oPdNtC4BUQHk50XMD+dHr4r8psHmivIa83hxR5CRgCtd9sENCW9Ae8OIO19xw9t/RPaEAqQa+OE= ;{id = 55582 (ksk), size = 512b} ;;state=2 [ VALID ] ;;count=0 ;;lastchange=${$t0} ;;${ctime $t0} FILE_END ; Third poll. 10 days later STEP 31 TIME_PASSES EVAL ${10*24*3600} STEP 32 TRAFFIC STEP 33 ASSIGN t3 = ${time} STEP 34 ASSIGN probe3 = ${range 4800 ${timeout} 5400} STEP 35 CHECK_AUTOTRUST example.com FILE_BEGIN ; autotrust trust anchor file ;;id: example.com. 1 ;;last_queried: ${$t3} ;;${ctime $t3} ;;last_success: ${$t3} ;;${ctime $t3} ;;next_probe_time: ${$t3 + $probe3} ;;${ctime $t3 + $probe3} ;;query_failed: 0 ;;query_interval: 5400 ;;retry_time: 3600 example.com. 10800 IN DNSKEY 257 3 5 AwEAAc3Z5DQDJpH4oPdNtC4BUQHk50XMD+dHr4r8psHmivIa83hxR5CRgCtd9sENCW9Ae8OIO19xw9t/RPaEAqQa+OE= ;{id = 55582 (ksk), size = 512b} ;;state=2 [ VALID ] ;;count=0 ;;lastchange=${$t0} ;;${ctime $t0} FILE_END ; 11 days later, hold down has lapsed. STEP 41 TIME_PASSES EVAL ${11*24*3600} STEP 42 TRAFFIC STEP 43 ASSIGN t4 = ${time} STEP 44 ASSIGN probe4 = ${range 4800 ${timeout} 5400} STEP 45 CHECK_AUTOTRUST example.com FILE_BEGIN ; autotrust trust anchor file ;;id: example.com. 1 ;;last_queried: ${$t4} ;;${ctime $t4} ;;last_success: ${$t4} ;;${ctime $t4} ;;next_probe_time: ${$t4 + $probe4} ;;${ctime $t4 + $probe4} ;;query_failed: 0 ;;query_interval: 5400 ;;retry_time: 3600 example.com. 10800 IN DNSKEY 257 3 5 AwEAAc3Z5DQDJpH4oPdNtC4BUQHk50XMD+dHr4r8psHmivIa83hxR5CRgCtd9sENCW9Ae8OIO19xw9t/RPaEAqQa+OE= ;{id = 55582 (ksk), size = 512b} ;;state=2 [ VALID ] ;;count=0 ;;lastchange=${$t0} ;;${ctime $t0} FILE_END ; 30 days later, the old key is revoked STEP 51 TIME_PASSES EVAL ${30*24*3600} STEP 52 TRAFFIC STEP 53 ASSIGN t5 = ${time} ; no more timeout STEP 54 ASSIGN probe5 = ${range 0 ${timeout} 0} STEP 55 CHECK_AUTOTRUST example.com FILE_BEGIN ; autotrust trust anchor file ;;REVOKED ; The zone has all keys revoked, and is ; considered as if it has no trust anchors. ; the remainder of the file is the last probe. ; to restart the trust anchor, overwrite this file. ; with one containing valid DNSKEYs or DSes. ;;id: example.com. 1 ;;last_queried: ${$t5} ;;${ctime $t5} ;;last_success: ${$t5} ;;${ctime $t5} ;;next_probe_time: 0 ;;${ctime 0} ;;query_failed: 0 ;;query_interval: 5400 ;;retry_time: 3600 example.com. 10800 IN DNSKEY 385 3 5 AwEAAc3Z5DQDJpH4oPdNtC4BUQHk50XMD+dHr4r8psHmivIa83hxR5CRgCtd9sENCW9Ae8OIO19xw9t/RPaEAqQa+OE= ;{id = 55710 (ksk), size = 512b} ;;state=4 [ REVOKED ] ;;count=0 ;;lastchange=${$t5} ;;${ctime $t5} FILE_END ; 370 days later, the old key is removed from storage STEP 61 TIME_PASSES EVAL ${370*24*3600} STEP 62 TRAFFIC STEP 63 ASSIGN t6 = ${time} STEP 64 ASSIGN probe6 = ${range 0 ${timeout} 0} STEP 65 CHECK_AUTOTRUST example.com FILE_BEGIN ; autotrust trust anchor file ;;REVOKED ; The zone has all keys revoked, and is ; considered as if it has no trust anchors. ; the remainder of the file is the last probe. ; to restart the trust anchor, overwrite this file. ; with one containing valid DNSKEYs or DSes. ;;id: example.com. 1 ;;last_queried: ${$t5} ;;${ctime $t5} ;;last_success: ${$t5} ;;${ctime $t5} ;;next_probe_time: 0 ;;${ctime 0} ;;query_failed: 0 ;;query_interval: 5400 ;;retry_time: 3600 example.com. 10800 IN DNSKEY 385 3 5 AwEAAc3Z5DQDJpH4oPdNtC4BUQHk50XMD+dHr4r8psHmivIa83hxR5CRgCtd9sENCW9Ae8OIO19xw9t/RPaEAqQa+OE= ;{id = 55710 (ksk), size = 512b} ;;state=4 [ REVOKED ] ;;count=0 ;;lastchange=${$t5} ;;${ctime $t5} FILE_END SCENARIO_END