rd IQ qU S"t/uP:"aY7~fn i J* |D 0| XܬµȮL?6Are you sure you want to overwrite the specified file? MainWindowCancel MainWindowɝ . `LƔ?/Cancel Verify. Are you sure you want to cancel? MainWindowǬ Չ .Cancel current process. MainWindow `LƔ?Cancel? MainWindow: Xt t h  LjµȲ. `LƔ?TCanceling now will result in a corrupt destination. Are you sure you want to cancel? MainWindowDComplete MainWindow 0 UxConfirm Overwrite MainWindow0 UxConfirm overwrite MainWindowCopy MainWindowtܹ| tܸ\ Copy hash to clipboard MainWindow ` 00Device MainWindow4¤l t (*.img *.IMG);;*.*Disk Images (*.img *.IMG);;*.* MainWindow0¤l  t l JµȲ.1Disk is not large enough for the specified image. MainWindowD.Done. MainWindowȅExit MainWindow Win32 ¤l t ȅExit Win32 Disk Imager MainWindow ȅ`LƔ?Exit? MainWindowJ ȅX @ t ɝt  LjµȲ. ȅ`LƔ?GExiting now will cancel verifying image. Are you sure you want to exit? MainWindow< ȅXt ¤l h  LjµȲ. ȅ`LƔ?IExiting now will result in a corrupt disk. Are you sure you want to exit? MainWindowB ȅXt t |t h  LjµȲ. ȅ`LƔ?OExiting now will result in a corrupt image file. Are you sure you want to exit? MainWindow | $X File Error MainWindow |  File Info MainWindow1Generate MainWindow | ݴ tܹ| 1Generate selected hash on file MainWindow1  ... Generating... MainWindowtHash MainWindow t | Image File MainWindow6t |D 00 XЬ  µȲ.2Image file cannot be located on the target device. MainWindowLNone MainWindowt ͩX JµȲ!Not enough available space! MainWindow,ǐ̹| ǥX0 \ |D X8Ɣ.&Please specify a file to save data to. MainWindow.ƩX0 \ t |D t8Ɣ.$Please specify an image file to use. MainWindowՉProgress MainWindow}0Read MainWindow}0 (.Read Canceled. MainWindow` X }0Read Only Allocated Partitions MainWindow }0 1.Read Successful. MainWindow.'00' 't |'\ ǐ }0'Read data from 'Device' to 'Image File' MainWindow¤l t Select a disk image MainWindow ɝD \ t ܹ| !Select hash type for verification MainWindowl0 乄!Size Mismatch! MainWindow$ ݴ |t tǬX JµȲ.!The selected file does not exist. MainWindow" |@ ǐ̬ µȲ.$The specified file contains no data. MainWindow90 ɝ ( : %1!Verification failed at sector: %1 MainWindow ɝ $X Verify Error MainWindow ɝ (Verify Failure MainWindowɝ Verify Only MainWindow ɝ 1.Verify Successful. MainWindow* ݴ ܷ|t X t | ɝX0-Verify the image file with the selected drive MainWindowǑD X 0乬 .Waiting for a task. MainWindowWin32 ¤l tWin32 Disk Imager MainWindow0Write MainWindow 0 $X Write Error MainWindow 0 1.Write Successful. MainWindow,'t |' '00'\ ǐ 0(Write data from 'Image File' to 'Device' MainWindowd< 00 0 00| p  LjµȲ. ( 00: %1 "%2") `LƔ?pWriting to a physical device can corrupt the device. (Target Device: %1 "%2") Are you sure you want to continue? MainWindow, ݴ |D }0\ \t µȲ.4You do not have permision to read the selected file. MainWindowDhX ƴҸt| ܳ` L $X . $X %1: %2FAn error occurred when attempting to dismount the volume. Error %1: %2QObjectL%3 X xD Ż<$ ܳ` L $X . $X %1: %2EAn error occurred when attempting to get a handle on %3. Error %1: %2QObjectD00X xD Ż0 ܳ` L $X . $X %1: %2MAn error occurred when attempting to get a handle on the device. Error %1: %2QObjectD |X xD Ż0 ܳ` L $X . $X %1: %2KAn error occurred when attempting to get a handle on the file. Error %1: %2QObjectJh xD Ż<$ ܳ` L $X . $X %1: %2MAn error occurred when attempting to get a handle on the volume. Error %1: %2QObjectFh | Ż<$ ܳ` L $X . $X %1: %2LAn error occurred when attempting to get information on volume. Error %1: %2QObjectJ00X $TҸ| Ż<$ ` L $X . $X %1: %2LAn error occurred when attempting to get the device's geometry. Error %1: %2QObject@hD Ǡ$ ܳ` L $X . $X %1: %2BAn error occurred when attempting to lock the volume. Error %1: %2QObjectLx\0 ǐ̹| }<$ ܳ` L $X . $X %1: %2HAn error occurred when attempting to read data from handle. Error %1: %2QObjectBhX Ǡt| ܳ` L $X . $X %1: %2DAn error occurred when attempting to unlock the volume. Error %1: %2QObjectBx\ ǐ̹| $ ` L $X . $X %1: %2GAn error occurred when attempting to write data to handle. Error %1: %2QObject00 8| Ż H $X . t@ ѵ Ŵ t Ǭ 00 \ D XiȲ; ̴ QƩ\D ܳX Ɣ. $X %1: %2An error occurred while getting the device number. This usually means something is currently accessing the device;please close all applications and try again. Error %1: %2QObject: |l0| Ż H $X . $X %1: %2;An error occurred while getting the file size. Error %1: %2QObject1D XX H $X . t@ ѵ Ŵ t Ǭ 00 \ D XiȲ; ̴ QƩ\D ܳX Ɣ. $X %1: %2An error occurred while querying the properties. This usually means something is currently accessing the device; please close all applications and try again. Error %1: %2QObject 00 $X Device ErrorQObjectƴҸ t $XDismount ErrorQObjectf%1 00X ǥD Żp (. $X %2: %3 ǥ l0 ̴l| X JµȲ.^Failed to get the free space on drive %1. Error %2: %3 Checking of free space will be skipped.QObject | $ File ErrorQObjectǥ $XFree Space ErrorQObject Ǡ $X Lock ErrorQObject }0 $X Read ErrorQObjectǠt $X Unlock ErrorQObject h $X Volume ErrorQObject 0 $X Write ErrorQObject