iReport NB Release 3.5.3 August 3, 2009 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The iReport Team is pleased to announce the new iReport release: 3.5.3. iReport is available as standalone application and as NetBeans plugin for NetBeans IDE 6.x. This version includes several improvements and bug fixes. New features and changes: - Updated to JasperReports 3.5.3 - Improved expression editor - Automatic compilation of subreports - Support for XML, XHTML and DOCX exporters - New template wizard with many new templates - Autodetection of viewer applications - Several bug fixes Download iReport plugin for NetBeans Complete changelog - Modified ireport.exe to fix a problem when missing the user app data registry key - Feature Req 0000941: iReport should compile automatically all referenced sub reports - Feature Req 0004151: Support for the XHTML Exporter of JasperReports - Feature Req 0004147: Support for the .docx exporter of JasperReports - Feature Req 0000942: Add XML Preview in iReports - Feature Req 0003596: dialog to edit file - Fixed bug 0003671: Under Linux Acrobat cannot find preview pdf - Fixed bug 0004061: IReport supplies (OLD) JDBC Drivers that can't be replaced without building - Fixed bug 0004119: Cancel Meter Intervals Dialog removes All Intervals - Fixed bug 0004019: java.sql.Timestamp parameter contains wrong value - Fixed bug 0004021: iReport 3.5.2 compatibility save removes group footers - Fixed bug 0004121: default value of runToBottom property misrepresented in checkbox - Fixed bug 0004142: Report designer has no fields on a CSV source - Fixed bug 0004017: Bad encoding of characters with accents in JRXML - Fixed bug 0004104: HQLFieldsReader deals incorrectly with fields of primitive types - Fixed bug 0004078: iReport 3.5.1 or 3.5.2 freeze when trying to add multiple list components to a Frame - Improved expression editor - Fixed bug 14693 applying a style corrupts jrxml - Fixed bug 14817 Cannot create simple report - Fixed bug 14906 - CSV data source does not handle row separators as expected - Fixed bug renaming conditional styles - Added support for Ignore Width property for crosstabs - Added support for Label Item for Pie and Bar charts - Automatic opening of output files using OS features (for Win32 and MacOS) - Added edit with external text editor menu item - iReport is set as default txt, csv and xml viewer if a viewer application is not set in the properties - iReport tries now to automatically detect the system browser for HTML preview - Added new templates - Added a button to save a page as png (for template thumbnail porpuses) in the preview toolbar - Improved template wizard with ability to read jrxml properties to drive the template generation - New template chooser with integrated wizard - Fixed bug 14622 - [Case #8466] The separators setting for the CSV datasource is not retained after iReport is restarted - Fixed bug 14505 - Ship Vertica JDBC driver with iReport Pro - Fixed bug 15001 - [Case #9242] crosstab measure expression class incorrectly set in iReport - Fixed bug 14815 - [Case #9134] iR 3.5.2 - Compatibility Mode changes only after saving the report - Fixed bug 14616 - Property "Legend font" should be "Legend Font" - Fixed bug 14602 - [case #8859] Report Wizard does not suggest default Datasource