title=Connections between two different Whonix-Workstations
|description=How-to: Connect from Whonix-Workstation (client) to another Whonix-Workstation (server). (Esoteric Documentation)
How-to: Connect from Whonix-Workstation (client) to another Whonix-Workstation (server). (Esoteric Documentation)
= Instructions =
'''1.''' Multiple workstation setup.

Follow the usual documentation on how to set up [[Multiple Whonix-Workstation]].

'''2.''' Server installation.

Install the server software in the [[Whonix-Workstation]] (server) which is supposed to be reachable from another Whonix-Workstation.

'''3.''' Firewall settings.


The Whonix-Workstation which is supposed to provide a server service (open port) needs to be configured to [[Whonix-Workstation_Firewall#Open_an_Incoming_Port|open an incoming port in Whonix-Workstation firewall]].


The Whonix-Workstation (client) which connect to the other Whonix-Workstation (server) does not need any special configuration.

'''4.''' VPN notice.

VPNs are known to break connections to other machines in the (virtual) LAN. Therefore if the user is using a VPN, that might be the reason why Whonix-Workstation cannot connect to another Whonix-Workstation. The user might need to disable the VPN or reconfigure it to allow connections inside the (virtual) LAN. 

'''5.''' Reading [[Stream_Isolation/Easy]] might help.

'''6.''' If you need to connect to localhost for testing purposes, refer also to [[Local Connections]].

'''7.''' If using curl (or other applications that are configured for [[Stream Isolation]] by default in Whonix) for local connections or connections to other Whonix-Workstations, the stream isolation wrapper uwt needs to be disabled or circumvented. Curl stream isolation circumvention example:

Do not use:


Instead use:


'''8.''' Tor Browser notice.

Also [[Tor Browser]] might be difficult to use for this purpose. This is due to the design of Tor Browser for its specialized use case by its original developers. This is [[unspecific|unspecific to Whonix]].

'''9.''' Done.

= Forum Discussion =

= See Also =
* [[Local Connections]]
* [[Multiple Whonix-Workstation]]

= Footnotes =