|description=Optional {{project_name_gateway_long}} Security Hardening for advanced users.
Optional {{project_name_gateway_short}} Security Hardening for advanced users.
= Introduction =

| type    = notice
| image   = [[File:Ambox_notice.png|40px|alt=Info]]
| text    = '''Tip:''' Disabling [https://www.whonix.org/wiki/Dev/onion-grater Control Port Filter Proxy] (onion-grater) can improve security by decreasing the attack surface, while sacrificing usability.

Note that if onion-grater is disabled, users will no longer receive helpful {{project_name_long}} notifications when Tor is not fully bootstrapped, since the whonixcheck and sdwdate tools rely upon it.

= How-to: Disable Control Port Filter Proxy =

== {{project_name_gateway_short}} ==

=== Deactivate onion-grater in Firewall ===
'''1.''' {{Firewall_Settings}}

'''2.''' Add the following content.


'''3.''' Save the file.

'''4.''' {{Reload_Firewall}}
=== Deactivate onion-grater ===
'''1.''' Stop onion-grater.

sudo service onion-grater stop

'''2.''' Disable autostart of onion-grater.

sudo systemctl mask onion-grater

'''3.''' Reboot.

'''4.''' Check if onion-grater is still running or disabled.

ps aux {{!}} grep onion-grater

If output similar to the following appears, then disabling did not work.

onion-g+   911  3.2  1.9  66444 20644 ?        Ss   12:21   0:00 /usr/bin/python3 -u /usr/lib/onion-grater --debug --listen-interface eth1
=== Deactivate whonixcheck onion-grater Running Test ===
'''1.''' {{Open with root rights|filename=

'''2.''' Add the following content.

systemcheck_skip_functions+=" check_control_port_filter_running "

'''3.''' Save the file.

== {{project_name_workstation_long}} ==

=== Deactivate whonixcheck Tor Bootstrap Test ===

Because it relies on onion-grater.
'''1.''' {{Open with root rights|filename=

'''2.''' Add the following content.

systemcheck_skip_functions+=" check_tor_bootstrap "

'''3.''' Save the file.
=== Deactivate sdwdate Connectivity Test ===
{{project_name_workstation_short}} only.

'''1.''' {{Open with root rights|filename=

'''2.''' Replace the existing content with the following text.

exit 0

'''3.''' Save the file.

'''4.''' Restart sdwdate.

sudo systemctl restart sdwdate

The procedure is complete.

Be aware that this setting will not persist after any upgrade of sdwdate, nor is sdwdate currently configurable. <ref>Any {{project_name_short}} users interested in further development should create a relevant ticket on [https://forums.whonix.org/ Whonix Forums].</ref>

=== Tor Browser Updater ===

In order to update [[Tor Browser]] using [[Tor_Browser#Update_Tor_Browser|Tor Browser Updater by {{project_name_short}} developers]] while onion-grater is disabled, complete the following step. <ref>It is far simpler to update using [[Tor_Browser#Tor_Browser_Internal_Updater|Tor Browser's internal updater]] instead.</ref>

update-torbrowser --no-tor-con-check

Or create a file ''/etc/torbrowser.d/50_user.conf'' with the following content.


= Static VirtualBox IP =

Instead of using DHCP to obtain the internal IP address for the {{project_name_workstation_short}} <code>eth0</code> NAT adapter, a static IP can be used instead. This might marginally improve security because the DHCP package can then be removed.

Open ''/etc/network/interfaces.d/30_non-qubes-whonix'' [https://github.com/{{project_name_short}}/whonix-gw-network-conf/blob/master/etc/network/interfaces.d/30_non-qubes-whonix on GitHub] and read the comments. Then, comment out DHCP and comment in Static VirtualBox IP.

= Footnotes =

