|description=VFAQ. Virtual Frequently Asked Questions.
== Why is the Default Username "user" and Password "changeme"? ==

Because 'technically' there is "no installation". {{project_name_long}} images are pre-installed operating system images. The history of {{project_name_long}} is that we started to ship downloadable VM images. What you might perceive as installation process, for example VirtualBox import is "not an installation". It is the same for any VM image that would be imported. There is no feature in virtualizers that would allow to inject code to do things at this stage. The code running for importing the images is solely by the virtualizer and modifying that would be non-trivial and require to maintain a fork of the virtualizer. To add such code on the operating system that hosts {{project_name_long}} would be non-trivial and operating system specific. It would require to mount and modify the images. Too unimportant to put any effort into it. Would probably result in more bugs, and confusion, than what we have now. I see Qubes(-{{project_name_long}}) as the evolution of this, since there are no passwords there.

For further information, refer to this forum discussion: [https://forums.whonix.org/t/whonix-installation-from-default-password-to-user-password/2073/2 {{project_name_short}} Installation from default password to user password].

== Where are the 32-bit {{project_name_short}} Builds? ==

Only 64-bit {{project_name_short}} builds are available for download. This decision is based on the small number of affected users and the associated maintenance burden. To learn more, see: [[Dev/64bit|32-bit or 64-bit?]]

Forum discussion: [https://forums.whonix.org/t/virtualbox-has-no-installation-candidate/10091 virtualbox has no installation candidate].

== Why is KVM Recommended over VirtualBox? ==

In summary:
* VirtualBox [[VirtualBox#VirtualBox_Unavailable_in_Debian_main_due_to_Licensing_Issues|does not meet the definition of Free Software]];
* the parent company Oracle has poor security practices -- serious bugs have remained unpatched for an extended period; and
* significant VirtualBox functionality is only available as a proprietary extension.

To learn more, see: [[KVM#Why_Use_KVM_Over_VirtualBox.3F|Why Use KVM Over VirtualBox?]]

== Why is Qubes Recommended over other Virtualizers? ==

In summary, Qubes:
* runs a bare-metal virtualizer (Xen) and isolates hardware controllers and multiple user domains (qubes) in separate VMs that are explicitly assigned different levels of trust;
* has an advanced separation / least privilege design;
* provides better hardware and protocol protection than software compartmentalization;
* provides significant networking protection;
* allows advanced security features like Disposable VMs, secure copy / paste operations between VMs, secure copying and transfer of files between VMs, and sanitization of PDFs and images;
* can tunnel the whole system more easily through Tor;
* enables multiple {{project_name_workstation_long}} AppVMs to easily use the same {{project_name_gateway_long}} ProxyVM without being able to make contact with one another; and
* is easier to install and has better performance.

To learn more, see:
* [[Qubes/Why_use_Qubes_over_other_Virtualizers|Why use Qubes over other Virtualizers?]]
* Forum: [https://forums.whonix.org/t/qubes-whonix-security-disadvantages-help-wanted/8581 Qubes-Whonix Security Disadvantages - Help Wanted!]

== How can I be sure I'll like {{project_name_short}}? ==
You cannot. There's a downside and an upside:

* On the downside, internet speed is slow ([[Why_is_Tor_slow|why?]]), a number of websites or services [https://gitlab.torproject.org/legacy/trac/-/wikis/org/doc/ListOfServicesBlockingTor actively block Tor users] ([[Tor_Browser#Bypass_Tor_Censorship|Bypass Tor Censorship]]) and using a Linux distribution has a learning curve ([https://www.kicksecure.com/wiki/Linux_User_Experience_versus_Commercial_Operating_Systems Linux User Experience versus Commercial Operating Systems]).
* On the upside, {{project_name_short}} has a solid ten-year [[history]] of providing [[Whonix_against_Real_Attacks|Whonix Track Record against Real Cyber Attacks]]. See also [[FAQ#What_are_the_Advantages_of_Whonix?|What are the Advantages of {{project_name_short}}?]]


