{{Header}} {{title|title=
Tor Documentation for {{project_name_long}} Users
}} {{#seo:
|description=Notes about Tor (The Onion Router) on Log Analysis, Non-Persistent Entry Guards, Blacklist Certain Onion Services from Connecting, Additional SocksPorts, UDP and more.
}} [[File:Iconfinder_tor_386502.svg|Tor Icon|200px|thumb]] {{intro|
Does Whonix use Tor? Yes. Why? See [[Why_does_Whonix_use_Tor|Why does Whonix use Tor]].
= Configuration =
== Introduction ==
<u>Essential Tor Configuration</u>:

For enabling Tor, disabling Tor and using [[Bridges]] the user can use [[Anon Connection Wizard]]. <ref>
[[Anon Connection Wizard]] stores its configuration file file <code>/usr/local/etc/torrc.d/40_tor_control_panel.conf</code>.

<u>Advanced Tor Configuration</u>:

Tor configuration can also be modified by editing the Tor configuration file(s).

| type      = notice
| image   = [[File:Ambox_notice.png|40px|alt=Info]]
| text    = It is recommended for simplicity for most users that <u>all</u> unique user Tor configurations should be stored in Tor configuration file <code>/usr/local/etc/torrc.d/50_user.conf</code> and nowhere else. <ref>
<code>/usr/local/etc/torrc.d/40_tor_control_panel.conf</code> is auto generated. It can be examined but changes should only be made to <code>/usr/local/etc/torrc.d/50_user.conf</code>.
</ref> Note that {{project_name_short}} will <u>not</u> modify <code>/usr/local/etc/torrc.d/50_user.conf</code> once it is created, therefore the user is responsible for adding or removing specific configurations in this file.

[[Configuration_Files#Configuration_Drop-In_Folders|Configuration Drop-In Folders]] <code>/etc/torrc.d/</code> and <code>/usr/local/etc/torrc.d/</code> are a {{project_name_short}} specific feature. ([[Dev/Tor#Tor_Config_Files|technical details]]) Advanced users and packages specifically supporting {{project_name_short}} are free to use these folders, however other distributions such as Debian do not support it at time of writing. <ref>
Debian feature request: [https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=866187 add torrc.d configuration directory]

== Edit Tor Configuration ==
{{Open /usr/local/etc/torrc.d/50 user.conf}}

== Configuration Check ==
To discover if there are any Tor configuration syntax errors and to see which Tor configuration files are processed in which order, run the following command inside {{project_name_gateway_long}} ([[Qubes|{{q_project_name_long}}]]: <code>{{project_name_gateway_vm}}</code>).


The output should be similar to the following.

|                      Report Summary                               |
No error detected in your Tor configuration.
Tor verify exit code: 0
|                      Tor Full Report                              |
Aug 09 19:29:56.669 [notice] Tor (git-ca1a436fa8e53a32) running on Linux with Libevent 2.0.21-stable, OpenSSL 1.1.0f, Zlib 1.2.8, Liblzma 5.2.2, and Libzstd 1.1.2.
Aug 09 19:29:56.669 [notice] Tor can't help you if you use it wrong! Learn how to be safe at https://archive.ph/o/Aj1oi/https://www.torproject.org/download/download%23warning
Aug 09 19:29:56.669 [notice] Read configuration file "/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc".
Aug 09 19:29:56.669 [notice] Read configuration file "/etc/tor/torrc".
Aug 09 19:29:56.672 [notice] You configured a non-loopback address '' for DNSPort. This allows everybody on your local network to use your machine as a proxy. Make sure this is what you wanted.
Aug 09 19:29:56.672 [notice] You configured a non-loopback address '' for TransPort. This allows everybody on your local network to use your machine as a proxy. Make sure this is what you wanted.
Configuration was valid
|                 Used Tor Configuration Files                      |
5 files are used as Tor configuration files:
/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc /etc/tor/torrc /etc/torrc.d/95_whonix.conf /usr/local/etc/torrc.d/40_tor_control_panel.conf /usr/local/etc/torrc.d/50_user.conf

= Log Analysis =
== Introduction ==
Analysis of Tor's (and [[vanguards|vanguards]]'s) log can be useful if connectivity issues emerge.

Regarding log messages from vanguards, see also [[vanguards#Log_Analysis|vanguards, Log Analysis]].

== anon-log ==
<code>anon-log</code> simplifies the manual [[#Dump Tor Log|dump Tor log]] command by only showing relevant log entries and no [[#Non-Issues|non-issues]].

sudo anon-log

The output should be similar to the following.


Starting Anonymizing overlay network for TCP (multi-instance-master)...
Started Anonymizing overlay network for TCP (multi-instance-master).


Jan 20 11:50:47.733 [notice] Tor running on Linux with Libevent 2.1.8-stable, OpenSSL 1.1.1d, Zlib 1.2.11, Liblzma 5.2.4, and Libzstd 1.3.8.
Jan 20 11:50:47.733 [notice] Tor can't help you if you use it wrong! Learn how to be safe at https://archive.ph/o/Aj1oi/https://www.torproject.org/download/download%23warning
Jan 20 11:50:47.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 0% (starting): Starting
Jan 20 11:50:48.000 [notice] Starting with guard context "default"
Jan 20 11:50:48.000 [notice] Signaled readiness to systemd
Jan 20 11:50:48.000 [notice] Received reload signal (hup). Reloading config and resetting internal state.
Jan 20 11:50:48.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 5% (conn): Connecting to a relay
Jan 20 11:50:48.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 10% (conn_done): Connected to a relay
Jan 20 11:50:49.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 14% (handshake): Handshaking with a relay
Jan 20 11:50:49.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 15% (handshake_done): Handshake with a relay done
Jan 20 11:50:49.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 75% (enough_dirinfo): Loaded enough directory info to build circuits
Jan 20 11:50:49.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 90% (ap_handshake_done): Handshake finished with a relay to build circuits
Jan 20 11:50:49.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 95% (circuit_create): Establishing a Tor circuit
Jan 20 11:50:54.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 100% (done): Done


WARNING[Wed Jan 20 11:50:48 2021]: Tor daemon connection closed. Trying again...
NOTICE[Wed Jan 20 11:50:49 2021]: Vanguards 0.3.1 connected to Tor using stem 1.7.1

== Dump Tor Log ==
Not required when using [[#anon-log|anon-log]]. <ref>
* <code>-b</code>: shortcut for <code>journalctl</code> <code>--boot</code> which shows only log entries from current boot. Not from previous boots.
* <code>--output cat</code>: Prevention of duplicate timestamp per log line. Prevent <code>journalctl</code> from adding a timestamp to the log output since this is unnecessary since Tor already adds its own timestamp to the log.
* <code>--no-pager</code>: Dump log to stdout. No scrolling.
* <code>tor</code>: multi-instance-master
* <code>tor@default</code>: actual Tor process
* <code>vanguards</code>: add-on, see [[vanguards|vanguards]]

sudo journalctl -b --output cat --no-pager -u tor -u tor@default -u vanguards

== Watch Tor Log ==
Users can also watch Tor's log as it is written.

sudo journalctl -f -b --output cat --no-pager -u tor -u tor@default -u vanguards

This command is especially useful when Tor is reloaded or restarted simultaneously in another terminal window.

To [[#Reload Tor|reload Tor]], run the following command.

sudo service tor@default reload

To [[#Restart Tor|restart Tor]], run the following command.

sudo service tor@default restart

= Connectivity Troubleshooting =
To debug, try these commands in {{project_name_gateway_short}} ([[Qubes|{{q_project_name_short}}]]: <code>{{project_name_gateway_vm}}</code>).

'''1.''' See [[Troubleshooting]].

'''2.''' [[#Configuration Check|Run a Configuration Check]].

'''3.''' Verbose run of [https://www.kicksecure.com/wiki/Systemcheck systemcheck] including leak tests. (These are just used as a connectivity test. There is no indication to suspect any leaks.)

systemcheck --verbose --leak-tests

'''4.''' Run a connectivity test. (Test connectivity independent from, without waiting for time synchronization being done.)

systemcheck --verbose --leak-tests --function check_tor_socks_port

'''5.''' Run a clock test.

sudo anondate-get

'''6.''' Running APT inside {{project_name_gateway_short}}. (Related: [[Operating System Software and Updates]])

sudo apt update

If APT fails, it's a "lower level" issue, connectivity issue. ([[Qubes|{{q_project_name_short}}]]: no need to look into Template, tinyproxy.)

'''7.''' [[Whonix-Workstation_Firewall#Ping|"Forget" about <code>ping</code>.]]

'''8.''' Sometimes a [[#Tor Consensus Re-Download|Tor Consensus Re-Download]] can help.

'''9.''' [[Tor#Log_Analysis|Tor Log Analysis]].

'''10.''' <s>[[vanguards|vanguards]] L[[Vanguards#Log_Analysis|og Analysis]]</s> (Not applicable at time of writing.)

'''11.''' See also [[Network Obstacle]] and [[Bridges]].

'''12.''' Unnecessary use of Bridges.

Using Bridges if not really needed can cause connectivity issues. Users not living in censored areas should consider not using bridges. As mentioned on the [[Bridges]] wiki page:

[https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-talk/2012-May/024378.html Quote] Roger Dingledine, cofounder of Tor:

<blockquote>[...] Bridges are less reliable and tend to have lower performance than other entry points. If you live in a uncensored area, they are not necessarily more secure than entry guards. [...]</blockquote>

'''13.''' See [[#Tor Generic Bug Reproduction|Tor Generic Bug Reproduction]].

{{Anchor|tor not running}}

= Tor not running =
If it is reported that Tor is not running (such as by [https://www.kicksecure.com/wiki/Systemcheck systemcheck] <code>Tor Running Check</code>) then this means only that Tor is not running. This test result should not be over interpreted.

Tor not running means that the Tor process/program is currently not running indeed. This is completely unrelated to any clock issues. Even if the clock was very wrong, very slow in year 1900 or super fast in year 2100 this would not lead to Tor not running. Connectivity is a different issue. Tor would be running but might be unable to connect. If that was the case, there would be a different error message.

To independently verify that Tor is not running, the following command can be used on {{project_name_gateway_short}}.

sudo systemctl status tor@default

Reason for Tor not running could be that either Tor was stopped by the user or a configuration issue. To investigate further, see [[#Configuration Check]] and [[#Log Analysis]].

= Permissions Fix =
If error messages like the following appear.

Oct 24 07:22:15.693 [warn] Directory /var/lib/tor/.tor cannot be read: Permission denied

Oct 25 12:35:07.460 [warn] Directory /var/lib/tor cannot be read: Permission denied

Oct 25 12:35:07.460 [warn] Failed to parse/validate config: Couldn't access private data directory "/var/lib/tor"

Then apply the following steps.

'''1.''' {{Open_a__product_gw_terminal}}

'''2.''' Apply a permissions fix for the Tor data folder.

sudo chown --recursive debian-tor:debian-tor /var/lib/tor

'''3.''' {{Restart_Tor}}

'''4.''' Done.

Error messages should no longer appear after completing these steps. <ref>
[https://phabricator.whonix.org/T855 systemcheck /var/lib/tor folder permission]

= Non-Issues =
{| class="wikitable" style="background-color: #fff;text-align: left"

! '''Message / Question'''
! '''Answer'''

| <u>{{Code2|Am I compromised? Does Tor's log report leaks?}}
| Tor's output is an ineffective tool for discovering serious issues such as a compromise or leaks.</u>

| {{Code2|[WARN] Socks version 71 not recognized. (Tor is not an http proxy.)}}
This warning is caused by [https://www.kicksecure.com/wiki/Systemcheck systemcheck], specifically the function {{Code2|check_tor_socks_port_reachability}} which checks if a Tor SocksPort is reachable by trying to fetch it using curl. <ref>
</ref> No warnings appear if the function works correctly.

| {{Code2|[warn] Socks version 71 not recognized. (This port is not an HTTP proxy; did you want to use HTTPTunnelPort?)}}
| Similar to above.

| {{Code2|[NOTICE] You configured a non-loopback address '' for SocksPort. This allows everybody on your local network to use your machine as a proxy. Make sure this is what you wanted. [1 duplicate hidden]}} This notice may reference other port numbers, or the DnsPort or TransPort.
| This notice is not a concern because Tor really listens on that IP/port - it is the internal network interface for {{project_name_gateway_short}} (<code>{{project_name_gateway_vm}}</code>) that is only available to {{project_name_workstation_long}} because {{project_name_gateway_short}} (<code>{{project_name_gateway_vm}}</code>) is firewalled. See ''{{W_Firewall}}'' or the {{project_name_short}} source code for further information.

| {{Code2|[NOTICE] New control connection opened. [2 duplicates hidden]}} A higher number of duplicate messages may also appear.
| This notice is not a concern because it is caused by [https://www.kicksecure.com/wiki/Systemcheck systemcheck]'s Tor Bootstrap Status Test, which uses Tor's ControlPort or [[Dev/onion-grater|CPFP]].


= Version Number =
To discover what Tor version is currently in use, run the following command inside {{project_name_gateway_short}} ([[Qubes|{{q_project_name_short}}]]: <code>{{project_name_gateway_vm}}</code>).


The output should be similar to the following.

INFO: version of the 'tor' package:

See also {{kicksecure_wiki
|text=Newer Tor Versions

= Tor Version Downgrade =
It is usually not required to downgrade the Tor version. This should be only used in very specific cases to work around a bug or for testing.

'''1.''' Platform specific notice.

* non-Qubes users: No special notice.
* Qubes users: In Whonix-Gateway Template.

'''2.''' Update your package lists.

sudo apt update

'''3.''' Show available Tor versions.

apt list tor -a

Alternatively you could also look up the version number available from [https://packages.debian.org/{{stable_project_version_based_on_Debian_codename}}
/tor Debian's <code>tor</code> package].

'''4.''' Downgrade for example to Tor version <code></code>.

Note: The version number was appropriate at time of writing but might need replacement in the future.

sudo apt install tor= tor-geoipdb=

'''5.''' Platform specific notice.

* non-Qubes users: No special notice.
* Qubes users: Shut down Whonix-Gateway Template.

'''6.''' Reboot.

* non-Qubes users: A reboot of the Whonix-Gateway running Tor is required.
* Qubes users: A reboot of sys-whonix is required.

'''7.''' Done.

The process of Tor version downgrade has been completed.

wiki editors note: These instructions are similar to {{kicksecure_wiki
|text=Tor Version Downgrade

= Tor Consensus Re-Download =
While this persists [[Tor Entry Guards]], it results in Tor re-downloading the Tor Consensus document. Should usually not be required.

sudo anon-consensus-del

[https://github.com/Kicksecure/helper-scripts/blob/master/usr/sbin/anon-consensus-del <code>anon-consensus-del</code>] (and its helper-script [https://github.com/Kicksecure/helper-scripts/blob/master/usr/sbin/anon-consensus-del-files <code>anon-consensus-del-files</code>]) is just a script to automate the following steps for better usability. It does in essence the following this:

sudo systemctl stop tor@default

sudo su

cd /var/lib/tor

rm /var/lib/tor/cached-*

sudo systemctl restart tor@default

= Advanced Topics =
== Tuning ==
{{project_name_gateway_short}} can profit from RAM increase if a large number of circuits are created and Tor is kept busy. See [[RAM]] and [[Tuning]].

== Additional SocksPorts ==
Various custom <code>SocksPorts</code> have already been prepared. Those are documented [[Stream_Isolation#How_to_mitigate_identity_correlation|here]].

Adding additional on top of that is usually not required. Setting a socks user name has the same effect of establishing stream isolation as mentioned on the [[Stream_Isolation|Stream Isolation]] wiki page [[Stream Isolation#IsolateSOCKSAuth|(<code>IsolateSOCKSAuth</code>)]]. Otherwise:


Adding additional Tor <code>SocksPorts</code> to <code>/usr/local/etc/torrc.d/50_user.conf</code> is non-intuitive. <ref>

As noted in the Tor man page (<code>man tor</code>):

<blockquote>By default, an option on the command line overrides an option found in the configuration file, and an option in a configuration file overrides one in the defaults file.

This rule is simple for options that take a single value, but it can become complicated for options that are allowed to occur more than once: if you specify four SOCKSPorts in your configuration file, and one more SOCKSPort on the command line, the option on the command line will replace <u>all</u> of the SOCKSPorts in the configuration file.  If this is not what you want, prefix the option name with a plus sign, and it will be appended to the previous set of options instead.</blockquote>

Nick Mathewson from The Tor Project has also noted: <ref>

<blockquote>So to make sure that the SocksPort in the torrc does what you want, write it as <code>+SocksPort</code>.</blockquote>

<u>Tor configuration for additional <code>SocksPorts</code>s.</u>

'''1.''' [[Tor#Edit_Tor_Configuration|Edit Tor Configuration]]

'''2.''' Learn the syntax.

Only need to read this. No need to copy anything.


<code>port-number</code> will need to be replaced, which is documented below.

'''3.''' Add.

Here is an example that needs adjustment.


* Keep gateway internal IP <code></code> as is.
* Replace port <code>9100</code> with the actual port for the additional <code>SocksPorts</code> you want to add.
* Adding <code></code> might not be strictly necessary but can be useful for testing.


'''4.''' Save.

After adding custom ports, a user would also have to edit the {{project_name_short}} firewall.

<u>Firewall configuration for additional <code>SocksPorts</code>s.</u>

'''1.''' {{Firewall_Settings_Gateway}}

'''2.''' Learn the syntax.

Only need to read this. No need to copy anything.

INTERNAL_OPEN_PORTS+=" port-number "

<code>port-number</code> will need to be replaced, which is documented below.

'''3.''' Add setting.


* Replace port <code>9100</code> with the actual port for the additional <code>SocksPorts</code> you want to add.


'''4.''' Save.

'''5.''' {{Reload_Firewall}}

Platform specific notice:

* [[Non-Qubes-Whonix]]: No special notice.
* [[Qubes-Whonix]]: Either a reboot <u>or</u> running <code>replace-ips</code> is required. <ref>
[https://github.com/Whonix/qubes-whonix/blob/master/usr/lib/qubes-whonix/replace-ips <code>/usr/lib/qubes-whonix/replace-ips</code>] is a script that automatically run at boot time in Qubes-Whonix which replaces the hardcoded IP <code></code> with Qubes dynamic automatically assigned internal IP.
** {{CodeSelect|code=
sudo /usr/lib/qubes-whonix/replace-ips


The additional <code>SocksPort</code> should now be functional.

For troubleshooting, see footnote. <ref>
Show Tor listening ports on Whonix-Gateway. Note: replace <code>9100</code> by the actual port number.

sudo netstat -tulpen {{!}} grep 9100

Check if the <code>SocksPort</code> is reachable.

curl.anondist-orig --head $(qubesdb-read', '/qubes-netvm-gateway):9100

* Whonix-Gateway localhost:
** {{CodeSelect|inline=true|code=
curl.anondist-orig --head
* Non-Qubes-Whonix-Gateway internal interface: {{CodeSelect|inline=true|code=
curl.anondist-orig --head
* Qubes-Whonix-Gateway internal interface: {{CodeSelect|inline=true|code=
curl.anondist-orig --head $(qubesdb-read /qubes-netvm-gateway):9100

Expected output:

HTTP/1.0 501 Tor is not an HTTP Proxy

This means the port was reachable.


* Non-Qubes-Whonix-Workstation: {{CodeSelect|inline=true|code=
curl.anondist-orig --head
* Qubes-Whonix-Workstation: {{CodeSelect|inline=true|code=
curl.anondist-orig --head $(qubesdb-read /qubes-gateway):9100

Also useful.

sudo ifconfig

{{Anchor|Blacklist Certain Onion Services from Connecting}}

== Multiple Tor Daemons ==
TODO: document

Mostly [[Unsupported|undocumented]].

Extra complexity in Qubes due to non-persistence of root file system in App Qube which is undocumented.


The textual string <code>extradaemon1</code> used below is to be understood an example word. It's not a constant. In other words, it's not a hardcoded name. Feel free to replicate/replace with a different name such as <code>extradaemon2</code>.

Create folder <code>/etc/tor/instances/extradaemon1/</code> and folder <code>/var/lib/tor-instances/extradaemon1</code>.

sudo tor-instance-create "extradaemon1"

If you do not wish to use tor-instance-create tool, you can do it manually creating the user who will run and own related files to tor's instance.

adduser --quiet --system --disabled-password --home "/var/lib/tor-instances/extradaemon1" --no-create-home --shell /bin/false --group --force-badname "_tor-extradaemon1"
install -Z -d -m 02700 -o "_tor-extradaemon1" -g "_tor-extradaemon1" "/var/lib/tor-instances/extradaemon1" # Set SELinux security context, permission mode and ownership to the created user and group to the homedirectory
install -d "/etc/tor/instances/extradaemon1"

Change user ownership of the created folder for the new tor instance.

sudo chown --recursive "_tor-extradaemon1:_tor-extradaemon1" "/var/lib/tor-instances/extradaemon1"

Firewall settings change required. <ref>
On {{project_name_gateway_short}}, by default no linux username other than `debian-tor` are permitted to connect using clearnet. The Tor process is by default the only thing running under linux user name `debian-tor`. Therefore the new user under which the additional Tor daemon will run needs the same permission in [[Whonix-Gateway Firewall]].

'''1.''' {{Firewall_Settings_Gateway}}

'''2.''' Add setting.

TOR_USER="$(id -u debian-tor) $(id -u _tor-extradaemon1)"

'''3.''' Save.

'''4.''' {{Reload_Firewall}}

'''5.''' Done.

The procedure is complete.

As we are creating a new tor instance we must to create a new torrc file inside our new tor instance directory.

sudoedit /etc/tor/instances/extradaemon1/torrc

Paste the following content. Example.

SocksPort 0

HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor-instances/extradaemon1/hidden_service/
HiddenServicePort 80
HiddenServiceVersion 3

Save and exit.

We create symlinks for auto-launch of the new instance

sudo systemctl enable "tor@extradaemon1.service"

We start the new tor instance:

sudo systemctl restart "tor@extradaemon1.service"

And we can check if the new instance is running

sudo systemctl status --no-block --no-pager "tor@extradaemon1.service"

Check if folder <code>/var/lib/tor-instances/extradaemon1</code> exists. For example:

ls -la /var/lib/tor-instances/extradaemon1/

forum discussion:

== Blacklist Outgoing Connections to Select Domains ==
Advanced users might for unknown reasons select to blacklist outgoing connections to certain onion services. This can be done by instructing Tor to resolve a domain name to a dysfunctional, blackhole IP address. Since onion services do not have IP addresses and are only internally resolved by Tor through an IP address internal to Tor only, this blocking should be comprehensive.

This procedure could also be applied for clearnet domain names. However, in case of blacklisting outgoing connections to clearnet domain names, the blocking would be incomplete. Only DNS resolution would be blocked. IP based connections would still be possible.

| type    = notice
| image   = [[File:Ambox_notice.png|40px|alt=Info]]
| text    = This procedure is experimental. Testers only.

'''1.''' {{Open /usr/local/etc/torrc.d/50_user.conf}}

'''2.''' Use the <code>MapAddress</code> configuration option.

Add the following configuration text to the file. The following is an example onion service that is added to <code>/usr/local/etc/torrc.d/50_user.conf</code> Tor configuration file.

Note: Replace <code>eixoaclv7qvnmu5rolbdwba65xpdiditdoyp6edsre3fitad777jr3ad.onion</code> with the actual onion service that should be blacklisted.

TODO: Replace <code>blackhole-address.tld</code> with an actual blackhole address.

MapAddress eixoaclv7qvnmu5rolbdwba65xpdiditdoyp6edsre3fitad777jr3ad.onion blackhole-address.tld

'''3.''' {{Reload_Tor}}

'''4.''' Done.

The procedure of adding an onion service to the blacklist of outgoing connections has been completed.

== Entry Guards ==
{{Anchor|Manual Rotation of Tor Guards}}
{{Anchor|Security and Performance Related Issues}}
{{Anchor|Mitigate the Threat of Guard Fingerprinting}}
{{Anchor|Clone {{project_name_gateway_short}} ({{project_name_gateway_vm}}) with New Entry Guards}}
{{Anchor|Regenerate the Tor State After Saving the Tor State Folder}}
{{Anchor|Alternating Bridges}}
{{Anchor|Copy Tor State Files to Another {{project_name_gateway_vm}} Instance}}
{{Anchor|Fresh Tor Entry Guards by Regenerating the Tor State File}}

This entry has been moved [[Tor_Entry_Guards|here]].

== Manual Bridge Configuration ==
It is recommended to first read the main [[Bridges]] article.

For the majority of users, the [[Anon_Connection_Wizard|Anon Connection Wizard]] GUI application is suitable for bridge configuration. The manual bridge configuration steps below are only recommended for advanced users.

=== Step 1: Access Tor Configuration to Add Bridges ===


=== Step 2: Edit Tor Configuration ===

==== Use obfs4 Bridges ====

<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
'''1.''' Open {{Code2|/usr/local/etc/torrc.d/50_user.conf}} in an editor.

Copy and paste the following text to enable the use of {{Code2|obfs4}} bridges. <ref>
{{Code2|obfs3}} bridges have been deprecated by upstream, The Tor Project in favor of {{Code2|obfs4}}.
</ref> <ref>
ClientTransportPlugin fte exec /usr/bin/fteproxy --managed

UseBridges 1
ClientTransportPlugin obfs4 exec /usr/bin/obfs4proxy

'''2.''' Add the bridge IP addresses that were sourced in the [[Bridges#Finding_a_Bridge_and_Choosing_the_Right_Protocol|Finding a Bridge and Choosing the Right Protocol]] section.

Copy and paste the IP addresses to the very bottom of {{Code2|/usr/local/etc/torrc.d/50_user.conf}}, <u>after the ClientTransportPlugin entries</u>. Users must ensure that "bridge" appears at the beginning of each line.

| type      = notice
| image   = [[File:Ambox_notice.png|40px|alt=Info]]
| text    = In the <i>obfs4</i> example below: <br />
* <u>Do not copy and paste this list of bridge entries to the {{Code2|50_user.conf}} file.</u> They will not work.
* Retrieve [https://bridges.torproject.org/bridges?transport=obfs4 obfs4 bridges] from The Tor Project <u>before</u> editing this file.
* <u>Capitalization in the {{Code2|50_user.conf}} file matters.</u> For example, bridges will not connect if users type "bridge" instead of "Bridge".

{{Code2|Obfs4}} example text to add to {{Code2|/usr/local/etc/torrc.d/50_user.conf}}.

Bridge obfs4 0EEB10BF4B4FAF56D46E cert=oue8sYYw5wi4n3mf2WDOg iat-mode=0
Bridge obfs4 DD21A551767816A0C9495 cert=7qzS6KASquPvJU82Fm7qoJw iat-mode=0
Bridge obfs4 B3B8009D01BB7E5FDFAEC cert=4RaIqGiOytEXm6Hw iat-mode=0

The sample text for a complete {{Code2|obfs4}} torrc file is below. Check your file is similar, except for the specific bridge entries.

# This file is part of {{project_name_short}} # Copyright (C) 2012 - 2013 adrelanos
# See the file COPYING for copying conditions.

# Use this file for your user customizations.
# Please see /usr/local/etc/torrc.d/50_user.conf.examples for help, options, comments etc.

# Anything here will override {{project_name_short}} own Tor config customizations in /usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc

# Enable Tor through setup-dist or manually uncomment "DisableNetwork 0" by
# removing the # in front of it.
DisableNetwork 0
UseBridges 1
ClientTransportPlugin obfs4 exec /usr/bin/obfs4proxy

Bridge obfs4 0EEB10BF4B4FAF56D46E cert=oue8sYYw5wi4n3mf2WDOg iat-mode=0
Bridge obfs4 DD21A551767816A0C9495 cert=7qzS6KASquPvJU82Fm7qoJw iat-mode=0
Bridge obfs4 B3B8009D01BB7E5FDFAEC cert=4RaIqGiOytEXm6Hw iat-mode=0

{{Code2|fte}} example text to add to {{Code2|/usr/local/etc/torrc.d/50_user.conf}}.

fte is supported in {{project_name_short}} 15, but further testing is required; see: https://phabricator.whonix.org/T520
ClientTransportPlugin fte exec /usr/bin/fteproxy --managed
Bridge fte 4352e58420e68f5e40bf7c74faddccd9d1349413
Bridge fte 300.100.300.80:23521 4352e58420e68f5e40bf7c74faddccd9d1349413

'''3.''' After {{Code2|/usr/local/etc/torrc.d/50_user.conf}} editing is finished, save and exit.

<Ctrl-X> --> press Y --> <Enter>

==== Use meek_lite Bridges ====

<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{{Code2|meek_lite}} bridges are available. To use them, simply add one more line to the {{Code2|/usr/local/etc/torrc.d/50_user.conf}} file. Take note the bridge type is called {{Code2|meek_lite}}, not {{Code2|meek}} which is used in Tor Browser Bundle. <ref>
{{Code2|meek_lite}} actually uses a different implementation of {{Code2|obfs4proxy}}. Forum discussion: https://forums.whonix.org/t/censorship-circumvention-tor-pluggable-transports/2601/3
'''1.''' Open {{Code2|/usr/local/etc/torrc.d/50_user.conf}} in an editor.

Copy and paste the following text to enable {{Code2|meek_lite}} bridges.

UseBridges 1
ClientTransportPlugin meek_lite exec /usr/bin/obfs4proxy

'''2.''' Add a {{Code2|meek_lite}} bridge to the configuration file.

An example of {{Code2|meek_lite}} text that must be added to the {{Code2|/usr/local/etc/torrc.d/50_user.conf}} file is below. The bridge in this example is functional, so a search for other {{Code2|meek_lite}} bridges is unnecessary.

Bridge meek_lite B9E7141C594AF25699E0079C1F0146F409495296 url=https://d2cly7j4zqgua7.cloudfront.net/ front=a0.awsstatic.com

'''3.''' After {{Code2|/usr/local/etc/torrc.d/50_user.conf}} editing is finished, save and exit.

<Ctrl-X> --> press Y --> <Enter>

=== Step 3: Enable Tor ===

Follow this procedure if it has not been previously completed.


=== Step 4: Have {{Code2|/usr/local/etc/torrc.d/50_user.conf}} Changes Take Effect ===


== Tor Functions ==

=== Disable Tor ===

=== Reload Tor ===

=== Restart Tor ===

== vanguards  ==
See [[Vanguards]].

== UDP ==

== ICMP ==
Same as above.

== DNS ==
Similar to above.

= FAQ =

== {{project_name_short}} is Preventing Tor from Bootstrapping! ==

Refer to the related [[Why_is_Tor_slow#Whonix_has_Slowed_Tor_Connections_Dramatically.21|{{project_name_short}} has Slowed Tor Connections Dramatically!]] wiki entry. Bootstrapping problems can relate to nation state or ISP censorship of Tor, or relate to the Tor guard in operation. In the latter case, temporarily changing the Tor guard might resolve the issue.

If that is ineffective, users can also:

* Confirm [[System_Requirements|minimum system requirements]] have been met for {{project_name_short}}.
* Confirm the accuracy of the VM clock with [[Sdwdate|sdwdate]].
* Remove any changes that were made to the {{project_name_gateway_short}} (<code>{{project_name_gateway_vm}}</code>) torrc configuration, such as [[Bridges|bridges]], pluggable transports, [[{{project_name_gateway_short}}_Security|seccomp, connection padding]] and so on.
* Test Tor functionality on the host.
* In [[Qubes|{{q_project_name_short}}]], [[Install_Tor_Browser_Outside_of_Whonix#Moderate:_{{q_project_name_short}}|test Tor functionality in a non-{{project_name_short}} AppVM]].
* Increase the amount of RAM available to {{project_name_gateway_short}} (<code>{{project_name_gateway_vm}}</code>).
* Follow other [[Troubleshooting]] advice.

== Can I Speed Up Tor or the {{project_name_gateway_short}}? ==

''Is there a way to configure the number of nodes in a circuit and to allow selection according to their speeds?''

| type    = notice
| image   = [[File:Ambox_notice.png|40px|alt=Info]]
| text    = '''Reminder:''' [[Self_Support_First_Policy|{{project_name_short}} Reliance on Debian (and Tor)]] - ''"{{project_name_short}} is not a stripped down version of Debian; anything possible in "vanilla" Debian GNU/Linux can be replicated in {{project_name_short}}."'' Tor configurations are not limited by using {{project_name_short}}.

Those who already know how to configure Tor in this way on the command line in vanilla Debian can follow the same procedure in {{project_name_gateway_short}}. This is not an endorsement for making these manual Tor changes because it is not recommended by Tor developers and thus the {{project_name_short}} team. <ref>Deferring to their expertise on the possible adverse anonymity effects.</ref> This is also the reason there are no instructions in the {{project_name_short}} documentation to manipulate Tor nodes in this way.

That said, if general instructions were found describing how to achieve this on the host, then the same procedure could simply be repeated in {{project_name_gateway_short}}.

== Does {{project_name_short}} Modify Tor? ==

| type    = notice
| image   = [[File:Ambox_notice.png|40px|alt=Info]]
| text    = Tor is an anonymizer developed by The Tor Project. [[Tor Browser]] is a web browser {{tpo_link||developed by the Tor Project}} which is optimized for privacy. Please do not confuse {{Code2|Tor}} with {{Code2|Tor Browser}} when conversing about {{project_name_short}} topics.

For differences of Tor Browser by Tor Project compared to Tor Browser in {{project_name_short}} see [[Tor_Browser#Whonix_Tor_Browser_Differences|{{project_name_short}} Tor Browser Differences]].

| type    = notice
| image   = [[File:Ambox_notice.png|40px|alt=Info]]
| text    = {{project_name_short}} does <u>not </u> modify the Tor package itself.

Although {{project_name_short}} does not modify Tor, the Tor configuration file ''has'' been adapted for {{project_name_short}}. To inspect the relevant files, check the following on {{project_name_gateway_short}}: <ref>Changes to the configuration file are made by the [https://github.com/{{project_name_short}}/anon-gw-anonymizer-config anon-gw-anonymizer-config] package.</ref>

* <code>/etc/tor/torrc</code> file.
* <code>/etc/torrc.d</code> folder.
* <code>/usr/local/etc/torrc.d/</code> folder.
* <code>/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc</code> file.

Tor is not patched and the normal Tor Debian package and [[vanguards]] is installed by default in {{project_name_short}}. ([[Dev/Tor#Tor_Version|technical details]])

Any changes to the Tor routing algorithm should be proposed, discussed and eventually implemented upstream in Tor on torproject.org. <ref>This means changes occur for all Tor users and not a subset relying on a particular distribution.</ref> If proposed changes are not adopted by The Tor Project, then the option to create a Tor fork <ref name=fork>
</ref> is available. Tor has already been forked at least once.

A general {{project_name_short}} design principle is to keep the Tor process as uniform as possible, in order to simplify any security audits. Diverging from this practice would introduce unnecessary complexity, possibly worsen fingerprinting or degrade anonymity, and limit {{project_name_short}} discussions to the security impacts of the modified routing algorithm. For these reasons, the {{project_name_short}} team is strongly disinclined to make any direct changes to the Tor package.

== Can {{project_name_short}} Improve Tor? ==

As outlined in the [[Tor#Does_{{project_name_short}}_Modify_Tor?|previous section]], {{project_name_short}} will not implement any changes to Tor directly and any suggested improvements or bug fixes are proposed upstream on torproject.org. This has already [[Dev/Threat_Model#Design_Document,_Innovations,_and_Research|happened]] on occasion. Creating {{project_name_short}} is a difficult and time consuming endeavor, so Tor improvements are better left to dedicated, skilled developers who are more knowledgeable in this area.

Skilled coders can always provide upstream patches to Tor, or as a last resort, fork <ref name=fork /> it. Hypothetically, if a fork <ref name=fork /> developed a greater following than the original project due to proven security / anonymity benefits, then {{project_name_short}} would seriously consider making a switch.

== Tor Routing Algorithm ==
Quote Tor Project FAQ [https://2019.www.torproject.org/docs/faq.html.en#ChooseEntryExit Can I control which nodes (or country) are used for entry/exit?] (bold and underline added)

Yes. You can set preferred entry and exit nodes as well as inform Tor which nodes you do not want to use. The following options can be added to your config file torrc or specified on the command line:


'''We recommend you do <u>not</u> use these''' — they are intended for testing and may disappear in future versions. '''You get the best security that Tor can provide when you leave the route selection to Tor'''; overriding the entry / exit nodes can mess up your anonymity in ways we don't understand.

To make changes to the Tor routing algorithm which benefit anonymity and not actually worsen anonymity it is required to be more clever than the Tor developers. Many questions, suggestions and discussions online only scratch the surface and are unaware of the informational resources:

* [https://www.freehaven.net/anonbib/ Anonymity Bibliography - Collection Anonymity Research]
* Read the [https://blog.torproject.org Tor blog] as there are often blog posts discussing anonymity research such as blog post [https://blog.torproject.org/new-low-cost-traffic-analysis-attacks-mitigations new low cost traffic analysis attacks and mitigations].

The following resources describe the organizational structure of the {{project_name_short}} project in relation to The Tor Project, Debian and other upstream sources.

* [[Dev/Relationship_With_Upstream|{{project_name_short}} Relationship With Upstream]]
* [[Why_does_{{project_name_short}}_use_Tor|Why does {{project_name_short}} use Tor?]]
* [[Trust|Placing Trust in {{project_name_short}}]]
* [[Self_Support_First_Policy|Self Support First Policy]]
* {{kicksecure_wiki
|wikipage=Linux User Experience versus Commercial Operating Systems
|text=Linux User Experience versus Commercial Operating Systems

See also:

* [[#Does {{project_name_short}} Modify Tor?|Does {{project_name_short}} Modify Tor?]]
* [[#Can {{project_name_short}} Improve Tor?|Can {{project_name_short}} Improve Tor?]]

== How do I Change Other Tor Settings? ==

Questions are often raised in forums about how other Tor-specific changes can be made in {{project_name_short}}, such as excluding specific exit nodes. <ref>

In many cases, making such changes is already documented {{project_name_short}} [[Documentation]]. In other cases such changes are discouraged.

In all instances:

# Changes must be made to the Tor configuration file as per [[#Edit Tor Configuration|Edit Tor Configuration]].
# Refer to the [https://2019.www.torproject.org/docs/tor-manual.html.en Tor Project Manual] for specific configuration details.

For example, to exclude exit nodes from the Five Eyes countries the Tor configuration would include the following lines:

[[#Tor Routing Algorithm|Discouraged!]]

ExcludeExitNodes {us},{au},{ca},{nz},{gb}
StrictNodes 1

A [[#Configuration Check|Configuration Check]] should be run afterwards inside {{project_name_gateway_short}} ([[Qubes|{{q_project_name_short}}]]: <code>{{project_name_gateway_vm}}</code>) to confirm there are no Tor configuration syntax errors. As these configurations are specific to Tor and [[unspecific|unspecific to {{project_name_short}})]], the [[Free_Support_Principle|Self Support First Policy]] applies.

== How do I Install the Latest Tor Version? ==

Follow the instructions [[Tor_Versioning|here]] to install later Tor versions from either:

* the {{project_name_short}} repository; or
* Tor Project APT repositories; or
* Tor Project source code.

= Troubleshooting =
The following helper tools and documentation chapters might be of assistance.

* <code>anon-info</code> &rarr; [[#Version Number|Show Tor Version Number]]
* <code>anon-verify</code> &rarr; [[#Configuration Check|Tor Configuration Check]]
* <code>anon-log</code> &rarr; [[#anon-log|Tor Log Analysis]]

See also:

* [[Network Obstacle]]
* [[Bridges|Censorship Circumvention - Configure (Private) (Obfuscated) Tor Bridges]]

= Tor Generic Bug Reproduction =
Based on [[Reporting_Bugs#Bug_Report_Recommendations|Bug Report Recommendations]], specifically [[Reporting_Bugs#Generic_Bug_Reproduction|Generic Bug Reproduction]]. Similar to [[Troubleshooting]] advice "Try a non-Whonix VM".

The following results in a manual reproduction of the [[Dev/Tor|{{project_name_short}} Tor Integration]] without involving {{project_name_short}}. This enables the user to remove {{project_name_short}} as a possible source of issues and reduces the added complexity of {{project_name_short}}.

# Install Debian <code>{{Stable project version based on Debian codename}}</code> inside a VM.
# Install the <code>tor</code> Debian package.
{{Install Package|package=tor}}
# Skip vanguards steps depending on whether the [[vanguards]] wiki page states that it is currently used by {{project_name_short}} or not.
# Install [[vanguards]] from the Debian <code>{{Stable project version based on Debian codename}}</code> repository. If needed, see footnote for installation instructions. <ref>
{{Install Package|package=vanguards}}
# Make vanguards work with Tor. [[Unspecific|Unspecific to {{project_name_short}}]]. See footnotes. <ref>
'''1.''' {{Open with root rights|

'''2.''' change <code>control_socket = </code> to <code>control_socket = /run/tor/control</code>

'''3.''' Save.

'''4.''' Restart vanguards.

sudo systemctl restart vanguards
</ref> <ref>
# Attempt to reproduce the original issue.
# If the issue is reproducible without involving {{project_name_short}} then the issue is unspecific to {{project_name_short}}. This enables the user to utilize upstream (original authors of Tor software, Tor community) resources. [[Please_Use_Search_Engines_And_See_Documentation_First|Please use Search Engines and see Documentation First]]. If needed, submit an upstream support request or bug report. In this case, mentioning {{project_name_short}} is discouraged. Mentioning {{project_name_short}} even though it is an issue unspecific to {{project_name_short}} could add confusion. <ref>
The reader considering a {{project_name_short}} specific issue while there cannot be one.

= Further Reading =
<div style="column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2">
* [[Why_does_{{project_name_short}}_use_Tor|Why does {{project_name_short}} use Tor?]]
* [[Why is Tor slow|Why is Tor slow?]]
* [[Bridges|Censorship Circumvention - Configure (Private) (Obfuscated) Tor Bridges]]
* [[Anon_Connection_Wizard|Anon Connection Wizard]]
* [[Network Obstacle]]
* [[Hide Tor from your Internet Service Provider|Hide Tor and {{project_name_short}} use from the ISP]]
* [[Tor Controller|Tor Controller - Control and Monitor Tor]]
* [[Onion Services|Hosting Tor Onion Services (<u>any</u> Hidden Webserver)]]
* [[Comparison Of Tor Proxies CGI proxies Proxy Chains And VPN Services|Comparison of Tor with CGI Proxies, Proxy Chains and VPN Services]]
* [[Tor_Versioning|Newer Tor Versions]]
* [[Tor-ctrl-observer|tor-ctrl-observer - Tor Connection Destination Viewer]]

= Footnotes / References =

