</noinclude>Clearnet Whonix-Gateway System DNS.

'''1.''' Apply the following changes to {{project_name_gateway_long}}.

{{Open with root rights

'''2.''' Uncomment the line <code>#nameserver</code>.

Remove the hash ("<code>#</code>") before <code>nameserver</code>. This means you should change <code>#nameserver</code> to <code>nameserver</code>.

'''3.''' Follow platform-specific steps:

* [[Non-Qubes-Whonix|{{non_q_project_name_short}}]]: Done.
* [[Qubes|{{q_project_name_long}}]]: This should typically work. If not, refer to the footnote. <ref>
Replace <code></code>.
** To identify the IP to substitute, execute the command below:
** {{CodeSelect|code=
qubesdb-read /qubes-netvm-primary-dns
** For example, the output might be:
** <blockquote></blockquote>
** In this case, replace <code></code> with <code></code>. Note: Use the actual IP from the output of the <code>qubesdb-read /qubes-netvm-primary-dns</code> command.

'''4.''' Done.

The configuration for {{project_name_gateway_short}} System DNS is complete.

'''5.''' Note for wiki editors.

Once Whonix or above is released, [https://github.com/Whonix/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/tree/master/usr/bin/anon-dns <code>anon-dns</code>] can be used and then the DNS enabling part can be simplified.<noinclude>
= Footnotes =
<references />