Before submitting a support request for VPN-related issues, users are encouraged to follow the [[Self_Support_First_Policy|Self Support First Policy]] to work towards a solution. {{project_name_short}} developers will use the reported information to determine if the issue is a technical problem (legitimate bug) and/or configuration error which is a common cause of VPN connectivity issues.

Before {{project_name_short}} developers will review the support request, the following information is required:
* Steps to reproduce the behavior. For example, list all command that were run up to this point. <ref>
To list previous commands, run.
* A detailed explanation of actual behavior. Incomplete reports stating the "VPN does not work" will be rejected.
* Expected behavior. Reports simply stating "VPN works" will be rejected.

The following technical information is also necessary:
* All error messages.
* VPN logs from the ''debug start'' section:
** This can be found using the [[#Troubleshooting|Troubleshooting]] section on this page.
** Redact all sensitive information such as VPN server IP addresses; see [[Tips_on_Remaining_Anonymous#Avoid_Posting_Full_System_Logs_or_Full_Configuration_Files|Never Post Full System Logs or Configuration Files]] for a rationale.
** VPN logs are required because a configuration error and/or mismatch may not produce a ''noticeable'' error.
* Confirmation of whether the VPN configuration has been modified aside from the instructions on this page.
** <u>Note:</u> Users are encouraged to troubleshoot their VPN issues in an effort to find a solution. However, if the VPN was modified with custom configuration options, a favorable outcome is less likely if this information is not shared with {{project_name_short}} developers.
* Confirmation of whether {{project_name_short}} is configured to use a second tunnel-link/proxy or bridge.
* If applicable, whether links to similar issues were found on the [https://forums.{{project_clearnet}} {{project_name_short}} forums] and/or other offsite forums/resources.