</noinclude>[[File:Kicksecure-seal.png|thumb|130px|border|alt=Kicksecure seal|Kicksecure Hardened]]{{Mbox
|icon=fa-solid fa-info cs-red-light
<u>'''Redirection to Kicksecure Documentation'''</u>

| type    = notice
| icon    = fa-solid fa-exclamation-triangle cs-orange
| text    = <u>Incomplete:</u> This wiki page is incomplete. This it by design. It only contains specific information for {{project_name_short}}. Below is a link to a wiki page in the Kicksecure wiki with more general information. Reading it is mandatory for full information.


|item=fa-solid fa-circle-info cs-blue,<u>Introduction</u>: <a href="/wiki/Introduction">{{project_name_short}} Documentation Introduction, User Expectations, Footnotes and References, User Expectations - What Documentation Is and What It Is Not</a>

|item=fa-solid fa-link cs-green,<u><a href="/wiki/About#Based_on_Kicksecure">{{project_name_short}} is based on {{Kicksecure}}</a></u>: {{project_name_short}} inherits many features and principles from Kicksecure.

|item=fa-solid fa-server cs-gray,<u>Kicksecure is based on Debian:</u> Kicksecure builds upon the stability of Debian.

|item=fa-solid fa-arrow-down cs-blue,<u>Inheritance:</u> Therefore, {{project_name_short}} is also <a href="/wiki/About#Based_on_Debian">based on Debian</a>.

|item=fa-solid fa-linux cs-black,<u>Debian is GNU/Linux-based:</u> Debian primarily uses the GNU/Linux as its foundation.

|item=fa-solid fa-users cs-green,<u>Shared documentation benefits:</u> Because one distribution is based on another:

|item=fa-solid fa-file-alt cs-gray,<u>Inherited documentation:</u> Little specific documentation is required for each layer.

|item=fa-solid fa-check cs-green,<u>Shared principles:</u> Features and principles often remain consistent across forks. Users can often follow the same instructions for both {{project_name_short}} and Kicksecure.

|item=fa-solid fa-thumbs-up cs-blue,<u>Keep using {{project_name_short}}:</u> This does <u>not</u> mean the user should switch to Kicksecure.

|item=fa-solid fa-keyboard cs-gray,<u>Where to apply the instructions:</u> The instructions should be applied inside {{project_name_short}}.

|item=fa-solid fa-pencil cs-orange,<u>Wiki editors notice:</u> This box is <a href="/wiki/Template:Upstream_wiki">wiki template upstream_wiki</a>. (<a href="/wiki/Special:WhatLinksHere/Template:Upstream_wiki">Pages that link to it</a>.)

|item=fa-solid fa-balance-scale cs-blue,<u>Comparison:</u> <a href="/wiki/Comparison_with_Kicksecure">Whonix versus Kicksecure</a>

|item=fa-solid fa-sync-alt cs-gray,<u>Documentation compatibility:</u> Since {{project_name_short}} is based on Kicksecure, the user should follow these instructions for:

<div style="border: 3px solid red; border-radius: 50%; padding: 20px; display: inline-block; text-align: center;">
<font size=5><center>'''<u>{{kicksecure_wiki

|item=fa-solid fa-sticky-note cs-yellow,<u>Note:</u> Re-interpretation...
Apply the instructions inside {{project_name_short}}, <u>not</u> Kicksecure.

Kicksecure: Perform these steps inside Kicksecure.

Instead the user should apply the instructions inside {{project_name_workstation_short}}.

Kicksecure for Qubes: Perform these steps inside Qubes <code>kicksecure-{{VersionShort}}</code> Template.

Instead the user should apply the instructions inside <code>{{project_name_workstation_template}}</code> Template.
