'''1.''' Download the [[Signing Key|Signing Key]]. {{CodeSelect|code= wget https://www.{{project_clearnet}}/derivative.asc }} '''2.''' ''Optional:'' [[Signing Key|Check the Signing Key]] for better security. '''3.''' Add {{project_name_short}} signing key. {{CodeSelect|code= sudo cp derivative.asc /usr/share/keyrings/derivative.asc }} '''4.''' {{project_name_short}} APT repository choices. ''Optional:'' See [[Packages for Debian Hosts|{{project_name_short}} Packages for Debian Hosts and {{project_name_short}} Host Enhancements]] instead of the next step for more secure and complex options. '''5.''' Add {{project_name_short}} APT repository. {{CodeSelect|code= echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/derivative.asc] https://deb.{{project_clearnet}} {{Stable project version based on Debian testing codename‎}} main contrib non-free" {{!}} sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/derivative.list }}