| image   = [[File:Ambox_notice.png|40px]]
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This application requires incoming connections through a Tor onion service. Supported [[{{project_name_gateway_short}}|{{project_name_gateway_long}}]] modifications are therefore necessary for full functionality; see instructions below.

For better security, consider using [[Multiple Whonix-Gateway|Multiple {{project_name_gateway_short}}]] and [[Multiple Whonix-Workstation|Multiple {{project_name_workstation_long}}]]. In any case, [[About|{{project_name_short}}]] is the safest choice for running it. <ref>
Security considerations:

* By using {{project_name_short}}, additional protections are in place for greater security.
* This application requires access to Tor's control protocol.
* In the {{project_name_short}} context, Tor's control protocol has dangerous features. The Tor control command {{Code2|GETINFO address}} reveals the real, external IP of the Tor client.
* {{project_name_short}} provides [[Dev/onion-grater|onion-grater, a Tor Control Port Filter Proxy - filtering dangerous Tor Control Port commands]].
* When this application is run inside {{project_name_gateway_short}} with an onion-grater whitelist extension, this will limit {{project_name_workstation_short}} application rights to Tor control protocol access only. Non-whitelisted Tor control commands such as {{Code2|GETINFO address}} are rejected by onion-grater in these circumstances. In the event {{project_name_workstation_short}}, it can't determine its own IP address via requesting to Tor Controller, as onion-grater filters the reply.
* In comparison, if the application is run on a non-Tor focused operating system like Debian, it will have unlimited access to Tor's control protocol (a less secure configuration).
* If the (non-)Whonix platform is used to host onion services, then running applications are more vulnerable to attacks against the Tor network compared to when Tor is solely used as a client; see also [[Onion_Services#Onion_Services_Security|Onion Services Security]].

In conclusion, {{project_name_short}} is the safest and correct choice for running this application.