<noinclude>{{header}}</noinclude>Select your Linux distribution to get matching installatio instructions.

|title= === Ubuntu ===
<div class="vspacer-10"></div>
* '''Choose below in which way you want to install the utiliy'''
* In Ubuntu, package is named <code>gnome-disk-utility</code>.
<div class="vspacer-10"></div>
|title= ==== Command Line ====
}} <!-- close tab : Ubuntu command line -->
|title= ==== Software Center ====
'''Similar''' to the following.

<u>'''NOTE:''' Replace <code>VirtualBox</code> with <code>GNOME Disks</code> in the following instructions.</u>

{{VirtualBox Host Software Installation Ubuntu Software Center}}
}}<!-- close tab : Ubuntu software center -->
}}<!-- close tab controller : Command Live vs Software Center -->
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|title= === Debian ===
In Debian, package is named <code>gnome-disk-utility</code>.

}}<!-- close tab : Debian -->

|title= === Other Linux ===
<u>Hosts using a non-Debian operating system:</u>

Install GNOME Disks as per the normal mechanism for your Linux distribution. No special instructions for {{project_name_short}} are required. The installation of a GNOME Disks is [[Unspecific|unspecific to {{project_name_short}}]]. Consult the documentation of your Linux distribution.
}}<!-- close box : non-Debian operating system -->

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= Footnotes =
<references />