{{Install Package |package=git auditd }} Change directory to folder <code>{{{folder}}}</code>. {{CodeSelect|code= cd {{{folder}}} }} Initialize git in that folder. {{CodeSelect|code= {{{sudo_maybe}}} git init }} Git needs an e-mail address. That e-mail address doesn't need to actually exist. That e-mail address would appear in git commit change logs if that git repository was ever pushed to any remote. If only used locally, the default <code>you@example.com</code> could be kept. Otherwise, the user may change <code>you@example.com</code> to any e-mail address of their choice. {{CodeSelect|code= {{{sudo_maybe}}} git config user.email "you@example.com" }} Git needs an name. That name address doesn't need to actually exist. That name would appear in git commit change logs if that git repository was ever pushed to any remote. If only used locally, the default <code>Your Name</code> could be kept. Otherwise, the user may change <code>Your Name</code> to any name of their choice. {{CodeSelect|code= {{{sudo_maybe}}} git config user.name "Your Name" }} Add all files in that folder to git. {{CodeSelect|code= {{{sudo_maybe}}} git add -A }} Commit all files to git. <ref> Commits all files to git with commit message <code>.</code> for simplicity. Commit message could also be something else such as <code>{{{sudo_maybe}}} git commit -a -m "initial commit"</code>. </ref> {{CodeSelect|code= {{{sudo_maybe}}} git commit -a -m . }} <noinclude>[[Category:MultiWiki]]</noinclude>