{{Header}} {{Hide_all_banners}}
{{project_name_short}} System Requirements
|description=System Requirements for {{project_name_long}}
<div class="mininav">
* [[System Requirements|System Requirements]]
* [[RAM|RAM System Requirements and Advice for Systems with Low RAM]]
System Requirements for {{project_name_short}}
= Supported Host Operating Systems =
Any operating system that can run a supported virtualizer can run {{project_name_short}}, including Windows, macOS, BSD, and Linux. Most users get started by installing [[VirtualBox]] on their current operating system and importing the {{project_name_short}} images. Advanced users may wish to [[Host Operating System Selection|select]] and boot a host operating system (usually a Linux distribution) dedicated solely to running the {{project_name_short}} virtual machines.

For the best possible security, users can choose to run {{project_name_short}} virtual machines on the Qubes platform ({{q_project_name_long}}). Qubes is a Xen-based hypervisor (virtualizer) that runs on the bare metal of the hardware instead of within a host operating system. <ref>This is more secure because an attacker must subvert the hypervisor, which is far more difficult than exploiting a host operating system.</ref>

= Supported Platforms =

= {{non_q_project_name_short}} System Requirements =
{{non_q_project_name_long}} includes {{project_name_short}} for [[VirtualBox]] and [[KVM]].

'''Table:''' ''{{non_q_project_name_short}} System Requirements''

{| class="wikitable"
! scope="col"| '''Category'''
! scope="col"| '''Description'''

! scope="row"| Minimum
* 1 GB free RAM - with {{project_name_gateway_long}} lowered to 256 MB. {{Minimum_RAM}} ([[RAM|Advice for Systems with Low RAM]])
* 10 GB free hard drive space.
* A CPU with [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X86_virtualization#AMD_virtualization_.28AMD-V.29 AMD-V] or Intel [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X86_virtualization#Intel_virtualization_.28VT-x.29 VT-x].

! scope="row"| Recommended
* Additional hard drive space when installing applications into the {{project_name_workstation_long}}.

! scope="row"| For Best Performance
* A solid state drive (SSD).
* 8 GB of RAM.
* Additional RAM to dedicate to the {{project_name_workstation_short}} when multitasking. <ref>
[[Post_Install_Advice#Increase_Virtual_Machine_RAM|Increase Virtual Machine RAM]]
* Why 8 GB of RAM? See the following table.

{| class="wikitable"
! <u>'''Machine'''</u>
! <u>'''RAM'''</u>
! <u>'''Total'''</u>

| Host Operating System
| <code>2</code> GB

| {{project_name_gateway_short}}
| <code>+</code>
| <code>2</code> GB

| {{project_name_workstation_short}}
| <code>+</code>
| <code>4</code> GB

| <code>=</code>
| <u>'''<code>8</code> GB'''</u>


! scope="row"| Additional Notes
* {{project_name_workstation_short}} can be run with 256 MB RAM when not using a desktop environment. {{Minimum_RAM}}
* {{project_name_short}} 16 changed the display manager from <code>lightdm</code> to <code>gdm3</code>. 1 GB RAM is now required for Xfce desktop to launch. <ref>[https://forums.whonix.org/t/debian-kvm-whonix-16-flashing-underscore-on-black-screen/12436/12 Debian + KVM + Whonix 16 (Flashing underscore on black screen)].</ref> <ref>[https://forums.whonix.org/t/display-manager-lightdm-gdm3-sddm-or-no-display-manager-startx/12457 display manager - lightdm, gdm3].</ref>
* For low memory and console-only configurations, see
** [[RAM|Advice for Systems with Low RAM]],
** [[Troubleshooting#Low_RAM_Issues|Troubleshooting, Low RAM Issues]] and
** [[Desktop#RAM_Adjusted_Desktop_Starter|Ram Adjusted Desktop Starter]].
* Users that experience the PAE or "{{Code2|VERR_SSM_FIELD_NOT_CONSECUTIVE}}" error or other problems should refer to the [[VirtualBox/Troubleshooting|VirtualBox Troubleshooting]] chapter.


= {{q_project_name_short}} System Requirements =

{{q_project_name_short}} does not have any special system requirements over and above Qubes own system requirements. In other words, it is only necessary to fulfill the minimal system requirements for Qubes compatibility.

Refer to the Qubes documentation for further information:

* [https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/system-requirements/ Qubes System Requirements] ([http://{{QubesOS_onion}}/doc/system-requirements/ .onion])
* [https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/certified-hardware/ Qubes Certified Hardware] ([http://{{QubesOS_onion}}/doc/certified-hardware/ .onion])
* [https://forum.qubes-os.org/t/community-recommended-computers/5560 Qubes OS Forum: Community-recommended computers]
* [https://www.qubes-os.org/hcl/ Qubes Hardware Compatibility List (HCL)] ([http://{{QubesOS_onion}}/hcl/ .onion])

= Architecture Support =

See also [[Dev/64bit]] and [[Dev/Porting]].

= See Also =
* [[RAM|Advice for Systems with Low RAM]]
* [[Troubleshooting#Low_RAM_Issues|Troubleshooting, Low RAM Issues]]
* [[RAM_Adjusted_Desktop_Starter|RAM Adjusted Desktop Starter]]
* [[Host Operating System Selection]]

= Footnotes =

