|description=Deanonymization based on a user's linguistic style.
Deanonymization based on a user's linguistic style.
= Stylometry =

= Other Mitigation =
Mitigating the threat of stylometric analysis is further documented on this page: [[Surfing_Posting_Blogging|Surfing Posting Blogging]].

See also:

* [[Keystroke Deanonymization]]

= Stylometry Future Research =
Interesting things for further research, development:

* [https://forums.whonix.org/t/add-user-documentation-for-remote-administration-keystroke-fingerprinting-stylometry/18858 add user documentation for Remote Administration, Keystroke Fingerprinting, Stylometry]
* [https://github.com/rakshithShetty/A4NT-author-masking A4NT - Translating writing styles for anonymity] <ref>
* [https://github.com/evllabs/JGAAP Java Graphical Authorship Attribution Program] <ref>

= Footnotes =

