Anonymous SSH over Tor
|description=SSH over Tor using Whonix
[[File:Sshlogo.png|SSH Logo|thumb]]
SSH over Tor using Whonix

= Anonymity Specific =
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! '''Recommendation'''
! '''Description'''

! Keystroke and Mouse Fingerprinting
| Beware of keyboard keystroke and computer mouse-based deanonymization as explained in the [[Surfing Posting Blogging]] chapter.

! Mobile Shell Roaming and Echo
| [https://packages.debian.org/{{Stable project version based on Debian codename}}/mosh mosh] might be a useful addition. However, it requires UDP and it is therefore difficult to utilize over Tor, see: [[Tunnel UDP over Tor]]. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_Jd5k0S_AQ Is it safe to mosh?]


= General Security =

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