{{Header}} {{Title|title= Reliable IP Hiding - with {{project_name_long}} - The All Tor Operating System }} {{#seo: |description={{project_name_short}} is The Everything Tor OS |image={{project_name_short}}-concept-detailed.jpg }} {{audit_mininav}} [[File:{{project_name_short}}-concept-detailed.jpg|thumb|{{project_name_short}} Architecture]] {{intro| {{project_name_short}} is The Everything Tor OS }} = Reliable IP Hiding = All internet traffic is routed through the Tor anonymity network. No exceptions. Whonix is the "All Tor Operating System". Whonix handles all your activity in a virtual machine and forces all Internet traffic through the [[Why_does_Whonix_use_Tor|Tor network]] to provide the strongest protection of your [[Data_Collection_Techniques#IP_Address|IP address]]. {{TorifiedGateway}} No additional user configuration is required. (Using helper utilities such as <code>torsocks</code>, <code>torify</code> or configurations such as Tor <code>SocksPort</code>s is not required for IP concealment but are useful for [[Stream Isolation]].) This is due to [[About#Whonix_Architecture|Whonix's Architecture]]. For details on how this is technically accomplished, technical readers can refer to the [[Dev/Technical_Introduction|{{project_name_short}} technical introduction]]. * See [[Whonix against Real Attacks]] for a list of many past anonymity attacks where {{project_name_short}} kept its users safe. * See [[Dev/Technical_Introduction#multiple_security_layers|{{project_name_short}} uses multiple security layers]] for reasons why leaks are highly unlikely. * See this page [[Dev/Leak Tests|Leak Tests]] for testing for IP/DNS leaks generally. * If you think you might have found a leak or something strange, see [[Leaks]]. * See [[Security Reviews and Feedback]] for a list of notable reviews and feedback about the security of {{project_name_short}}. * See {{kicksecure_wiki |wikipage=System Audit |text=System Audit }} for how users (cannot) verify the system is configured as intended. * This might also be related to asking "How secure is {{project_name_short}}?". →[[Dev/Technical_Introduction|Technical Introduction]] None of the [[Dev/Leak_Tests#Leak_Testing_Websites|Leak Testing Websites]] / [[Browser Tests]] running inside {{project_name_short}} is able to find out the real external clearnet IP address, no matter if plugins, flash and/or java are activated. Given that there have been no instances of IP leaks attributed to Whonix bugs throughout its 12-year [[history]], it could be reasonably inferred that Whonix offers a reliable feature for IP address concealment. == Fail-Closed Mechanism == Whonix's architecture enables the "torification" of applications lacking inherent proxy support. Users can install custom applications or customize their desktop without risking IP leaks. All application traffic is either directed through Tor or completely blocked. This encompasses a wide range of software, including [[Other Browsers|browsers]], [[Browser Plugins]], [[E-Mail]] clients, [[chat]] applications, [[VoIP]], [[SSH]], [[Remote Administration]], [[Tunnels/Introduction|VPN clients or proxy software]], cryptocurrency wallets or relays, [[Hosting_Location_Hidden_Services|servers]], and any other applications. This design is universally applicable, extending even to [[Other Operating Systems]] linked to Whonix-Gateway. See also [[Features#Tor_Network_.2F_Torification_.2F_The_Everything_Tor_OS|Features, Advantages, Use Cases - Whonix chapter Tor Network / Torification / The Everything Tor OS]]. = Beyond IP Hiding = {{quotation |quote=Hiding your identity is harder than just hiding your IP. }} Concealing one's identity involves more complexities than merely obscuring IP addresses. The concept of just hiding IP addresses belongs to the threat model of the 1990s and is no longer adequate. Simple IP address anonymization falls short because modern adversaries utilize a range of [[Data Collection Techniques]] that bypass the need for IP addresses. This is demonstrated through various [[Browser Tests]], like the [https://fingerprint.com/demo/ Fingerprint.com Demo]. Notably, as highlighted in [[The_World_Wide_Web_And_Your_Privacy#Fingerprint.com|"12% of the top 500 websites employ Fingerprint.com's services"]]. For elaboration, see [[IP_hiding_is_outdated|IP Hiding is an Outdated Threat Model]]. To keep users anonymous, {{project_name_short}} offers [[About#Full_Spectrum_Anti-Tracking_Protection|Full Spectrum Anti-Tracking Protection]] and is [https://www.whonix.org/#vpn much safer than VPNs] (refer to the comprehensive [[Whonix_versus_VPNs|Whonix versus VPNs]] comparison). = Footnotes = {{reflist|close=1}} {{Footer}} [[Category:Documentation]]