|description=Using {{project_name_workstation_long}} with a Gateway Other Than {{project_name_gateway_long}}.
Using {{project_name_workstation_short}} with a Gateway Other Than {{project_name_gateway_short}}.

= Potential Issues When using A Custom Gateway =
TODO: document

* Gateway IP Change required? See chapter below.
* Tor Control Protocol Access. See chapter below.
* Custom gateway might not provide all the Tor <code>SocksPort</code>s that {{project_name_gateway_short}} provides. Fixable by adjusting Tor configuration of the custom gateway.
* Custom gateway might not provide [[Stream_Isolation#Transparent_Proxy|transparent proxying]]. This might be intended if the user prefers an [https://gitlab.torproject.org/legacy/trac/-/wikis/doc/TorifyHOWTO/IsolatingProxy IsolatingProxy] setup.

= Gateway IP Change =

[[Dev/git#grep_{{project_name_long}}_source_code|<code>grep</code> the {{project_name_long}} source code]] for the following search term.


For example. (Creation of the <code>mygrep</code> script is documented in above link.)

mygrep -r "IP HARDCODED"

Perhaps IP change can be avoided with some iptables trick?

Forum discussion:


= Tor Control Protocol Access =
Two options. Either:

* Allow filtered Tor control protocol access through onion-grater.
* unfiltered Tor control protocol access. A compromised workstation with unfiltered Tor control protocol access can acquire the real external cleranet IP. <ref>
Tor control protocol command <code>GETINFO address</code>
* No Tor control protocol access. This would break some functionality.

Which applications require Tor control protocol access?

* Tor Browser new identity feature
* A list of applications which are currently require Tor control protocol access can be found here: [[Special:WhatLinksHere/Template:Control_Port_Filter_Python_Profile_Add]]
* [https://github.com/Whonix/onion-grater/tree/master/usr/share/doc/onion-grater-merger/examples onion-grater example profiles]
* [[sdwdate]] <ref name=whonix-defaults>
* [https://www.kicksecure.com/wiki/Systemcheck systemcheck] <ref name=whonix-defaults />

== Filtered Access using onion-grater ==

== Unfiltered Access not using onion-grater ==
This setting comes from Debian system Tor upstream package default file <code>/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc</code>.

CookieAuthFile /run/tor/control.authcookie

The file location for this file is non-ideal since it will change at every boot. By re-configuring Tor on the other gateway to use a different file location the contents of this file <u>might</u> be constant. Untested.

On the {{project_name_workstation_short}} package anon-ws-disable-stacked-tor script <code>/usr/lib/anon-ws-disable-stacked-tor/state-files</code> copies at boot <code>/usr/share/anon-ws-disable-stacked-tor/control.authcookie</code> to the right places.

By copying the <code>control.authcookie</code> file from the gateway to {{project_name_workstation_short}} <code>/usr/share/anon-ws-disable-stacked-tor/control.authcookie</code> one might be able to have Tor cookie authentication. Contents of <code>/usr/share/anon-ws-disable-stacked-tor/control.authcookie</code> will be overwritten when package anon-ws-disable-stacked-tor is upgraded.

Therefore this exercise might be a bit pointless. A better solution might be to use Tor Browser control protocol authentication using a Tor control password rather than Tor control auth cookie.

{{Open with root rights|filename=

Paste the following contents.

## see also /usr/lib/anon-ws-disable-stacked-tor/torbrowser.sh

## See workstation file ~/.tb/tor-browser/Browser/start-tor-browser
## or Tor Browser file Browser/start-tor-browser script for comment
## why quoting looks weird.
export TOR_CONTROL_PASSWD='"password"'

## Overwrite what /usr/lib/anon-ws-disable-stacked-tor/torbrowser.sh /
## /etc/X11/Xsession.d/20torbrowser is doing.
export TOR_CONTROL_IPC_PATH="/run/anon-ws-disable-stacked-tor/"


This would have to be combined with Tor setting <code>HashedControlPassword</code> on the other gateway. Untested.

= References =

