{{Header}} {{#seo: |description=How to use Other Desktop Environments other than Xfce with {{project_name_long}}. Current situation. Risks. Future. (GNOME, KDE, LXDE, MATE, ...) |image=Organize-27344_640.png }} {{other_mininav}} [[File:Organize-27344_640.png|thumb|200px]] {{intro| How to use Other Desktop Environments other than Xfce with {{project_name_short}}. Current situation. Risks. Future. (GNOME, KDE, LXDE, MATE, ...) }} = Current Situation = The [[Download]]able {{project_name_short}} versions are available with either: * [[VirtualBox|Xfce]] desktop environment; <u>OR</u> * [[VirtualBox|CLI]] text terminal only (no desktop environment). However, other desktop environments like GNOME, KDE, LXDE and so on can be manually installed. = Risks = When installing your own desktop environment such as GNOME, you're on your own. If you are going that path, start with {{project_name_short}} CLI, the text terminal only version of {{project_name_short}}, which comes without a desktop environment installed by default, and install a desktop environment of your choice there. This is much better than starting with {{project_name_short}} Xfce and then uninstalling Xfce to install another desktop environment. Other desktop environments install other background services. The {{project_name_short}} project hasn't researched the security/privacy implications of having these installed. For example, GNOME automatically installs [https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/geoclue/geoclue/-/wikis/home GeoClue]. ([https://www.kicksecure.com/wiki/Systemcheck systemcheck] warns if that very package is installed, but still... Other desktop environments also ship a different selection of default applications that have not necessarily been checked for security/privacy. Installing your own desktop environment may result in installing software packages not well hardened or chosen based on security wise. = Future = Since {{project_name_short}} is an Open Source / [https://forums.whonix.org/t/lets-call-it-freedom-software-rather-than-free-software-or-open-source/6961 Freedom Software] project, {{project_name_short}} developers are hoping that other developers join the project and maintain other desktop environments. That someone could be you? = See Also = * [[Debian Packages|{{project_name_short}} Debian Packages, which ones are safe to remove?]] = Footnotes = {{reflist|close=1}} {{Footer}} [[Category:Documentation]]