|description=Tunneling I2P, RetroShare, Freenet, VPN, Proxy over Tor
Tunneling I2P, RetroShare, Freenet, VPN, Proxy over Tor
= Introduction =

| type    = notice
| image   = [[File:Ambox_notice.png|40px|alt=Info]]
| text    = <u>Note</u>: all networks differ in their threat model and security! Conduct careful research before relying upon an alternative network for anonymity purposes.

{{project_name_long}} can be <u>paired</u> with any other suitable anonymizing network. This means the other network will be tunneled through [[Tor]].

''In theory'' Tor could be completely <u>replaced</u> with another suitable anonymizing network; see [[Dev/Technical Introduction#{{project_name_short}} Framework|{{project_name_short}} Framework]]. Development in this area has stalled due to a lack of interest from users, upstream developers and {{project_name_short}} developers. Interested readers can refer to the [[Dev/Inspiration|Inspiration]] entry, which outlines some research in addition to theoretical and practical work completed to date.

In general, the [[Dev/Technical Introduction#{{project_name_short}} Framework|{{project_name_short}} Framework]] is agnostic about which anonymizing network is in use. The primary reason {{project_name_short}} started with Tor was because all developers were Tor users. It only occurred to developers much later on that alternatives could be used.

Unlike the Tor network, at the moment {{project_name_short}} support for other anonymizing networks is fairly rudimentary. Although {{project_name_short}} developers have great respect for Tor alternatives, along with their developers and users, they are simply more accustomed to the Tor network (which is also a personal preference). It is also very difficult to simultaneously stay up-to-date, maintain equal interest, and be fully educated about a host of other anonymizing networks.

= Links: Other Anonymizing Networks =

Readers who are interested in replacing or pairing Tor with alternative networks in {{project_name_short}} should refer to the links below.

'''Table:''' ''Alternative Anonymizing Networks''

{| class="wikitable"
! scope="col"| '''Network'''
! scope="col"| '''Available Content'''
! scope="row"| [[Freenet]]
* Introduction<br />
* [[Freenet#Inproxies_inside_Whonix-Workstation|Inproxies inside {{project_name_workstation_long}}]]<br />
* [[Freenet#Freenet_inside_Whonix-Workstation|Freenet in  {{project_name_workstation_short}}]] (Freenet over Tor)<br />
* Freenet in {{project_name_gateway_long}} (FreenetBOX) <ref name="inspiration">See the [[Dev/Inspiration|Inspiration]] page on this wiki for more information on alternative anonymizing networks and the research behind them.</ref>
! scope="row"| [[I2P]]
* Introduction; see [[Dev/Inspiration|Inspiration]]<br />
* [[I2P#Inproxies_inside_Whonix-Workstation|Browse Eepsites using I2P Inproxies in {{project_name_workstation_short}}]]<br />
* [[I2P#I2P_Client_inside_Whonix-Workstation|Install I2P in {{project_name_workstation_short}}]] (I2P over Tor)<br />
* [[I2P#Installing_I2P_on_Whonix-Gateway|Install I2P in {{project_name_gateway_short}}]] (I2PBOX); see [[Dev/Inspiration|Inspiration]]
! scope="row"| Proxies + Tor
* Introduction; see [[Features#Tunnel Support|Tunnel Support]]<br />
* [[Tunnels/Connecting_to_Tor_before_a_proxy|Connect to Tor before a Proxy]]<br />
* [[Tunnels/Connecting_to_a_proxy_before_Tor|Connect to a Proxy before Tor]]<br />
* Proxies as a Tor replacement ([[ProxyBOX]]); see [[Dev/Inspiration|Inspiration]] <ref name=inspiration /> <br />
* Depending on proxy type; see [[Dev/Inspiration|Inspiration]] <ref name=inspiration /> <br />
* Transparent proxying method; see [[Dev/Inspiration|Inspiration]] <ref name=inspiration /> <br />
* Proxy settings method; see [[Dev/Inspiration|Inspiration]] <ref name=inspiration />
! scope="row"| [[RetroShare]]
* RetroShare as an anonymizer; see [[Dev/Inspiration|Inspiration]] <ref name=inspiration /><br />
* RetroShare over Tor; see [[Chat#RetroShare|RetroShare]]
! scope="row"| VPN
* Introduction; see [[Dev/Inspiration|Inspiration]] <ref name=inspiration /><br />
* Fail closed mechanism; see [[VPN-Firewall|VPN Firewall]]<br />
* [[Features#Tunnel Support|Tunnel Support]]
* VPNs in addition to Tor:<br />
** [[Tunnels/Connecting_to_Tor_before_a_VPN|Connect to Tor before a VPN]]<br />
** [[Tunnels/Connecting_to_a_VPN_before_Tor|Connect to a VPN before Tor]]<br />
** Combine both methods (pre and post-Tor VPN tunnels)<br />
* VPNs as a Tor replacement (VPNBOX); see [[Dev/Inspiration|Inspiration]] <ref name=inspiration />
! scope="row"| ZeroNet
* [[ZeroNet#Connecting_to_Tor_before_ZeroNet|Connect to Tor before ZeroNet]]

= Footnotes =


[[Category:Documentation]] [[Category:Design]]