MultiWiki: On this page there is functionality for specific pages.
See detailed documentation in Dev/mediawiki
deferrable:YES -- It comes later in the rendering process anyways

(function() {
	// ==============
	// Page: Homepage
	if( $('body').hasClass('page-Homepage') ) {
		let scrollMargin = 70;
		// Section Banner
		// Event : Click on the hero image starts video
		$( '#hide-overview-image' ).on( 'change', () => $( '.overview-image-and-video-player video' )[0].play() );

		// Event : Click on video. Improve player with pause / play on video		
		$( '.overview-image-and-video-player video' ).on( 'click', function() {
			if( this.paused ) this.play();
			else this.pause();
		// Section Competition
		$('.section-competition .show-more').on( 'click', function() {
			$('.section-competition .show-for-nojs-only').removeClass('show-for-nojs-only');
		$('.section-features, .section-values').find('.col-container .card-wrapper').each( function() {
			// Setup
			let id = $(this).attr('id');
			// Replace a-anchor with div (to make text selectable)
			let linkReplacement = $('<div></div>');
			linkReplacement.append( $(this).find( 'a > *' ) );
			$(this).children().replaceWith( linkReplacement );
			// Add share link to modal
			let shareButtonForModal = $( `<span class="code-select" data-button-image-src="/w/images/thumb/9/9f/Share-icon.png/40px-Share-icon.png">${ window.mwDev.data.app.baseUrl }#${id}</span>` );
			$( '#modal-' + id ).append( shareButtonForModal );
			// Add attribute to modal to make it react to url hash
			$( '#modal-' + id ).attr( 'data-url-hash', id );
			// When there is a hash corresponding to a card, highlight that card
			if( $( urlObj.hash ).length ) $( urlObj.hash ).addClass( 'hash-target' );
			// Events
			// If there's no text selection, open modal and change url
			linkReplacement.on( 'click', function() {
				let sel = window.getSelection();
				if( sel && sel.type != 'None' && ! sel.isCollapsed ) return;
				$( '#modal-' + id ).miniModal('show');
		// Section Features and Section Values
		let urlHash = mwDev.tools.hashControl.get();
		if( urlHash && urlHash.match( /^explain-/ ) ) {
			// Open extendable box containing card
			let collapseContainer = $( urlHash ).parents('.mw-collapsed');
			if( collapseContainer.length ) collapseContainer.find('.mw-collapsible-toggle')[0].click();
			$('html, body').stop().animate( { 'scrollTop': $( '#' + urlHash ).offset().top - scrollMargin }, 800, 'swing', () => $(window).miniModal('checkForModalsCalledByHash') );
	// ==================
	// Page: Dev/wikitest
	if( $('body').hasClass('page-Dev_wikitest') ) {
		$('#open-mini-modal-test').on( 'click', () => $('#mini-modal-test').miniModal('show') );
