/* MiniModal Gadget - JS Initialisation, Setup, Events. A fully functional but minimal modal See detailed documentation in Dev/mediawiki deferrable:NO -- Because a other scripts are dependent on it */ (function() { // Init a selection of MiniModals function init( modal ) { modal.each( function() { if( ! modal.hasClass('mini-modal') || ! modal.attr('id') || modal.hasClass('init-complete') ) return; else modal.addClass('init-complete'); let temp = $(`<div style="display: none;" id="mini-modal-temp-container-${Math.random().toString().substring(2)}"></div>`); $('body').append( temp ); temp.append( modal.children() ); modal.empty().append('' + '<div class="underlay"></div>' + '<i class="fas fa-times mm-close"></i>' + '<div class="content"></div>' ); modal.children( '.content' ).append( temp.children() ); temp.remove(); // Events // Event : Click close or underlay modal.children('.underlay, .mm-close').on( 'click', () => hide( modal ) ); }); } function show( modal ) { init( modal ); modal.addClass('active'); if( modal.attr('data-url-hash') ) mwDev.tools.hashControl.set( modal.attr('data-url-hash') ); modal.trigger( 'shown.miniModal' ); } function hide( modal ) { init( modal ); modal.removeClass('active'); if( modal.attr('data-url-hash') ) mwDev.tools.hashControl.set( '' ); modal.trigger( 'hidden.miniModal' ); } // JQUERY extension $.fn.miniModal = function(command) { switch( command ) { case 'init': init( $(this) ); break; case 'show': show( $(this) ); break; case 'hide': hide( $(this) ); break; case 'checkForModalsCalledByHash' : let hashModal = $( `.mini-modal[data-url-hash="${ mwDev.tools.hashControl.get() }"]` ); if( hashModal.length ) show( hashModal ); break; } }; // Event : URL popstate. With no hash close all modals that are active mwDev.tools.hashControl.register( '', () => $( '.mini-modal.active' ).each( (index,modal) => hide( $(modal) ) ) ); })(); /* [[Category:MultiWiki]] */