Hash Control library - register every hash dependent function
See detailed documentation in Dev/mediawiki
deferrable:NO -- Because a other scripts are dependent on it

(function() {
	let allHashCallbacks = {};
	let emptyHashCallbacks = [];
	let isInitialTriggerRequested = false;
	// Getting the decoded hash
	let get = () => decodeURIComponent( window.location.hash.substring(1) );
	// Triggering the selected hash function
	let triggerFn = () => {
		let hash = get();
		if( hash && allHashCallbacks[ hash ] ) allHashCallbacks[ hash ]();
		if( ! hash ) emptyHashCallbacks.forEach( element => element() );
	// Register with our dev tools
	mwDev.tools.hashControl = {
		// Register a callback-function with an id/hash
		register: function( id, callback, requestInitialTrigger ) {
			if( id ) allHashCallbacks[ id ] = callback;
			else emptyHashCallbacks.push( callback );
			if( requestInitialTrigger ) isInitialTriggerRequested = true;
		// Simulate a popstate event (useful for example if initial Hash should be handled)
		trigger : function( initial ) {
			if( initial != 'initial' || isInitialTriggerRequested ) triggerFn();
		// Get current Hash
		get: get,
		// Set the hash (affects registered function)
		set: function( hash ) {
			let urlObj = new URL(window.location);
			if( hash != urlObj.hash.substring(1) ) window.history.pushState( { info: 'js pushState' }, '[Param deprecated]', mwDev.data.app.baseUrl + '?' + urlObj.searchParams.toString() + ( hash ? '#' + hash : '' ) );
	// Event : Handle Event popstate centrally
	$(window).on( 'popstate', triggerFn );
