/* EditorFullscreen Gadget - JS Initialisation, Setup, Events See detailed documentation in Dev/mediawiki deferrable:YES -- This is just an augmentation */ (function () { if( $('#editform').length ) setTimeout( function() { // Setup var editor; if( $('#editform .ace_editor' ).length ) { $('#editform .ace_editor' ).attr('id','editform-ace-editor'); editor = ace.edit('editform-ace-editor'); $('#editform .ui-resizable' ).attr('data-initial-height',$('#editform .ui-resizable' ).outerHeight()); } $('#wikiEditor-ui-toolbar').append($( '' + '<span class="editor-fullscreen">' + '<i class="open-fullscreen fas fa-expand" title="Go to fullscreen editing"></i>' + '<i class="close-fullscreen fas fa-compress-alt" title="Go to windowed editing"></i>' + '</span>' )); // Events $('#wikiEditor-ui-toolbar .editor-fullscreen').on( 'click', function() { let currentlyActive = $('body').hasClass('editform-fullscreen-active'); $('body').toggleClass('editform-fullscreen-active'); if( currentlyActive ) { if( editor ) editor.resize(); if( editor ) { $('#editform .ui-resizable' ).height( $('#editform .ui-resizable' ).attr('data-initial-height') ); editor.resize(); } else { $('#editform #wpTextbox1').height(''); } } else { let newHeight = $(window).height() - 20 - $('#wikiEditor-ui-toolbar').outerHeight() - $('#editform .editOptions').outerHeight() - ( $('#editform .codeEditor-status').length ? $('#editform .codeEditor-status').outerHeight() : 0 ) - ( $('#msupload-div').length ? $('#msupload-div').outerHeight() : 0 ); $('.wikiEditor-ui-text').height( newHeight ); if( editor ) { $('#editform .ace_editor' ).parent().height( newHeight ); editor.resize(); } else if( $('.CodeMirror').length ) { $('#editform .CodeMirror').height( newHeight ); } else { $('#editform #wpTextbox1').height( newHeight ); } } }); }, 500 ); })(); /* [[Category:MultiWiki]] */