{{Header}} {{hide_all_banners}} {{PreventEnhanceHeadlines}} {{VirtualBox_CSS}} {{Title|title=
{{project_name_long}} Linux Installer for VirtualBox
|description={{project_name_short}} for Linux - Stable Version
}} {{intro
|{{project_name_short}} can be easily installed using '''{{project_name_short}} Linux Installer'''. Select your Linux distribution to get started.
<div class="show-for-nojs-only">
|title= = Debian, Fedora and Derivatives =
|title= == GUI ==
[[File:Gui-preview.jpg|{{project_name_short}} Xfce in VirtualBox|thumb]]
|item=fa-solid fa-info cs-blue,{{project_name_short}} with Xfce {{gui}}.
|item=fa-solid fa-info cs-blue,This version of {{project_name_short}} is designed to run inside VirtualBox.
|item=fa-solid fa-check cs-green,Beginner-friendly and easy to use.
|item=fa-solid fa-check cs-green,It is the right choice for most users.
Please follow these steps to install {{project_name_short}}.
== {{IconSet|h1|1}} {{project_name_short}} Linux Installer ==
== {{IconSet|h1|2}} Start {{project_name_short}} ==
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== {{IconSet|h1|3}} Support the Future of {{project_name_short}} ==
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|title= == CLI ==
[[File:Cli-preview.jpg|{{project_name_short}} CLI in VirtualBox|thumb|240px]]
|item=fa-solid fa-info cs-blue,{{project_name_short}} with {{cli}}.
|item=fa-solid fa-info cs-blue,This version of {{project_name_short}} is designed to run inside VirtualBox.
|item=fa-solid fa-exclamation-circle cs-red,{{project_name_short}} with CLI is a version suited for advanced users -- those who want {{project_name_short}} without a {{gui}}. Everyone else should install the user-friendly {{project_name_short}} VirtualBox with GUI Xfce.
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<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-expandtext="Learn More" data-collapsetext="Show Less">
'''Additional information about the {{project_name_short}} Linux Installer.'''
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== {{project_name_short}} Linux Installer ==
The {{project_name_short}} Linux Installer streamlines the process of setting up {{project_name_short}} on VirtualBox. While the earlier method required users to follow instructions on the [[VirtualBox|{{project_name_short}} for VirtualBox]] wiki page, this installer makes the entire process more intuitive. Here's an in-depth look at what it does:

== Questions and Answers ==

Usually, the pipe symbol is used within tables.

In the following table, the pipe symbol is escaped due to its containment within a template, which would otherwise conflict with its standard use.
{{{!}} class="wikitable" style="background-color: #fff;text-align: left"
! '''Question'''
! '''Answer'''

{{!}} Do I have to use the new {{project_name_short}} Linux Installer?
{{!}} No. You can still manually install VirtualBox and import {{project_name_short}} by following the instructions on the [[VirtualBox{{!}}{{project_name_short}} for VirtualBox]] wiki page.

{{!}} Is the manual method for VirtualBox installation going to be deprecated?
{{!}} There's no such plan as of now. The manual method remains crucial as it offers compatibility with certain Linux distributions not supported by the {{project_name_short}} Linux Installer.

{{!}} Can I use {{project_name_gateway_long}} CLI in conjunction with {{project_name_workstation_long}} Xfce?
{{!}} [https://forums.whonix.org/t/can-i-combine-whonix-gateway-cli-with-whonix-workstation-xfce-yes/6308 Absolutely, find out more here.]

{{!}} Why should I prefer VirtualBox over KVM?
{{!}} For insights, visit [[Dev/VirtualBox#Why_use_VirtualBox_over_KVM?{{!}}Here]].

{{!}} Why choose VirtualBox instead of Qubes?
{{!}} The reasons are elaborated [[Dev/VirtualBox#Why_use_VirtualBox_over_Qubes?{{!}}here]].

{{!}} Where can I find the main FAQ?
{{!}} Check out the [[FAQ{{!}}{{project_name_short}} FAQ]].

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= Footnotes =
<references />
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|title= = Kicksecure =
|addClass=inverse minimal
|item=fa-solid fa-info cs-blue,For users that are already using Kicksecure as their host operating system, installation of {{project_name_short}} for VirtualBox is even simpler.
|item=fa-solid fa-shield cs-black,No need to manually download or verify the installer {{project_name_short}} Linux Installer on Kicksecure hosts.
|item=fa-solid fa-check cs-green,{{project_name_short}} Linux Installer for VirtualBox is installed by default in Kicksecure.

Simply run one of the following commands.

For {{project_name_short}} with Xfce (recommended):

* {{CodeSelect|code=
* {{CodeSelect|code=
{{project_name_short_lowercase}}-xfce-installer-cli --onion

For {{project_name_short}} with CLI (for advanced users only):

* {{CodeSelect|code=
* {{CodeSelect|code=
{{project_name_short_lowercase}}-cli-installer-cli --onion

|addClass=inverse minimal
|item=fa-solid fa-mouse-pointer,See tab 'Debian, Fedora and Derivatives'.
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|title= = Ubuntu =
|addClass=inverse minimal
|item=fa-solid fa-info cs-blue,Minimum required version: Only Ubuntu Jammy (22.04) (LTS) has been tested.
|item=fa-solid fa-info cs-blue,Lower versions will not work. Please release upgrade your Ubuntu version first.
|item=fa-solid fa-info cs-blue,Higher stable Ubuntu versions will probably work.
|item=fa-solid fa-mouse-pointer,See tab 'Debian, Fedora and Derivatives'.
}}}} <!-- close box -->
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|title= = Other Linux Distributions =
|item=fa-solid fa-info cs-blue,The {{project_name_short}} Linux Installer for VirtualBox is only supported for Debian, Fedora and their derivatives (such as Ubuntu, CentOS, RedHat or Kicksecure).
|item=fa-solid fa-mouse-pointer,See <a href=VirtualBox> {{Clickable button|color=blue|manually install {{project_name_short}} for VirtualBox (FREE!)}}</a> to learn more and get started with {{project_name_short}}.
|item=fa-solid fa-toolbox cs-blue,Are you a developer? If your host operating system is unsupported&comma; contributions to add support for Other Linux distributions are <a href=Reporting_Bugs#Contributions>welcome</a>.
}}<!-- close tab : Other linux distributions -->
|title= = Windows =
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|title= = Mac =
}} <!-- close tab: Mac --> <!-- Dedicated link to MacOS wiki page in the Whonix wiki and this is a MultiWiki page. -->
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