{{Header}} {{#seo: |description=Electrum-LTC in {{project_name_long}} }} {{intro| Electrum-LTC in {{project_name_long}} }} = Introduction = {{stub}} {{Community Support}} {{Third_Party_Software}} = Installation = == Download and Digital Software Verification == Perform these steps inside {{project_name_workstation_long}} ({{q_project_name_long}}: <code>{{project_name_workstation_vm}}</code> App Qube). {{Box|text= '''1.''' <ref> maybe try if below does not work: https://keyserver.ubuntu.com/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xcae1092ad3553ffd21c05de36fc4c9f7f1be8fea </ref> {{CodeSelect|code= gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 0xCAE1092AD3553FFD21C05DE36FC4C9F7F1BE8FEA }} '''2.''' {{CodeSelect|code= gpg --fingerprint 0xCAE1092AD3553FFD21C05DE36FC4C9F7F1BE8FEA }} '''3.''' {{CodeSelect|code= scurl-download --tlsv1.2 https://electrum-ltc.org/download/electrum-ltc- }} '''4.''' {{CodeSelect|code= scurl-download --tlsv1.2 https://electrum-ltc.org/download/electrum-ltc- }} '''5.''' {{CodeSelect|code= gpg --verify electrum-ltc- }} {{GnuPG-Success}} {{GnuPG-Warning}} '''6.''' {{CodeSelect|code= chmod +x ~/electrum-ltc- }} '''7.''' {{CodeSelect|code= mkdir --parents ~/bin }} '''8.''' {{CodeSelect|code= mv electrum-ltc- ~/bin/electrum-ltc }} }} = Configure Electrum-LTC - Debian based Offline Computer = User setup specific notice. * '''A)''' <u>'''Not''' using Debian based Offline Computer:</u> Ignore this wiki chapter. * '''B)''' <u>Debian based Offline Computer:</u> No special notice. Should not be needed since offline computer but useful anyhow just in case. Connect only to one server (own server) instead of any third party servers. {{CodeSelect|code= ~/bin/electrum-ltc --offline setconfig oneserver true }} Connect to own local server. {{CodeSelect|code= ~/bin/electrum-ltc --offline setconfig server }} Avoid auto connecting to third party servers (and avoid Electrum-LTC first start wizard asking to). {{CodeSelect|code= ~/bin/electrum-ltc --offline setconfig auto_connect false }} = Add a Electrum-LTC Start Menu Entry - Debian based Offline Computer = Creating a <code>Electrum-LTC</code> start menu entry. This step is optional. {{Box|text= '''1.''' User setup specific notice. * '''A)''' <u>'''Not''' using Debian based Offline Computer:</u> If you don't use a Debian based Offline Computer then you cannot use the instructions from this wiki chapter without modification. In that case you would have to drop <code>--oneserver --server</code> below. * '''B)''' <u>Debian based Offline Computer:</u> No special notice. '''2.''' Create folder <code>~/.local/share/applications</code>. {{CodeSelect|code= mkdir -p ~/.local/share/applications }} '''3.''' {{Open File|filename= ~/.local/share/applications/electrum-ltc.desktop }} '''4.''' Paste the following contents. {{CodeSelect|code= [Desktop Entry] Name=Electrum-LTC Comment=electrum-ltc Exec=bash -c '~/bin/electrum-ltc --oneserver --server' Terminal=false Type=Application Icon=money-manager-ex StartupWMClass=litecoin MimeType=x-scheme-handler/litecoin; Categories=Finance; }} '''5.''' Save. '''6.''' Done. The <code>Electrum-LTC</code> start menu entry available should be available. }} = Start from Command Line = To start <code>Electrum-LTC</code> from the command line, run. {{CodeSelect|code= ~/bin/electrum-ltc }} = See Also = * [[Litecoin Core]] * [[ElectrumX-LTC]] {{reflist|close=1}} {{Footer}} [[Category:Documentation]]