{{Header}} __FORCETOC__
{{project_name_long}} Research
|description={{project_name_short}} Cooperation with Researchers
Researchers working with us:
= keystroke obfuscation =
Vinnie Monaco, the author of the paper [https://vmonaco.com/papers/Obfuscating%20Keystroke%20Time%20Intervals%20to%20Avoid%20Identification%20and%20Impersonation.pdf Obfuscating Keystroke Time Intervals to Avoid Identification and Impersonation] has written [https://github.com/vmonaco/kloak kloak -  Obfuscate keystroke timings to help protect privacy] due to [https://github.com/vmonaco/keystroke-obfuscation/issues/1#issuecomment-243433528 {{project_name_short}} request]. It is now pre-installed by default in {{project_name_short}}.

= TCP ISN CPU Information Leak Protection tirdad =
* https://bitguard.wordpress.com/2019/09/03/an-analysis-of-tcp-secure-sn-generation-in-linux-and-its-privacy-issues/
* https://github.com/Kicksecure/tirdad
* https://github.com/0xsirus/tirdad


= TCP ISNs and Temperature induced clock skews =
Ethan White, the author [https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-talk/2016-July/041807.html Practical deanonymization using CPU load covert channels] helping us with CPU-induced latency Covert Channel Countermeasures.

TODO: https://phabricator.whonix.org/T530#10274

= single-gw multiple-ws vs multiple-gw multiple-ws mapped 1:1 =
Tor Project research wanted blog post on <code> single-gw multiple-ws vs multiple-gw multiple-ws mapped 1:1</code> in progress

* https://phabricator.whonix.org/T567#11239
* https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-dev/2016-December/011720.html
* [[Dev/Multiple Workstations]]

= See Also =
If you found that interesting, you might also like the following pages.

* [[Advanced Deanonymization Attacks]]
* [[Dev/Advanced Deanonymization Attacks]]
* [[What we do|What we do, Things the {{project_name_short}} project is working on; Innovate; Cooperate; Mentor; Educate; Maintenance]]
