= Materials =
'''UNFINISHED''' (barely started)

Materials - pieces of information and links that should be included in the draft.

=== keyserver discussion ===
reread this whole thread https://lists.nongnu.org/archive/html/sks-devel/2013-12/threads.html#00073

=== find and reread this discussion ===

>> Good question.  Probably, but some keyserver operators might view
>> it as rude.  Best to ask on address@hidden

> Will do.

=== separate DNS ===
aptrevoker.debian.org so this can be turned off / redirected in case keyservers cannot handle the load

=== /etc/apt-revoker.d ===
The code for downloading the revocation certificates should be configurable.

Download the signing key revocation certificates from:

* version 1 - download from clearnet keyservers
* version 2 - optionally download from onion keyservers
* version 3 - optionally download from freenet / or something that implements a [[Dev/Permanent_Takedown_Attack_Defender|permanent takedown attack defense]]

= Proposal =

* Take any of the above bullet points one by one and convert those into a good wording that can be posted on the debian-devel mailing list.



= Related =
* [[Dev/project-news]]
* [[Dev/Permanent Takedown Attack Defender|Permanent Takedown Attack Defender, proposal to defend a permanent takedown threat]]
