|description=Development Notes about {{project_name_long}} News and the {{project_name_long}} News File Format
= {{project_name_short}} News File Format =

'''Version 0.2''' used by {{project_name_short}} 0.5.6

First line contains version and may not contain any spaces!


news text here
some more news text

= How to create a valid {{project_name_short}} News File =

== Manually ==

(1). safe as whonix_news


(2). sign

<pre>gpg --clearsign whonix_news</pre>

(3). test

<pre>gpg --verify whonix_news.asc</pre>

== Using Maintainer Script ==


= Extra implementation info =

Signing and verification (as sanity check) of 
<nowiki>[https://github.com/{{project_name_short}}/derivative-maker/blob/master/release/whonix_news whonix_news]</nowiki> is automated by <nowiki>[https://github.com/{{project_name_short}}/derivative-maker/blob/master/release/upload_whonix_news upload_whonix_news]</nowiki>.

<nowiki>[https://github.com/{{project_name_short}}/derivative-maker/blob/master/whonix_shared/usr/lib/whonix/systemcheck/50_check-whonix-news 50_check-whonix-news]</nowiki> will find out the current installing version by:

## Read only FIRST line.
read -r INSTALLED_WHONIX_VERSION < /usr/local/share/whonix/version
## Remove ALL spaces.

While phrasing the whonix_news, it is not required to remove the OpenPGP Signature, because the function verify_whonix_news in <nowiki>[https://github.com/{{project_name_short}}/derivative-maker/blob/master/whonix_shared/usr/lib/whonix/systemcheck/50_check-whonix-news 50_check-whonix-news]</nowiki> will use ''gpg --decrypt'' to get plain text, which will result in the {{project_name_short}} News File Format.

