{{Header}} __NOINDEX__
|description=Development Notes about {{project_name_long}} Download Statistics
Development Notes about {{project_name_long}} Download Statistics
= Data Points =
Last update: 2014|09|19

'''Outdated: No statistics for current versions of {{project_name_short}} >= 10 available. <ref>Because files are downloaded from <nowiki>http://mirror.whonix.de</nowiki>, shared among various mirrors and we don't ask them to keep statistics nor go through the hassle of requesting/collecting these.</ref>'''

[https://sourceforge.net/projects/whonixdevelopermetafiles/files/internal/ {{project_name_short}} Developer Meta Files] ([https://github.com/kicksecure/developer-meta-files/ on github]) may provide interesting data points.

* sourceforge shows downloads per week.
* sourceforge has allows showing download statistics in custom date ranges. Example: https://sourceforge.net/projects/whonixdevelopermetafiles/files/internal/news_v4/whonix_news.tar.xz/stats/timeline
<br />
* {{project_name_short}} News File downloads.
** The [https://sourceforge.net/projects/whonixdevelopermetafiles/files/internal/news/ internal/news] folder shows downloads for deprecated {{project_name_short}} News Files.
** The [https://sourceforge.net/projects/whonixdevelopermetafiles/files/internal/news_v3/ internal/news_v3] folder shows downloads for an intermediate, development only version of {{project_name_short}}.
** The [https://sourceforge.net/projects/whonixdevelopermetafiles/files/internal/news_v4/ internal/news_v4] folder shows downloads of {{project_name_short}} News Files by users of {{project_name_short}} 8 and 9.
** &rarr; Each time a user runs [https://www.kicksecure.com/wiki/Systemcheck systemcheck], a download counter will be increased.
** &rarr; whonixcheck, unless manually disabled by the user, runs automatically. See [https://www.kicksecure.com/wiki/Systemcheck systemcheck] wiki page to find out how often.
<br />
* [[Project-APT-Repository|{{project_name_short}} APT repository]] (optional; disabled by default; users are asked to enable or leave it disabled on first boot by setup-dist ([https://github.com/{{project_name_short}}/setup-dist on github])
** [https://sourceforge.net/projects/whonixdevelopermetafiles/files/internal/pool/ internal/pool] folder.
** [https://sourceforge.net/projects/whonixdevelopermetafiles/files/internal/dists/ internal/dists] folder.
*** stable folder = {{project_name_short}} 8 stable repository
*** wheezy folder = {{project_name_short}} 9 stable repository
*** testers folder (only used by users who choose {{project_name_short}} testers-only APT repository]
*** developers folder (only used by users who choose {{project_name_short}} developers-only APT repository]
*** -&rarr; Each time some users that opted in for {{project_name_short}} APT repository and executed "sudo apt update", a download counter will be increased.
<br />
Note, It is also [[Dev/ptt|planed to distribute {{project_name_short}} News Files among multiple servers]]. Therefore these data points are outdated.

= 2015-04-19 =
Last data point. On 2015-04-19, {{project_name_short}} news file was downloaded 12586 times. Divided by 2 (not counting gateway and workstation twice) that means, that approximately ~ 6000 users used {{project_name_short}} on that day.

notes / sources:

* {{project_name_short}} 9
* {{project_name_customworkstation_long}}'s are not included in that number.
* Manual whonixcheck starts would increase that number.
* whonixcheck, unless manually disabled by the user, runs automatically.
* If whonixcheck was not manually run by the user before, it runs every 24 hours. (Presupposes using {{project_name_short}} on that day.)
* There is no good data available for {{project_name_short}} >= 10, because {{project_name_short}} news file is no longer primarily hosted on sourceforge. Rather on mirror.whonix.de and most mirrors do not keep statistics.
* https://sourceforge.net/projects/whonixdevelopermetafiles/files/internal/news_v4/whonix_news.tar.xz/stats/timeline?dates=2015-01-01+to+2015-04-29

= 2014|09|16 =
[https://forums.whonix.org/u/fortasse/activity fortasse] (whonix.org webmaster) wrote <ref>
We don't have anything like that, but I agree it would be interesting to get some statistics.

However, it is difficult to have statistics without being overly invasive. It is made doubly difficult because our downloads are served by mirrors provided by volunteers. I suppose we could have a simple counting script in front of those download links. Nothing as of yet, but I'll look into an easy / non-invasive way to get some basic statistics.

= 2014|09|19 =
At time of writing, there were 7 mirror IPs. <br />
1 of {{project_name_short}} download mirrors is creating statistics.<br />
The live url is:<br />
<nowiki>http://tap.rlogin.net/cgi-bin/awstats.pl?config=whonix</nowiki><br />
The snapshotted url at time of writing is:<br />
<br />

= 2013|07 =
== TBB's Influence on Download Statistics ==
Windows might have fewer downloaders than any statistic says, because TBB for Linux and MacOS claims, that it is Windows, which muddles the statistic.

== What does "Anonymous Proxy" in sourceforge.net statistics mean? ==
Sourceforge support, ctsai-sf on freenode in #sourceforge said, they use GeoIP for country detection and browser agent for operating system and browser. GeoIP, according to its website <ref>
</ref>, detects Anonymizer (they probably mean Tor and such), VPN and Open Proxies, so they everything into the same category of "Anonymous Proxy" - this is what sourceforge logs.

== webcited on 2013|07|11 ==
* Before announcing migration to whonix.org.
* Old design of download page (Please ignore the "Moved to https://www.whonix.org" part. That snapshot has been forgotten and made later. Nevertheless it gives an impression how the old download page looked like.)
* Before using the new colored download table, which indicates, that http downloads without OpenPGP verification is the least secure method.
* After blog post announcing experimental BitTorrent downloads.
* Let's see, if after the end of this campaign, more users use OpenPGP verification
* Or at least use BitTorrent - although we don't create download statistics for the .torrent files.
* Or at least use magnet links - but we probably can not get statistics about them.

* 965 {{project_name_gateway_short}}.ova downloads | 34 {{project_name_gateway_short}}.ova.sig downloads &rarr; '''1 in ~29 used OpenPGP verification'''
* 1173 {{project_name_workstation_short}}.ova downloads | 37 {{project_name_workstation_short}}.ova.sig downloads &rarr; '''1 in ~32 used OpenPGP verification'''

== webcited on 2013|07|31 ==
* After migration to whonix.org.
* Using a colored download table, which indicates, that http downloads without OpenPGP verification is the least secure method, see download page].

* 1015 {{project_name_gateway_short}}.ova downloads | 100 {{project_name_gateway_short}}.ova.sig downloads &rarr; '''1 in ~10 used OpenPGP verification'''
* 972 {{project_name_workstation_short}}.ova downloads | 85 {{project_name_workstation_short}}.ova.sig downloads &rarr; '''1 in ~12 used OpenPGP verification'''

= Discussion =
[https://forums.whonix.org/t/download-stats/497 {{project_name_short}} Forum: download stats]

= Footnotes / References =

