{{Header}} {{title|title= Design Documentation }} {{#seo: |description=Technical Design and Conception of the {{project_name_short}} Anonymous Operating System. |image=Magic-cube-378543640.jpg }} {{tech_intro_mininav}} [[File:Magic-cube-378543640.jpg|thumb]] {{intro| Technical Design and Conception of the {{project_name_long}} Anonymous Operating System. }} = Upstream = {{upstream_wiki}} = Technical Design = <div class="use-3-columns"> * [[Dev/Technical Introduction|Dev/Technical Introduction, {{project_name_short}} Framework, Security Overview]] ** [[Dev/Technical Introduction|Does {{project_name_short}} / Tor Provide Protection from Advanced Adversaries?]] ** [[Dev/Technical Introduction|Is there a {{project_name_short}} Amnesic Feature / Live CD / Live DVD? What about Forensics?]] * [[Comparison with Others|Comparison of {{project_name_short}}, Tails, Tor Browser, TorVM and corridor]] * [[Comparison of different variants|Comparison of different {{project_name_short}} variants]] * [[Comparison Of Tor Proxies CGI proxies Proxy Chains And VPN Services]] * [[Protocol-Leak-Protection and Fingerprinting-Protection|Protocol-Leak-Protection and Fingerprinting-Protection]] * [[Dev/TimeSync|Time Synchronization Mechanism]] * [[Stream Isolation|Stream Isolation]] * [[systemcheck|systemcheck]] * [[SSL|SSL]] * [[Dev/Leak Tests|LeakTests to check everything is properly set up]] * [[Dev/Anonymity Network|Anonymity Network]] * [[Dev/About Computer (In)Security]] * [[Dev/Threat Model]] * [[Dev/Operating System|Dev/Operating System, Debian, Ubuntu, ...]] * [[Dev/Virtualization Platform]] ** [[Dev/VirtualBox|VirtualBox]] ** [[Dev/KVM|KVM]] ** [[Dev/Qubes|Qubes]] * [[Dev/Gateway|{{project_name_gateway_long}} / Graphical {{project_name_gateway_long}} benefits over Headless {{project_name_gateway_long}}]] * [[Dev/Host]] * [[Dev/Project Host|Whonix-Host]] * [[Fingerprint]] * [[Dev/Entropy]] * [[Whonix against Real Attacks|{{project_name_short}} Whonix against Real Attacks]] * [[Security Reviews and Feedback|Security Reviews and Feedback, Press, Media]] * [[Connections between Gateway and Workstation|(encrypted) (authenticated) Connection Between {{project_name_gateway_short}} and {{project_name_workstation_long}}]] * [[Dev/Build Anonymity]] * [[Dev/Expected Build Warnings]] * {{kicksecure_wiki |wikipage=Dev/Relationship_With_Upstream |text=Relationship With Upstream }} * {{kicksecure_wiki |wikipage=Dev/About_Infrastructure |text=About Infrastructure }} * [[Trust|Trusting {{project_name_short}}]] * {{kicksecure_wiki |wikipage=Verified_Boot |text=Verified Boot }} (Secure Boot) * [[Verifiable Builds]] (as in reproducible, but not exactly reproducible) * [[Dev/Stateless|Factory Reset, Stateless Systems, Reproducible Systems, Verifiable Systems, Clear Linux, NixOS, Fedora Silverblue]] * [[Next|NEXT: In development for next {{project_name_short}} version]] * [[Dev/onion-grater|onion-grater (Control Port Filter Proxy)]] * [[Dev/Automatic Updates|Automatic Updates (APT) - to Use or Not Use Them]] * {{kicksecure_wiki |wikipage=Dev/Automatic_Updates |text=Package Manager Graphical }} * {{kicksecure_wiki |wikipage=Dev/Automatic_Updates |text=One Click Update Script - Simplified, Assisted Updates }} * [[Dev/anon-ws-disable-stacked-tor|Dummy Tor package on {{project_name_workstation_short}} (anon-ws-disable-stacked-tor)]] * [[Dev/About Debian Packaging|About Debian Packaging]] ** [[Dev/About Debian Packaging#Recommends vs Depends|<code>Recommends:</code> vs <code>Depends</code> (<code>--no-install-recommends</code>)]] ** [[Dev/About Debian Packaging#Files in Home Folder|ought to avoid writing into linux user <code>/home</code> folder]] ** [[Dev/About Debian Packaging#Files in /etc/skel|Files in <code>/etc/skel</code>]] ** [[Dev/About_Debian_Packaging#Modifying_Default_Configuration_of_Third_Party_Packages|Modifying Default Configuration of Third Party Packages]] * [[Dev/Default Application Policy|Criteria for installing applications by default in {{project_name_short}}, Default Application Policy, package sources, software sources, Debian software package repository packages.debian.org, deb.debian.org, deb.torproject.org, software from non-APT repository software sources (Tor Browser)]] * [[Dev/Tor|Tor Config Files torrc / Why Waste Network Bandwidth by Downloading Operating System Updates over Tor?]] * [[Dev/setup-dist]] * [[Dev/Disclaimer|Disclaimer in setup-dist - Background of it]] * [[Dev/anon-ws-disable-stacked-tor|anon-ws-disable-stacked-tor, prevents Tor over Tor]] * [[Dev/Versioning Format Conventions|Versioning Format Conventions for packages developed under the {{project_name_short}} hat]] * [[Comparison_Of_Package_Managers|Comparison Of Package Managers]] * [[Dev/Advanced Deanonymization Attacks|Advanced Deanonymization Attacks, Covert Channels]] * [[Dev/Advanced Deanonymization Attacks|Dev/Advanced Deanonymization Attacks, Covert Channels]] * [[Stable Version User Experience]] * [[Dev/coding_style|Coding Style]] * [[Dev/latency-obfuscator|Latency Obfuscator]] * [[Dev/RAM_Wipe|RAM Wipe, cryptsetup suspend]] * [[Dev/nonfree|non-freedom, proprietary, closed source firmware, CPU microcode and drivers]] </div> = Detailed Design = <div class="use-3-columns"> * [[Dev/Project_Networking]] * [[Dev/ipv6]] </div> = Future Technical Design = <div class="use-3-columns"> * [[Dev/Permanent Takedown Attack Defender|Permanent Takedown Attack Defender, proposal to defend a permanent takedown threat]] * [[Dev/project-news|Project / Emergency News]] * [[Dev/MAC|controversy of anonymous MAC addresses]] * [https://phabricator.whonix.org/T140 apt revoker] * [[Dev/vanguards|vanguards]] notification graphical user interface (GUI) * [[Dev/remount-secure]] - Secure Mount Options * {{kicksecure_wiki |wikipage=Dev/confidential_computing |text=Confidential Computing, Cloud Considerations }} </div> = General Developer Pages = <div class="use-3-columns"> * [[Dev/Documentation Guidelines|Documentation Guidelines]] * [[Dev/Documentation Markup Format Converters|Documentation Markup Format Converters]] * [[Dev/Developer_Portal|Developer Portal]] * [[Dev/Archived Discussions|Dev/Archived Discussions, development discussions, old and recent, bugs, features, etc.]] * [[Dev/git|Git branches]] * [[Dev/APT Repository|APT Repository ({{project_name_short}} Debian Package Maintenance) (.deb), reprepro]] * [[Dev/GNOME|Some random thoughts about a future GNOME desktop, GNOME proxy]] * [[Dev/Source_Code_Intro|Introduction into the {{project_name_short}} build method and source code]] * [[Dev/News|{{project_name_short}} News File Format]] * [[Dev/SSL Certificate Pinning|SSL certificate pinning]] * [[Dev/JonDo|development discussion if JonDo(Fox) could be pre-installed in {{project_name_workstation_short}}]] * [[Dev/Project_Host|{{project_name_short}} Host operating system or even VM operating system - development discussion]] * [[Dev/Network Manager|Network Manager (NM) in {{project_name_short}} instead of ifupdown - development discussion]] * [[Dev/Other Virtualization Platforms]] * [[Dev/Continuous Integration|Continuous Integration (CI)]] * [[Dev/DHCP|Consideration running a DHCP server on {{project_name_gateway_short}} and running a DHCP client in {{project_name_workstation_short}}]] * [[Dev/Permissions]] * [[Hosting a Mirror|Hosting a {{project_name_short}} Mirror]] * [[Dev/APT_Pinning|Why we should avoid APT Pinning / preferences / backports by default]] * [[Dev/Password_Manager|Comparing Password Managers, finding out best choice as default installed one]] * [[Dev/Porting]] ** [[Dev/Porting#Packages|Architecture Specific, Compiled, Third Party, "special" Packages / Kernel Modules / Shared Objects]] * [[Dev/Logo]] * [[Dev/TPO_Trademark|The Tor Project (TPO) Trademark]] * [[Dev/64bit|32bit vs 64bit - How effort would multiply when 64bit images (same for other desktop environments such as Gnome)]] * [[Dev/Firefox_Add-On|Firefox Add-On, debugging, "live" edits]] * [[Dev/tor-launcher|tor-launcher add-on screenshots]] * [[BackupScript|{{project_clearnet}} backup script, to make a backup of most {{project_clearnet}} content]] * [[Dev/Firewall_Unload|Firewall Unloading / flush iptables]] * [[Dev/Qubes]] * [[Dev/Split_GPG|Qubes Split GPG]] * [[Dev/Firewall_Refactoring|Firewall Refactoring]] * [[Dev/Test|Dev/Test - How to "UnWhonix" - Instructions on how to remove {{project_name_short}} Tor default networking for {{project_name_gateway_short}}. After applying these instructions, {{project_name_gateway_short}} will connect to clearnet.]] * [[Dev/Firejail|Firejail]] * [[Dev/grsecurity|grsecurity]] * [[Dev/Linux Installer|{{project_name_short}}-Linux-Installer]] * [[Dev/Windows Installer|{{project_name_short}} Windows Installer]] * [[Dev/Windows_Starter|Dev/{{project_name_short}}-Windows-User-Interface]] * [[Windows_Quick_Start_Testers_Only_Version|{{project_name_short}} Windows Installer - Testers Only Version ]] * [[Dev/research|{{project_name_short}} Cooperation with Researchers]] * [[Dev/Special Keys|Host Keys in various Virtualizers / special keys]] * [[Dev/Gajim|Gajim - TODO for installing Gajim by default in {{project_name_short}}]] * [[Dev/Ledger_Hardware_Wallet|Ledger Hardware Wallet Development Notes]] * [[AEM]] - anti evil maid * [[Boot Clock Randomization]] * [[Dev/user-sysmaint-split|user-sysmaint-split, Boot Modes]] * [[Dev/mobile]] * [[Dev/yubikey]] * [[Non Anonymous NAT Traversal]] * [[Dev/Project_friendly_applications_best_practices|{{project_name_short}} friendly applications best practices]] * [[Dev/Licensing]] * [[SecBrowser|Tor Browser without Tor]] * [[Dev/VirusForget|VirusForget - deactivate malware after reboot from non-root compromise]] * [[Dev/bash|bash proper whitespace handling]] * [[Dev/wallpaper|wallpaper]] * [[Dev/certification|certification / audit]] ** [[Dev/STIG]] ** [https://forums.whonix.org/t/run-openscap-security-test/9080 OpenSCAP] ** [https://forums.whonix.org/t/lynis-security-auditing-tool-for-unix-based-systems/7633 lynis] ** [https://forums.whonix.org/t/harbian-audit-hardened-debian-gnu-linux-distro-auditing/8513 harbian-audit - Hardened Debian GNU/Linux distro auditing] * Windows 10 Issues collection ** https://forums.whonix.org/t/gateway-startup-error-not-syncing-no-working-init-found/9481/11 * [[Dev/surveys|Polls Collections (Surveys)]] * [[Dev/Automated Tests|Automated Tests]] * [[Dev/Warrant Canary Draft|Warrant Canary Draft]] * [[Dev/Astra Linux]] * [[Dev/Torified Wi-Fi Hotspot|Dev/Torified Wi-Fi Hotspot (WiFi)]] * [[Dev/Xfce|Xfce Desktop Environment Notes, xfconfd, desktop background image, configuration files]] * {{kicksecure_wiki |wikipage=Dev/Open_Source_Business_Models |text=Open Source Business Models }} * {{kicksecure_wiki |wikipage=Dev/audio |text=audio, ALSA, PulseAudio, PipeWire }} </div> = Website Developer Pages = <div class="use-3-columns"> * [[Dev/website|website and wiki HTML / CSS improvements]] * [[Dev/Issue_Tracker|Issue, Bug, Feature Request Tracker, phabricator]] * [[Dev/CSS|mediawiki CSS]] * [[Privacy_Policy|{{project_name_short}}.org Site Security]] * [[Dev/OpenPGP Signed Website|OpenPGP Signed Website]] * [[Dev/Homepage|Hompage of {{project_name_short}}, Experiments with Browser Load Speed and Content]] * [[Dev/Web_Backend|Web Backend, CMS vs non-CMS, vs github-pages, etc.]] * [[Dev/mediawiki|mediawiki, codeselect, select code, short / long / recommended / detailed buttons]] * [[Transparency|Transparency, Guidelines for Advertising on {{project_clearnet}}, Affiliate Policy]] * [https://archive.readme.io/docs/creating-a-snapshot web.archive.org snapshot using command line interface (CLI)] * [[Privacy Policy Technical Details|Privacy Policy Technical Details of the {{project_name_short}} Website]] </div> {{Anchor|Download}} = Download / Installation - Developer Pages = <div class="use-3-columns"> * [[Download_Security|Download Security]] * [[Dev/Download_Statistics|Statistics on Downloads and OpenPGP verification and how we can improve that]] * [[Dev/Download Wizard]] * [[Software_Signature_Verification_Usability_Issues_and_Proposed_Solutions|Software Verification (OpenPGP / gpg) Usability Issues / Secure Downloader to Download {{project_name_short}} Images]] * [[Dev/Installation_from_Repository|Installation from {{project_name_short}} repository - "sudo apt install {{project_name_short_lowercase}}"]] * [https://forums.whonix.org/t/sudo-apt-get-install-whonix-part-i-distro-morphing/2346 VM image download from repository - "sudo apt install whonix-gateway-ova"] </div> = Other Related = <div class="use-3-columns"> * [[Documentation|Documentation]] * [[Mailing Lists|whonix-devel mailing list archive]] * [[Dev/Build Documentation|Build Documentation, How to build {{project_name_short}} from Source Code, How to update {{project_name_short}} from Source Code]] * [https://github.com/{{project_name_short}}/derivative-maker {{project_name_short}} Source Code] * [https://github.com/Kicksecure/developer-meta-files/blob/master/usr/bin/dm-prepare-release {{project_name_short}} Developer Meta Files, Scripts for managing the {{project_name_short}} GNU/Linux Distribution] * [[Dev/Maintenance|Maintenance, The Tor Project (TPO) apt repository package mirroring to whonix.org repository, Tor Browser hardcoded version file]] * [[Dev/Redistribution#Pre_Building|Redistribution Pre Building]] (Only required if you want to redistribute (official) {{project_name_short}} release builds.) * [[Dev/Redistribution#Post_Building|Redistribution Post Building]] (Only required if you want to redistribute (official) {{project_name_short}} release builds.) * [[Essential_Tests|Essential {{project_name_short}} Functionality Tests]] * [[Dev/Vision‎|Whonix² Project Vision]] * [https://forums.whonix.org/tag/project-philosophy Project Philosophy] * [[Community_survey|Community Survey, collecting feedback for the future direction of {{project_name_short}}]] </div> = Other Unrelated = <div class="use-3-columns"> * [[Dev/Tails Doc Fork|Documentation pages forked from the Tails project]] * [[Authorship#License|Citation, backup of website content license grants]] * [[Edge|Edge Security Model (Android Wallet)]] </div> = Deprecated = <div class="use-3-columns"> * [[UniStation|OneVM - {{project_name_short}} implementation with just a single VM (Tor runs on host)]] * [[Dev/Inspiration|Installing I2P on {{project_name_gateway_short}} (I2PBOX)]] * [[Dev/Inspiration|JonDonym as Tor replacement (JonDoBOX)]] * [[Dev/Inspiration|VPN, VPN's as a Tor replacement (VPNBOX)]] * [[Dev/Inspiration|Proxy, Proxies as a Tor replacement (ProxyBOX), Transparent Proxying Method, Proxy Settings Method]] / [[ProxyBOX]] * [[Dev/Inspiration|Freenet on the {{project_name_gateway_short}} (FreenetBOX)]] * [[Dev/Inspiration|RetroShare as Anonymizer]] * [[Dev/Zerobox]] (ZeroNet) </div> = TODO = * https://forums.whonix.org/search?expanded=true&q=%23status_open_issue_todo%20%23component_security * https://packages.debian.org/{{Stable project version based on Debian codename}}/tiger * https://packages.debian.org/{{Stable project version based on Debian codename}}/tiger-otheros [[Category:Design]] {{Footer}}