{{Header}} {{title|title= Anbox - Run Android Applications and Games }} {{#seo: |description=Anbox allows Android applications and mobile games to run inside {{project_name_long}}. |image=Anbox_apps_short.png }} {{archived}} __NOINDEX__ https://anbox.io/ redirects to https://github.com/anbox which says it is deprecated. [[File:anbox_apps_short.png|thumb|800px|center]] [[File:Androidosicon.png|Android OS Icon|150px|thumb]] {{intro| Anbox allows Android applications and mobile games to run inside {{project_name_short}}. }} = Introduction = {{Community_Support|scope=page}} = Installation = To use Anbox with {{project_name_short}}, apply the following steps. '''1.''' Follow the general {{Kicksecure}} specific instructions. {{upstream_wiki}} '''2.''' Follow {{project_name_short}} specific instructions. '''3.''' Done. Other {{project_name_short}} specific notices can be found below. = Anbox Configuration = == Derivative Specific == Disabling [[{{project_name_workstation_short}} Firewall|{{project_name_workstation_long}} Firewall]] is unfortunately required. Otherwise there would be no network access. <ref> This is because Anbox comes with its own bridged network. Whitelisting that interface in {{project_name_workstation_short}} firewall is [[Unsupported|undocumented]] and might require source code modifications. [[Reporting_Bugs#Patches_are_Welcome|Patches are Welcome]]. </ref> {{mbox | image = [[File:Ambox_warning_pn.svg.png|40px]] | text = Warning: * This reduces security! Especially when using [[Multiple_Whonix-Workstations|multiple {{project_name_workstation_short}}]] behind the same {{project_name_gateway_long}}. ** Still no risk of clearnet IP leaks. <ref> * [[Dev/Technical_Introduction#Security_Overview|{{project_name_short}} Security Overview]] * [[Whonix-Workstation_Firewall#Purpose|purpose of Whonix-Workstation firewall]] * [[Dev/Technical_Introduction#With_more_technical_terms|technical details why firewall even without firewall {{project_name_short}} is still leak-proof]] * Forum discussion: [https://forums.whonix.org/t/when-i-turn-off-the-whonix-workstation-firewall-am-i-still-safe/13826 When I turn off the Whonix-Workstationâ„¢ Firewall, am I still safe?] </ref> }} {{Box|text= '''1.''' Inside {{project_name_workstation_short}}. ({{q_project_name_long}}: inside StandaloneVM (better!) or Template). {{CodeSelect|code= sudo systemctl mask {{project_name_short_lowercase}}-firewall }} '''2.''' Disable [https://www.kicksecure.com/wiki/Systemcheck systemcheck] in {{project_name_workstation_short}} Firewall. {{Box|text= {{Open with root rights|filename= /etc/systemcheck.d/50_user.conf }} Paste. {{CodeSelect|code= systemcheck_skip_functions+=" check_{{project_name_short_lowercase}}_firewall_systemd_status " }} Save. }} '''3.''' Reboot. This is required to unload {{project_name_workstation_short}} firewall rules and to have Anbox load its firewall rules. {{CodeSelect|code= sudo reboot }} }} = Android x86 as a Workstation = There are both distinct advantages and disadvantages of running Android applications in Android x86 Workstation. <ref>https://forums.whonix.org/t/integrate-anbox-into-whonix-workstation/9642</ref> '''Table:''' ''Android x86 Workstation Advantages and Disadvantages'' {| class="wikitable" |- ! scope="col"| '''Category''' ! scope="col"| '''Notes''' |- ! scope="row"| Bootloader / Ramdisk | It is possible to use Magisk to achieve root permissions and hide root from applications on Android x86. <ref>Some individuals have already achieved this.</ref> |- ! scope="row"| Flexibility | * It is possible to use <code>adb</code> if Android x86 uses the same internal network as the Gateway and Workstation. <ref>Also, it may be possible to run ssh-server on {{project_name_workstation_short}} and connect the Android x86 through Termux or similar.</ref> * Root access - Android x86 has a pre-installed superuser binary and manager so root access works out of the box. Applications with root access will work without any additional setup. |- ! scope="row"| Networking | Android x86 provides a virtual Wi-Fi interface (<code>wlan0</code>) so applications think that a real Wi-Fi connection is established (Anbox uses a bridge network interface). |- ! scope="row"| Operating System | The full Android stack implemented as Android x86 is a full operating system which requires hardware virtualization. |- ! scope="row"| Security | This configuration is less secure than utilizing a {{project_name_workstation_short}}. <ref>Although it may have more flexibility, as static IP connections on the Android x86 Workstation have been accomplished.</ref> |- ! scope="row"| Software | Any version of Android from 4.x to 9.x can be installed. |- ! scope="row"| Speed | This configuration is slower than anbox installation as Android x86 VM does not provide any type of Guest Additions meaning no graphic card drivers are supported. |- |} To check running anbox within kicksecure (same applied for {{project_name_workstation_short}}) check [https://www.kicksecure.com/wiki/Anbox#Anbox_inside_Kicksecure_%E2%84%A2_Advantages_and_Disadvantages Anbox inside Kicksecure â„¢ Advantages and Disadvantages] = Forum Discussion = * [https://forums.whonix.org/t/running-android-apps-inside-whonix-workstation-proof-of-concept/7441/11 Running Android Apps inside Whonix-Workstation - Anbox - Proof of concept] * [https://forums.whonix.org/t/integrate-anbox-into-whonix-workstation/9642 Integrate Anbox into Whonix-Workstation] = Footnotes = <references /> {{Footer}} [[Category: Design]]