|description=Improving {{project_name_long}} and Linux Security for Advanced Users, {{project_name_long}} Hardening

This page is targeted at advanced users who wish to improve the security of their systems to become even more secure.

= Essentials =

Before reading or applying instructions in the Advanced Security Guide, first review the information found in the Computer Security Education and Basic Security Guide sections.

= Important References =

It is recommended to learn more about the following topics:
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* [[MAC_Address|Anonymizing MAC Addresses]]: Readers interested in this topic can also read the development discussion and draw their own conclusions.
* [[Connections between Gateway and Workstation|Connections between {{project_name_gateway_long}} and {{project_name_workstation_long}}]]
* [[Dev/Entropy|Entropy]]
* Restrict TransPort: This is explained under [[Install_Software#{{project_name_workstation_short}}_is_Firewalled|{{project_name_workstation_short}} is firewalled]]
* [[Stream_Isolation|Stream Isolation]]
* [[Time Attacks]]
* [[Design|{{project_name_short}} Design]]: Technically-minded readers can review the recommendations on how less-than-ideal specifications could be improved.
* [[Documentation|{{project_name_short}} Documentation]]: Some application-specific documentation will have no relevance, but a thorough study of various entries will increase overall awareness and gradually improve anonymity and security practices.

= Useful External Links =
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* [https://www.debian.org/security/ Debian Security Information]
* [https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/debian-ubuntu-linux-software-integrity-checking-with-aide/ Debian / Ubuntu Linux Install Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment (AIDE) Software] <ref>See also: [https://packages.qa.debian.org/a/aide.html AIDE Debian package] and the [https://aide.github.io/ AIDE homepage].</ref>
* [https://seifried.org/lasg/ Linux Administrator's Security Guide]
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20190209024628/https://www.aboutdebian.com/security.htm Linux Server and Network Security]
* [https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/securing-debian-manual/index.en.html Securing Debian Manual]
* [https://serverfault.com/questions/11659/what-steps-do-you-take-to-secure-a-debian-server What steps do you take to secure a Debian server?]
* [https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus Ubuntu documentation - Antivirus]
* [https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BasicSecurity Ubuntu wiki - Basic Security] <ref>Since Ubuntu is based on Debian.</ref>
* [https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BasicSecurity/DidIJustGetOwned Ubuntu wiki - Did I Just Get Owned?]

= Footnotes =


