cid#703937 unchecked return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#703953 unchecked return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#703956 unchecked return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#703960 unchecked return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#703974 unchecked return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#704106 unchecked return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#704107 unchecked return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#704863 dereference after null check [Caolán McNamara] cid#705118 using invalid iterator [Caolán McNamara] cid#705480 dereference null return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1130173 logically dead code [Caolán McNamara] cid#1209863 untrusted loop bound [Caolán McNamara] cid#1222237 try silence Untrusted value as argument [Caolán McNamara] cid#1242793 make fuzzing tabsize check compile time instead of runtime [Caolán McNamara] cid#1242892 untrusted value as argument [Caolán McNamara] cid#1251600 uncaught exception [Caolán McNamara] cid#1292911 big parameter passed by value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1311945 uncaught exception [Caolán McNamara] cid#1399198 uncaught exception [Caolán McNamara] cid#1399336 uncaught exception [Caolán McNamara] cid#1399432 uncaught exception [Caolán McNamara] cid#1401328 uncaught exception [Caolán McNamara] cid#1401334 uncaught exception [Caolán McNamara] cid#1424266 uncaught exception [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448212 improper use of negative value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448213 assignment of overlapping memory [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448214 perf inefficient map iterator [Julien Nabet] cid#1448215 RV: Bad use of return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448216 silence Explicit null deferenced false positives [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448217 use after free [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448219 silence Unchecked return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448220 explicit null dereferenced [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448221 RV: Bad use of return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448223 dereference after null check [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448224 unchecked return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448227 uncaught exception [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448229 division or modulo by zero [Caolán McNamara, Michael Stahl] cid#1448231 explicit null dereferenced [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448232 unchecked dynamic_cast [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448236 use after free [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448237 unchecked return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448240 unchecked dynamic_cast [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448241 silence Explicit null deferenced false positive [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448243 using invalid iterator [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448245 uninit scalar field [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448246 result is not floating-point [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448247 division or modulo by float zero [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448248 unchecked return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448249 identical code for different branches [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448251 unchecked dynamic_cast [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448252 negative array index read [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448253 use after free [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448255 out-of-bounds access [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448256 unchecked return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448260 argument cannot be negative [Noel Grandin] cid#1448263 dereference after null check [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448264 silence Out-of-bounds access [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448265 untrusted value as argument [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448269 dereference null return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448270 division or modulo by float zero [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448272 RV: Bad use of return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448275 dereference before null check [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448276 dereference null return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448277 RV: Bad use of return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448279 dereference before null check [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448285 RV: Bad use of return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448286 uninitialised scalar field [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448287 unchecked return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448288 unchecked return value from library [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448291 UC: Useless code [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448292 coverity has difficulty with css::uno::Sequence [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448293 copy into fixed size buffer [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448294 unchecked return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448295 unchecked return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448296 unchecked return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448299 constant expression result (sw/basesh) [Julien Nabet] cid#1448300 using invalid iterator [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448301 silence Untrusted loop bound [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448303 RV: Bad use of return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448305 silence Out-of-bounds access [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448306 silence Unchecked return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448308 unintended sign extension [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448311 dereference null return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448318 dereference null return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448319 use after free [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448320 resource leak in object (l10ntools/treemerge) [Julien Nabet] cid#1448321 dereference after null check [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448322 try silence Splice iterator mismatch [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448323 unchecked return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448325 uncaught exception [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448326 unchecked return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448328 UC: Useless code [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448333 unchecked return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448334 silence Untrusted value as argument [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448337 unchecked return value from library [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448339 use after free [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448341 perf inefficient map iterator [Julien Nabet] cid#1448346 improper use of negative value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448347 unchecked return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448348 silence Stray semicolon [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448349 uninitialized scalar field [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448350 RV: Bad use of return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448351 use after free [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448352 arguments in wrong order [Caolán McNamara, Noel Grandin] cid#1448353 uncaught exception [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448354 UC: Useless code [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448356 uncaught exception [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448357 RV: Bad use of return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448358 improper use of negative value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448360 assignment of overlapping memory [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448361 silence Explicit null dereferenced [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448362 silence Dereference null return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448363 unchecked dynamic_cast sw [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448364 UC: Useless code [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448365 silence Arguments in wrong order [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448369 silence Unchecked dynamic_cast [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448370 explicit null dereferenced [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448372 unchecked return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448373 UC: Useless code [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448375 improper use of negative value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448376 SIC: Inner class could be made static [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448377 silence Dereference null return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448379 silence Explicit null dereferenced false positive [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448381 unchecked return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448383 resource leak in object [Caolán McNamara, Julien Nabet] cid#1448384 calling risky rand [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448386 RV: Bad use of return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448388 assignment of overlapping memory [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448390 uninitialized scalar field [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448392 silence Dereference before null check [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448394 try silence unsafe_xml_parse_config [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448395 uncaught exception [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448398 dereference before null check [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448399 useless call [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448400 UC: Useless code [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448403 use after free [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448404 dereference null return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448405 uncaught exception [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448407 silence Resource leak [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448409 uninitialized scalar field [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448410 explicit null dereferenced [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448412 subvert Untrusted value as argument [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448414 silence Explicit null dereferenced [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448415 pointer to local outside scope [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448417 silence Unchecked return value from library [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448418 unchecked return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448419 resource leak [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448422 division or modulo by zero [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448424 silence Uninitialized pointer field [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448425 resource leak (sc/htmlprovider) [Julien Nabet] cid#1448426 unchecked return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448427 silence bogus Explicit null dereferenced [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448428 dereference before null check [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448429 unchecked return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448431 using invalid iterator [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448432 division or modulo by zero [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448433 unintended comparison to logical negation [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448435 unchecked return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448436 unchecked return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448437 unchecked return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448438 uncaught exception [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448440 silence Dereference null return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448441 unchecked return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448443 uninitialized pointer field [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448446 unchecked dynamic_cast [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448448 unchecked return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448451 use after free [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448454 RV: Bad use of return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448455 unchecked return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448456 uninitialized scalar field [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448459 dereference after null check [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448460 unchecked return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448461 RV: Bad use of return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448463 dereference null return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448465 uncaught exception [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448466 RV: Bad use of return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448470 perf inefficient map iterator [Julien Nabet] cid#1448478 dereference befoew null check [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448479 logically dead code [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448480 uncaught exception [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448481 calling risky rand [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448482 silence Using invalid iterator [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448483 dereference null return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448484 unchecked return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448485 silence Copy-paste error [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448488 unchecked return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448489 uncaught exception [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448491 uninitialized scalar field [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448493 dereference after null check [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448495 unchecked return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448499 less obscure comparison against end [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448509 unchecked return value from library [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448511 silence Out-of-bounds access [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448512 silence bogus Out-of-bounds access [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448514 dereference null return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448515 resource leak (test/xmltesttools) [Julien Nabet] cid#1448518 resource leak (test/xmltesttools) [Julien Nabet] cid#1448519 untrusted loop bound [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448523 silence bogus Out-of-bounds read [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448524 silence Unchecked dynamic_cast [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448526 RANGE: Range checks [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448527 unchecked return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448529 use after free [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448530 RV: Bad use of return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448531 RV: Bad use of return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448534 use after free [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448538 explicit null referenced [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448539 try silence Double free [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448540 dereference null return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448542 unintended sign extension [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448545 silence Wrapper object use after free [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448546 logically dead code [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448547 unchecked return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1448548 assignment of overlapping memory [Caolán McNamara] cid#1451627 division or modulo by float zero [Caolán McNamara] cid#1451628 dereference after null check [Caolán McNamara] cid#1451629 silence Division or modulo by zero [Caolán McNamara] cid#1451632 dereference after null check [Caolán McNamara] cid#1451635 silence Dereference after null check [Caolán McNamara] cid#1451636 silence Division or modulo by zero [Caolán McNamara] cid#1451637 silence Dereference after null check [Caolán McNamara] cid#1451638 unchecked dynamic_cast [Caolán McNamara] cid#1451641 unchecked return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1451642 silence Division or modulo by zero [Caolán McNamara] cid#1451643 uninitialized pointer field [Caolán McNamara] cid#1452040 silence Unchecked return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1452268 uninitialized scalar variable [Caolán McNamara] cid#1452393 silence Using invalid iterator [Caolán McNamara] cid#1452394 silence Using invalid iterator [Caolán McNamara] cid#1452761 uncaught exception [Caolán McNamara] cid#1452762 uninitialized pointer field [Caolán McNamara] cid#1452763 unchecked return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1453559 silence Unchecked return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1453561 null pointer dereferences [Caolán McNamara] cid#1453854 silence Time of check time of use [Caolán McNamara] cid#1453855 uninitialized scalar field [Caolán McNamara] cid#1453856 uninitialized scalar field [Caolán McNamara] cid#1453993 unchecked return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1453994 uninitialized pointer field [Caolán McNamara] cid#1453996 unchecked return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1453997 silence Uncaught exception [Caolán McNamara] cid#1453999 move coverity suppression [Caolán McNamara] cid#1454000 silence false "Side effect in assertion" [Stephan Bergmann] cid#1454001 silence Unchecked dynamic_cast [Caolán McNamara] cid#1454002 dereference after null check [Caolán McNamara] cid#1454003 silence 'Constant' variable guards dead code [Caolán McNamara] cid#1454626 uninitialized scalar field [Caolán McNamara] cid#1454627 dereference null return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1454629 silence bogus Arguments in wrong order [Caolán McNamara] cid#1454630 uninitialized scalar field [Caolán McNamara] cid#1454631 logically dead code [Caolán McNamara] cid#1454632 silence Uncaught exception [Caolán McNamara] cid#1454634 silence Unchecked return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#14484777 dereference null return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#14561625 unchecked dynamic_cast [Caolán McNamara] ofz#14989 Z_NEED_DICT related infinite loop [Caolán McNamara] ofz#15068 build failure [Caolán McNamara] ofz#15225 timeout cut out uninteresting slow path [Caolán McNamara] ofz#15335 avoid config during fuzzing [Caolán McNamara] ofz#15426 resolves; Integer-overflow [Caolán McNamara] ofz#15504 timeout [Caolán McNamara] ofz#15731 direct-leak RedlineExtraData is copied [Caolán McNamara] ofz#15797 integer-overflow [Caolán McNamara] ofz#15993 timeout [Caolán McNamara] ofz#15997 timeout [Caolán McNamara] ofz#16191 add en_LK locale data stub [Caolán McNamara] ofz#16306 avoid timeout [Caolán McNamara] ofz#16409 build failure [Caolán McNamara] ofz#16433 timeout [Caolán McNamara] ofz#16753 build failure [Caolán McNamara] ofz#16898 direct-leak in rtl_uString_ImplAlloc [Caolán McNamara] ofz#17212 floating point exception [Caolán McNamara] ofz#17448 avoid OOM [Caolán McNamara] ofz#17613 fix build [Caolán McNamara] ofz#17675 loop in lwp filter [Caolán McNamara] ofz#17817 avoid OOM [Caolán McNamara] ofz#17823 avoid timeout [Caolán McNamara] ofz#17992 null deref [Caolán McNamara] ofz#18093 guesslang was added to solenv/bin/ [Caolán McNamara] ofz#18110 timeout [Caolán McNamara] ofz#18116 timeout [Caolán McNamara] redmine#2555 replace Help online Google search [Olivier Hallot] rhbz#1715109 [fix available] Image with no extension can not be inserted but can be opened. [Caolán McNamara] rhbz#1728763 [fix available] block schemas completely unreadable in libreoffice writer [Caolán McNamara] tdf#39593 copy/paste code detector / fixing [Arkadiy Illarionov] tdf#40534 slide tearing or not shown in LARGE screens (high resolution) with hardware acceleration enabled (a buffer issue per comment 58) [Jan-Marek Glogowski] tdf#42316 Creating a new document from a template removes the signature from all Macros [Jan-Marek Glogowski] tdf#42949 accelerating compile times by removing unnecessary header #include - See Comment 57 [Gabor Kelemen] tdf#42990 EDITING Spreadsheet: Different handling of Text Cells in Calculations with SUM or addition of multiple cells [Olivier Hallot] tdf#43157 Clean up OSL_ASSERT, DBG_ASSERT, etc. [Jens Carl] tdf#43527 Help text regarding inserting notes does not apply for Calc [Olivier Hallot] tdf#44837 EDITING 'Replace All' clears current selection [ZdenÄ›k Crhonek] tdf#45789 automatic row height in reports [Ilhan Yesil] tdf#45904 move java based api tests to c++ [Jens Carl] tdf#47807 EDITING: Undo button not active for style change [Jim Raykowski] tdf#48041 Impress FILEOPEN: diagram in pptx file looks wrong, vertical axis lines duplicated [Balazs Varga] tdf#49482 Searching in the Basic IDE: showing found line completely at the bottom (or top with reverse search) is nasty: better to show this in center of the screen [Andreas Heinisch] tdf#50846 Macros: Wrong type of function GetLastUsedRow (standard library Tools, module Misc) [Andreas Heinisch] tdf#51195 : LibreOffice can not save fontwork as docx [Regina Henschel] tdf#52316 UI: Page count in Status bar does not respect setting "Print automatically inserted blank pages"; Incorrect value for page count field (see comment #16) [László Németh] tdf#53029 There is no authentication function when printing using CUPS on the network with LibreOffice Dialogs [Caolán McNamara] tdf#53847 Ability to forbid the use of direct formatting [Heiko Tietze] tdf#54819 EDITING: with "track changes" the paragraph following a deleted paragraph changes its style [László Németh] tdf#55436 Need another numbering scheme: *, †, ‡, §, etc. (mainly for footnotes) [Tim Bartlett] tdf#61076 UI User dictionary name is not validated [Rtch90] tdf#61586 LOCALHELP: Misleading for Ctrl+Down Arrow [Olivier Hallot] tdf#61588 LOCALHELP: Misleading for Ctrl+Shift+Arrow [Olivier Hallot] tdf#62326 Instruction Cint fails when converting Hex strings of a negative value to a 16-bit integer value. [Andreas Heinisch] tdf#62561 FORMATTING / UI: Add "Remove hyperlink" to (context) menu in Calc [Samuel Mehrbrodt] tdf#62699 drop "pass-through" header files [Gabor Kelemen] tdf#62955 UI When opening a Macro (Alt-F11) allow searching a module/ function name with typing the first letter [Andreas Heinisch] tdf#64222 FORMATTING: A DOCX-file in Writer shows different size of list elements (numbering) [Samuel Mehrbrodt, Michael Stahl] tdf#68103 Draw Help for Master page view mode(s) remain incomplete, Impress mode articles are not applicable [Olivier Hallot] tdf#70234 FILESAVE: DOC/DOCX - Track change of fields not saved correctly [László Németh] tdf#70813 Bad alphabet sort of list of macros [Andreas Heinisch] tdf#71087 Start Center document list is flickering (Win only, with OpenGL disabled) [Miklos Vajna] tdf#72040 TABLE: Add Date-Time-Format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss to Predifined Formats [Eike Rathke] tdf#74045 SLIDESHOW: ImageMap hyperlink doesn't work [Samuel Mehrbrodt] tdf#74702 Remove enum OutDevType from OutputDevice [Adrien Ollier, Chris Sherlock] tdf#76260 FILEOPEN: slow loading and dump of .docx with lots of footnotes (see Comment 27 and Comment 43) [Noel Grandin] tdf#76324 CALC becomes very slow with 5000+ comments [Noel Grandin] tdf#76535 [LOCALHELP] FORMCONTROLS: Enhancement: Help file in Calc needs to show How to edit hyperlinks [Vipul Gupta] tdf#78657 FILESAVE: When saving a DOCX that has a picture with a hyperlink on it - the hyperlink is lost [Tünde Tóth] tdf#79007 FILEOPEN PPTX Shapes with washout mode are not displayed [Xisco Fauli] tdf#79305 FILESAVE: relative file hyperlinks saved as absolute [Eike Rathke] tdf#81100 FILEOPEN: tblHeader property of the table is not being imported correctly [László Németh] tdf#81345 FILESAVE: Image from first page appears on all pages of document after saving file on LO [Justin Luth] tdf#81436 Add Formula Numbering autotext to all l10n [Laurent BP] tdf#83618 SIDEBAR: Paragraph dialog and SideBar Paragraph Content Panel -- using different source for their Line spacing values [Jim Raykowski] tdf#84806 Apply actions to full table without the need to select paragraph before/after (to prevent e.g. an empty table is left) [László Németh] tdf#88205 Adapt uses of css::uno::Sequence to use initializer_list ctor [Julien Nabet] tdf#88287 UI: Rename "Lines" toolbar and removing "Arrows" toolbar from View > Toolbars [Roman Kuznetsov] tdf#89467 document ctrl-shift-T properly which focuses the name box (Calc) [Olivier Hallot] tdf#89709 TOOLTIP: Page number tooltip doesnt appear in document with a single page [Jim Raykowski] tdf#90429 ooo2gd crashes LibreOffice immediately [Stephan Bergmann] tdf#91843 SIDEBAR: White borders appearing around slide layouts [Miklos Vajna] tdf#92083 Color bar should be included in the View menu [Roman Kuznetsov] tdf#92503 FILEOPEN: CSV - Certain date fields not imported correctly, pattern detected [Eike Rathke] tdf#92845 changing value in Tools-Options-LibreOffice Writer-Comparison is not persistent after restart [Gabor Kelemen] tdf#93476 Macro library list doesn't get sorted after importing a macro library [Andreas Heinisch] tdf#93998 Image background missing on dialog [Miklos Vajna] tdf#94117 Windows 64-bit and executable name of 64-bit build of ghostscript -- gswin64c.exe [Mike Kaganski] tdf#94395 line spacing change in paragraph style not displayed in Organizer [Jim Raykowski] tdf#94677 Calc is slow opening large CSV [Noel Grandin] tdf#94765 FILEOPEN: SVG: URL fails is the reference is not in the mapper (gradients/patterns) ( see comment 17 ) [Xisco Fauli] tdf#95848 FORMATTING: Numbering list in DOCX does not continue previous numbering [Michael Stahl] tdf#98575 Impress: Hard to select a hyperlink with the mouse [Samuel Mehrbrodt] tdf#98603 Hebrew text in pptx is recognized as English and formatting issues ensue [Mark Hung] tdf#98844 SUM function does not take into account precision as shown for ranges with numbers only (comment #7). [Eike Rathke] tdf#99115 SVG Insert: Styles defined globally (with *) aren't handle correctly [Xisco Fauli] tdf#99497 an 'arc' saved in .docx becomes a filled closed shape [Regina Henschel] tdf#99602 FILESAVE: subscript in character style not converted into docx [Justin Luth] tdf#100348 PPT(X) export of fontwork does not work [Regina Henschel] tdf#101322 FILESAVE: Subtitle not preserved in XLSX [Balazs Varga] tdf#101443 Wrong width/placement of Calc multiline scrollbar [Thorsten Wagner] tdf#101957 Crash when inserting an row in Writer using the context menu (likely GTK2-related) [Julien Nabet] tdf#101977 TRACK CHANGES: More uno commands for accepting/rejecting changes [Gabor Kelemen] tdf#103516 Calc: Fit to range(s) weight/height: printing almost blank pages in LO, but not in Excel, when "Height in pages" value is "Automatic" [László Németh] tdf#103703 When printing multiple duplex copies of a document with odd pages, the first page is printed on the back of the last page of the first copy [Gabor Kelemen] tdf#104167 FILEOPEN: DOCX: 3 pages are merged into 1 [Miklos Vajna] tdf#104339 SVG file is inserted empty [Xisco Fauli] tdf#104717 Repeated copy/paste is broken in Calc for KDE plasma "Clipboard contents" setting "Synchronize contents of the clipboard and the selection" [Jan-Marek Glogowski] tdf#105000 Palettes and color names are not localizable [Kovács László Zoltán] tdf#105330 The text cursor will disappear when undoing creating a table in a table (nested) [Miklos Vajna] tdf#105485 With track changes enabled, deleted comments persist in DOCX format [László Németh] tdf#106843 Protect changes setting can be turned off even if "Lock Tracking" is set in DOCX [László Németh] tdf#107144 CALC: Add icon for Show Comment on/off text button and change icon for Show Comments on/off and rename existing buttons [rizmut] tdf#107317 On Add Text Box to shape, undo label shows 'Insert $1' [Gabor Kelemen] tdf#107471 add an option to configure crashreporter [Gabor Kelemen] tdf#107784 FILEOPEN: DOCX: Citation incorrectly displayed [Xisco FaulÃ, Xisco Fauli] tdf#109158 slower loading of a huge AutoCorrect replacement table [Noel Grandin] tdf#111703 The last accessed tab is opened instead of the organizer tab when adding a new (page) style [Jim Raykowski] tdf#111707 EDITING: No Remove Hyperlink option (in context menu) in Impress [Samuel Mehrbrodt] tdf#112368 copy and paste filename from save dialog fails (kf5) [Jan-Marek Glogowski] tdf#112411 Merge toolbar "More Forms" with "Form Controls" [Gabor Kelemen] tdf#112543 Can't edit/open hyperlinks in text boxes and shapes in Writer [Samuel Mehrbrodt] tdf#113014 Numbering in a table is displayed outside the visible area when content/margins too large for the cell [László Németh] tdf#113131 Paragraph style: "Next-style"-rule is ignored if paragraph break is at the beginning of or within a paragraph [Olivier Hallot] tdf#113699 UI: "Registered databases" window is hard to reach when doing mail merge [Gabor Kelemen] tdf#114099 LibO ignores set printer and uses default printer when doing mail merge [Michael Weghorn] tdf#114166 FILEOPEN DOCX The Y Category Axis label disappears in LibreOffice Writer [Balazs Varga] tdf#114441 Convert use of sal_uLong to better integer types [Christian Barth] tdf#114751 Preferred font order for Japanese locale [AWASHIRO Ikuya] tdf#114854 FILEOPEN: DOCX: URL in comment imported as plain text [Justin Luth] tdf#115087 Change default location of Color bar and move location of 'None' entry [Heiko Tietze] tdf#115600 Missing Messages at the Use of “Navigate by†Function when Document Beginning or End is Reached [Jim Raykowski] tdf#116234 If you enter email settings during the mailing process, the sending will fail [Michael Weghorn] tdf#116460 The current page number isn't updated when scrolling with page up/down or arrow until after release [Jim Raykowski] tdf#116685 Copy-pasting a range of cells from Calc to Writer should produce a table by default [Jan Holesovsky] tdf#116767 Java: Call URLClassLoader.close once our runtime baseline is Java 7 [Stephan Bergmann] tdf#116862 GPG: Unclear error message when the OwnerTrust is different than ultimate [Franklin Weng] tdf#117274 FILESAVE XLSX: Drawing Objects (Shapes) multiply every time an XLSX file with comments roundtrips [László Németh] tdf#117857 Korean Hangul/Hanja Conversion Menu's "add Korean Ruby script" does not work [DaeHyun Sung] tdf#117987 Repeat Cell Highlighting Not Working Correctly [Artur Neumann] tdf#117988 FILEOPEN An empty line is too tall in the attached DOCX [Justin Luth] tdf#118169 FILESAVE DOCX ActiveX form control saved incorrectly with Hungarian accented letters [Tamás Zolnai] tdf#118311 EDITING Cut+paste table does not remove the table (like MSO does) [László Németh] tdf#118314 Remove "Input Method Status" menu option and implementation [Szabolcs Toth] tdf#118370 "Convert selected text frames into one text paragraph" function (for PDF import editing) [Justin Luth] tdf#118544 Optional macro parameter defined as Integer has type Variant/String causing type errors in the macro [Tomoyuki Kubota] tdf#118699 FILEOPEN DOCX Accepting tracked changes has different result in LO Writer and MS Word in document with numbered paragraphs [László Németh, Michael Stahl] tdf#118936 FILEOPEN DOCX top border is missing for border around text portion [Justin Luth] tdf#119021 Finalized configuration item Calc - Formula - Syntax still editable [Gabor Kelemen] tdf#119228 There is no way to flag/mark comments as resolved [Scott Clarke] tdf#119388 Calc freezes in Linux and very slow in Windows after trying to delete column or line in much compressed ods with lot of draw:custom-shape [Noel Grandin] tdf#119571 When tracking changes, paragraph joining does not update the style of the text after the deleted paragraph break until show changes is toggled (also it doesn't update the style of the deleted paragraphs) [László Németh] tdf#119809 FILESAVE DOCX The combo box ActiveX control is lost in LibreOffice Writer [Tamás Zolnai] tdf#120209 crash while changing language of formula to english [Caolán McNamara] tdf#120229 UI: Rearrange ToC menu items in sub-menu to show the most used item on first place [andreas kainz] tdf#120286 Edit Style should be disabled if Inherit from is disabled or None is selected [Jim Raykowski] tdf#120336 FILEOPEN DOCX Change tracking of the section break (next page) is incorrect [László Németh] tdf#120338 FILEOPEN DOCX The paragraph formatting changes are not undone / freeze LO [László Németh] tdf#120495 UI: Area section of Sidebar's properties tab isn't adapting anymore [Sumit Chauhan] tdf#120734 Right click context menu contains "Remove Hyperlink" without a hyperlink present [Samuel Mehrbrodt] tdf#120844 context Menu: remove tabletext.xml from sd modules [Roman Kuznetsov] tdf#120945 FIREBIRD: Relationship of tables isn't recognized by formwizard [Julien Nabet] tdf#121012 Ctrl-click to follow hyperlink is not displayed inside shape or text box [Samuel Mehrbrodt] tdf#121014 The Hyperlink tip is not displayed inside shape or text box in Writer [Samuel Mehrbrodt] tdf#121039 Ctrl-clicking hyperlink does not work in cell/text edit modes [Samuel Mehrbrodt] tdf#121437 Tooltip for Color Bar interactions missing [Heiko Tietze] tdf#121663 FILEOPEN DOCX Line Numbers and text created with Word have lower distance [László Németh] tdf#121925 Fix Java Jar dependency classpath to pass the ClassPathURLCheck [Stephan Bergmann] tdf#121983 not found when LO is built with internal cairo [Andras Timar] tdf#122011 Support for referring to tables from external files [Eike Rathke] tdf#122358 Forms: Right and bottom borders of form-controls set to 'FLAT' style not displayed (gtk3) [Caolán McNamara] tdf#122487 Wrong Naming of Drawing Objects [Caolán McNamara] tdf#122529 Resize handles in tables (Writer) [Tomaž Vajngerl] tdf#122570 Doesn't work Enter key in Autofilter window in Calc [Jim Raykowski] tdf#122706 Writer: Help for Print doesn't open correct page in new Print Dialog from 6.3+ [Gabor Kelemen] tdf#122753 "Format -> AutoFormat Styles ..." misleading name, and documentation lacking [Olivier Hallot] tdf#122791 Display column widths under table properties for more than just six columns [Caolán McNamara] tdf#122840 Nothing in Help for "Increase Ident" (and possibly other tooltip phrases) [Olivier Hallot] tdf#122842 Docs for auto-numbering LTA about how to change levels [Olivier Hallot] tdf#123088 Allow in Navigator view focused on Headings, the selection of several headers to be dragged at once. [Jim Raykowski] tdf#123265 Show menu icons by default in GTK3 Backend [Caolán McNamara] tdf#123339 FILESAVE XLSX Horizontal text alignment in comment is incorrect [Szabolcs Toth] tdf#123341 FILEOPEN XLSX vertical text alignment in comment is incorrect [Szabolcs Toth] tdf#123583 Processing loop for SfxEnumItem<enum SwFootnoteEndPosEnum> [Jan-Marek Glogowski] tdf#123587 Beanshell editor: Show current file name as window title [Andreas Heinisch] tdf#123627 FILEOPEN DOCX Hyperlink’s target folder changes if making a copy in a different folder [Tünde Tóth, László Németh] tdf#123628 FILESAVE DOCX Hyperlink in docx saved in LO as docx and opened in MSO doesn’t change colors [Tünde Tóth] tdf#123697 Black border around writer document [Tomaž Vajngerl] tdf#123702 FILEOPEN RTF Size of page margins is different in Word and Writer [László Németh] tdf#123703 FILEOPEN RTF Size of space sequence is different in Word and Writer [László Németh] tdf#123765 Screenshot: Little or no usage in the current implementation [Caolán McNamara] tdf#123903 FILESAVE DOCX dashed and dotted line styles not saved in DOCX (see comment 5) [Regina Henschel] tdf#123926 Clip-path elements of imported/inserted SVG images aren't displayed correctly [Xisco Fauli] tdf#123980 HELP: Error on explanation for WORKDAY() [Olivier Hallot] tdf#124042 Lots of CoreGraphics calls without a valid context [Tor Lillqvist] tdf#124083 Import filter issue with DOCX with embedded graph in decimal precision of x-axis values [Balazs Varga] tdf#124204 [LOCALHELP] Adjust Help page for LARGE and SMALL Calc functions [Olivier Hallot] tdf#124206 TABLE: Difference between default style as template and default style as style is not clear [Heiko Tietze] tdf#124243 FILEOPEN DOCX Deleted chart axis labels appear in Writer [Balazs Varga] tdf#124299 Document the Redaction Process and Commands [Olivier Hallot] tdf#124377 Make better bitmap export quality to PDF for Redaction [Aron Budea] tdf#124391 Doubled global menu in 6.2.2 with GTK VCL [Samuel Mehrbrodt] tdf#124456 Make Ant check more robust [Dennis Schridde] tdf#124491 FILEOPEN DOCX, Changes made to empty paragraphs are not tracked when docx is opened in Writer. [László Németh] tdf#124582 Change drop-down item "Outline Numbering" to "Chapter Numbering" in dialog Paragraph Style [Olivier Hallot] tdf#124583 notebookbar draw add shape related stuff [andreas kainz] tdf#124600 FILEOPEN DOCX: Wrong textbox alignment and spacing [Miklos Vajna] tdf#124601 FILEOPEN DOC: Wrong position of graphics in table [Miklos Vajna] tdf#124604 FILEOPEN DOCX There is excessive indent before subtitle [László Németh] tdf#124606 Help content concerning Layers is under simpress, but should be under sdraw [Olivier Hallot] tdf#124642 remove formular toolbar from writer -> view -> toolbars [Roman Kuznetsov] tdf#124729 Impress reliably crashes on THIS PowerPoint document in Linux [Caolán McNamara] tdf#124815 CRASH: inserting a column [ZdenÄ›k Crhonek] tdf#124840 UI: text for confirming updating external links ("Enable Content") is strange [Roman Kuznetsov] tdf#124907 iOS Spelling Suggestions not Scrollable [Tomaž Vajngerl] tdf#124947 Dialog theming/UX - Radio buttons are hard to use [Tomaž Vajngerl] tdf#124983 EDITING Calc: After hiding a column, column breaks and row breaks are inserted [Ilhan Yesil] tdf#125041 URL in unicode interpretate as file link [Tünde Tóth] tdf#125130 UI: Show 'Go to first/last page' in new print dialog [Heiko Tietze] tdf#125191 If the presentation contains the same file names, the impress jumps between the slides [Mike Kaganski] tdf#125219 kde5/wayland: Issues with slide show with videos [Michael Weghorn] tdf#125284 Turkish locale ruins LibreOffice Base [Caolán McNamara] tdf#125288 wrong Bar color name in the Data bar dialog (#0000FF instead of Blue) [Kovács László Zoltán] tdf#125289 Missing color name(s) in Conditional formatting dialog, hard coded color values not present on standard.soc [Gabor Kelemen] tdf#125296 Replace hard-coded chevron by themable icon [Heiko Tietze] tdf#125298 FILESAVE DOCX Bookmark names and field references shortened in case they are 40 characters long and contain non ASCII characters [Tünde Tóth] tdf#125307 PyUno wrongly converts Tuples of Strings [Bjoern Michaelsen] tdf#125319 FILEOPEN DOCX Numbered paragraph loses numbering after deleted paragraph in hide changes view [Michael Stahl] tdf#125330 Disable Filter and Change Table in mail wizard [Kelemen Gábor] tdf#125337 FILEOPEN DOCX Empty data table row is lost on column chart opening [Balazs Varga] tdf#125340 CRASH: closing LibreOffice while migration dialog is open ( GTK3 ) [Caolán McNamara] tdf#125355 Beanshell Editor: Correct indentation when Enter is pressed [Andreas Heinisch] tdf#125368 Add Karasa Jaga SVG Icons [rizmut] tdf#125404 Request for new sinitic languages [Eike Rathke] tdf#125461 Start Center: Some file previews are black ( ie. xlsx files ) (gen/gtk2) [Caolán McNamara] tdf#125483 Changing Locale does not update the label of the separator key [Caolán McNamara] tdf#125518 docx export: chart anchor and wrapping are not exported [Vasily Melenchuk] tdf#125520 EDITING: Calc: Error when dragging and dropping OLE objects with 'Insert as Copy' [Andrés Maldonado] tdf#125531 Empty CMIS properties dialog [Heiko Tietze, Caolán McNamara] tdf#125546 FILEOPEN DOCX Style changes result in multiple change tracking entries [László Németh] tdf#125552 PPTX: FILESAVE: Smartart font type changes after RT [Ilhan Yesil] tdf#125564 WatchWindow says the type of ThisComponent is ThisComponent [Tomoyuki Kubota] tdf#125565 Not possible to move table [Tomaž Vajngerl] tdf#125566 Not possible to move element down/up in the layer stack [Tomaž Vajngerl] tdf#125568 Selected text in Impress loses highlight when modified [Tor Lillqvist] tdf#125573 FILEOPEN PPTX Text in text transform shapes is not scaled to the path [Regina Henschel] tdf#125585 Filesave: OLE objects corruption and missing (per Comment 12) - repair damaged documents with fixed LO per Comment 25 [Regina Henschel] tdf#125591 FILEOPEN: DOC: performance regression opening a file with EMF images [Miklos Vajna] tdf#125609 radiobutton receives item status changed event after listbox value selection [Justin Luth] tdf#125640 FILEOPEN PPT The WordArt 'DoubleWave' has rendering error in the center [Regina Henschel] tdf#125642 Layout issues of new Bullet & Numbering dialog in Impress when VCL plugin is not gtk [GülÅŸah Köse] tdf#125655 UX - text frames in a presentation have a non obvious behavior [Tomaž Vajngerl] tdf#125665 Big ODT documents take too long to load or save [Noel Grandin] tdf#125670 Crash in: OutputDevice::InitClipRegion on Slide show [Jan-Marek Glogowski, Caolán McNamara] tdf#125692 kde5: Impress crashes when closing after using presentation minimizer [Jan-Marek Glogowski] tdf#125706 Fields have noticeable impact on loading/saving performance [Noel Grandin] tdf#125748 Interaction on frame should only be executed in presentation mode [Samuel Mehrbrodt] tdf#125756 Draw MIME type icon overlay on thumbnails at the start center [Heiko Tietze] tdf#125763 HELP: Wrong help text for variable type declaration [Olivier Hallot] tdf#125777 Toolbar icons not displayed in gen [Jan-Marek Glogowski] tdf#125814 Some items disappear in Autofilter drop-down when you select or deselect any item and shows when you scroll list [Miklos Vajna] tdf#125879 Change Wrap Through Icon [rizmut] tdf#125891 HELP: Needed to add description on Math's new attribute harpoon/wideharpoon to help [Olivier Hallot] tdf#125894 FILEOPEN DOCX Change tracking entries in text frames are not imported/exported [László Németh] tdf#125921 All LO apps use the WM_CLASS value of "soffice.bin", so different apps get grouped, and it's impossible to pin more than one to the Plasma Task Manager [Jan-Marek Glogowski] tdf#125922 Rename "kde5" VCL [Jan-Marek Glogowski] tdf#125923 Numbering and Bullets dialog Revert button closes window instead of reverting changes on Impress [GülÅŸah Köse] tdf#125939 Correct/improve tooltips for tools on Drawing toolbar in Draw [Roman Kuznetsov] tdf#125990 FILEOPEN DOCX Deleted non-numbered paragraph gets numbering from subsequent numbered paragraph [László Németh] tdf#126017 Crash swlo!SwNode::EndOfSectionIndex [ZdenÄ›k Crhonek] tdf#126030 FILEOPEN DOCX Automatic chart title is untranslated [Gabor Kelemen] tdf#126051 FORMATTING: Negative margins when boundary values are used between page and header/footer margins. (gen) [Caolán McNamara] tdf#126060 PPTX: FILEOPEN: Vertical text shown horizontally [GülÅŸah Köse] tdf#126078 global Autotext in German 'mfg' - missing space [brinzing] tdf#126088 Display InternalPaths in UI [Samuel Mehrbrodt] tdf#126121 Opening a file in use on SharePoint does not show user details [Mike Kaganski] tdf#126138 -fsanitize=dynamic-type-mismatch in SwTabFrame::FindLastContent (SwTabFrame vs. SwContentFrame) during --convert-to pdf [Michael Stahl] tdf#126184 UI 5.x Curved connectors path messed up when passed to 6.x [Michael Weghorn] tdf#126192 FILEOPEN XLSX Automatic axis labels are not translated [Gabor Kelemen] tdf#126193 FILESAVE XLSX Multi-level category labels property not saved [Balazs Varga] tdf#126202 Writer: Insert Hyperlink dialogue: can't enter or edit the URL (GTK3) [Caolán McNamara] tdf#126206 FILEOPEN DOCX Rejecting change tracked character formatting does not restore original formatting [László Németh] tdf#126227 Top border not displayed on track changes (gtk3) [Caolán McNamara] tdf#126232 In "Tools - Address Book Source" the Button "Address Data Source..." should be renamed [Heiko Tietze] tdf#126234 MS PowerPoint relative bullet size over 250% fail to import correctly [nd101] tdf#126241 Trying to switching to edit mode with a document in use isn't informative [Mike Kaganski] tdf#126243 FILESAVE DOCX Change tracked style change cannot be rejected after RT [László Németh] tdf#126244 EDITING Category labels of bar chart are rotated vertically [Balazs Varga] tdf#126245 FILESAVE DOCX Change tracked numbering change cannot be rejected in Word after RT [László Németh] tdf#126251 Colibre: Change Minimize Presentation icon from image to be slide [rizmut] tdf#126255 Relative links broken in Calc [Eike Rathke, Jan-Marek Glogowski] tdf#126257 Writer styles: Heading subgroup for TOC related stuff [Heiko Tietze] tdf#126268 FIREBIRD: Migration of DECIMAL creates unusable values [Xisco Fauli] tdf#126282 i18n: locale data for English (Sri Lanka) [en-LK] needed to enable Sri Lankan currency LKR [Eike Rathke] tdf#126306 Doesn't work Top 10 item in Autofilter [Xisco Fauli] tdf#126309 Opening RTF document with Hebrew RLT (right to left) text is shown with the text written from left to right [Miklos Vajna] tdf#126315 Tooltip for new drop-down widget in Formula bar in Calc should be another [Heiko Tietze] tdf#126316 [EDITING] Selecting text with the mouse automatically places the text in the clipboard [Jan-Marek Glogowski] tdf#126321 Writer Tabbed: Blinking Page Size contents [Xisco Fauli] tdf#126353 Character style borders appear on formatting changes, and not only when next style is encountered [Mark Hung] tdf#126369 Gray field background colour is not removed immediately after removing a hyperlink [Samuel Mehrbrodt] tdf#126393 Hard to select a cell which contains only a hyperlink [Samuel Mehrbrodt] tdf#126397 Make labels unique at the customization dialog [Heiko Tietze] tdf#126414 In Windows, Date Picker invisible w/ OpenGL, flashes w/ default [Tamás Zolnai] tdf#126431 Move Add/Edit/Delete buttons to right side in AutoRedact dialog [Heiko Tietze] tdf#126448 Writer: Insert Hyperlink dialogue: accessibility issues - can't tab through fields, can't close with "escape", can't add URL with "enter" (GTK3) [Caolán McNamara] tdf#126453 Tooltip stays topmost after switching to other applications, covering part of screen [Mike Kaganski] tdf#126461 Include document name in message box when updating OLE links on open [Jan-Marek Glogowski] tdf#126496 Pivot Table: rename "Page Fields" to "Filter" or "Page Fields To Filter" or… [Heiko Tietze] tdf#126510 Delete drop down sections Separator, Position, Alignment, Scope in new Impress B&N dialog [Heiko Tietze] tdf#126512 Open pptx and save as odp, handle of shape is visible but cannot be moved [Regina Henschel] tdf#126516 FILEOPEN DOCX Rejecting multi-paragraph deletion destroys change tracking of formatting [László Németh] tdf#126524 Default unnamed data series name longer than in Excel [Gabor Kelemen] tdf#126527 Find & Replace dialog: Search for formatting dialog adds unchosen formats (see comment 4) [Jim Raykowski] tdf#126528 [LocalHelp] Add Python info inside "Organize macros" help page [Olivier Hallot] tdf#126537 Handle jumps in shape of type "ooxml-parallelogram" [Regina Henschel] tdf#126559 Vcl pdfexport unit test failures on macOS [Julien Nabet] tdf#126560 KDE-integration (Plasma 5): shifting/inserting rows with Alt+Shift not working correctly [Jan-Marek Glogowski] tdf#126577 Fill Cells Series #NUM! [Eike Rathke] tdf#126579 EDITING: Contextmenu Query: Create as View and other Menu Entries no longer available [andreas kainz] tdf#126584 Paragraph Styles dialog next style edit style button should be disabled for new style [Jim Raykowski] tdf#126589 AUTOTEXT: A blank character is needed between autotext-shortcut and the following word -> this is impractical [Mike Kaganski] tdf#126590 FILEOPEN DOCX Absolute links broken in Writer [Tünde Tóth] tdf#126592 Special Characters Can't be inserted by Using the Toolbar Icon in OLE Objects [Jim Raykowski] tdf#126608 Writer: Looks as if switch Page to Portrait is impossible - Cause: "Format > Page" is not clear because it starts formatting the page Style [Heiko Tietze] tdf#126623 JDBC mysql/mariadb connection string parameters wrong in help [Olivier Hallot] tdf#126634 Toolbar Form Controls: Missing Table Control [Roman Kuznetsov] tdf#126661 Organize basic macro: crash with gtk3 backend when opened from start center [Caolán McNamara] tdf#126671 remove from build [Olivier Hallot] tdf#126673 Calc: Auto-fit column and auto-fit row don't work with line break [Noel Grandin] tdf#126686 CRASH: selecting all in cutting [Balazs Varga] tdf#126693 I cannot create custom categories for captions [Caolán McNamara] tdf#126708 EMF image lost in command-line conversion from .odt to .doc [Luke Deller] tdf#126717 Formcontrols: TransferTarget isn't shown with underlining Character on Labelcontrol, Button ... [Caolán McNamara] tdf#126720 Levels of error correction at QR code [Shubham Goyal] tdf#126721 Documentation of QR code [Shubham Goyal] tdf#126722 Remove unused defines [Szabolcs Toth] tdf#126723 FILEOPEN DOCX Numbered list item gets indent setting from next paragraphs footnote [Justin Luth] tdf#126724 FILEOPEN DOCX Custom chart axis title position is imported incorrectly [Balazs Varga] tdf#126741 Dash dot dot line style starts with dots [nd101, Samuel Mehrbrodt] tdf#126751 CRASH: Adding Hyperlink with no text [Samuel Mehrbrodt] tdf#126761 missing underline attribute for ppt document hyperlink [nd101] tdf#126768 FILEOPEN DOCX Absolute link broken in attached file [Tünde Tóth] tdf#126781 size of conditional formatting window prevents text to be changed (right end unreachable) [Caolán McNamara] tdf#126784 Writer change not selected columns width [Justin Luth] tdf#126787 Setting borders on character format become paragraph format [Mike Kaganski] tdf#126792 DOCX legacy drop-downs are only supposed to hold 25 items [Tamás Zolnai] tdf#126796 Percent Stacked image in Chart Wizard is wrong for most Icon styles [andreas kainz] tdf#126800 Base: Help: Missing symbols and incomprehensible text in help page "Query Design Bar" [Olivier Hallot] tdf#126833 A table row is wrongly formatted when inserting a new row) after a table insert undo/redo [Jim Raykowski] tdf#126852 MYSQL/MariaDB native connector: Column Type "TEXT" is reported as "VARCHAR" [Tamas Bunth] tdf#126877 crash on inserting floating frame [Noel Grandin] tdf#126889 HELP: Very large images in a page of online help [Olivier Hallot] tdf#126912 Mouse wheel no longer works [Stephan Bergmann] tdf#126935 Spell Check Dialog: Area containing context of error no longer accessible to screen readers [Caolán McNamara] tdf#126940 corrupt copy paste from base to calc containing russian symbols [Mike Kaganski] tdf#126944 Update help installer fonts to match newer versions of Windows [Roman Kuznetsov] tdf#126959 Resize handles in tables (impress) [Tomaž Vajngerl] tdf#126964 Dialog theming/UX - sidebar background looks ugly [Tor Lillqvist] tdf#126966 Sidebar: color selection too small for finger usage [Tor Lillqvist] tdf#126967 App hangs after trying to change line width [Henry Castro] tdf#126994 When I make any modification in a .docx file from Microsoft Office 2013, the page break is lost [Justin Luth] tdf#127003 Calc: Page Formatting: Header & Footer: cant insert field into proper position [Caolán McNamara] tdf#127011 i18n: add locale data for English (Nigeria) [en-NG] [Eike Rathke] tdf#127030 Classical shapes with text loose their height on roundtrip with pptx [Balazs Varga] tdf#127033 Font in Spelling and Grammar Check of Writer [Caolán McNamara] tdf#127040 HSQLDB to Firebird automated migration failure when record size exceeds 64k [Julien Nabet] tdf#127048 Macro warning dialog is prompted in a file with no macro [Caolán McNamara] tdf#127069 File>Save: file group is replaced by owner (chown) [Miklos Vajna] tdf#127070 FILESAVE DOCX File links broken in Word after export [Tünde Tóth] tdf#127085 PPTX: FILESAVE: Transparency is lost after RT [Tamás Zolnai] tdf#127097 EDITING Deleted paragraph style does not change while editing [László Németh] tdf#127101 EDITING Rejecting direct formatting applied by paragraph join removes former direct formatting [László Németh] tdf#127116 FILESAVE DOCX Hyperlink with bookmark target (with white space in name) broken after export [Tünde Tóth] tdf#127129 FILEOPEN PPTX: font highlight is lost in table cells [Xisco Fauli] tdf#127163 Auto-redaction missing in the menus [Muhammet Kara] tdf#127164 Undo list is populated wrongly with "Delete slides" actions [Jim Raykowski] tdf#127166 FILEOPEN PPT some preset DashDot styles are missing, some wrongly drawn [Regina Henschel] tdf#127192 MailMerge via UNO hangs in certain situation [Juergen Funk] tdf#127195 Strange placement of "Don't show this again" box in No help installed dialog [Heiko Tietze, Caolán McNamara] tdf#127198 Assertion when trying to open a database file from main Base menu [Caolán McNamara] tdf#127211 StartCenter background is white with empty user profile [Miklos Vajna] tdf#127218 Manage Changes Dialog Too Big (Wide), Cannot Be Resized To A Smaller Size [Caolán McNamara] tdf#127230 Button with keyboard focus displayed light gray with white text on macOS [Miklos Vajna] tdf#127233 QR-code generator make non-correct QR for non latine phrase [Julien Nabet] tdf#127235 Layout loop in a specific document keeps adding pages indefinitely [Patrick Jaap] tdf#127257 Focus should be in the newly inserted table first cell after table is inserted using the toolbar insert table control [Jim Raykowski] tdf#127258 Impress Crash after Presentation Finished [Stephan Bergmann] tdf#127262 Cell range selection in data validity function doesn't work any more [Caolán McNamara] tdf#127272 odt document + UI "registers" etc.: Writer crashes when UI will be set to "registers" etc. resp. after this when odt file should be opened [Sumit Chauhan] tdf#127277 Move Insert->QR Code to Insert->Object->QR Code [Roman Kuznetsov] tdf#127287 Layer dialogue help button [Olivier Hallot] tdf#127304 EDITING Horizontal multilevel axis labels all get the same vertical rotation [Balazs Varga] tdf#127306 CRASH: Closing LibreOffice after deleting a chart [Samuel Mehrbrodt] tdf#127316 FILESAVE: DOC/X automatic sized subscript exported as huge number [Justin Luth] tdf#127317 Make text of tips of the day selectable [Heiko Tietze] tdf#127325 Rendering (stamping) of rotated text is incorrect with OpenGL rendering enabled - severe clipping of glyphs on Vertical ruler, and rotated table cell text [Khaled Hosny] tdf#127326 UI: First Page icon in Calc's page preview toolbar looks different than last page icon [rizmut] tdf#127339 FILEOPEN DOCX Hyperlink inserted to image with bookmark target broken in Writer [Tünde Tóth] tdf#127362 FILESAVE DOCX Image hyperlink to bookmark target with spaces broken after export [Tünde Tóth] tdf#127363 Add Sept as an abbreviation of September [Eike Rathke] tdf#127372 PPTX: Shape's background transparency changes during RT [Tamás Zolnai] tdf#127379 PPTX: Gradient background fill of a slide is lost during RT. [Tamás Zolnai] tdf#127393 horizontal line chart label needs space on both ends [Balazs Varga] tdf#127400 Allow to show tip of the day again [Heiko Tietze] tdf#127401 Release Notes button leads to English RN on Chinese system [Heiko Tietze] tdf#127409 Mail merge prints wrong pages when option to print blank pages is only set in doc [Michael Weghorn] tdf#127410 Mail merge only correctly uses "Print empty pages" if doc is unmodified [Michael Weghorn] tdf#127411 Broken mouse status in Impress status bar [Noel Grandin] tdf#127415 Icons for new extended track changes command [rizmut] tdf#127416 [FORMATTING] Can't use Icon set in Conditional Formatting [Caolán McNamara] tdf#127422 FILEOPEN DOCX: Text layout goes messy when in a table [Mark Hung] tdf#127425 Missing split shape icons in Draw [rizmut] tdf#127436 TotD dialog resizes stretching the image and text doesn't wrap [Heiko Tietze] tdf#127446 FILEOPEN DOC: Image ratio changes [Miklos Vajna] tdf#127448 EDITING Chart axis labels become distorted, first and last tickmarks become too long [Balazs Varga] tdf#127450 Impress crashes by changing the symbol of a bulleted list (GTK crash with 3.18, no crash 3.22) [Caolán McNamara] tdf#127461 data provider crashes LibreOffice when clicking "Apply Changes" [Julien Nabet] tdf#127499 LibO didn't show the name of an MSO linestyle [andreas kainz] tdf#127508 I cannot disable effect from highlighted/normal column/row header [Heiko Tietze] tdf#127525 Yes/no dialogs should not have the "D" of "Don't..." as hotkey but the "n" [shameempk] tdf#127529 Vertical text boxes do not present when playing slide show (gtk3) [Caolán McNamara] tdf#127534 TextRange.getPropertyValues runs into RuntimeException when getting all properties form PropertySetinfo [Bjoern Michaelsen] tdf#127546 Calc Crashes if I click in to the Range-select fied of the 'Define Label Range' dialog (gen) [Caolán McNamara] tdf#127548 Assertion when creating table in Design [Julien Nabet] tdf#127561 Assertion when opening example file from tdf#63087 (gtk3 only) [Caolán McNamara] tdf#127605 FILEOPEN DOCX Hyperlink does not work in Microsoft Word when the target is image [Tünde Tóth] tdf#127645 LibreOffice Crashes or Freezes, if an Update of an Extension is Available [Caolán McNamara] tdf#127646 GTK3 crash when create new macro [Caolán McNamara] tdf#127652 After deleting some text the LibreOffice Writer crash [Michael Stahl] tdf#127657 FIREBIRD: Query input parameter throws error when referred field is integer [Julien Nabet] tdf#127673 Crash when double tap'ing a table copyed from calc to writer in iOS [Jan Holesovsky] tdf#127676 Sidebar Properties deck 'Width' listbox for line or arrow flickers with default GDI rendering [Xisco Fauli] tdf#127682 New Print dialog: Crash selecting (*) Even/Odd Pages with a 1 page document [Caolán McNamara] tdf#127683 Crash when restart LO after having changing language [Caolán McNamara] tdf#127701 Zoom factor percentage calculating fault [Noel Grandin] tdf#127710 PATCH: fix sending documents to Claws Mail [Julien Nabet] tdf#127711 A runtime-switch for the MiniCrashDump [Juergen Funk] tdf#127732 FILESAVE DOCX Hyperlink does not work in Microsoft Word when the target is frame [Tünde Tóth] tdf#127733 FILESAVE DOCX Hyperlink does not work when the target is chart [Tünde Tóth] tdf#127734 FILESAVE DOCX Hyperlink does not work when the target is section [Tünde Tóth] tdf#127735 FILESAVE DOCX Hyperlink does not work in Microsoft Word when the target is table [Tünde Tóth] tdf#127741 FILEOPEN DOCX Hyperlink made in Word does not change color when clicked on in Writer [Tünde Tóth] tdf#127748 crash on modify a frame style, which has previously got writing-mode bt-lr [Julien Nabet] tdf#127756 Tip of the day: hyperlink to online help page ignores current localisation [Heiko Tietze] tdf#127766 Saving PPT leads to crash on iOS [Tor Lillqvist] tdf#127777 FILESAVE No support for exporting Axis position setting [Balazs Varga] tdf#127785 Flip (mirror) generates wrong text box [Regina Henschel] tdf#127786 LibreOffice hangs for a few seconds clicking on the title/subtitle textboxes (ca-ES-valencia) [Eike Rathke] tdf#127814 FILEOPEN DOCX Table rows get extra spacing after page break [László Németh] tdf#127825 DOCX Textboxes incorrectly positioned on page [Miklos Vajna] tdf#127840 date field changed to +/- 31 [Laurent BP] tdf#127857 Assertion in forms when enabling/disabling design [Julien Nabet] tdf#127858 Assertion when trying to edit a form (Linux gen rendering) [Noel Grandin] tdf#127859 pressing edit button in footer or header make LO crash [Caolán McNamara] tdf#127862 FILEOPEN: DOC: Background colour lost on import in a writer file [Justin Luth] tdf#127863 Crash when trying to edit macro assigned part for a button [Julien Nabet] tdf#127873 Wrong spacing with comma in formulae [Eike Rathke] tdf#127882 Libreoffice 6.3.2 crashes on document properties (gtk3 3.18) [Caolán McNamara] tdf#127887 Cell references off by 256 when importing wk1 Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet [Eike Rathke] tdf#127896 "Exchange database" leads to crash (non-gtk3) [Caolán McNamara] tdf#127901 FILESAVE: PPTX - Image color/graphics modes not correctly exported [Xisco Fauli] tdf#127903 CUSTOMIZE DIALOG: why is KEY_EQUAL not available for assignment to keyboard shortcuts [Heiko Tietze] tdf#127904 Focus is taken if cell section dialog is closed [Caolán McNamara] tdf#127907 FILEOPEN DOCX Custom axis title position resets to default [Balazs Varga] tdf#127913 CRASH: applying popart filter to an image [Noel Grandin] tdf#127924 The Hyperlink tip is not displayed inside shape or text box (GTK3) [Caolán McNamara] tdf#127935 Double-click does not expand option tree [Jim Raykowski, Caolán McNamara] tdf#127941 iOS: crash in impress when opening spellcheck dialog [Jan Holesovsky] tdf#127946 CRASH closing LibreOffice with the tip of the day dialog open (reintroduced) [Caolán McNamara] tdf#127953 CRASH: Closing Edit Style dialog [Caolán McNamara] tdf#127958 Crash in: mergedlo.dll (adding 2 or more ODT files into Writer master document) [Noel Grandin] tdf#127964 FILEOPEN: Shapes have blue blackground if useBgFill=1 and the slide and master slide don't have a background [Miklos Vajna] tdf#128009 AutoText: entries with spaces near beginning of name are not suggested in "Display remainder of name as suggestion while typing" mode [Mike Kaganski] tdf#128013 Crash when linking an odp file [Julien Nabet] tdf#128016 FILEOPEN DOCX: Category labels are duplicated. [Balazs Varga] tdf#128037 GTK3: insert caption crash [Caolán McNamara] tdf#128057 To link an mp4-video file with a "#" in the file name creates the error "Das Format der ausgewählten Datei wird nicht unterstützt." [Mike Kaganski] tdf#128076 FILEOPEN DOCX Field name does not appear [Xisco Fauli] tdf#128096 FILESAVE: PPTX: Highlight not saved [Xisco Fauli] tdf#128100 Add build number for Windows 10 in to About dialog [Mike Kaganski] tdf#128111 pg_attrdef.adrsrc doesn't exist anymore from postgresql 12 [Julien Nabet] tdf#128132 Tools->Language->For All Text->More... opens default Options page, not Language Settings->Languages [Caolán McNamara] tdf#128134 UI: Chart Wizard for Pivot Table is broken [Caolán McNamara] tdf#128137 UI: Editing the field "Range or formula expression" of dialog Manage Names is broken: cursor jumps to start and more... [Caolán McNamara] tdf#128138 infinite loop searching for hyphen and hyphenation attribute [Michael Stahl] tdf#128139 CRASH: typing text while macro recording is active [Mike Kaganski] tdf#128140 Formula pick window changing width every time you pick different formula [Caolán McNamara] tdf#128148 Mail merge: Fields in headers not correctly replaced if header only from page 2 on [Michael Weghorn] tdf#128156 FILEOPEN DOCX Change tracked entries lost [László Németh] tdf#1448234 uninitialized pointer field [Caolán McNamara] tdf#1448393 uninitialized scalar field [Caolán McNamara]