Matthew D. Wilson


Dec 1999
Revision History                                                             
Revision 2.0           2002-05-30            Revised by: tab                 
Updated to Docbook 4.1 and applied GFDL per Matthew Wilson                   
Revision 1.0           1999-12-01            Revised by: mdw                 
Initial release                                                              

This HOWTO describes how to set up a Virtual Private Network with Linux.

Table of Contents
1. Introduction
    1.1. Why I wrote this HOWTO
    1.2. Acknowledgements and Thanks
    1.3. Format of this document
    1.4. Legal Information
    1.5. Document History
    1.6. Related Documents
2. Theory
    2.1. What is a VPN?
    2.2. But really, what IS a VPN?
    2.3. So how does it work?
    2.4. SSH and PPP
    2.5. Alternative VPN Systems
3. Server
    3.1. Security - keeping people out
    3.2. User Access - letting people in
    3.3. Restricting Users
    3.4. Networking
4. Client
    4.1. The Kernel
    4.2. Bring up the link
    4.3. Scripting
    4.4. LRP - Linux Router Project
5. Implementation
    5.1. Planning
    5.2. Gather the tools
    5.3. Server: Build the kernel
    5.4. Server: Configure Networking
    5.5. Server: Configure pppd
    5.6. Server: Configure sshd
    5.7. Server: Set up user accounts
    5.8. Add vpn-users group
    5.9. create the vpn-users home directory
    5.10. The .ssh directory
    5.11. Adding users
    5.12. Server: Administration
    5.13. Client: Build the kernel
    5.14. Client: Configure Networking
    5.15. Client: Configure pppd
    5.16. Client: Configure ssh
    5.17. Client: Bring up the connection
    5.18. Client: Set the routes
    5.19. Client: Scripting
6. Addenda
    6.1. Pitfalls
    6.2. Hardware and Software Requirements

Chapter 1. Introduction

1.1. Why I wrote this HOWTO

 I work at Real Networks, and we needed VPN service. This was my first real
project, and I truly learned more about Linux with this than with any other
task. I ended up using my experience with that project to write this
document, to share with others what I learned, so that they can do
ultra-nifty things with Linux too!

1.2. Acknowledgements and Thanks

 I want to first and foremost thank my wife Julie, without her, I wouldn't be
where I am today. I also want to thank Arpad Magosanyi, the author of the
first VPN mini-howto and pty-redir, the utility that makes all of this
possible. Jerry, Rod, Glen, Mark V., Mark W., and David, You guys rock!
Thanks for all your help.

1.3. Format of this document

 This document is broken down into 5 chapters.


Section 1: Introduction
    This section
Section 2: Theory
    Basic VPN theory. What is a VPN, and how does it work. Read this if you
    are entirely new to VPN.
Section 3: Server
    This section describes how a VPN server is set up.
Section 4: Client
    This section describes how a VPN client is set up.
Section 5: Implementation
    A step by step implementation of a sample VPN setup.
Section 6: Addenda
    Other bits and pieces of info that you might find helpful.

1.4. Legal Information

1.4.1. Copyright

Copyright (c) 2002 Matthew D. Wilson.

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under
the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later
version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant
Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the
license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License".

1.4.2. Disclaimer

 The author assumes no responsibility for anything done with this document,
nor does he make any warranty, implied or explicit. If you break it, it's not
my fault. Remember, what you do here could make very large holes in the
security model of your network. You've been warned.

1.4.3. GNU Free Documentation License

Version 1.1, March 2000

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    330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Everyone is permitted to copy and
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1.5. Document History

 The original "VPN mini-HOWTO" was written by Arpad Magosanyi, <
mag@bunuel.tii.matav.hu>, in 1997. He has since allowed me to take up the
document and extend it into a full HOWTO. All of this would not be possible
without his original document. Thanks again Arpad. :)

 Version 1.0 of this HOWTO was completed on December 10, 1999.

1.6. Related Documents


  *  [/HOWTO/Networking-Overview-HOWTO.html] Networking Overview HOWTO
  *  [/HOWTO/NET3-4-HOWTO.html] Networking HOWTO
  *  [/HOWTO/VPN-Masquerade-HOWTO.html] VPN-Masquerade HOWTO

Chapter 2. Theory

2.1. What is a VPN?

 VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. A VPN uses the Internet as it's
transport mechanism, while maintaining the security of the data on the VPN.

2.2. But really, what IS a VPN?

 There are several answers to that question. It really depends on your
network layout. The most common configuration is to have a single main
internal network with remote nodes using VPN to gain full access to the
central net. The remote nodes are commonly remote offices or employees
working from home. You can also link two small (or large) networks to form an
even larger single network.

2.3. So how does it work?

 Put simply, to make a VPN, you create a secure tunnel between the two
networks and route IP through it. If I've lost you already, you should read
[http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Networking-Overview-HOWTO.html]  The Linux
Networking Overview HOWTO to learn more about networking with Linux.

 Here are some diagrams to illustrate this concept:
                                \          \                                         
                 --------       /          /      --------                           
   Remote ______| Client |______\ Internet \_____| Server |______ Private            
   Network      | Router |      /          /     | Router |       Network            
                 --------       \          \      --------                           
                                /          /                                         
                         Client Router                                               
              |   /->   \                    |                 
  Remote      |  |-->  |--> Tunnel >---\   |                 
  Network >---|--|--> /                 |--|----> Internet |  |                                              |  |                 
              |   \-----> --> IP Masquerade >--/   |                 
                        Server Router                                                
            |                   /->    \   |                   
            |   /--> Tunnel >--|-->   |--|----> Private      
Internet >--|--|                \--> /   |      Network      
            |  |                                                 | 
            |   \-----> -----> /dev/null         | 

 The above diagram shows how the network might be set up. If you don't know
what IP Masquerading is, you should probably read the The Linux Networking
Overview HOWTO and come back once you understand how it works.

 The Client Router is a Linux box acting as the gateway/firewall for the
remote network. The remote network uses the local IP address
For the sake of a simple diagram, I left out the local routing information on
the routers. The basic idea is to route traffic for all of the private
networks (,, and through the tunnel. The
setup shown here is one way. That is, while the remote network can see the
private network, the private network cannot necessarily see the remote
network. In order for that to happen, you must specify that the routes are

 From the diagram you should also note that all of the traffic coming out of
the client router appears to be from the client router, that is, all from one
IP address. You could route real numbers from inside your network but that
brings all sorts of security problems with it.

2.4. SSH and PPP

 The system that I describe to implement VPN uses SSH and PPP. Basically I
use ssh to create a tunnel connection, and then use pppd to run TCP/IP
traffic though it. That's what makes up the tunnel.

 The real trick to getting ssh and pppd to play well together is the utility
written by Arpad Magosanyi that allows the redirection of standard in and
standard out to a pseudo tty. This allows pppd to talk through ssh as if it
were a serial line. On the server side, pppd is run as the users shell in the
ssh session, completing the link. After that, all you need to do is the

2.5. Alternative VPN Systems

 There are of course other ways of setting up a VPN. Here are a couple of
other systems:

2.5.1. PPTP

 PPTP is a Microsoft protocol for VPN. It is supported under Linux, but is
known to have serious security issues. I do not describe how to use it here
since it is covered by the [http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/
VPN-Masquerade-HOWTO.html] Linux VPN Masquerade HOWTO.

2.5.2. IP Sec

 IP Sec is a different set of protocols from SSH. I don't actually know all
that much about it, so if someone wants to help me out with a description,
I'd be most appreciative. Again, I do not describe how to use it here since
it is covered by the [http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/VPN-Masquerade-HOWTO.html]
Linux VPN Masquerade HOWTO.

2.5.3. CIPE

 CIPE is a kernel level network encryption system that may be better suited
to enterprise setups. You can find out more about it at [http://sites.inka.de
/sites/bigred/devel/cipe.html] the CIPE homepage.

Chapter 3. Server

 This section tells you how to set up the server side of things. I figured
that this should go first since without a server, your client is kind of

3.1. Security - keeping people out

 Security is very important for a VPN. That's why you're building one in the
first place, isn't it? You need to keep a few things in mind while setting up
your server.

3.1.1. Trim your daemons

 Since this server is going to be on both sides of your firewall, and set up
to forward traffic into your network, it's a good idea to secure the box as
well as you possibly can. You can read up more on Linux security in the [/
HOWTO/Security-HOWTO.html] Linux Security HOWTO. In this case I killed
everything but sshd and a Roxen Web server. I use the web server to download
a couple of files (my scripts, etc) for setting up new machines to access the
VPN. I don't use an FTP server since it's harder to configure one to be
secure than it is to just make a few files available with a web server. Plus,
I only need to be able to download files. If you really want to run different
servers on your gateway, you might want to think about restricting access to
them to only those machines on your private network.

3.1.2. Don't allow passwords

 Yes, it sounds kind of silly, but it got your attention, didn't it? No, you
don't use passwords, you disable them completely. All authentication on this
machine should be done via ssh's public key authentication system. This way,
only those with keys can get in, and it's pretty much impossible to remember
a binary key that's 530 characters long.

 So how do you do that? It requires editing the /etc/passwd file. The second
field contains either the password hash, or alternatively 'x' telling the
authentication system to look in the /etc/shadow file. What you do is change
that field to read "*" instead. This tells the authentication system that
there is no password, and that none should be allowed.

Here's how a typical /etc/passwd file looks:
mwilson:x:1000:100:Matthew Wilson,,,:/home/mwilson:/bin/bash                 
joe:*:504:101:Joe Mode (home),,,:/home/vpn-users:/usr/sbin/pppd              
bill:*:504:101:Bill Smith (home),,,:/home/vpn-users:/usr/sbin/pppd           
frank:*:504:101:Frank Jones (home),,,:/home/vpn-users:/usr/sbin/pppd         

 Note that I've done more than just editing the second field. I'll explain
the other fields later on.

3.2. User Access - letting people in

 User access is done via ssh's authentication scheme. As stated above, this
is how users get access to the system, while maintaining a high level of
security. If you're not familiar with ssh, check out [http://www.ssh.org/]
http://www.ssh.org/. Note that I am using ssh version 1, not version 2. There
is a big difference, notably that version 1 is free, and 2 isn't.

3.2.1. Configuring sshd

 You'll need to configure sshd. The idea is to disable password
authentication and rhosts authentication. The following options should be
present in your /etc/sshd_config file.
PermitRootLogin yes                                                          
IgnoreRhosts yes                                                             
StrictModes yes                                                              
QuietMode no                                                                 
CheckMail no                                                                 
IdleTimeout 3d                                                               
X11Forwarding no                                                             
PrintMotd no                                                                 
KeepAlive yes                                                                
RhostsAuthentication no                                                      
RhostsRSAAuthentication no                                                   
RSAAuthentication yes                                                        
PasswordAuthentication no                                                    
PermitEmptyPasswords no                                                      
UseLogin no                                                                  

3.3. Restricting Users

 Now that you're keeping the bad people out, and only letting the good people
in, you may need to make sure that the good people behave themselves. This is
most easily done by not letting them do anything except run pppd. This may or
may not be necessary. I restrict users because the system that I maintain is
dedicated to VPN, so users have no business doing anything else on it.

3.3.1. sudo or not sudo

 There is this neat little program called sudo that allows the admin on a
Unix system to grant certain users the ability to run certain programs as
root. This is necessary in this case since pppd must be run as root. You'll
need to use this method if you want to allow users shell access. Read up on
how to setup and use sudo in the sudo man page. Using sudo is best on
multi-use systems that typically host a small number of trusted users.

 If you decide to not allow users to have shell access, then the best way to
keep them from gaining it is to make their shell pppd. This is done in the /
etc/passwd file. You can see /etc/passwd file that I did this for the last
three users. The last field of the /etc/passwd file is the user's shell. You
needn't do anything special to pppd in order to make it work. It gets
executed as root when the user connects. This is certainly the simplest setup
to be had, as well as the most secure, and ideal for large scale and
corporate systems. I describe exactly what all needs to be done later in this
document. You can Section 5.7 if you like.

3.4. Networking

 Now that your users have access to the system, we need to make sure that
they have access to the network. We do that by using the Linux kernel's
firewalling rules and routing tables. Using the route and ipfwadm commands,
we can set up the kernel to handle network traffic in the appropriate ways.
For more info on ipfwadm, ipchains and route see the [http://www.tldp.org/
HOWTO/Linux-Networking-HOWTO.html] Linux Networking HOWTO.

3.4.1. The Kernel

 In order for any of this to work, you must have your kernel configured
correctly. If you don't know how to build your own kernel, then you should
read the [http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Kernel-HOWTO.html]  Kernel HOWTO. You'll
need to make sure that the following kernel options are turned on in addition
to basic networking. I use a 2.0.38 kernel in my system.

 For 2.0 kernels:

  *  CONFIG_IP_MASQUERADE (optional)

 For 2.2 kernels:

  *  CONFIG_IP_MASQUERADE (optional)

3.4.2. Filter Rules

 First, we write firewall filter rules that allow our users to access our
internal nets, while restricting them from accessing the outside internet.
This sounds strange, but since the users already have access to the internet,
why let them use the tunnel to access the net? It wastes both bandwidth and
processor resources.

 The filter rules that we use depend upon which internal nets we use, but
translate to: "Allow traffic coming from our VPNs that is destined for our
internal nets to go there." So how do we do that? As always, it depends. If
you are running a 2.0 kernel, you use the tool called ipfwadm, but if you are
using a 2.2 kernel, you use the utility called ipchains.

 To set the rules with ipfwadm, run it with options similar to the following:
# /sbin/ipfwadm -F -f                                                        
# /sbin/ipfwadm -F -p deny                                                   
# /sbin/ipfwadm -F -a accept -S -D             

 To set the rules with ipchains, run it with options similar to the
# /sbin/ipchains -F forward                                                  
# /sbin/ipchains -P forward DENY                                             
# /sbin/ipchains -A forward -j ACCEPT -s -d    

 For those using 2.2 kernels, please read Section 6.1.3.

3.4.3. Routing

 Now that users are allowed to access our nets, we need to tell the kernel
where to send the packets. On my system, I have two ethernet cards, one is on
the external network, while the other is on the internal network. This helps
keep things secure, as outbound traffic is masqueraded by the gateway, and
any incoming traffic is filtered and routed by the Cisco Router. For most
setups, the routing should be simple.

 Next, route all traffic destined for the private networks out the internal
interface, and all other traffic out the external interface. The specific
routing commands depend on which internal nets you are using. Below is an
example of what they might look like. These lines are of course in addition
to your basic routes for your local nets. I also doubt that you are using all
3 groups of internal numbers:
Assuming that is the internal gateway:                             
# /sbin/route add -net netmask gw dev eth1      
# /sbin/route add -net netmask gw dev eth1  
# /sbin/route add -net netmask gw dev eth1 

 One additional note on routing. If you are using two way routing for say, a
remote office, then you will need to do one more thing. You need to set up
routes on the server that point back to the client. The easiest way to
accomplish this is to run a cron job every minute that quietly sets back
routes. If the client is not connected, route will just spit out an error
(that you've conveniently sent to /dev/null.)

Chapter 4. Client

 Now we examine the client end. In practice, when used to allow access to a
remote network, this box can easily serve as a Samba (Windows Networking)
server, DHCP server, and even an internal web server. The important thing to
remember is that this box should be as secure as possible, as it runs your
whole remote network.

4.1. The Kernel

 First things first, you must have ppp available in your kernel. If you are
going to allow multiple machines to use the tunnel, then you need to have
firewalling and forwarding available too. If the client is going to be a
single machine, ppp is enough.

4.2. Bring up the link

 The link is created by running pppd through a pseudo terminal that is
created by pty-redir and connected to ssh. This is done with something
similar to the following sequence of commands:
# /usr/sbin/pty-redir /usr/bin/ssh -t -e none -o 'Batchmode yes' -c blowfish -i /root/.ssh/identity.vpn -l joe > /tmp/vpn-device  
# sleep 10                                                                                                                        
# /usr/sbin/pppd `cat /tmp/vpn-device`                                                                                            
# sleep 15                                                                                                                        
# /sbin/route add -net gw vpn-internal.mycompany.com netmask                                               
# /sbin/route add -net gw vpn-internal.mycompany.com netmask                                              

 What this does is run ssh, redirecting the input and output to pppd. The
options passed to ssh configure it to run without escape characters (-e),
using the blowfish crypto algorithm (-c), using the identity file specified
(-i), in terminal mode (-t), with the options 'Batchmode yes' (-o). The sleep
commands are used to space out the executions of the commands so that each
can complete their startup before the next is run.

4.3. Scripting

 If you don't want to have to type those commands in every time that you want
to get the tunnel running, I've written a set of bash scripts that keep the
tunnel up and running. You can download the package from [http://
www.shinythings.com/vpnd/vpnd.tar.gz] here. Just download and uncompress it
into /usr/local/vpn. Inside you'll find three files:


  *  vpnd: The script that controls the tunnel connection.
  *  check-vpnd: a script to be run by cron to check that vpnd is still up.
  *  pty-redir: a small executable needed to initialize the tunnel.

 You'll need to edit the vpnd script to set things like the client's username
and the server's names. You may also need to modify the starttunnel section
of the script to specify which networks you are using. Below is a copy of the
script for your reading enjoyment. You'll note that you could put the script
in a different directory, you just need to change the VPN_DIR variable.
#! /bin/bash                                                                                              
# vpnd: Monitor the tunnel, bring it up and down as necessary                                             
PPP_OPTIONS="noipdefault ipcp-accept-local ipcp-accept-remote local noauth nocrtscts lock nodefaultroute" 
starttunnel () {                                                                                          
   $PTY_REDIR $SSH -t -e none -o 'Batchmode yes' -c $CRYPTO -i $IDENTITY -l $USERNAME > /tmp/vpn-device   
   sleep 15                                                                                               
   $PPPD `cat /tmp/vpn-device` $PPP_OPTIONS                                                               
   sleep 15                                                                                               
   # Add routes (modify these lines as necessary)                                                         
   /sbin/route add -net gw $VPN_INTERNAL netmask                                       
   /sbin/route add -net gw $VPN_INTERNAL netmask                                   
   /sbin/route add -net gw $VPN_INTERNAL netmask                                  
stoptunnel () {                                                                                           
   kill `ps ax | grep $SSH | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}'`                                             
resettunnel () {                                                                                          
   echo "reseting tunnel."                                                                                
   date >> ${VPN_DIR}/restart.log                                                                         
   eval stoptunnel                                                                                        
   sleep 5                                                                                                
   eval starttunnel                                                                                       
checktunnel () {                                                                                          
   ping -c 4 $VPN_EXTERNAL 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null                                                        
   if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then                                                                                  
      ping -c 4 $VPN_INTERNAL 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null                                                     
      if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then                                                                               
         eval resettunnel                                                                                 
settraps () {                                                                                             
   trap "eval stoptunnel; exit 0" INT TERM                                                                
   trap "eval resettunnel" HUP                                                                            
   trap "eval checktunnel" USR1                                                                           
runchecks () {                                                                                            
   if [ -f ${LOCK_DIR}/tunnel.pid ]; then                                                                 
      OLD_PID=`cat ${LOCK_DIR}/vpnd.pid`                                                                  
      if [ -d /proc/${OLD_PID} ]; then                                                                    
         echo "vpnd is already running on process ${OLD_PID}."                                            
         exit 1                                                                                           
         echo "removing stale pid file."                                                                  
         rm -rf ${LOCK_DIR}/vpnd.pid                                                                      
         echo $$ > ${LOCK_DIR}/vpnd.pid                                                                   
         echo "checking tunnel state."                                                                    
         eval checktunnel                                                                                 
      echo $$ > ${LOCK_DIR}/vpnd.pid                                                                      
      eval starttunnel                                                                                    
case $1 in                                                                                                
    check)  if [ -d /proc/`cat ${LOCK_DIR}/vpnd.pid` ]; then                                              
               kill -USR1 `cat ${LOCK_DIR}/vpnd.pid`                                                      
               exit 0                                                                                     
               echo "vpnd is not running."                                                                
               exit 1                                                                                     
            fi ;;                                                                                         
    reset)  if [ -d /proc/`cat ${LOCK_DIR}/vpnd.pid` ]; then                                              
               kill -HUP `cat ${LOCK_DIR}/vpnd.pid`                                                       
               exit 0                                                                                     
               echo "vpnd is not running."                                                                
               exit 1                                                                                     
            fi ;;                                                                                         
   --help | -h)                                                                                           
            echo "Usage: vpnd [ check | reset ]"                                                          
            echo "Options:"                                                                               
            echo "     check    Sends running vpnd a USR1 signal, telling it to check"                    
            echo "              the tunnel state, and restart if neccesary."                              
            echo "     reset    Sends running vpnd a HUP signal, telling it to reset"                     
            echo "              it's tunnel connection." ;;                                               
ln -sf $ORIG_SSH $SSH                                                                                     
while true; do                                                                                            
   while [ $i -lt 600 ]; do                                                                               
      sleep 1                                                                                             
   eval checktunnel                                                                                       

4.4. LRP - Linux Router Project

 I actually run this setup on Pentium 90's running the LRP distribution of
Linux. LRP is a distribution of Linux that fits in, and boots off of a single
floppy disk. You can learn more about it at [http://www.linuxrouter.org/]
http://www.linuxrouter.org/ You can download my LRP package for the VPN
client from [http://www.shinythings.com/vpnd/vpnd.lrp] here. You will also
need both the ppp and ssh packages from the LRP site.

Chapter 5. Implementation

 In this section, I explain step by step how to set up your VPN system. I'll
start with the server, and then move on to the client. For the purposes of an
example, I will invent a situation that would require a couple of different
kinds of VPN set up.

5.1. Planning

 Let's imagine that we have a company, called mycompany.com. At our head
office, we are using the reserved network, breaking the class B
into 256 class C networks to allow routing. We have just set up two small
remote offices, and want to add them to our network. We also want to allow
employees who work from home to be able to use their DSL and cable modem
connections instead of making them use dialup. To start, we need to plan
things out a little.

 I decide that I want to give each remote office a class C network range to
allow them to expand as necessary. So, I reserve the and nets. I also decide that for home users, I've got enough numbers
that I don't need to masquerade them on the VPN server side. Each client gets
it's own internal IP. So, I need to reserve another class C for that, say The only thing that I must now do is to add these ranges to my
router. Let's imagine that our company owns a small Cisco (
that handles all of the traffic through our OC1. Just set routes on the Cisco
such that traffic headed to these reserved nets goes to our VPN server
( I put the VPN server into the home user's net for reasons
that should become clear later. We'll name the external interface of the
server vpn.mycompany.com, and the internal vpn-internal.mycompany.com.

 As for external numbers, we don't need to know them explicitly. You should
have your own numbers, supplied by your ISP.

5.2. Gather the tools

 We will need a few pieces of software. Get the following packages, and
install them where specified.

5.2.1. For the Server:


  *  pppd (version 2.3 or greater)
  *  ssh (version 1.2.26 or better)

5.2.2. For the Client:


  *  pppd (same version as server)
  *  ssh
  *  [ftp://ftp.vein.hu/ssa/contrib/mag/pty-redir-0.1.tar.gz] pty-redir

5.3. Server: Build the kernel

 To start, you probably need to rebuild your kernel for the server. You need
to make sure that the following kernel options are turned on in addition to
basic networking and everything else that you might need. If you've never
built your own kernel before, read the [/HOWTO/Kernel-HOWTO.html] Kernel

 For 2.0 kernels:


 For 2.2 kernels:


5.4. Server: Configure Networking

 If you are building a server that has only one network card, I suggest that
you think about buying another, and rewiring your network. The best way to
keep your network private is to keep it on it's own wires. So if you do have
two network cards, you'll need to know how to configure both of them. We'll
use eth0 for the external interface, and eth1 for the internal interface.

5.4.1. Configuring the interfaces

 We first should configure the external interface of the server. You should
already know how to do this, and probably already have it done. If you don't,
then do so now. If you don't know how, go back and read the [/HOWTO/
NET3-4-HOWTO.html] Networking HOWTO

 Now we bring up the internal interface. According to the numbers that we've
chosen, the internal interface of the server is so we have to
configure that interface.

 For 2.0 kernels, use the following:
# /sbin/ifconfig eth1 netmask broadcast  
# /sbin/route add -net netmask dev eth1                   

 For 2.2 kernels, use the following:
# /sbin/ifconfig eth1 netmask broadcast  

 That gets our basic interfaces up. You can now talk to machines on both
local networks that are attached to the server.

5.4.2. Setting routes

 We can now talk to machines on our local nets, but we can't get to the rest
of our internal network. That requires a few more lines of code. In order to
reach the other machines on other subnets, we need have a route that tells
traffic to go to the Cisco router. Here's that line:
# /sbin/route add -net gw netmask dev eth1  

 That line tells the kernel that any traffic destined for the
network should go out eth1, and that it should be handed off to the Cisco.
Traffic for our local net still gets where it is supposed to because the
routing tables are ordered by the size of the netmask. If we were to have
other internal nets in our network, we would have a line like the above for
each net.

5.4.3. Making filter rules

 Now that we can reach every machine that we could need to, we need to write
the firewall filtering rules that allow or deny access through the VPN

 To set the rules with ipfwadm, run it like so:
# /sbin/ipfwadm -F -f                                                        
# /sbin/ipfwadm -F -p deny                                                   
# /sbin/ipfwadm -F -a accept -S -D            
# /sbin/ipfwadm -F -a accept -b -S -D         
# /sbin/ipfwadm -F -a accept -b -S -D         

 To set the rules with ipchains, run it like so:
# /sbin/ipchains -F forward                                                   
# /sbin/ipchains -P forward DENY                                              
# /sbin/ipchains -A forward -j ACCEPT -s -d    
# /sbin/ipchains -A forward -j ACCEPT -b -s -d 
# /sbin/ipchains -A forward -j ACCEPT -b -s -d 

 This tells the kernel to deny all traffic except for the traffic that is
coming from the network and destined for the
network. It also tells the kernel that traffic going between the
/24 and nets is allowed, and the same for the
net. These last two are bidirectional rules, this is important for getting
the routing to work going both ways.

5.4.4. Routing

 For home users, everything will work fine to here. However for the remote
offices, we need to do some routing. First of all, we need to tell the main
router, or Cisco, that the remote offices are behind the VPN server. So
specify routes on the Cisco that tell it to send traffic destined for the
remote offices to the VPN server. Now that that is taken care of, we must
tell the VPN server what to do with the traffic destined for the remote
offices. To do this, we run the route command on the server. The only problem
is that in order for the route command to work, the link must be up, and if
it goes down, the route will be lost. The solution is to add the routes when
the clients connects, or more simply, to run the route command frequently as
it's not a problem to run it more than is necessary. So, create a script and
add it to your crontab to be run every few minutes, in the script, put the
/sbin/route add -net gw netmask    
/sbin/route add -net gw netmask    

5.5. Server: Configure pppd

 Now we will configure pppd on the server to handle VPN connections. If you
are already using this server to handle dialup users or even dialing out
yourself, then you should note that these changes may affect those services.
I go over how to avoid conflicts at the end of this section.

5.5.1. /etc/ppp/

 This directory may contain a number of files. You probably already have a
file called options. This file holds all of the global options for pppd.
These options cannot be overridden by pppd on the command line.

5.5.2. /etc/ppp/options

 Your options file should contain at least the following:

 The first two lines tell pppd to accept what the other end specifies for IP
addresses. This is necessary when hooking up remote offices, but can be
disabled if you are only connecting home users. It's okay to leave it on, as
it does not prevent the server from assigning addresses, it only says it that
it's okay to accept what the client asks for.

 The third line is very important. From the pppd man page:
       Add an entry to this system's ARP [Address  Resolu-                   
       tion  Protocol]  table  with  the IP address of the                   
       peer and the Ethernet address of this system.  This                   
       will  have  the effect of making the peer appear to                   
       other systems to be on the local ethernet.                            

 This is important because if it is not done, local traffic will not be able
to get back through the tunnel.

 The last line is just as important. This tells pppd to allow connections
without username and password. This is safe since authentication is already
handled by sshd.

5.5.3. Avoiding conflicts

 If you are handling other services with pppd, you should consider that the
configurations for these other services may not be the same as what the VPN
system needs. pppd is designed such that the options in the main options file
/etc/ppp/options cannot be overridden by options specified at runtime. This
is done for security reasons. In order to avoid conflict, determine which
options cause the conflict, and move them from the main file into a separate
options file that is loaded when the appropriate application of pppd is run.

5.6. Server: Configure sshd

 The following is what my /etc/sshd_config file looks like. Yours should look
the same or similar:
# This is the ssh server system wide configuration file.                     
Port 22                                                                      
HostKey /etc/ssh_host_key                                                    
RandomSeed /etc/ssh_random_seed                                              
ServerKeyBits 768                                                            
LoginGraceTime 600                                                           
KeyRegenerationInterval 3600                                                 
PermitRootLogin yes                                                          
IgnoreRhosts yes                                                             
StrictModes yes                                                              
QuietMode no                                                                 
FascistLogging yes                                                           
CheckMail no                                                                 
IdleTimeout 3d                                                               
X11Forwarding no                                                             
PrintMotd no                                                                 
KeepAlive yes                                                                
SyslogFacility DAEMON                                                        
RhostsAuthentication no                                                      
RhostsRSAAuthentication no                                                   
RSAAuthentication yes                                                        
PasswordAuthentication no                                                    
PermitEmptyPasswords no                                                      
UseLogin no                                                                  

 The important points to note are that password authentication is disabled as
are all of the "R" services. I have also turned off mail checking and the
message of the day as they can confuse pppd on the client side. I still allow
root login, but as this can only be done with a key, it is adequately safe.

5.7. Server: Set up user accounts

 Now we'll set up the user accounts.

5.8. Add vpn-users group

 just run:
# /usr/sbin/groupadd vpn-users                                               

 Now cat the /etc/group file and look at the last line. It should be the
entry for the vpn-users group. Note the third field. This is the group ID
(GID). Write it down, as we'll need it in a minute. For this example, the GID
is 101.

5.9. create the vpn-users home directory

 We're going to use a single home directory for all of the users. So just
# mkdir /home/vpn-users                                                      

5.10. The .ssh directory

 Now create the .ssh directory in the vpn-users home directory.
# mkdir /home/vpn-users/.ssh                                                 

5.11. Adding users

 Now comes the fun part. We're going to edit the /etc/passwd file by hand.
Normally you let the system handle this file, but for an unusual setup like
this, it is easier to do it yourself. To start, open the /etc/passwd file and
see what's in there. Here's an example of what you might find:
mwilson:x:1000:100:Matthew Wilson,,,:/home/mwilson:/bin/bash                 
joe:*:1020:101:Joe Mode (home),,,:/home/vpn-users:/usr/sbin/pppd             
bill:*:1020:101:Bill Smith (home),,,:/home/vpn-users:/usr/sbin/pppd          
frank:*:1020:101:Frank Jones (home),,,:/home/vpn-users:/usr/sbin/pppd        

 You'll find the first user on most any system. The second one is me. After
that are a few made up vpn-users. The first field is the username, and the
second is the password field. The third is user ID (UID) and the fourth is
the group ID (GID). After that comes some info on who the people are in the
fifth field. The sixth field is the user's home directory, and the last is
their shell. As you can see, each field is separated by a colon. Look at the
last three lines. The only difference between them is the username in the
first field, and the user info in the fifth field. What we want to do is
create lines like this for each user. Don't just use one user for all of the
connections, you'll never be able to tell them apart if you do. So copy the
last line of this file and edit it so that it looks something like the above.
Make sure that the second field has an asterisk (*). The second field should
be unique to all the other IDs in the file. I used 1020. You should use a
number above 1000, since those below are typically reserved for system use.
The fourth field should be the group ID for vpn-users. I told you to write it
down, now is the time that you need it. So put the group ID in there. Lastly,
change the home directory to /home/vpn-users, and the shell to /usr/sbin/
pppd. Now copy that line to make more users. Just edit the first the fifth
fields and you're set.

5.12. Server: Administration

 One of the advantages to using this system for user accounts is that you can
take advantage of the UNIX user administration commands. Since each client is
logged in as a user, you can use standard methods to get user statistics. The
following are a few commands that I like to use to see what all is going on.


     Prints the users currently logged in, as well as when they logged in,
    from where (name or IP), and on which port.
     This command prints a more extensive listing of who is currently logged
    in. It also tells you uptime and load averages for the system. It also
    lists the user's current process (which should be -pppd for VPN clients)
    as well as idle time, and current CPU usage for all processes as well as
    the current process. Read the w man page for more info.
last [username]
     This lists the login history for the specified user, or for all users if
    a username is not provided. It's most useful for finding out how well the
    tunnels are running as it prints the length of time that the user was
    logged in, or states that the user is still logged in. I should warn you
    that on a system that has been up a long time, this list can grow
    extremely long. Pipe is through grep or head to find out exactly what you
    want to know.

 You can also control which users are allowed to connect by modifying the /
home/vpn-users/.ssh/authorized_keys file. If you remove the user's public key
line from this file, they won't be able to log in.

5.13. Client: Build the kernel

 Now we move onto the client. First we must rebuild the kernel so that it can
support all of the functions that we need. The minimum requirement is to have
ppp in the kernel. You will need forwarding, a firewall, and a gateway only
if you are going to allow other machines access to the tunnel. For this
example, I will setup one of the remote office machines in my example layout.
Add the following options to your kernel. Again, if you've never built a
kernel before, read the [/HOWTO/Kernel-HOWTO.html] Kernel HOWTO.

 For 2.0 kernels:


 For 2.2 kernels:


5.14. Client: Configure Networking

 Now we should setup the networking on our client box. Let's assume that
we've configured the external network and that it works. Now we will
configure the internal interface of the client to service our intranet.

5.14.1. Interface

 We need to first bring up the internal network interface. To do this, add
the following to your /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1 (or equivalent) file:

 For 2.0 Kernels:
/sbin/ifconfig eth1 broadcast netmask  
/sbin/route add -net netmask dev eth1                   

 For 2.2 Kernels:
/sbin/ifconfig eth1 broadcast netmask  

5.14.2. Filter rules

 To set up the remote office, we will want to set up our filter rules that
allow traffic to go both directions through the tunnel. Add the following
lines to your /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1 (or equivalent) file:

 For 2.0 kernels:
/sbin/ipfwadm -F -f                                                          
/sbin/ipfwadm -F -p deny                                                     
/sbin/ipfwadm -F -a accept -b -S -D           

 For 2.2 kernels:
/sbin/ipchains -F forward                                                    
/sbin/ipchains -P forward DENY                                               
/sbin/ipchains -A forward -j ACCEPT -b -s -d  

 You may have noticed that these lines look like what we have on the server.
That's because they are the same. These rules just say where traffic is
allowed to go between these two networks.

5.14.3. Routing

 The only extra routes that are needed are created by the script that bring
the tunnel up.

5.15. Client: Configure pppd

 You may not need to edit the client's /etc/ppp/options file at all. You will
if the "auth" option is present, or some of the other priveledged options.
Try it, and if it fails, a black /etc/ppp/options will work. just keep adding
the options from the old file to figure out which one broke it (if it's not
obvious) and see if you can get around that. Maybe you don't need them at
all. You probably don't if you don't use pppd for anything else.

5.16. Client: Configure ssh

 As root on the client, run the following lines:
# mkdir /root/.ssh                                                           
# ssh-keygen -f /root/.ssh/identity.vpn -P ""                                

 This will create two files, identity.vpn and identity.vpn.pub in the .ssh
directory. The first is your private key, and should be kept such. Never send
this over the net unless it is via an encrypted session. The second file is
your public key, and you can send this anywhere you want, it only serves to
allow you access to other systems, and cannot be used to get into your own.
It is a text file with one line in it that is your actual key. At the end of
the line is the comment field which you may change without fear of breaking
the key. an example key looks something like this:
1024 35 1430723736674162619588314275167.......250872101150654839 root@vpn-client.mycompany.com  

 It's actually a lot longer than that, but it wouldn't fit on the page if I
showed the whole thing. Copy your key into the /home/vpn-users/.ssh/
authorized_keys file on the server. Make sure that there is only one key per
line, and that each key is not broken onto multiple lines. You may alter the
comment field all that you like in order to help you remember which line goes
with which user. I highly recommend doing so.

5.17. Client: Bring up the connection

 Now we'll try to actually make the connection to the VPN server. First we'll
need to make a single connection to set up the ssh known_hosts file. Run
# ssh vpn.mycompany.com                                                      

 Answer "yes" when it asks you if you want to continue connecting. The server
will tell you "permission denied", but that's okay. It's important that you
use the same name for the server that you are using in your connection
scripts. Now run the following lines. You will obviously need to change the
options to suit your setup.
# /usr/sbin/pty-redir /usr/bin/ssh -t -e none -o 'Batchmode yes' -c blowfish -i /root/.ssh/identity.vpn -l vpn-user vpn.mycompany.com > /tmp/vpn-device  
        (now wait about 10 seconds)                                                                                                                      
# /usr/sbin/pppd `cat /tmp/vpn-device`                                                                                     

 Note the IP addresses specified on the pppd line. The first is the address
of the client end of the tunnel. The second is the address of the server end
of the tunnel, which is set to the server's internal address. If all of that
seemed to work, move on. If not, check that you have all of the options, and
that they are spelled right. If something is still going wrong, check Section

5.18. Client: Set the routes

 Now set the route to send traffic through the tunnel. Just run this:
# /sbin/route add -net gw vpn-internal.mycompany.com netmask  

 You should now be able to communicate with machines on the other side of the
tunnel. Give it a try. If it doesn't work, try using ping and traceroute to
figure out where your problem might be. If in fact it does work, move on to
setting up scripts to do the work for you.

5.19. Client: Scripting

 Use the vpnd script. Only you may need to modify it a little. Make the
following changes:


  *  Change the variables at the top to match your setup. Most should be just
    fine as they are, but you can change them should you need to.
  *  Line 27: add the local and remote IP addresses before $PPP_OPTIONS
  *  Line 31: Change this line, and the two after it to set routes for your
    internal nets.

5.19.1. Keeping it running

 While bash scripts are generally stable, they have been known to fail. In
order to make sure that the vpnd script keeps running, add an entry to the
client's crontab that runs the check-vpnd script. I run mine every 5 minutes
or so. If vpnd is indeed running, check-vpnd doesn't use much CPU.

Chapter 6. Addenda

6.1. Pitfalls

 Here are just a few of the snags that I've run into while using this system.
I put them here so that you can hopefully avoid them. If you run into any new
ones, please [mailto:matthew@shinythings.com]  email them to me so that I can
keep track, and help others avoid them.

6.1.1. read: I/O error

 This error is associated with mis-matched versions off pppd. If you get it,
try upgrading both ends of the connection to the latest version of pppd. I've
found that pppd version 2.2 has this problem, so use version 2.3.7 or 2.3.8

6.1.2. SIOCADDRT: Network is unreachable

 This error is generated by route. I've seen it happen when the sleep time
between ssh and ppd is not long enough. If you get this error, run ifconfig,
and you may see that there is no pppX interface. This means that ssh was not
done authenticating before pppd was launched, and therefore pppd did not make
the connection. just increase the delay, and your problems will be solved.

 I wonder however if there might be some pppd option that will fix this

6.1.3. IPv4 Forwarding and 2.2 kernels

 In the new 2.2 kernel, you must specifically enable IP forwarding in the
kernel at boot up. This with the following command:
# echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward                                     

 Without this, the kernel will not forward any packets, and hence the server
will not work, nor will any of the gatewaying clients.

6.1.4. Routing

 It should go without saying, but be careful when you are routing real
numbers that you don't route traffic destined for the VPN server's external
address through the tunnel. It won't make it. (yes, this is from personal

6.2. Hardware and Software Requirements

6.2.1. Minimum Hardware Requirements

 This system has been run on a 486SX33 with 8 megabytes of RAM. It didn't run
very well though, it had trouble handling heavy traffic.

 It doesn't take much more to make it work though. This system does work very
well on a Pentium 75 with 16 megs of RAM, using an LRP distribution running
off of a floppy, with a 6 meg ramdisk, and 10 megs of main memory. I've
tested this setup by running a 700kbit RealVideo stream through it for over
an hour.

 I now typically run it on Pentium 90s, as their PCI clocking plays nicer
with cheap 100Mbit Ethernet cards.

6.2.2. Software Requirements

 This system works with both the 2.0 and 2.2 kernels. The script to keep the
tunnel up requires a reasonably modern bash. I have however noticed that
certain distribution's versions of bash don't play too well with the script.

 Also, if someone could help me refine my scripts (or even write an
executable) that would help a lot. I'm not sure why, but even my own bash
doesn't follow the rules and doesn't seem to interpret signals correctly. If
you do make any improvements, please email me at [mailto:
matthew@shinythings.com] matthew@shinythings.com.