Linux - Optical Disk HOWTO
  Skip Rye,
  v1.8, 12 May 2003

  This document describes the installation and configuration of optical
  disk drives for Linux. Many of the articles are presented as is or
  with modifications without the actual hardware to double check the
  correctness. Use this information at your own risk!  Please, if any
  one has experiences with optical storage under Linux, send it and I
  will update it in SGML and forward it to the Linux community. I'll
  assume its OK to include your E-mail address unless you specifically
  tell me NOT to! V1.8 is a long awaited update. I have been building a
  cabin since 1997 and its taken till now to complete. I appoligize to
  all who have given input long ago for my delay with this release!!!!

  Table of Contents

  1. Disclaimer

  2. Copyright

     2.1 LF1000 mini-HOWTO
     2.2 Optical Disk-HOWTO

  3. Magneto Optical Technology - Daniel Kobras

     3.1 Introduction
     3.2 Setup
     3.3 Access
     3.4 Speed
     3.5 Sample session

  4. Magneto Optical Drive experiences under Linux

     4.1 Olympus, Epson, Mitsubishi MK230LK3 - Stephan Shuichi Haupt
     4.2 Fujitsu DynaMO 640 - Phil Garcia
     4.3 Panasonic LF-7010 - Philip Kerr
     4.4 FUJITSU MCC3064AP, DYNAMO 640AI - Guido Brunner
     4.5 Panasonic LF-7010 -  Donald Kerns
     4.6 PIONEER DE-C7001 - Paolo Droghetti
     4.7 Fujitsu MCD3130SS - Harald Husemann
     4.8 Ricoh RO-5031E  - Jeremy Hosford
     4.9 Maxoptix T6-5200 - Donovan Allen
     4.10 Maxoptix TMT3-1300 Magneto Optical drive. - Peter Knaggs
     4.11 Magneto Optical Information,  IDE/ATAPI and FAT/VFAT info - Alexander Voropay
        4.11.1 Type of 3.5" MO drives
        4.11.2 MO Cartridges specifications :
        4.11.3 MO drives with IDE/ATAPI interface
        4.11.4 Accessing FAT and VFAT MO

  5. Optical jukeboxes

     5.1 Maxoptix 520 - Zed Shaw
        5.1.1 Zed's Original E-Mail - Feb 13 1998
        5.1.2 Correspondence with Zed on Mon, 16 Feb 1998:
     5.2 Changer Devices - Jon Gerdes
     5.3 Changer Devices - Michael Heydenbluth

  6. MO and other media technologies - Gene Cumm

  7. Phase Change Optical Technology

     7.1 Introduction
     7.2 Panasonic LF1000
        7.2.1 POINTS OF INTEREST
        7.2.3 Installation
        7.2.4 Installation steps
        7.2.5 Usage hints
     7.3 Additional Configuration concerns by Jeff Rooze

  8. Optical Disk HOWTO Development Page


  1.  Disclaimer

  Neither the author nor the distributors, or any other contributor of
  this HOWTO are in any way responsible for physical, financial, moral
  or any other type of damage incurred by following the suggestions in
  this text.

  2.  Copyright

  The "Optical Disk-HOWTO" and "LF1000 mini-HOWTO" are copyrighted.

  2.1.  LF1000 mini-HOWTO

  (C) 1996,1997 by Skip Rye,

  2.2.  Optical Disk-HOWTO

  (C) 1997,1998,2000,2003 by Skip Rye,

  Linux HOWTO documents may be reproduced and distributed in whole or in
  part, in any medium physical or electronic, as long as this copyright
  notice is retained on all copies. Commercial redistribution is allowed
  and encouraged. The author, however, would like to be notified of any
  such distributions. All translations, derivative works, or aggregate
  works incorporating any Linux HOWTO documents must be covered under
  this copyright notice. In other words, you may not produce a
  derivative work from a HOWTO and impose additional restrictions on its
  distribution.  Exceptions to these rules may be granted under certain
  conditions. In short we wish to promote dissemination of this
  information through as many channels as possible. However, we do wish
  to retain copyright on the HOWTO documents, and would like to be
  notified of any plans to redistribute the HOWTOs. Should you have any
  questions, please contact Greg Hankins, the Linux HOWTO coordinator,
  at  You may finger his address for phone number
  and additional contact information.

  3.  Magneto Optical Technology - Daniel Kobras

  3.1.  Introduction

  Daniel Kobras <>

  Magneto optical drives use a "far field" magnetic field and a laser to
  change polarization of a magnetic media. At temperatures below
  180-200°C (350-390°F) magnetic polarization is "frozen" into the
  media. However when heated above this so-called Curie-temperature a
  static external magnetic field can change the polarization. When the
  media cools down below its Curie-temperature, the information is
  frozen again. A high power write laser is used to heat the disk
  surface to the appropriate temperature at which time the "Far field"
  can set the polarization on the disk magnetic surface.

  Read back is based on the so-called Kerr effect, i. e. depending on
  the direction of the magnetic field on the disk's surface, the plane
  of polarization of the incoming laser beam is slightly rotated and the
  information can be restored.

  The use of a laser for polarization change allows for bit and track
  densities much higher than on conventional "flying" magnetic heads.
  The "far field" means no more "head crashes" - that is assuming your
  disk label doesn't peal off during the load or you don't leave one of
  those sticky pads on the disk cartridge. Nowadays the most commonly
  used 3.5" media have a capacity of 640MB[*] per platter but there are
  still media with 540MB, 230MB and 128MB. On some models both sides of
  the media are used yielding up to a capacity of 1.3GB - you must
  remove the media and flip it over to use the other 640MB though. There
  are 5.25" media with up to a total of 2.6GB, but these have to be
  flipped as well.

  The major drawback with ordinary magneto optical media was their need
  for an extra erase cycle considerably slowing down write speed. That's
  where LIMDOW media come in. LIMDOW (Light Intensity Modulated Direct
  OverWrite) disks use a more sophisticated set of five different
  magnetic layers. Thus the erase cycle can be omitted yielding a 33%
  speed up, as only one write and one verify cycle have to be performed.
  Read back is identical to ordinary disks. Please check with your
  drives manual if you want to use LIMDOW media. I only have experience
  with Fujitsu's M2513 which works well with LIMDOW. As far as other
  drives are concerned I simply don't know.

  Manufacturers claim the life time of magneto optical media to be 30
  years and up. Disks can be rewritten at least 10 million times (1
  million for LIMDOW media). Reading is claimed safe for at least 100
  million times.

  [*] There's a sort of religious discussion going on whether 1MB should
  be understood as 1x1.000x1.000 bytes or rather 1x1.024x1.024 bytes.
  Here we use 1MB==1.000.000 bytes, the definition preferred by vendors
  for obvious reasons. Don't worry if Linux reports your media to be
  smaller - it's just a matter of definition.

  3.2.  Setup

  First of all, make sure your MO drive is sanely jumpered, i.e. make
  sure its SCSI id is unique on your system, Parity checking and SCAM
  mode settings resemble those of your other SCSI devices as well as
  your controller and do _not_ enable any weird looking options such as
  "Mac Mode" or the like. Your drive might be equipped with an internal
  write cache, but since Linux already does pretty good caching on its
  own, don't expect too much of a performance gain, if any. Also keep in
  mind that each additional level of caching is a source of possible
  data loss or corruption in case of failing hardware. Consequently the
  recommended paranoia setting is to turn off the write cache.

  As long as you're not using 640MB disks, setting up the MO drive is
  rather straightforward. Assuming your drive is properly installed, at
  boot/insmod time, your SCSI-Controller should notify you of the newly
  added drive and configure another SCSI device like /dev/sda,
  /dev/sdb... (Keep in mind that the SCSI bus is scanned with increasing
  SCSI id, so if your SCSI hard disk for example is ID 4 and used to be
  /dev/sda and your MO drive has ID 3, the MO will now be /dev/sda
  whilst the HD is /dev/sdb.)  Working with your MO is no different from
  working with an ordinary hard disk. You can partition it (more
  information on this topic is given below), create file systems, mount
  it as usual. Note that as long as the disk is mounted the drive is
  locked and you won't be able to change the disk.

  Be careful when trying to get 640MB disks to work. These use a hard-
  sector size of 2048 bytes, 2.0.xx kernels will support only 512 and
  1024 bytes per sector. However 2048 byte support has been added to
  2.1.32 and up. If you for some reason have to stick to 2.0.xx, there
  are several patches floating around, for example at

  *, * orschaer/mo/ * mbuck/linux/patches.html

  Be sure to use a either a patched version of fdisk available at some
  of the sites above or a recent enough version from the official util-
  linux package supporting the -b option. (Invoke with fdisk -b 2048
  /dev/sdXX when partitioning 2048 byte media.)

  3.3.  Access

  There are two alternatives of how to access your disks: the ordinary
  method of creating one or more partitions or just accessing the raw
  drive, which in Win/DOS environments is also known as the superfloppy

  The first method will require non-640MB disks or a 2048-byte-aware
  fdisk, the latter is suitable for any kind of disk, however these
  disks cannot be read with Windows NT up to version 4.0. There's a
  comment on Fujitsu's web-pages that super-floppy support will be added
  to NT in the future.

  Assume your MO drive is /dev/sdb. To create a partition simply enter
  fdisk /dev/sdb (or fdisk -b 2048 /dev/sdb with 640MB media and a
  recent copy of fdisk) as root and go on like you were to partition a
  hard disk. If unsure about what to do, have a look at the fdisk man
  page.  Next create a file-system on each partition with a command like
  mke2fs -m 0 /dev/sdb1. For 640MB disks be sure to specify the -b 2048
  flag. If you want to use super-floppies instead, leave out the fdisk
  part and create your file-system on the raw device, for example mke2fs
  -b 2048 -m 0 /dev/sdb. mke2fs will request confirmation before
  formatting a raw device. You might want to double check if /dev/sdb
  *really* is your MO drive and not your hard disk by chance. :) During
  the boot process (or when loading the low level SCSI module), Linux
  might moan about an invalid partition table if a super-floppy is in
  the MO drive.  You can safely ignore this message.

  *NOTE: Partitions on 2048 byte sectored media were broken throughout
  the whole 2.1 kernel series, meaning that you can happily partition
  your media with but will be unable to use them with any OS
  other than Linux 2.1! In other words: DON'T DO IT. If for any reason
  you still have to access your MOs on Linux 2.1 use super-floppies
  which do fine. This problem hopefully is completely fixed starting
  with Linux 2.2.2.

  File-systems other than ext2 will work on non-640MB disks as well, for
  640MB disks there are some caveats: 2048 byte blocks must be supported
  by the low level file-system code in the kernel and the appropriate
  mkfs tool should take an argument like -b 2048 to specify the block
  size. Kernel requirements are met at least for ext2 and msdos/vfat
  code in the 2.1.xx kernel line. The above mentioned patches should fix
  this as well for 2.0.xx kernels. I don't have any experience with
  other file-systems so I'd appreciate any comments. Of the mkfs tools
  mke2fs will definitely accept the -b flag. mkdosfs is trickier though:
  there's no top level maintainer anymore, but some distributions have
  their own maintainers and ship their own versions. Debian's mkdosfs is
  one such example. Beginning with version 1.0-17 it supports media with
  large sector sizes. You have to add an option -S 2048. Pass -I as well
  if you want to format a super-floppy. The latest Debian version of
  mkdosfs should always be available from Look out for a
  package called dosfstools.

  3.4.  Speed

  For the really curious but still undecided I've crammed up some
  figures as returned by bonnie. These are for the Fujitsu M2513
  spinning at 3600 rpm, an outdated model now replaced by a version
  spinning at 4300 rpm. I guess the transfer rates for the new drive
  will scale with the spin ratio or pretty close to it. Tests were
  performed running a slightly patched 2.2.2pre4 kernel. (Err... looks
  like I've disabled verify on my drive, better not do that!)

  LIMDOW - ext2-filesystem - superfloppy:

      -------Sequential Output-------- ---Sequential Input-- --Random--
      -Per Char- --Block--- -Rewrite-- -Per Char- --Block--- --Seeks---
   MB K/sec %CPU K/sec %CPU K/sec %CPU K/sec %CPU K/sec %CPU  /sec %CPU
  400  1024 16.3  1816  2.8   620  1.7   975 13.5  1952  2.2  41.4  0.7

  LIMDOW - vfat-filesystem - superfloppy:

      -------Sequential Output-------- ---Sequential Input-- --Random--
      -Per Char- --Block--- -Rewrite-- -Per Char- --Block--- --Seeks---
   MB K/sec %CPU K/sec %CPU K/sec %CPU K/sec %CPU K/sec %CPU  /sec %CPU
  400   387  8.3   410  2.9   414  3.4   669 13.4   736  5.4   5.2  3.9

  The bottom line is: performance on vfat sucks like hell. If you have
  an option, use ext2!

  3.5.  Sample session

  Here's an example of what accessing the MO look like on my machine:

  yksi:~# modprobe scsi_mod
  scsi: ***** BusLogic SCSI Driver Version 2.1.15 of 17 August 1998 *****
  scsi: Copyright 1995-1998 by Leonard N. Zubkoff <>
  scsi0: Configuring BusLogic Model BT-930 PCI Ultra SCSI Host Adapter
  scsi0:   Firmware Version: 5.02, I/O Address: 0xDE00, IRQ Channel: 18/Level
  scsi0:   PCI Bus: 0, Device: 15, Address: 0xFE00F000, Host Adapter SCSI ID: 7
  scsi0:   Parity Checking: Enabled, Extended Translation: Enabled
  scsi0:   Synchronous Negotiation: Ultra, Wide Negotiation: Disabled
  scsi0:   Disconnect/Reconnect: Enabled, Tagged Queuing: Enabled
  scsi0:   Driver Queue Depth: 255, Scatter/Gather Limit: 128 segments
  scsi0:   Tagged Queue Depth: Automatic, Untagged Queue Depth: 3
  scsi0:   Error Recovery Strategy: Default, SCSI Bus Reset: Enabled
  scsi0:   SCSI Bus Termination: Disabled, SCAM: Disabled
  scsi0: *** BusLogic BT-930 Initialized Successfully ***
  scsi0 : BusLogic BT-930
  scsi : 1 host.
  Vendor: PLEXTOR   Model: CD-ROM PX-32TS    Rev: 1.03
  Type:   CD-ROM                             ANSI SCSI revision: 02
  Vendor: FUJITSU   Model: M2513A            Rev: 1300
  Type:   Optical Device                     ANSI SCSI revision: 02
  scsi0: Target 1: Queue Depth 3, Synchronous at 20.0 MB/sec, offset 15
  scsi0: Target 3: Queue Depth 3, Synchronous at 10.0 MB/sec, offset 10

  As you can see, I have two SCSI devices attached: one CD-ROM drive and
  one MO drive. As CD-ROMs do have SCSI devices of their own
  (/dev/scdX), the MO is assigned to /dev/sda.

  Let's create an ext2-based super-floppy on the media:

  yksi:~# mke2fs -m 0 -b 2048 /dev/sda
  mke2fs 1.12, 9-Jul-98 for EXT2 FS 0.5b, 95/08/09
  /dev/sda is entire device, not just one partition!
  Proceed anyway? (y,n) y
  Detected scsi removable disk sda at scsi0, channel 0, id 3, lun 0
  SCSI device sda: hdwr sector= 2048 bytes. Sectors= 310352 [606 MB] [0.6 GB]
  sda: Write Protect is off
  Linux ext2 filesystem format
  Filesystem label=
  155344 inodes, 310352 blocks
  0 blocks (0.00%) reserved for the super user
  First data block=0
  Block size=2048 (log=1)
  Fragment size=2048 (log=1)
  19 block groups
  16384 blocks per group, 16384 fragments per group
  8176 inodes per group
  Superblock backups stored on blocks:
           16384, 32768, 49152, 65536, 81920, 98304, 114688,
           131072, 147456, 163840, 180224, 196608, 212992, 229376,
           245760, 262144, 278528, 294912

  Writing inode tables: done
  Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done

  Now mount the media to directory /mnt/mo (which already exists).

  yksi:~# mount -t ext2 /dev/sda /mnt/mo
  yksi:~# ls /mnt/mo
  yksi:~# df
  Filesystem         1024-blocks  Used Available Capacity Mounted on
  /dev/hda6             124407   48963    69020     42%   /
  /dev/hda7             256592      30   243310      0%   /tmp
  /dev/hda8             124407   31750    86233     27%   /var
  /dev/hda9             505440  174092   305244     36%   /home
  /dev/hda10           2028098 1278972   644304     66%   /usr
  /dev/hda11           2028098 1551617   371659     81%   /usr/local
  /dev/sda              601134      26   601108      0%   /mnt/mo

  /mnt/mo can now be used like any ordinary hard disk. You may also
  choose to add a line like the following to your /etc/fstab:

  /dev/sda    /mnt/mo    ext2 defaults,noauto 0 0

  Then mount /mnt/mo will suffice to mount any ext2-formatted media.
  Before removing the media from your MO drive, don't forget to unmount

  yksi:/mnt/mo# umount /mnt/mo            # (Whoops!)
  umount: /mnt/mo: device is busy
  yksi:/mnt/mo# cd ..
  yksi:/mnt# umount /mnt/mo

  Pretty easy, isn't it?

  4.  Magneto Optical Drive experiences under Linux

  4.1.  Olympus, Epson, Mitsubishi MK230LK3 - Stephan Shuichi Haupt

  Stephan Shuichi Haupt <>


  I have noticed that there is not much information about
  magneto-optical disks in the howto, which may be due to the fact that
  these are not very popular in general. In Japan, MO drives are very
  common, especially the 3.5' variety with media in 128MB (maybe not
  available anymore), 230MB, and recently 640MB sizes. I suppose there
  is plenty of info on usage of these drives with Linux in Japanese -
  but that does not help most people for some reason ;-) MODs can be
  used very much like any removable media and are handy for smaller
  backups as the media are relatively inexpensive (about 10US$ / 640MB
  as of 10-98). I can only comment on the usage of 230MB drives with
  SCSI interface.

  Drives used: several, no problems encountered (Olympus, Epson, currently
  Mitsubishi MK230LK3). Drives may have strange jumper setting like "Mac
  Mode" or such - naturally, disable.
  If you decide to get a drive, pay attention the the
  cache size - It can speed things up enormously, still speed will be
  soso compared to hard disks, of course.

  SCSI controllers: NCR53C810-based (Asus PCI-200), Adaptec APA-1460A,
  Adaptec AHA2940.

  Just install the drive as you would do with an additional SCSI hard
  disk. It will show up as such. You don't need a disk in the drive when

  There are two ways to format the disks:
  a) A bit like a floppy. Just run mkfs on the raw device i.e. something like
  sdb or sdc. I don't recommend this in general (see below).
  b) Like a hard disk. Do fdisk on the raw device and then mkfs on the
  partition as you would for a hard disk (like sdc0, I have never made
  multiple partitions on a MOD).

  What I have not tried is to boot from MOD, yet I cannot see why it
  should not work. I would only recommend it for emergency system
  recovery, however, due to MO drive performance.

  Note: Purchased disks for Doze or Windog may be formatted "like
  floppies" and cannot be used with either O(gre)S right away while MODs
  formatted under linux as hard disks (partition FAT16 / type 6 and
  mkdosfs) will work fine (only tested with NT 3.5/4.0).  Fdisk will
  issue a warning upon exit that concerned FAT16 partitions and you do
  better to take it seriously (look at the fdisk man-page).  The sector
  size will not be automatically set properly for mkdosfs. Use "mkdosfs
  -s 8". That came from some Japanese Web site in mid 1995 (Thanks to Ken
  Kawabata for finding and deciphering it). Using the vfat file-system
  with the disks works fine. I have only used FAT/DOSfs or Linux/ext2
  formatted disks so far.

  Additional Note: The media are probably a bit sensitive. Of course to
  magnetic fields, but also to mechanical stress, some formats seem
  to be more fragile than others (Mac format seemingly worst, data loss has
  occurred when dropping disks during sneaker net traffic).

  Though this does not steer anyone through particularly dense
  jungle, it may be nice for completeness.


          S. Shuichi Haupt

  ---------------- December 11 1998 update from Steve -------------------

  OK, some problems will arise with MO disks occasionally. the safest
  way to avoid them is not to use the disks "off the shelf".  trying to
  mount disks can even result in kernel panics. i accidentally tried to
  mount a 640MB disk (format windows95 it said, so maybe FAT32) as -t
  vfat, this is not a thing to try.

  also, 2.0.x kernels don't support 2048b block size (also 640MB disks).
  a patch for 2.0.3x kernels seems to float around somewhere in Japan,
  but i have not yet gotten hold of it.  here a link that certainly has
  an English description:
  or search the domain. the page of the developers is
  hidden somewhere.

  the best way to use these 640MB disks is therefore to do fdisk and
  mkfs first. i have only done this with mke2fs on type 83 partitions:
  mke2fs -b 2048 /dev/sdxy

  i will check it out for FAT16 partitions and mkdosfs when i have some
  spare time and disks.

  my kernel version used is 2.1.124 (for all of the above).

          Stephan Shuichi
  office: Dept. for Mechano-Informatics, Yoshizawa Lab.
          Faculty for Engineering, University of Tokyo
          Tel 03-3812-2111 ext 6390, FAX 03-5802-2957

  private: --

  4.2.  Fujitsu DynaMO 640 - Phil Garcia

    You've probably already received a number of messages regarding the
  Fujitsu DynaMO 640 - I have the 640SZI, which is the internal version;
  the model number given in a SCSI probe is M2513-MCC3064SS.  I recently
  installed this drive practically without a hitch.  I say practically
  because the sector size of the 640 MB disks is 2048 bytes, which is
  not supported in the Linux 2.0.x kernel but is supported in the
  development kernels.  A patch for 2.0.x is available at
  -- also at this site is a patched fdisk to use in conjunction with it.

  Otherwise, installing the drive was no different from installing a
  SCSI hard drive.  It runs well, and I'm very happy with it.

  Phil Garcia

  4.3.  Panasonic LF-7010 - Philip Kerr

       Dear Skip

       In your Optical HOWTO, you asked for anyone else's experiences of
       installing optical drives under Linux.

       Please find below details of how I managed to get a Panasonic LF-7010
       (SCSI) working on my Sparc Classic.

       I'm using Redhat, 4.2 and 5.1


       Philip Kerr

       ps I'm now trying to get the drive to work under Solaris 2.6... it's
       not an easy a job as it was under Linux!!

       plugged the drive in (on id5)...

       powered up the Sparc...

       the following came up....

       scsi0 : Sparc ESP100A-FAST
       scsi : 1 host.
       Vendor: SAMSUNG   Model: WN32162U          Rev: 0100
       Type:   Direct-Access                      ANSI SCSI revision: 02

       Detected scsi disk sda at scsi0, channel 0, id 3, lun 0
       Vendor: MATSHITA  Model: LF-7010  (00:06)  Rev: 1.42
       Type:   Optical Device                     ANSI SCSI revision: 02
       Detected scsi removable disk sdb at scsi0, channel 0, id 5, lun 0 scsi
       : detected 2 SCSI disks total.
       esp0: target 3 [period 100ns offset 15 10.00MHz FAST SCSI-II]
       SCSI device sda: hdwr sector= 512 bytes. Sectors= 4236661 [2068 MB]
       [2.1 GB]
       esp0: target 5 [period 248ns offset 4 4.03MHz synchronous SCSI] sdb :
       READ CAPACITY failed.
       sdb : status = 0, message = 00, host = 0, driver = 28 sdb : extended
       sense code = 2
       sdb : block size assumed to be 512 bytes, disk size 1GB.
       sunlance.c:v1.9 21/Aug/96 Miguel de Icaza (
       eth0: LANCE 08:00:20:04:3d:cf
       eth0: using auto-carrier-detection.
       Partition check:
       sda: sda1 sda2 sda3 sda4 sda5 sda6 sda7 sda8
       sdb:scsidisk I/O error: dev 08:10, sector 0, absolute sector 0 unable
       to read partition table

       I edited my fstab, adding the entry for the drive (on sdb)

       /dev/sda1          /                       ext2    defaults        1 1
       /dev/sda2          swap                    swap    defaults        0 0
       /dev/fd0           /mnt/floppy             msdos   noauto,user     0 0
       /dev/sr0           /mnt/cdrom              iso9660 noauto,ro,user  0 0
       /dev/sdb           /mnt/optical            ext2    noauto,rw,user  0 0
       none               /proc                   proc    defaults        0 0

       Then mkfs'ed a blank disc as follows...

       [root@localhost me]# /sbin/mkfs -t ext2 /dev/sdb

       mke2fs 1.10, 24-Apr-97 for EXT2 FS 0.5b, 95/08/09 /dev/sdb is entire
       device, not just one partition! Proceed anyway? (y,n) y
       Linux ext2 filesystem format
       Filesystem label=
       118320 inodes, 472448 blocks
       23622 blocks (5.00%) reserved for the super user First data block=1
       Block size=1024 (log=0)
       Fragment size=1024 (log=0)
       58 block groups
       8192 blocks per group, 8192 fragments per group 2040 inodes per group
       Superblock backups stored on blocks:
       8193, 16385, 24577, 32769, 40961, 49153, 57345, 65537, 73729, 81921,
       90113, 98305, 106497, 114689, 122881, 131073, 139265,
       155649, 163841, 172033, 180225, 188417, 196609, 204801,
       212993, 221185,
       229377, 237569, 245761, 253953, 262145, 270337, 278529,
       286721, 294913,
       303105, 311297, 319489, 327681, 335873, 344065, 352257,
       360449, 368641,
       376833, 385025, 393217, 401409, 409601, 417793, 425985,
       434177, 442369,
       450561, 458753, 466945

       Writing inode tables: done
       Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done


       mounted the drive...

       I've since then edited the fstab, adding the following mount-point...

       /dev/sdb           /mnt/dostical          msdos   noauto,rw,user 0 0

       I can now mount ext2 or dos formatted optical carts by mounting either
       optical or dostical.

  4.4.  FUJITSU MCC3064AP, DYNAMO 640AI - Guido Brunner

  Dear Skip,

  hoping that this is interesting for other Linux-Users, I want to tell You
  about my experiences
  with optical disks under Linux:
  I use an internal 640 MB MO-Drive with IDE-Interface from Fujitsu with
  Linux-Kernel 2.2.x and
  in the meantime it works fine. At Germany this drive is sold as DYNAMO 640
  AI but according
  to it's firmware it is a MCC 3064 AP.
  Booting kernel 2.2.x the drive is detected like "hdx: FUJITSU MCC3064AP,
  ATAPI OPTICAL drive". No driver is loaded, as there still is no ATAPI-
  driver for optical disks. Older kernels
  (2.0.x) do not detect the drive correctly and surely need some patches.
  To use the drive I need kernel support for SCSI-emulation. So I compile
  this (ide-scsi.o)
  as a module together with the SCSI-disk-support (sd_mod.o). Making a
  "modprobe ide-scsi",
  the drive shows up in /proc/scsi/scsi. If it isn't done by kerneld I have
  to make
  "modprobe sd_mod" to be ready to mount the preformatted MO-disk.
  If I want to use the disks with Dos/Windows, I use the Dos/Windows-tools
  for formatting. I tried
  mkdosfs under Linux too, but then most files on the disk seemed to be
  corrupted for Dos.
  They were still o.k. for Linux and could be restored without problems. With
  the Dos-tools I
  prefer the Superfloppy-Format as this can be used with most
  operating-systems and it is slightly
  faster in comparison to a partitioned disk.  This disks can be mounted like
  Windows-Disks (e.g. "mount -t vfat  /dev/sdx /mountpoint").
  Disks for Linux should be in ext2-Format. The 640 MB disks are hardsectored
  2048 bytes/sector (smaller media aren't.) . This is no problem for kernel
  2.2.x, but fdisk and mke2fs do not agree in how to manage this geometry. So
  I don't use fdisk anyway and format
  the disks with "mke2fs -b 2048 /dev/sdx". I have to tell mke2fs about the
  2048 bytes/sector with
  the "-b"-option, otherwise the format will fail. Mke2fs than asks to really
  do his job, as it has do
  format the whole disk not a single partion and I answer with "y".
  Now the disk can be mounted with "mount -t ext2 /dev/sdx /mountpoint",
  which gives a warning
  in /var/log/messages about a nonexisting partion-table. This is o.k. as
  fdisk wasn't used and
  I can now use the disk. The MO-Disks are slow, but the most reliable media
  Smaller disks (230 MB) are hardsectored for 512 bytes/sector and can be
  partioned with fdisk.
  before formatting. This should be true for the 512 MB disks, but I didn't
  test it.

  Best regards and thanks for Your support for Linux,

  Guido Brunner

  4.5.  Panasonic LF-7010 -  Donald Kerns

  Dear Skip,

  I recently aquired a LF-7010 for a project.

  My experience getting it up for Linux under ext2 mirrors what you
  already have.

  The msdos and vfat file systems also worked.

  The project I was working on was based on a SunOS/Solaris formatted MO
  disk. While it *should* have worked under the ufs file system, using
  Redhat 5.2 and the stock 3.0.36 kernel it didn't.

  I got, installed, debugged and compiled the u2fs into the kernel and it
  DID mount the SunOS/Solaris MO disk.

  Please write if you need/want additional details.


   Donald Kerns <>

  4.6.  PIONEER DE-C7001 - Paolo Droghetti

  Hi Skip,

  following your request of info from everyone else who is playing with
  optical disks under Linux, here I am.

  I'm an happy user of a PIONEER DE-C7001, mounted in my linux box
  controlled by a PCI SYMBIOS (NCR) 53c815 SCSI controller and running
  slackware 4.
  After having set the jumpers in the correct way ( all the technical docs
  are still available in the Pioneer web pages) and configured the kernel
  for SCSI support ( generic SCSI support and support for SCSI disks), it
  Here you have the boot details:

  sym53c8xx: at PCI bus 0, device 8, function 0
  sym53c8xx: not initializing, device not supported
  ncr53c8xx: at PCI bus 0, device 8, function 0
  ncr53c8xx: 53c815 detected
  ncr53c815-0: rev=0x04, base=0xe8000000, io_port=0xe000, irq=11
  ncr53c815-0: ID 7, Fast-10, Parity Checking
  ncr53c815-0: restart (scsi reset).
  scsi0 : ncr53c8xx - version 3.2a-2
  scsi1 : SCSI host adapter emulation for IDE ATAPI devices
  scsi : 2 hosts.
  Vendor: PIONEER   Model: DE-C7001          Rev: 0500
  Type:   Direct-Access                      ANSI SCSI revision: 01 CCS
  Detected scsi removable disk sda at scsi0, channel 0, id 1, lun 0
  Vendor: ARCHIVE   Model: VIPER 150  21247  Rev: -005
  Type:   Sequential-Access                  ANSI SCSI revision: 01
  Detected scsi tape st0 at scsi0, channel 0, id 2, lun 0
  Vendor: PHILIPS   Model: CDD3600 CD-R/RW   Rev: 2.00
  Type:   CD-ROM                             ANSI SCSI revision: 02
  Detected scsi CD-ROM sr0 at scsi0, channel 0, id 6, lun 0
  scsi : detected 1 SCSI tape 1 SCSI cdrom 1 SCSI disk total.
  ncr53c815-0-<6,*>: FAST-10 SCSI 10.0 MB/s (100 ns, offset 8)
  sr0: scsi3-mmc drive: 2x/6x writer cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray
  Uniform CDROM driver Revision: 2.55
  ncr53c815-0-<1,*>: FAST-5 SCSI 5.0 MB/s (200 ns, offset 8)
  sda : READ CAPACITY failed.
  sda : status = 1, message = 00, host = 0, driver = 28
  sda : extended sense code = 2
  sda : block size assumed to be 512 bytes, disk size 1GB.
  PPP: version 2.3.7 (demand dialling)
  TCP compression code copyright 1989 Regents of the University of
  PPP line discipline registered.
  3c59x.c:v0.99H 11/17/98 Donald Becker
  Partition check:
  sda:scsidisk I/O error: dev 08:00, sector 0
  unable to read partition table
  hda: hda1 hda2 hda3

  Once the drive has been recognized by the system, I inserted a new disk
  and I created a partition on it with:

  # fdisk /dev/sdanew file system on it :

  After this step I created a new file system :

  # mkfs -t ext2 /dev/sda1

  Linux ext2 filesystem format
  Filesystem label=
  79872 inodes, 318448 blocks
  15922 blocks (5.00%) reserved for the super user
  First data block=1
  Block size=1024 (log=0)
  Fragment size=1024 (log=0)
  39 block groups
  8192 blocks per group, 8192 fragments per group
  2048 inodes per group
  Superblock backups stored on blocks:
  8193, 16385, 24577, 32769, 40961, 49153, 57345, 65537, 73729, 81921,
  90113, 98305, 106497, 114689, 122881, 131073, 139265, 147457, 155649,
  163841, 172033, 180225, 188417, 196609, 204801, 212993, 221185, 229377,

  237569, 245761, 253953, 262145, 270337, 278529, 286721, 294913, 303105,


  Writing inode tables:  0/39 ..... 38/39 done
  Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done

  and then the disk is usable and accessible as a normal SCSI disk.
  I don't have modified the /etc/fstab and /etc/mtab files, because I
  prefer to mount the disk manually when needed.

  Now I need your help. In my office, I have 3 LMS ( Philips ) LF4500
  rapid changer that are completely not used. The LF4500 holds 5 12" WORM
  optical disk. double sided 5,6 GB capacity. They were originally used
  with a SPARC 1+ controller and a software written for solaris 1.x. The
  controllers and the original sw are completely gone ( nobody knows where
  they are !). I will try to connect one of thisLF4500 to my linux box. I
  will let you know the results but I think I'll be able to see only the
  drive but not the disk exchange device. Could please help in find out
  more info/SW in order to fully drive this rapid changer ?

  :-)  I work for Philips Medical Systems but I'm not able to find more
  info on this formerly Philips product.


  Paolo Droghetti <>

  4.7.  Fujitsu MCD3130SS - Harald Husemann

  Hi Skip,

  I've used your 'Linux-Optical Disk HOWTO' to setup our magneto-optical
  You mentioned somewhere in the HOWTO that you'd like to receive
  additional informations, and since I've used a drive which was not
  included, I'd like to tell you about it. Hope it can help someone!

  Used hardware:

  INTEL Pentium 90
  SCSI-Controller ADAPTEC 2940
  MO-Drive Fujitsu MCD3130SS (1.3 GB Capacity)


  S.u.S.E.-LINUX 6.1, Kernel-Version 2.2.5

  There is no "native" driver for the 2940AU, so I used the "aic7xxx"
  which I load as a module during bootup (I didn't want to compile a new
  kernel, because I need many other features, and expect of the MO-Drive,
  everything worked fine before. So, why "change a running system"?!)

  I can mount the MO-Disk, no matter what filesystem is used, entirely.
  In addition to that, I set up autofs to ease my work:

  in /etc/auto.misc, I added the line:

  /misc/mo-disk -fs auto /dev/sda1

  With that, I even don't need to mount the drive, I can access it
  whenever I want, no matter what filesystem is used (tested with MSDOS
  and ext2-fs)

  Finally, I used SAMBA to export the drive to our WIN95-Clients with the
  following inserted in /etc/smb.conf:

  path = /misc/mo-disk
  public = yes
  writeable = yes ;write-only can of course still be controlled by
  flipping the
  ;write-protect-switch at the MO-Disk!
  readable = yes
  browseable = yes

  (for further details abt. SAMBA, refer to the excellent HOWTO)

  Now, every WIN-Client can use the MO-Drive as if it was a local hdd,
  with one (minor) caveat:

  When you map the exported SAMBA-Drive to a drive letter in WIN Explorer,
  it's impossible to umount it under LINUX! Everytime you try, you get a
  "device busy"...
  So, unfortunately I can't map the drive during startup in WIN95, but I
  think with some hacking in the SAMBA-Code this problem could be
  I don't have the time at the moment, but perhaps somewhat later I will
  try to "dig into the code" to do the hack.

  Of course you can include my e-amil-address in the HOWTO, but please use
  my private one: instead of!

  with regards,

  Harald Husemann

  LINUX - the operating system for people whose IQ is greater than 98...

   Harald Husemann <>

  4.8.  Ricoh RO-5031E  - Jeremy Hosford


  Just stumbled across your page on Tucows (dated Dec '98 so I hope this
  still reaches you). You asked if anyone had any experience with optical
  storage etc. under Linux, which I have, so here it is!

  I worked for Ericsson (UK) Ltd. and some of their telephone switches use
  optical media for system backups. I have used these optical drives on
  i386 Linux boxes for some years now, with no problems whatsoever.

  The units in question are the Ricoh RO-5031E (scsi) and it's bigger
  brother, which unfortunately I cannot remember that name of (also Ricoh
  + scsi). The RO-5031E is a full-height, 5.25in magneto-optical drive
  that uses 650Mb disk cartridges (325Mb per side), such as Sony's
  EDM-650B. The other drive has similar spec but can use both 1.3Gb and
  650Mb disks. Ricoh's website may have more on these drives, but they're
  quite long in the tooth now and may not feature anymore.

  Usage was very simple - The drives were treated almost as scsi fixed
  disks. Pop a new disk in, use fdisk to create your filesystem (I've
  tried both ext2 & msdos) then format with mkfs. That's it!

  The one weird thing I did find was that a RedHat 6.x system (2.2.x
  kernel) would not read a filesystem that had been created on an old
  Slackware (2.0.x kernel) system, and vice versa. Other than that, 100
  million re-writes... thankyou very much!!!

  All the best // Jem

  P.S. Please feel free to include my email if I've been of any help.

   jem <>

  4.9.  Maxoptix T6-5200 - Donovan Allen

  I have used a Maxoptix T6-5200 with re-writable MO media without any
  problems.  Donovan Allen

  4.10.  Maxoptix TMT3-1300 Magneto Optical drive. - Peter Knaggs

  Maxoptix TMT3-1300 Magneto Optical drive.  Accepts 1Gb and 1.3Gb
  magneto-optical read/write cartridges, these are double sided, so half
  the capacity is on each side, and the cartridge needs to be ejected to
  access the opposing side.

  When configuring a Maxoptix drive for Linux, it should be configured
  such that the Removable Media Report Disable switch is OFF (the dip
  switch bank S2, switch 3 is OFF, i.e. in down position).

  When configuring a Maxoptix drive for Linux, it should NOT be
  configured such that Removable Media Report Disable is switched ON
  (the dip switch bank S2, switch 3 is ON, i.e. in up position).

  Setting this switch ON will set the RMB (removable media bit) to 0.
  This would indicate to Linux that the media is NOT removable, but
  Linux of course still allows one to eject it using the command eject
  /dev/sda or by pressing the invitingly large button on the drive
  itself.  This could have the consequence of accidentally corrupting
  any of the good data stored on cartridges inserted subsequently, since
  Linux has still cached the directory information of the previous disk.

  When the RMB is 0, even after the cartridge is ejected, it is possible
  to perform the mount command, and have it 'succeed', since Linux has
  still got the directory structure of the previous disk cached in its
  buffers, which have not been flushed.  One way to force Linux to flush
  its buffers in this situation, is to do the following sequence: eject
  /dev/sda (do NOT insert a new cartridge before performing the next two

  mount /dev/sda5 /mnt/max
  umount /mnt/max

  Note that this will show the following on the console (Ctrl+Alt+F10):
  Dec 14 19:32:14 kernel: SCSI disk error : host 1 channel 0 id 6 lun 0 return code = 28000000
  Dec 14 19:32:14 kernel: [valid=0] Info fld=0x0, Current sd08:05: sense key Not Ready
  Dec 14 19:32:14 kernel: Additional sense indicates Medium not present
  Dec 14 19:32:14 kernel: scsidisk I/O error: dev 08:05, sector 2
  Dec 14 19:32:14 kernel: SCSI disk error : host 1 channel 0 id 6 lun 0 return code = 28000000
  Dec 14 19:32:14 kernel: [valid=0] Info fld=0x0, Current sd08:05: sense key Not Ready
  Dec 14 19:32:14 kernel: Additional sense indicates Medium not present
  Dec 14 19:32:14 kernel: scsidisk I/O error: dev 08:05, sector 2

  Now we can insert the new disk, and the new disk's directory structure
  will appear correctly as expected. This method is very error-prone, and not
  recommended as it is very easy to forget to perform the 'dummy' mount before
  inserting a disk, with the consequence of wiping out good data on the new disk.

  The reason this method works is that Linux normally only calls invalidate_buffers()
  (see the file sd.c in the routine check_media_change()) if the RMB is set to 1,
  and the above sequence forces Linux to call invalidate_buffers() once it notices
  that it can't mount the filesystem.
  Performing the 'dummy' mount/unmount after ejecting forces Linux to call invalidate_buffers().

  For Linux, to avoid using the above workaround, we should always have
  the Removable Media Report Disable switch OFF (dip switch bank S2, switch 3, OFF, i.e. in down position).

  When the Removable Media Report Disable switch is correctly set to OFF,
  then attempting to mount the drive when the cartridge
  is not present will show the following on the console (Ctrl+Alt+F10):

  Dec 14 21:35:16 kernel: sda : READ CAPACITY failed.
  Dec 14 21:35:16 kernel: sda : status = 0, message = 00, host = 0, driver = 28
  Dec 14 21:35:16 kernel: sda : extended sense code = 2
  Dec 14 21:35:16 kernel: sda : block size assumed to be 512 bytes, disk size 1GB.
  Dec 14 21:35:16 kernel:  sda:scsidisk I/O error: dev 08:00, sector 0
  Dec 14 21:35:16 kernel:  unable to read partition table
  Dec 14 21:35:16 kernel: sda : READ CAPACITY failed.
  Dec 14 21:35:16 kernel: sda : status = 0, message = 00, host = 0, driver = 28
  Dec 14 21:35:16 kernel: sda : extended sense code = 2
  Dec 14 21:35:16 kernel: sda : block size assumed to be 512 bytes, disk size 1GB.
  Dec 14 21:35:16 kernel:  sda:scsidisk I/O error: dev 08:00, sector 0
  Dec 14 21:35:16 kernel:  unable to read partition table


  When using the drive by means of an Adaptec PCMCIA card in slot 0,
  if disk is in drive, when the command:

  # cardctl insert 0

  is performed, we see the following message on the console (Ctrl+Alt+F10):

  Dec 14 19:05:31 kernel: aha152x: processing commandline: ok
  Dec 14 19:05:31 kernel: aha152x: BIOS test: passed, detected 1 controller(s)
  Dec 14 19:05:31 kernel: aha152x0: vital data: PORTBASE=0x140, IRQ=3, SCSI ID=7, reconnect=enabled, parity=enabled, synchronous=disabled, delay=100, extended translation=disabled
  Dec 14 19:05:31 kernel: aha152x: trying software interrupt, ok.
  Dec 14 19:05:31 kernel: scsi1 : Adaptec 152x SCSI driver; $Revision: 1.7 $
  Dec 14 19:05:31 kernel: scsi : 2 hosts.
  Dec 14 19:05:32 kernel:   Vendor: Maxoptix  Model: T3-1304           Rev: 1.1c
  Dec 14 19:05:32 kernel:   Type:   Direct-Access                      ANSI SCSI revision: 02
  Dec 14 19:05:32 kernel: Detected scsi disk sda at scsi1, channel 0, id 6, lun 0
  Dec 14 19:05:32 kernel: SCSI device sda: hdwr sector= 512 bytes. Sectors= 904995 [441 MB] [0.4 GB]
  Dec 14 19:05:33 kernel:  sda: sda1 < sda5 >

  If no disk is inserted when booting Linux, get the following message on the console:

  Dec 14 18:55:23 kernel: Detected scsi disk sda at scsi1, channel 0, id 6, lun 0
  Dec 14 18:55:24 kernel: sda: Spinning up disk....<7>ROM image dump:
  Dec 14 18:57:02 kernel: ...................................................................................................not responding...
  Dec 14 18:57:02 kernel: sda : READ CAPACITY failed.
  Dec 14 18:57:02 kernel: sda : status = 0, message = 00, host = 0, driver = 28
  Dec 14 18:57:02 kernel: sda : extended sense code = 2
  Dec 14 18:57:02 kernel: sda : block size assumed to be 512 bytes, disk size 1GB.
  Dec 14 18:57:02 kernel:  sda:SCSI disk error : host 1 channel 0 id 6 lun 0 return code = 28000000
  Dec 14 18:57:02 kernel: [valid=0] Info fld=0x0, Current sd08:00: sense key Not Ready
  Dec 14 18:57:02 kernel: Additional sense indicates Medium not present
  Dec 14 18:57:02 kernel: scsidisk I/O error: dev 08:00, sector 0
  Dec 14 18:57:02 kernel:  unable to read partition table
  Dec 14 18:57:03 kernel: scsi2 : Adaptec AHA274x/284x/294x (EISA/VLB/PCI-Fast SCSI) 5.1.25/3.2.4
  Dec 14 18:57:03 kernel:        <Adaptec PCMCIA SCSI controller>
  Dec 14 18:57:03 kernel: scsi : 3 hosts.
  Dec 14 18:57:08 kernel: scsi : 2 hosts.


  When using the disks which come pre-formatted with 1024 bytes per sector,
  it's important to use the -b 1024 flag with fdisk, otherwise
  the partitioning isn't correctly written by the hardware,
  and mke2fs hangs, so that the system cannot be shutdown cleanly.

  When making the filesystem using mke2fs, don't use the defaults,
  since depending on the media size, the block size which is chosen by mke2fs
  might only be 1024, which is way too small. We want to always use 4096 as the
  block size, otherwise writing to the disk becomes very slow indeed.

  So for a disk with 1024-bytes per sector, the sequence of commands would be:

  # fdisk -b 1024 /dev/sda
  # mke2fs -b 4096 -m 0 /dev/sda5
  # e2fsck -f -B 4096 /dev/sda5 -b 98304   (-b 98304 uses an alternate superblock)

  # mke2fs -b 4096 -m 0 /dev/sda5
  mke2fs 1.18, 11-Nov-1999 for EXT2 FS 0.5b, 95/08/09
  Filesystem label=
  OS type: Linux
  Block size=4096 (log=2)
  Fragment size=4096 (log=2)
  79680 inodes, 159216 blocks
  0 blocks (0.00%) reserved for the super user
  First data block=0
  5 block groups
  32768 blocks per group, 32768 fragments per group
  15936 inodes per group
  Superblock backups stored on blocks:
  32768, 98304

  Writing inode tables: done
  Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done

  # time (cp ~guest/kernel/linux-2.2.15.tar.gz .;sync;sync;sync)

  real    0m28.411s
  user    0m0.010s
  sys     0m2.590s

  # time (cp ~guest/kernel/*.gz .;sync;sync;sync)

  real    3m54.046s
  user    0m0.060s
  sys     0m2.910s
  For 512-byte sectors, the output of mke2fs is as follows for a 1G disk:

  # mke2fs -m 0 /dev/sda5
  mke2fs 1.18, 11-Nov-1999 for EXT2 FS 0.5b, 95/08/09
  Filesystem label=
  OS type: Linux
  Block size=1024 (log=0)
  Fragment size=1024 (log=0)
  112896 inodes, 451552 blocks
  0 blocks (0.00%) reserved for the super user
  First data block=1
  56 block groups
  8192 blocks per group, 8192 fragments per group
  2016 inodes per group
  Superblock backups stored on blocks:
  8193, 24577, 40961, 57345, 73729, 204801, 221185, 401409

  Writing inode tables: done
  Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done

  # time (cp ~guest/kernel/*.gz .;sync;sync;sync)

  real    3m54.046s
  user    0m0.060s
  sys     0m2.910s

  Note the difference in storage of a disk formatted for
  1024 bytes per sectos, and 512 bytes per sector,
  for the same 1.3GB capacity claimed on the disk label.
  It is about 9.5% more for the 1024 format.

  1.3 GB 512 bytes/sector:
  df -k .
  Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
  /dev/sda5               572436       740    571696   0% /mnt/max

  1.3 GB 1024 bytes/sector, using 4096 block size in mke2fs:
  df -k .
  Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
  /dev/sda5               626840    112208    514632  18% /mnt/max

  This is the output of fdisk partitioning created by Win98 on the 1.3GB 1024 bytes/sector disk:

  Disk /dev/sda: 64 heads, 32 sectors, 311 cylinders
  Units = cylinders of 2048 * 1024 bytes

  Device Boot    Start       End    Blocks   Id  System
  /dev/sda1   ?    937477   1203315 544437093   20  Unknown
  Partition 1 has different physical/logical beginnings (non-Linux?):
  phys=(356, 97, 46) logical=(937476, 3, 15)
  Partition 1 has different physical/logical endings:
  phys=(357, 116, 40) logical=(1203314, 30, 19)
  Partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary:
  phys=(357, 116, 40) should be (357, 63, 32)
  /dev/sda2   ?    649505    912677 538976288   6b  Unknown
  Partition 2 has different physical/logical beginnings (non-Linux?):
  phys=(288, 110, 57) logical=(649504, 0, 11)
  Partition 2 has different physical/logical endings:
  phys=(269, 101, 57) logical=(912676, 1, 10)
  Partition 2 does not end on cylinder boundary:
  phys=(269, 101, 57) should be (269, 63, 32)
  /dev/sda3   ?    263179    945973 1398362912   53  OnTrack DM6 Aux3
  Partition 3 has different physical/logical beginnings (non-Linux?):
  phys=(345, 32, 19) logical=(263178, 26, 16)
  Partition 3 has different physical/logical endings:
  phys=(324, 77, 19) logical=(945972, 51, 15)
  Partition 3 does not end on cylinder boundary:
  phys=(324, 77, 19) should be (324, 63, 32)
  /dev/sda4   *    680971    680981     21337   49  Unknown
  Partition 4 has different physical/logical beginnings (non-Linux?):
  phys=(87, 1, 0) logical=(680970, 34, 16)
  Partition 4 has different physical/logical endings:
  phys=(335, 78, 2) logical=(680980, 61, 8)
  Partition 4 does not end on cylinder boundary:
  phys=(335, 78, 2) should be (335, 63, 32)

  Command (m for help): q

  Similarly, this is the output of fdisk partitioning created by Win98 on the 1GB 512 bytes/sector disk:

  # fdisk -b 512 /dev/sda

  Command (m for help): p

  Disk /dev/sda: 64 heads, 32 sectors, 441 cylinders
  Units = cylinders of 2048 * 512 bytes

  Device Boot    Start       End    Blocks   Id  System
  /dev/sda1   ?    937477   1203315 272218546+  20  Unknown
  Partition 1 has different physical/logical beginnings (non-Linux?):
  phys=(356, 97, 46) logical=(937476, 3, 15)
  Partition 1 has different physical/logical endings:
  phys=(357, 116, 40) logical=(1203314, 30, 19)
  Partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary:
  phys=(357, 116, 40) should be (357, 63, 32)
  /dev/sda2   ?    649505    912677 269488144   6b  Unknown
  Partition 2 has different physical/logical beginnings (non-Linux?):
  phys=(288, 110, 57) logical=(649504, 0, 11)
  Partition 2 has different physical/logical endings:
  phys=(269, 101, 57) logical=(912676, 1, 10)
  Partition 2 does not end on cylinder boundary:
  phys=(269, 101, 57) should be (269, 63, 32)
  /dev/sda3   ?    263179    945973 699181456   53  OnTrack DM6 Aux3
  Partition 3 has different physical/logical beginnings (non-Linux?):
  phys=(345, 32, 19) logical=(263178, 26, 16)
  Partition 3 has different physical/logical endings:
  phys=(324, 77, 19) logical=(945972, 51, 15)
  Partition 3 does not end on cylinder boundary:
  phys=(324, 77, 19) should be (324, 63, 32)
  /dev/sda4   *    680971    680981     10668+  49  Unknown
  Partition 4 has different physical/logical beginnings (non-Linux?):
  phys=(87, 1, 0) logical=(680970, 34, 16)
  Partition 4 has different physical/logical endings:
  phys=(335, 78, 2) logical=(680980, 61, 8)
  Partition 4 does not end on cylinder boundary:
  phys=(335, 78, 2) should be (335, 63, 32)

  Question: Which partition is the data in, and how do we mount it?
  None of the start/end values make any sense to Linux.
  Comparison of media sizes and speeds:

  Using the following files:

  # ls -l ~guest/kernel/*gz
  -rw-r-----   1 guest  users    16371764 May 24  2000 /home/guest/kernel/linux-2.2.15.tar.gz
  -rw-rw-rw-   1 guest  users    17106471 Jun 15  2000 /home/guest/kernel/linux-2.2.16.tar.gz
  -rw-r--r--   1 guest  users    20881782 May 25  2000 /home/guest/kernel/linux-2.3.99-pre9.tar.gz
  -rw-rw-rw-   1 guest  users    21085275 Jun 16  2000 /home/guest/kernel/linux-2.4.0-test1.tar.gz
  -rw-r--r--   1 guest  users    22888582 Oct  3 08:36 /home/guest/kernel/linux-2.4.0-test9.tar.gz

  The tests consisted of simply copying the above files to the drive.
  Sometimes the media is new, sometimes previously written to.
  It seems that new media is slightly faster to write to.

  On media identified as follows:
  P/N 2015382-0010 Max-GL (Optical Glass) Jukebox Certified Rewritable 1.3GB 512

  # fdisk /dev/sda

  Command (m for help): p

  Disk /dev/sda: 64 heads, 32 sectors, 568 cylinders
  Units = cylinders of 2048 * 512 bytes

  Device Boot    Start       End    Blocks   Id  System
  /dev/sda1             1       568    581616    5  Extended
  /dev/sda5             1       568    581600   83  Linux

  # mke2fs -m 0 -b 4096 /dev/sda5
  mke2fs 1.18, 11-Nov-1999 for EXT2 FS 0.5b, 95/08/09
  Filesystem label=
  OS type: Linux
  Block size=4096 (log=2)
  Fragment size=4096 (log=2)
  72800 inodes, 145400 blocks
  0 blocks (0.00%) reserved for the super user
  First data block=0
  5 block groups
  32768 blocks per group, 32768 fragments per group
  14560 inodes per group
  Superblock backups stored on blocks:
  32768, 98304

  Writing inode tables: done
  Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done

  Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
  /dev/sda5               572436        20    572416   0% /mnt/max

  # time (cp ~guest/kernel/linux-2.2.15.tar.gz .;sync;sync;sync)

  real    0m29.099s
  user    0m0.010s
  sys     0m1.430s

  # time (cp ~guest/kernel/*.gz .;sync;sync;sync)

  real    4m18.446s
  user    0m0.010s
  sys     0m3.880s


  On media identified as follows:
  P/N 1015386RW Max-GL (Optical Glass) Jukebox Certified Rewritable 1GB 512

  fdisk shows:
  Disk /dev/sda: 64 heads, 32 sectors, 441 cylinders
  Units = cylinders of 2048 * 512 bytes

  Device Boot    Start       End    Blocks   Id  System
  /dev/sda1             1       441    451568    5  Extended
  /dev/sda5             1       441    451552   83  Linux

  # mke2fs -m 0 -b 4096 /dev/sda5
  mke2fs 1.18, 11-Nov-1999 for EXT2 FS 0.5b, 95/08/09
  Filesystem label=
  OS type: Linux
  Block size=4096 (log=2)
  Fragment size=4096 (log=2)
  112896 inodes, 112888 blocks
  0 blocks (0.00%) reserved for the super user
  First data block=0
  4 block groups
  32768 blocks per group, 32768 fragments per group
  28224 inodes per group
  Superblock backups stored on blocks:
  32768, 98304

  Writing inode tables: done
  Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done

  Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
  /dev/sda5               437384        20    437364   0% /mnt/max

  # time (cp ~guest/kernel/linux-2.2.15.tar.gz .;sync;sync;sync)

  real    0m34.220s
  user    0m0.100s
  sys     0m5.610s

  # time (cp ~guest/kernel/*.gz .;sync;sync;sync)

  real    4m8.846s
  user    0m0.280s
  sys     0m28.500s


  On media identified as follows: (obtained from eBay:Borismcbin)
  MaxEP Rewritable 1GB 512 (Tahiti P/N 1015387-0040)

  Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
  /dev/sda5               437384        20    437364   0% /mnt/max

  # time (cp ~guest/kernel/linux-2.2.15.tar.gz .;sync;sync;sync)

  real    0m30.321s
  user    0m0.010s
  sys     0m1.340s

  # time (cp ~guest/kernel/*.gz .;sync;sync;sync)

  real    3m32.851s
  user    0m0.010s
  sys     0m4.340s


  On media identified as follows: (obtained from eBay:Surpuluseller)
  MaxEP Rewritable 1.2GB 512 (P/N: PN2015383RW)

  # fdisk /dev/sda

  Command (m for help): p

  Disk /dev/sda: 64 heads, 32 sectors, 568 cylinders
  Units = cylinders of 2048 * 512 bytes

  Device Boot    Start       End    Blocks   Id  System
  /dev/sda1             1       568    581616    5  Extended
  /dev/sda5             1       568    581600   83  Linux

  # mke2fs -m 0 -b 4096 /dev/sda5
  mke2fs 1.18, 11-Nov-1999 for EXT2 FS 0.5b, 95/08/09
  Filesystem label=
  OS type: Linux
  Block size=4096 (log=2)
  Fragment size=4096 (log=2)
  72800 inodes, 145400 blocks
  0 blocks (0.00%) reserved for the super user
  First data block=0
  5 block groups
  32768 blocks per group, 32768 fragments per group
  14560 inodes per group
  Superblock backups stored on blocks:
  32768, 98304

  Writing inode tables: done
  Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done

  Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
  /dev/sda5               572436        20    572416   0% /mnt/max

  # time (cp ~guest/kernel/linux-2.2.15.tar.gz .;sync;sync;sync)

  real    0m28.979s
  user    0m0.000s
  sys     0m2.600s

  # time (cp ~guest/kernel/*.gz .;sync;sync;sync)

  real    4m0.486s
  user    0m0.000s
  sys     0m1.400s


  On media identified as follows:
  1.3 Gbytes 1024 Byte/Sector
  Reorder No: 92280T
  Made in Japan.

  # fdisk -b 1024 /dev/sda

  Command (m for help): p

  Disk /dev/sda: 64 heads, 32 sectors, 311 cylinders
  Units = cylinders of 2048 * 1024 bytes

  Device Boot    Start       End    Blocks   Id  System
  /dev/sda1             1       311    636896    5  Extended
  /dev/sda5             1       311    636864   83  Linux

  Command (m for help): q

  Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
  /dev/sda5               626840        20    626820   0% /mnt/max
  # mke2fs -m 0 -b 4096 /dev/sda5

  mke2fs 1.18, 11-Nov-1999 for EXT2 FS 0.5b, 95/08/09
  Filesystem label=
  OS type: Linux
  Block size=4096 (log=2)
  Fragment size=4096 (log=2)
  79680 inodes, 159216 blocks
  0 blocks (0.00%) reserved for the super user
  First data block=0
  5 block groups
  32768 blocks per group, 32768 fragments per group
  15936 inodes per group
  Superblock backups stored on blocks:
  32768, 98304

  Writing inode tables: done
  Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done

  # time (cp ~guest/kernel/linux-2.2.15.tar.gz .;sync;sync;sync)

  real    0m28.411s
  user    0m0.020s
  sys     0m1.570s

  # time (cp ~guest/kernel/*.gz .;sync;sync;sync)

  real    4m19.854s
  user    0m0.010s
  sys     0m2.350s


  Peter Knaggs <>

  4.11.  Magneto Optical Information,  IDE/ATAPI and FAT/VFAT info -
  Alexander Voropay

  Alexander supplied me with some very informative points.  He has ask
  me to pass that information on to you. Without fully understanding all
  areas that he knows, I am attempting to pass it on to you as best I

  4.11.1.  Type of 3.5" MO drives

  There are two kind of 3.5" Magneto Optical drives : DynamMO  and

  DynaMO : 128Mb, 230Mb, 540Mb  and 640Mb (this drive has 2048Kb/sector)

  GigaMO : 1.3Gb, 2.3Gb (2048Kb/sector)

  4.11.2.  MO Cartridges specifications :

  ·  Sony's GigaMO Media Specifications

  ·  Professional Media Specifications

  4.11.3.  MO drives with IDE/ATAPI interface

  (Sony, Fujitsu) has a models with different interfaces : SCSI,
  IDE/ATAPI, USB, FireWire, PCMCIA. I think, we should expand your HOWTO
  to this models.

  For example, to work with IDE/ATAPI interface you should install "ide-
  scsi" kernel module :

  # modprobe ide-scsi
  # dmesg
  sscsi1 : SCSI host adapter emulation for IDE ATAPI devices
  Vendor: IomintSA  Model: MCE3130AP-MO1300  Rev: 0011
  Type:   Optical Device                     ANSI SCSI revision: 02
  Attached scsi removable disk sdb at scsi1, channel 0, id 1, lun 0 SCSI
  device sdb: 605846 2048-byte hdwr sectors (1241 MB)
  sdb: Write Protect is off

  4.11.4.  Accessing FAT and VFAT MO

  You could use "mtool" package to access a FAT/VFAT on MO.  Mtools page
  to FAT and VFAT File systems

  First of all, you should define a new drive M: in
  drive m: file="/dev/sdb"

  # minfo m:
  # mformat m:
  # mdir m:

  You should use -I key to format MO media
  with mkfs.vfat :
  # mkfs.vfat -I -v /dev/sdb

  Unfortunately, Linux kernel uses bogus MO drive
  geometry even for SCSI drives. It makes sense only
  for BPB FAT filesystem (ext2fs does not depend on drive
  geometry). To compatibility with Windows system you
  should use real geometry (1 Head) while formatting.
  (See cartridge specifications for real geometry.)

  For example for 230Mb DynaMO you should define in
  drive m:
  cylinders=17853 heads=1 sectors=25

  # mformat m:
  ## minfo m:

  Alexander Voropay

  5.  Optical jukeboxes

  I have no experience with optical jukeboxes with Linux!!!!  I have had
  experiences with Optical jukeboxes under HP-UX. In this setup the the
  jukebox had a SCSI address of it's own. Each slot in the jukebox had
  an associated LUN number. A device name was assigned for each disk
  slot A side and B side. The mount command was run against the
  appropriate device name. I had a jukebox with just one drive and 16
  optical disk slots - 20 Gig. I thought it was going to be a real
  hassle to write a disk mount manager to share this drive among users
  until I discovered you can mount as many disk as you want and the
  jukebox driver takes care of arbitration - what a nice feature.
  Granted, you only want archive type data here and your overall system
  configuration to be such that not too many processes will be accessing
  the jukebox at the same time. The disk spin down, carriage load,
  carriage move, carriage unload, carriage move to the next disk,
  carriage next disk load, carriage move, optical drive load, and spin
  up takes about 12 seconds - "seek-from-hell".

  5.1.  Maxoptix 520 - Zed Shaw

  5.1.1.  Zed's Original E-Mail - Feb 13 1998


  I was reading your howto (a life saver, thanks) and I was wondering what
  kind of jukebox you were running?  I have a Maxoptix 520 Jukebox (20
  disks at 2.6G each, nice!) and I would like to connect it to a Linux box
  and serve the drives up to my users, but I'm having problems accessing
  the individual drives.   Currently I can only access the two drives and
  something called MAXLYB which I think is a controller device of some

  Basically, I'm wondering if the jukebox you had was the same or similar
  and how you set it up.  I know that you did it under HP-UX, but any help
  right now would be nice.  Hey, I'll even let you log into my linux
  server if you want to take a look at the jukebox and see what it does.
  You can't beat 52Gig of storage!

  Anyway, I'd really appreciate your help.

  Zed A. Shaw
  Application Systems Analyst
  Arizona State University

  5.1.2.  Correspondence with Zed on Mon, 16 Feb 1998:

  > It sounds like your Maxoptix 520 is a jukebox with two physical disk.
  Yep, that's the one.

  > All jukeboxes have a carriage controller. This is probably your MAXLYB
  > device.
  > ...

  What I've come to find out is that Maxoptix is pretty stingy when it
  comes to drivers.  Apparently, they don't make driver software for any of
  their Jukebox carriage controller interfaces!  I don't know how some of
  these companies stay in business.  I'm going to pester them again soon,
  but you are right, this thing will need a carriage controller driver to
  operate.  The cool thing is that this MX520 (that's the model number of
  the juke) emulates a whole slew of other carriage controllers, so maybe
  one of those other guys has a driver.  I'll be looking into that too.

  > You might want to get a-hold of Maxoptix and see if they have a install
  > package for your linux kernel version. If not ask them for the programmers
  > specification for the carriage controller and maybe we can write one!

  Hey, if I can't find any driver software, and I can convince Maxoptix to
  give me the specs, I'd be more than glad to write a driver.  I'd could
  sure use the help too since I haven't got enough time to do it on my
  own.  Also, do you know of anyone else doing this that we might be able
  to hack off of?

  > Any information you find, let me know and we will roll the information
  > into the Optical HOWTO, acknowledgments of course!

  Sure, but let me get some new information first.  So far things are
  looking pretty bleak.

  > >Basically, I'm wondering if the jukebox you had was the same or similar
  > >and how you set it up.  I know that you did it under HP-UX, but any help
  > >right now would be nice.  Hey, I'll even let you log into my linux
  > >server if you want to take a look at the jukebox and see what it does.
  > >You can't beat 52Gig of storage!
  > Nice. At home I can use PPP to mount my 84 platter HP-UX jukebox.
  > It's slow though - I wish I had it at home.

  Oh, I don't have this thing at home.  There's no way I could afford the
  $30,000 my boss paid for this thing.  But he's stuck with it and has had
  it sitting around collecting dust for a year, so he's letting me play
  with it and try to find a use for it.

  I'll get back with you when I have some more information.  It should be
  sometime this week when I find out if I can get it to work or not.


  5.2.  Changer Devices - Jon Gerdes


  Please find some guff on MO drives and SCSI agony ...

  Note that the Changer software mentioned should work for virtually any
  changer :-)

  Now back to dreaming of cheap highbandwidth inet connections for home
  use.  British Telecom really get on my !"£***&

  Jon Gerdes

  Some notes on firing up SCSI changer support for a Magneto Optical jukebox
  using "scsi-changer"

  LSM entry from distribution used:
  Title:          scsi-changer
  Version:        0.14
  Entered-date:   9 May 1998
  Description:    SCSI Media Changer device driver (for the robot mechanism
  of MO/CD Jukeboxes, tape libraries, ...).
  autofs support included.  This is a BETA version.
  Keywords:       scsi jukebox changer driver
  Author:         Gerd Knorr <>
  Maintained-by:  Gerd Knorr <>
  Primary-site: /pub/Linux/kernel/patches/scsi
  22kB scsi-changer-0.14.tar.gz
  627  scsi-changer.lsm
  Alternate-site: none
  Original-site:  none
  Platform:       Linux
  Copying-policy: GNU GPL
  Latest version from here:

  Tested on:
  HP SurestoreOptical 40fx (1 drive 15x2.4Gb MO disks)
  Adaptec 1520B (dodgy ISA 10MBs-1 SCSI II card)
  Linux Mandrake 6.1
  Kernel 2.2.13 and 2.2.14

  tar -xzvf changer-0.14.tar.gz
  read the README

  Note that this program should work for most SCSI devices involving a robotic
  picker and media slots.

  patch kernel:
  copy ch-2.2.7.diff to /usr/src/linux (ie kernel source)
  patch -p1 < ch-2.2.7.diff

  Compile in changer support to kernel:
  make xconfig or menuconfig or just config
  go to scsi section and tick changer support
  put in NFS and automounter (see below) while you are at it.

  If your using it as a module then add this to /etc/conf.modules:
  alias char-major-86 ch
  (no problems found using it as a module - recommended method of use)

  run /usr/src/linux/drivers/MAKEDEV.sch (created by .diff) to create the
  changer dev entries, one for the changer and one for the reader if you have
  more than one reader, you will need more /dev/schx's (see
  <src>/Documentation/devices.txt - again added by .diff)

  Run make in the changer source directory
  I had to copy scsi_ioctl.h to changer source directory and amend the Makefile.
  Not sure why, so read and change the Makefile if compiler gives errors about
  such a file not found (find /usr/src/linux -name <file_to_find> might be

  copy binaries to /sbin (or /usr/sbin or whatever to taste)

  mover load 0
  fdisk /dev/sda (create sda1)
  mke2fs -b 1024 /dev/sda1 1273011
  mover unload 0
  mover load 1
  fdisk ...

  "mover mv d0 d0 1" will rotate disk in drive 1
  etc etc

  fdisk was OK but mke2fs had problems determining the correct geometry.
  the number of blocks came from dmesg report hence specifying everything
  explicitly - your milage may vary.  The block size was printed on the disks as
  well as from "dmesg"

  The above is crying out for a quick script to shuffle through the lot.  mover
  without switches will show the contents of the box.

  make sure that scsi supports > 1Gb
  on Adaptec 1520B - aha152x needs (in /etc/lilo.conf):
  check source for meaning of parameters.

  I also had a weird problem where the adaptec driver appeared to caused Lilo
  to forget much of the append= line - pretty esoteric but it may afflict
  someone else.  I had a Frame Buffer init string in there as well and after
  swapping these around (ie SCSI bit first then the video bit it worked)

  The adapter BIOS had to be adjusted slightly in the CTRL-A menu on boot to
  also enable extended translation.

  If the geometry is wrong then mke2fs will attempt to access incorrect
  addresses.  This causes the kernel to go absolutly mad, printing lots of
  errors to the root console and filling up the system log.  I had to use
  shift-alt-sysreq-b to re-boot after synching disks, when I got it wrong :-(

  My console was totally unusable with hundreds of messages scrolling up it.  So
  if this might happen to you, make sure that the "Magic Syskey" is enabled (see
  kernel docs.)  Alternatively do it in X from an xterm, that way you can kill
  the job from another one ...

  Now dig out the automounter (instructions in README).  The devices are
  /dev/sda1 and /dev/sdb1 (or similar) not the /dev/schx jobs.  Remember to
  have automounter and nfs support in the kernel.  Attempting to cd /jukebox/0
  will get the jukie to dig out the first disk and pop it into a spare drive and
  even mount it.

  Not sure what the problems I had were actually caused by.  On boot the devices
  were found and reported correctly but mke2fs wasn't going to play.  I even
  managed to wreck one side of my first MO disk so that even fdisk refuses to
  play.  You have been warned <g>  Still I do have a ridiculously large amount
  of filesystem space to play with at home.
  Incidently, if you put a FAT f/s on a disk and leave it in the drive, then
  Win98 can read it, if you happen to dual-boot (pah !)

  Check the contents of the .diff file and the source itself - the author has
  been pretty thorough with documentation.

  Performance is not blistering but beats the heck out of a CDRW.

  Finally, thanks to Mr Knorr for giving me an endless file system

  Jon Gerdes - 17 January 2000

  5.3.  Changer Devices - Michael Heydenbluth


  I have the ANSI SCSI-II specs. Changer devices are described here.
  Basically, changers are independent devices which respond to commands like:
  Install disk in slot 7 in drive 2
  Remove disk from drive 1 and store it in slot 13
  Count all disks in the slots
  and so on.
  Btw. the SCSI specs make no differences between tape changers, od
  jukeboxes, cd changers. These are all changer devices with the same command
  set. The jukebox running under HP-UX seems to work differently from the
  SCSI specs, where no LUNs for the slots/sides are defined. Three
  1. LUNs for the disk sides are defined in SCSI-III specifications (I don't
  know because I do not have them)
  2. The jukebox and its driver is older than the SCSI specs, so the
  manufacturer had to go its own way. This is the way my jukebox works, but
  in my case the commands are similar.
  3. The manufacturer choosed to ignore any specifications

  Long time ago I have tried to make my jukebox work with linux. It worked
  with the generic scsi driver /dev/sg*, some lines of C and a handful of
  shell scripts, but I did not have the time (and knowledge) to build a real
  kernel module from that.
  There is still another problem: One has to write a new filesystem type for
  write-once media. The ext2 filesystem can not be used because it writes
  superblocks all over the disk and modifies them when data is written to the
  disk. Sectors which have been written to are definitively lost. They can be
  overwritten but in fact the new data is written to spare blocks and the old
  data is discarded. This old data can be retrieved with special commands for
  optical drives. There must be some kind of "append-only filesystem" to make
  it really useful.

  Michael Heydenbluth

  6.  MO and other media technologies - Gene Cumm

  The PCtechGuide  Home page has some excellent media history and
  evolving media technology information.  Gene Cumm -
  7.  Phase Change Optical Technology

  7.1.  Introduction

  Optical Phase Change technology is used to create "In Phase" or "Out
  of Phase" bits on a special media for phase change writing. The drive
  uses a LASER of different power levels or LASER intensities to produce
  this effect.  One power level allows the media to flow into a
  crystalline form while the other creates an "Out of Phase" condition.
  The crystallized areas reflect the read Lasers beam with a different
  coefficient of reflectivity than the non-crystallized areas. Thus,
  data can be read from the disk.

  What makes the phase change optical disk special is that it the disk
  is formatted with concentric cylinders or tracks with each track being
  sectored much like a magnetic disk or read/write optical disk. The
  tracks are very close so a lot of data can be stored on a disk. This
  is different from a CD-ROM in that it gives your system the look and
  feel of a magnetic disk. CD-ROMs have a spiraling track much like a
  audio record. Having tracks and sectors alone would not make the phase
  change drive special from optical disk but the drive has some very
  special properties; The phase change drive allows for direct overwrite
  of data which magneto optical can't do inexpensively and the media has
  the very special property of NOT being susceptible to magnetic fields
  or as sensitive to static discharge which gives the media a very long
  shelf life.

  7.2.  Panasonic LF1000


  ·  Read/Write optical disk.

  ·  Can read CD-ROMs at 4X speed.

  ·  Can read Kodak PhotoCDs.

  ·  Media has a 15 Year shelf life.

  ·  SCSI-2 Interface.

  ·  Track/sector format as opposed to CD-ROMs spiraling record format.

  ·  165ms access time - much better than a tape file restore.

  ·  650Mb data storage per diskette.

  ·  Diskettes are about $50 each.


  ·  Optical disk format not compatible with any other disk drive.

  ·  Vendors don't seem to support UNIX very well - marketing is
     targeted for DOS/Windows and Macintosh.

  ·  Do NOT purchase the PD drive which uses the parallel port interface
     - To my knowledge there is no Linux driver for it.

  7.2.3.  Installation

  The LF1000 is SCSI-2 compatible device. It features a block size of
  512 bytes and is compatible with the Linux SCSI drivers. This drive
  was installed on a PC compatible AMD 100MHZ 486 with an Adaptec 1542C
  SCSI bus-master controller. To install and mount a disk the following
  steps were taken;

  7.2.4.  Installation steps

  ·  Install the drive and set the SCSI address to not interfere with
     other SCSI devices. Re-connect all cabling.

  ·  Boot the computer. Your SCSI controller should note the new drive.

  ·  During the Linux kernel boot, you should see an additional SCSI
     device. In my case, having a magnetic system disk for device
     /dev/sda it shows up as /dev/sdb.

  ·  I did NOT partition the device because fdisk issued an overwrite
     warning and I did not want to change anything from a dosemu

  ·  mkfs -t ext2 /dev/sdb

  ·  mkdir /pd

  ·  mount -t ext2 -o ro,suid,dev,exec,auto,nouser,async /dev/sdb /pd -
     Read only

  ·  mount -t ext2 -o defaults /dev/sdb /pd - Mount drive W/R

  Your ready to "Rock'n'Roll"

  7.2.5.  Usage hints

  ·  The media which comes with the drive is reported be re-writable
     about 500,000 times. This means that it is not advisable to install
     a live operating system such as Linux on the phase change optical
     drive. These live operating systems tend to cache processes to and
     from disk. Over time this can easily approach the phase change
     media life.

  ·  Mount drive read only as much as possible.

  ·  When writing to the drive do so in large chunks. This will help
     reduce any file fragmentation which will require more read seeks.

  ·  This is however an excellent media for backups, gifs, mpeg or
     storing large programs which you don't use that often. The restore
     from backup is much faster that tape. Backups can be performed
     using the cp -rp command without the need for the ftape driver.
     This however, will replace symbolic links with the actual file.

  ·  If while using the PD for writing, You find that the file you just
     wrote to the disk are not there, chances are that the disk write
     protect tab is in write protect mode and you mounted it in
     read/write mode.

  7.3.  Additional Configuration concerns by Jeff Rooze


  I read your article on configuring the Panasonic LF-1000 for Linux. I
  have configured my system so that the optical drive has its own device
  name and the CD-ROM has its own device name.  This has allowed me to
  mount either media at any time. I do not require any media in the
  drive when I boot Linux. Also I am using the optical drive as an ext2
  formatted media.

  I had a couple of minor difficulties in doing so.

  First, I had configured my hard drive at SCSI ID 6 and my PD at SCSI
  ID 4. (I wanted to have the hard drive at a higher priority that the
  PD). This caused a problem with the Linux SCSI driver. The driver
  scans the SCSI devices from the Lower SCSI id's to the higher (eg: 0
  .. 6).  Consequently my logical device names were assigned differently
  depending on which type of media was installed in the PD drive. This
  caused a big problem. My Linux partition is on my SCSI hard drive and
  the root device name would change! I corrected this problem by
  modifying the software in the kernel SCSI driver to scan the devices
  in reverse order.

  Second, the distribution Linux kernel does not scan all SCSI LUNS.
  The PD/CD drive has a mode that establishes the CD-ROM at LUN 1 and
  the PD at LUN 0. This mode is selected by the configuration switches
  on the PD/CD drive. Switch #2 should be down (off?). If this switch is
  up (on?), the signature of the device is dependent upon the media that
  is installed and it only reports this device on LUN 0. If no media is
  installed I think it defaults to CD-ROM.  I am using an Future Domain
  16-xx SCSI interface card and the software in Linux kernel driver
  supports an optical device signature when scanning the LUNS. I assume
  that this is standard for most of the SCSI drivers. I reconfigured the
  kernel to enable the "scan all LUNS" switch. The kernel then assigns
  different device names for each device. The following is an excerpt
  from by boot log. You will note a series of errors in this log. This
  is because I did not have the optical media installed in the drive and
  the driver was attempting to look at the partition table to determine
  the block size. Fortunately it defaults to 512. I am planning on
  modifying the Future Domain SCSI driver to not do this when it detects
  the optical device.

  >  scsi0 <fdomain>: BIOS version 3.2 at 0xde000 using scsi id 7
  >  scsi0 <fdomain>: TMC-18C50 chip at 0x140 irq 12
  >  scsi0 : Future Domain TMC-16x0 SCSI driver, version 5.28
  >  scsi : 1 host.
  >    Vendor: CONNER    Model: CP30545 545MB3.5  Rev: A9AF
  >    Type:   Direct-Access                      ANSI SCSI revision: 02
  >  Detected scsi disk sda at scsi0, id 6, lun 0
  >    Vendor: MATSHITA  Model: PD-1 LF-1000      Rev: A109
  >    Type:   Optical Device                     ANSI SCSI revision: 02
  >  Detected scsi disk sdb at scsi0, id 4, lun 0
  >    Vendor: MATSHITA  Model: PD-1 LF-1000      Rev: A109
  >    Type:   CD-ROM                             ANSI SCSI revision: 02
  >  Detected scsi CD-ROM sr0 at scsi0, id 4, lun 1
  >  fdomain: Selection failed
  >  scsi : detected 1 SCSI cdrom 2 SCSI disks total.
  >  SCSI Hardware sector size is 512 bytes on device sda
  >  fdomain: REQUEST SENSE Key = 2, Code = 3a, Qualifier = 0
  >  last message repeated 3 times
  >  sdb : READ CAPACITY failed.
  >  sdb : status = 0, message = 00, host = 0, driver = 28
  >  sdb : extended sense code = 2
  >  sdb : block size assumed to be 512 bytes, disk size 1GB.
  >  .
  >  .
  >  .
  >  Partition check:
  >    sda: sda1 sda2 sda3
  >  scsidisk I/O error: dev 0810, sector 0
  >    unable to read partition table of device 0810

  Third, I modified my file system table (/etc/fstab) to list each
  device but do not attempt to auto mount when booting. I have included
  an excerpt from my fstab. The most important options are the noauto,
  rw(ro), and the checkpass flag.

  To create a ext2 file system on the PD, I used the command "mkfs.ext2
  -i 2048 /dev/sdb".

       # fstab - List of file systems
       # device  mount   type          options              dumpfrequency
       /dev/sdb /optd    ext2   rw,user,suid,noauto,sync,exec,dev,umask=0 0 2
       /dev/sr0 /dist  iso9660  ro,user,suid,noauto,sync,exec,dev 0 2

  After making these changes, I have had no problems with mounting
  either media. All I need to do is to load the media and type "mount
  /optd" or "mount /dist" and the system does all the rest.

  I hope this information is useful.

  \ Jeff Rooze -- -- /
  /  If builders built buildings the way some programmers write        \
  \  programs, then the first woodpecker that came along would destroy /
  /  civilization.                                     GERALD WEINBERG \

  I tried Jeff's suggestion. Here are the steps I performed;

  ·  Modify my kernel using "make xconfig" in the /usr/src/linux
     directory and installed it.

  ·  Change the mode jumper on the PD drive to non-DOS mode. I soldered
     a switch across the mode jumper connections and routed it the the
     back panel. I figured out which switch position was the open
     position and labeled this one for DOS.  The other position is of
     course Linux.  So before I boot my system I decide which OS I'll be
     using and set the switch accordingly. History shows it staying in
     the Linux position more and more.

  ·  Re-boot your system. You should now see multiple LUN show up during
     boot for the PD SCSI device number - It works great!!! If you have
     an older kernel modify the "/usr/src/linux/drivers/scsi/"

  ·  Update the fstab for both CD and PD drives.

  ·  Use appropriate mount command.

  ·  "df" to make sure your ready.

  I did try moving my primary SCSI drive to 6 but experienced some
  difficulties. Can't remember exactly what it was but it may have been
  that my controller "Adaptec 1542" with "Corel SCSI" requires a
  bootable disk and SCSI 0 for the BIOS install to work properly with
  DOS. So I switched it back and enjoyed playing with my properly
  install PD drive! With this configuration "workman" - the audio CD
  player util - works fine.

  8.  Optical Disk HOWTO Development Page

  Skip's Homepage may contain a more revised copy than this HOWTO!