1.16.1 - 2016/01/03
* Bumped the python version to support the newer Kodi releases
* Added Portugese (BR) thanks to rom232
* Tested on Frodo, Gotham, Helix, Isengard and the Jarvis Beta. 

0.11.7 - 2011/07/10
* Moved to a x.<year>.<month> style of versioning. 
* Officially changed icons and now use an easier to understand colour scheme.
* Removed icon from the fanart as it didn't look right on all skin
* Fixed bug with torrents containing 0 byte files
* Fixed bug with multiple TCPIP interfaces
* Added missing "Connection Failed" strings to all languages
* Fixed addon descriptions.

0.10.4 - 2011/02/11
* Fixed bug that will speed up viewing files.

0.10.3 - 2010/11/03
* Added more padding around the icon

0.10.2 - 2010/11/01
* New non-transparent icon
* Changed any code from os.getcwd() to xbmcaddon.getAddonInfo('path')
* Changed imports using "var = __import__('module')" to "import module as var"
* Added Dutch translations. Thanks to Stijn Segers for the translations and the patience waiting for me to release this update!
* Added size and sorting to files (total size of multi-file torrents does not show at the moment)

0.10.1 - 2010/09/11
* More flexible file playback
* Added support for playback from remote computers
* Made sure all files are UTF-8 UNIX format

* Now supports all platforms!
* Complete code redesign (more modular, easier to maintain and add features)
* Checks to see if it can connect to rTorrent before it connects (no more errors if improperly configured) 

0.9.3 - 2010/08/20
* Added Russian translations thanks to runkov!
* Made addonID info lowercase by request of the XBMC Team
* Cleaned up some strings

0.9.2 - 2010/08/12
* Completely language-neutral. Translations welcome!
* Added support for rTorrent domain sockets
* Conditional settings menu

* Wrote README and attached proper acknowledgements
* Wrote this changelog.txt
* Fixed bugs with getting localized strings and settings
* Updated English strings.xml to contain all English used in plugin 
* Removed rtorrent.py - Old, unused and not license compatible 
* Resized fanart to 720p
* Fixed bug when getting SCGI Port setting 

0.9.0 - 2010/08/06
* Resized images to suit addon specifications
* Pushed to GitHub

* Modified to suit XBMC addon format

* Personal rTorrent plugin creation