The following modules have a new version: - glib (2.76.5 => 2.76.6) - gnome-maps (44.4 => 44.5) - gnome-user-docs (44.5 => 44.6) - gvfs (1.50.6 => 1.50.7) - libnotify (0.8.2 => 0.8.3) - libsigc++ (2.12.0 => 2.12.1) - orca (44.1 => 44.2) - pygobject (3.44.1 => 3.44.2) - tracker-miners (3.5.2 => 3.5.3) - vte (0.72.2 => 0.72.3) (*) (*) No summarized news available The following modules weren't upgraded in this release: adwaita-icon-theme, at-spi2-core, atkmm, baobab, calls, cantarell-fonts, cheese, clutter, clutter-gst, clutter-gtk, cogl, d-spy, dconf, dconf-editor, devhelp, eog, epiphany, evince, evolution-data-server, folks, gcab, gcr, gdk-pixbuf, gdm, geocode-glib, gexiv2, gjs, glib-networking, glibmm, gmime, gnome-autoar, gnome-backgrounds, gnome-bluetooth, gnome-boxes, gnome-builder, gnome-calculator, gnome-calendar, gnome-characters, gnome-clocks, gnome-color-manager, gnome-connections, gnome-console, gnome-contacts, gnome-control-center, gnome-desktop, gnome-disk-utility, gnome-font-viewer, gnome-initial-setup, gnome-keyring, gnome-logs, gnome-menus, gnome-music, gnome-online-accounts, gnome-photos, gnome-remote-desktop, gnome-session, gnome-settings-daemon, gnome-shell, gnome-shell-extensions, gnome-software, gnome-system-monitor, gnome-text-editor, gnome-tour, gnome-user-share, gnome-video-effects, gnome-weather, gobject-introspection, gom, grilo, grilo-plugins, gsettings-desktop-schemas, gsound, gspell, gssdp, gtk, gtk+, gtk-doc, gtk-vnc, gtkmm, gtksourceview, gupnp, gupnp-av, gupnp-dlna, json-glib, jsonrpc-glib, libadwaita, libdazzle, libdex, libgee, libgnomekbd, libgsf, libgtop, libgweather, libgxps, libhandy, libmediaart, libnma, libpanel, libpeas, librsvg, libsecret, libshumate, libsoup, mm-common, mutter, nautilus, pango, pangomm, phodav, pyatspi, rest, rygel, simple-scan, sushi, sysprof, template-glib, totem, totem-pl-parser, tracker, vala, xdg-desktop-portal-gnome, yelp, yelp-tools, yelp-xsl ======================================== glib ======================================== Overview of changes in GLib 2.76.6, 2023-10-04 ============================================== * Bugs fixed: - !3615 Backport !3582 “Buffer needs to be aligned correctly to receive linux_dirent64.†to glib-2-76 * Translation updates: - Czech (Daniel Rusek) - English (United Kingdom) (Bruce Cowan) - German (Jürgen Benvenuti) - Hungarian (Balázs Úr) - Indonesian (Andika Triwidada) - Lithuanian (Aurimas Černius) - Polish (Piotr Drąg) - Portuguese (Hugo Carvalho) - Portuguese (Brazil) (Rafael Fontenelle) - Russian (Artur S0) - Slovenian (Martin) - Spanish (Daniel Mustieles) - Swedish (Anders Jonsson) - Turkish (Emin Tufan Çetin) - Ukrainian (Yuri Chornoivan) ======================================== gnome-maps ======================================== 44.5 - Oct 21, 2023 ========================= Changes since 44.4 - Add more validation of transit plugin parameters - Set lower timeout when downloading service file All contributors to this release Marcus Lundblad <> ======================================== gnome-user-docs ======================================== 44.6 ==== * Updated translations: de (Christian Kirbach) hu (Balázs Úr) ru (Sergej A) ======================================== gvfs ======================================== Major changes in 1.50.7 ======================= * client: Prevent returning invalid mount cache entries (rong wang) * dav: Fix authentication issues when DNS-SD URIs are used (Ondrej Holy) * nfs: Fix IPv6 URI handling (Ondrej Holy) * sftp/ftp: Ensure that is-symlink is always set to avoid warnings (Sébastien Noel) * Translation updates (GNOME Translation Project contributors) ======================================== libnotify ======================================== New in 0.8.3 ============ This release contains a critical stability/minor security update which affects Electron applications that utilize Portal notifications (eg, through Flatpak). It is highly recommended that all users of libnotify 0.8.x update to this release. Please note that this fix has increased the minimum required version of glib to 2.62.0. * notification: Use g_signal_connect_object (#34) [Maximiliano] * notification: Move disconnect to dispose [Maximiliano] Contributors: Maximiliano Sandoval R ======================================== libsigc++ ======================================== 2.12.1 (stable) Documentation: * slot, signal: Describe the slot<void(int)> syntax more (Kjell Ahlstedt) Issue #86 (Daniel Boles) * connection: Improve the class documentation (Kjell Ahlstedt) Issue #88 (Daniel Boles) * Improve Visual Studio build documentation (Chun-wei Fan) Pull request #94 * Remove AUTHORS and add general information to (Kjell Ahlstedt) Issue gtkmm#140 Build: * Meson: Don't copy files with configure_file() (Kjell Ahlstedt) * Meson: Fix the evaluation of is_git_build on Windows (Kjell Ahlstedt) Issue gtkmm#131 (William Roy) * Visual Studio: Support static builds Issue #90 (Swat-SomeBug) (Chun-wei Fan) Pull request #92 ======================================== orca ======================================== 44.2 - 4 October 2023 Web: * Fix bug causing Orca to present some custom widgets as an image * Eliminate chattiness from navigation by cell * Fix / work around issue causing Orca to sometimes not present focus changes in text fields from Electron applications General: * Fix rewind/fast-forward in SayAll * Improve performance when closing the preferences dialog * Don't treat Alt+Left/Right as character navigation New and updated translations (THANKS EVERYONE!!!): en_GB British English Bruce Cowan ka Georgian Ekaterine Papava ========= ======================================== pygobject ======================================== 3.44.2 - 2023-09-29 ------------------- * Add support for Python 3.12 (minor test fixes) :mr:`247` * meson: define pycairo_dep in case pycairo=disabled :mr:`242` * Complete the PEP-451 implementation in gi.importer :mr:`229` * Replace usage of deprecated FFI closure API :mr:`241` * Fix invalid marshalling in some cases for boxed values, for example with Gtk.StyleContext.get_property() :mr:`213` * overrides: Allow Gdk.{Color,RGBA} instances to be compared with other objects :mr:`233` * docs: Fix build failure due to extlinks with Sphinx 6 :mr:`244` ======================================== tracker-miners ======================================== NEW in 3.5.3 - 2023-09-28 ========================= * Avoid the special thread in tracker-extract-3, and extend the seccomp jail to the full process.